Sweetamine®, Your Anti-Inflammatory supplement!

Sweetamine® is our all natural, sugar-free glycine supplement product that you use just like a sweetener in your favorite beverage (about the sweetness of 2 teaspoons of sugar). It comes in convenient, single serving stick packs, and each one contains 8 grams of glycine, so one serving a day turns almost any diet into an anti-inflammatory diet! So it's "way more than a sweetener; it's a nutrition completener! " ℠

You can try our 12 Day challenge pack for only $14.95 (+shipping) risk-free! Or, you can get a whole month's supply--a box of 30 stick-packs--for only $34.95 (+ shipping). For an even better price, you can buy a subscription for a box of 30 servings each month for only $29.95 per month (+ shipping), by clicking below:

Try Sweetamine Risk-Free!

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Natural Stevia Extract

The Breakthrough Science of Sweetamine®

Sweetamine, anti-inflammatory supplement

Chronic Excess Inflammation is now known to be the culprit behind those aches and pains. Medical science is now recognizing that most chronic diseases that will eventually kill most of us –even cardiovascular disease and cancer– are rooted in chronic inflammation; the immune system’s overreacting to some kind of stress.

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The Scientist Behind Sweetamine

Sweetamine, anti inflammatory powder

Sweetamine® was developed by Dr. Joel Brind, a prominent biochemist (BS from Yale, MS and PhD from New York University) with over 35 years experience. While conducting research on amino acid metabolism and aging, Dr. Brind made some startling discoveries!

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Become a Sweetamine Believer

Sweetamine, anti inflammatory powder

You should start feeling the rejuvenating effects of Sweetamine® between 2-3 days of taking your first sip, because Sweetamine turns any diet into an anti-inflammatory diet! Take the Sweetamine 12-Day Challenge now! If you cannot feel a difference in 12 days, just let us know and we will refund the purchase price (All you pay is the postage!). Try Sweetamine® today, and feel better, fast!

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Interview with Dr. Joel Brind about the anti-inflammatory properties of glycine

Watch Part 2

Watch Part 3

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Turn Any Diet into an Anti-Inflammatory Diet!

You won't find any lack of advice these days on switching your diet to an anti-inflammatory diet. Trouble is, most experts have a long list of stuff you should not eat, e.g., wheat flour, sugar, saturated fats, trans fats...the list goes on and on. But the reason these foods are so pro-inflammatory is that most people's immune system are hypersensitive to any sort of cellular irritation or stress, all because their diet lacks one key nutrient for taming the inflammatory response: the amino acid, glycine.

Why is glycine important? It turns out that glycine is the most important regulator of the macrophages—the ameba-like cells in the body that actually do the damage of inflammation.Without adequate glycine, these macrophages get hyperstimulated, resulting in excess inflammation, which can become chronic.

Why are most diets (even those claiming to be an ‘anti-inflammatory diet’) deficient in glycine? Most of the glycine in our bodies—and in the bodies of the meat, fish and poultry we eat—is in the collagen protein, which is in the bones and connective tissues: the parts we usually throw away!

That’s where Sweetamine® comes in. All natural, carb-free Sweetamine turns just about any diet into an anti-inflammatory diet by providing a whopping 8 grams of glycine in each daily serving, all for about the same price of a cup of coffee. But don’t just take my word for the benefits of Sweetamine: Click on the 12-Day Challenge tab above, and try it for yourself, risk-free!


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You have nothing to lose but your pain!

--Joel Brind, PhD.

Check out Dr. Brind's interview on Relevant Radio from November 10th, 2020.

Check out Dr. Brind's Latest Publication in the British Medical Journal.

Check out Dr. Brind's Latest Glycine Research.

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7218 Riverview Ave

Bristol, PA 19007

(845) 231-4840

Website: www.sweetamine.com
Email: contact@sweetamine.com

"Sweetamine" is a Registered trademark of
Natural Food Science LLC,
Bristol, PA 19007