Cameron Gooley


Yaama 👋 Gamilaroi. Views my own, retweets are not endorsements. He/him

Se unió en diciembre de 2019

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  1. retwitteó
    10 jun.

    NSW Health have told staff today that the $3,000 thank you payment from the government includes super and is subject to income tax.

  2. retwitteó
    10 jun.
    En respuesta a

    is joining the press gallery with ABC! Make her feel welcome 🙏🏽

  3. 10 jun.
  4. 10 jun.

    (On that note, it would be nice to see more Indigenous people in journalism, but ESPECIALLY in the Canberra press gallery. With myself and leaving today, I'm fairly certain there's now only one Indigenous journalist in parliament house - but I could be mistaken)

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  5. 10 jun.

    Working at a Syd based paper has been great because NSW has the largest Indigenous population in the country. Reporting from the press gallery has been good too because I've been able to look at fed gov policy. Thanks to all who shared their stories with me, its been a privilege

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  6. 10 jun.

    But I also knew it was important to report on that fact that the gov proposal wouldn't compensate the descendants of survivors who had died waiting for justice.

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  7. 10 jun.

    Personally, this story was really important to me. After speaking with survivors of the Stolen Generations in the NT for stories on this very topic in the years prior, I knew it would be a massive moment for them.

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  8. 10 jun.

    At the Herald we also kept a very close eye on the Indigenous COVID-19 vaccination rates during the rollout (shout out to people like , , , and for their amazing coverage of the issue)

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  9. 10 jun.

    Their work helped tell the stories of people like Catherine Bugmy, who was made to isolate in terrible conditions

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  10. 10 jun.

    The Herald's coverage of the COVID-19 outbreak in Wilcannia was also, in my opinion, the most thorough of any non-local outlet. Photojournalists and did incredible work in the community and made sure to give people a voice

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  11. 10 jun.

    This yarn was good too. When government agencies make Indigenous employment targets, then don't hire Indigenous staff, where is the accountability? also worked really hard to count the numbers for a follow on federal gov agencies

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  12. 10 jun.

    This yarn about the CDP, the fed gov's controversial remote 'work for the dole' program, was really important for our audience. I think they needed to know about this program that's been accused of being racist and punitive for years

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  13. 10 jun.

    But there's more to Indigenous affairs reporting than the Voice. In this story I spoke to the new Aboriginal coronial information and support program officers at the NSW Coroner's Court about how their work was helping grieving families navigate the system

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  14. 10 jun.

    I feel similarly re this explainer on the Uluru Statement. I think this one was really important because the media tends to focus on the Voice but not what's called for in the rest of the statement.

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  15. 10 jun.

    This feature about the parliamentary support for an Indigenous Voice was different to what I normally cover (I rarely write longer form yarns) but I'm really happy with how it turned out. (cheers to for his VERY patient editing)

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  16. 10 jun.

    It's my last day at the SMH so I wanted to share some stories I'm grateful to have been given the opportunity to tell. It's a bit self-indulgent but I'm really proud of the work we've done the last year, and its important for mainstream media outlets to report these yarns!

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  17. retwitteó
    9 jun.

    I welcome the news that the Tasmanian Government have followed the ACT in announcing they will raise the age of criminal responsibility from 10 to 14. When will the “progressive” Labor Governments in other states and territories follow suit? We need to stop locking up our kids!

  18. retwitteó
    8 jun.

    Well there goes my plans to actually finish work on time in 2022 🥴

  19. retwitteó
    8 jun.

    This is devastating. We journalists rely on archivists so much. It makes our work better and is such an important part of the ABC, context and history matters. Replacing them with 'content navigators' presumably paid less and with less experience is extremely disappointing.

  20. retwitteó
    8 jun.

    My first role at was in the news archive library, and no offence to the journos but archiving the vision and scripts from just one bulletin takes hours, and it needs to be done methodically so you can find stuff easily later. The ABC deserves WAY better than this.


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