War resistance in Russia and Ukraine

This report on the many forms of war resistance in Russia and Ukraine, from anti-war protests to desertion of military personnel, is reposted from the website of the International Workers’ Association.

What are you fighting for?

‘I know you’re set for fighting, but what are you fighting for?’ asked singer and songwriter Phil Ochs

Another war to condemn

It now appears that the Russian Federation has launched a full-scale attack upon Ukraine. The World Socialist Movement is not concerned with the so-called rights and wrongs of this war, whether the niceties of international law were breached or the sovereignty of Ukraine was violated. As workers, we are painfully aware that it will be […]

How the military-industrial complex works

Andrew Cockburn, The Spoils of War: Power, Profit and the American War Machine. Verso, 2021 In this book Cockburn lays bare the inner workings of the military-industrial complex (MIC). The expression ‘war machine’ in the subtitle is misleading, as the main activity to which the MIC is geared is not warfare but money-making. Even the generals […]

War in Ukraine: Background

Developments within Ukraine Ukraine has been in the grip of civil war since the coups of 2014 — the Ukrainian-nationalist coup in Kiev and the west and the counter-coup in the east.   The split between western and eastern Ukraine goes back to the 19th century, when Ukraine was divided between the Austro-Hungarian and tsarist empires. Eastern […]

War over Taiwan?

Are the United States and China on the verge of war over Taiwan? Or is this just a war scare? What is the conflict about?

We don’t need this war

Members of the Socialist Party of Great Britain, our companion party in the UK, have recently been engaged in discussions with members of the Russian group Left Socialist Action (LSA), whose Russian-language website Is levsd.ru. This is a translation of one of the articles on that website, by Ivan Levchenko, a member of the Petersburg branch of LSA. It was posted on May 1, 2021, at a time when open hostilities between Russia and Ukraine appeared to be imminent.

The first emancipation

Dramatic news spreads among the slaves. Their masters are at war! … Soon it is rumored that any slave who crosses the lines into enemy-held territory goes free.

A scene from the Civil War?
No! From the War of Independence!

The US–China confrontation

With the closure of China’s consulate in Houston and the American consulate in Chengdu, the confrontation between China and the United States moves up another notch.  Not such a big deal, you say? But other recent developments are more worrying. Following her re-election in May, Taiwan President Tsai Ingwen made it clear that Taiwan is […]

War with Iran? Teetering on the brink

Strictly speaking, the United States is already at war with Iran. By the rules of international law, the drone attack that killed General Soleimani and other high-ranking figures was an act of war. Iran will now retaliate against an American asset. How long can this crazy game of tit for tat go on without triggering […]

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