Amazon Is Selling Books By A White Supremacist Publishing Company

As the largest and wealthiest online retailer, allows customers to by any number of products — from clothes and toys to books and CDs — with the click of a button. And, while Amazon has rules which ostensibly allow it to review and remove products which promote hate speech and calls to violence, it is nevertheless selling multiple books which glorify Nazi Germany, fascism, antisemitism, and white nationalism — all from a small, Pennsylvania-based publishing company.

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Newsmax Host Greg Kelly Lets Proud Boys Leader Downplay Group’s Extremism

On Monday, Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio was sentenced to 155 days in jail for burning a church’s Black Lives Matter banner and bringing high-capacity magazines to Washington, D.C. in December. Two days later, Newsmax host Greg Kelly gave Tarrio a platform to downplay the Proud Boys’ history of extremism.

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Proud Boys Leader Whitewashes The Crimes Of Augusto Pinochet During Interview With Dictator’s Great Nephew

On July 12, 2021, Proud Boys chairman Enrique Tarrio whitewashed the crimes of fascist Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, calling his 1973 coup d’état “one of the most peaceful” in history. Tarrio also spread conspiracies about the 2020 presidential election, referring to it as a bloodless coup by Democrats.

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E. Michael Jones: Jews Are ‘Revolutionaries’ And Therefore ‘Cannot Be Citizens’

During a recent livestream, far-right self-styled theologian E. Michael Jones went on an antisemitic rant in which he asserted that Jews “cannot be citizens” of the United States. Jones also claimed Jewish members of Congress are “dual citizens,” and suggested “ghettos” as a solution for Jews who refuse to convert or assimilate.

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Nick Fuentes Celebrates ‘Siege’ On Capitol That Left Five Dead

Updated | On Jan. 6, 2021, what should have been a routine vote to certify the Electoral College results descended into chaos and bloodshed as President Trump incited a mob to attack Congress. Speaking to a crowd of his supporters in Washington, D.C., Trump delivered a rambling speech encouraging his followers to march down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Capitol and “show strength.”

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Right-Wing Extremists Are Losing Their Shit Over Trump’s Loss

On November 7, 2020, multiple media outlets finally announced that former Vice President Joe Biden had won the state of Pennsylvania and is now President-elect of the United States. The White House’s current occupant, a fascist who empowered domestic terrorists and used the government’s power to target his political enemies, would be one of only eleven presidents to lose reelection.

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Jim Goad Joins White Nationalist Publishing House As A Biweekly Columnist

Far-right author Jim Goad announced earlier this month that he accepted a job as a biweekly columnist for Counter-Currents Publishing, a white nationalist imprint co-founded in 2010 by Greg Johnson. Goad made the announcement during an interview with Johnson, and revealed that he left his position with the racist publication Taki’s Magazine.

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White Nationalist Nick Fuentes Claims ‘Mussolini’s In Heaven’ During Pro-Fascist Rant

During the October 5, 2020 episode of his DLive show, America First, white nationalist and pro-Trump sycophant Nick Fuentes reacted to the president’s return to the White House from Walter Reed hospital by praising his “superior” genes. He also lauded fascist dictators like Benito Mussolini for “mak[ing] their countr[ies] feel proud again.”

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