Category Archives: Random stuff

Restoring my faith in Americans – Almost… (who am I kidding?)

Watch this anyway.  I ❤ Mika!

Props Typing Is Not Activism

Weirdest $10 ever spent

We went to the Coburg Trash and Treasure Market in the weekend. It was seriously worth the effort! Despie the freezing cold (first thing I bought was gloves and a woolly hat), we had a riot of a time buying pieces of useless and useful stuff.

But I reckon the best score was this crazy koala lamp. Never seen anything like it and I did a bit of a web search and couldn’t find anything remotely similar. We almost need to have a party just to show it off I reckon.

OK so turned off it looks pretty cool, though slightly odd…

Koala lamp off

But then turn it on and it’s like a possessed demon!

Koala lamp on


Cool Kids Alert!

Resistance = protest, standing up for rights of oppressed, whether male or female, free or slave. 

Authority = institutionalized arbiter of law, religion, custom or culture, i.e., Church and State. 

Resistance to authority = Protesting and standing up to authority perceived as unjust and oppressive.

Budget analysis

Doesn’t Kevin Rudd look like that guy from Heroes?


Fancy New Document Wallet

Now here’s a tutorial for you. Want to learn how to transform a classy wee NZ Post courier bag into a stylish document wallet?


Well not quite transform, more like copy and replace…
Continue reading


Saw this stuck to a car in St Kilda. Quite possibly the weirdest company advert I’ve ever seen.

Swordfighting International?

Sure that would’ve made some great team building in some of my previous jobs!

Cops on drugs

So I’ve been meaning to post this wee tale.

Yip, so on Saturday was hanging out behind the Safeway in Carlton opposite the Police Station and the Police were having some kind of community open day thingy.  It was all pretty typical, bouncy castles, sausage sizzles and kids posing on the police motor bike.

But then the strangest thing happened.  The piping band warmed up and took the stage.  They started up and I thought ‘crikey this tune is familiar’ and then I realised that they were playing the Bob the Builder tune.  I thought ‘eh? that’s a bit weird’ but then figured it was a family fun day so they were probably just trying to get ‘down with the kids’ so they wouldn’t think that cops were things to be afraid of (this perception always fades after the first protest…).

But then they mashed into the next tune and started to play an Eminem track!  I mean,WTF???  That’s just crazy!  They did this whole medley of ‘hip and cool’ music.  What the hell are they on?

I spent the whole time sharing bemuzed looks with all the passers by.  Glad to see all your hard earned tax payer dollars are supporting police promoting violence and drug use.

What a day to leave your video camera at home….

Thanks for sharing

Got some really interesting spam today.  Was thinking of passing it on to Jim Anderton’s office.

Subject:  I’d still like to get it on to my personal machine at home where it belongs.

In the car on the way over I did another balloon of nitrous.

Seminar to go to


If you’re interested in owning a house ever, I recommend you check Phil out. Seriously on to it ologist! And a cool guy.

(and you might get to meet Tara!)

Solar system seniority

Cool, if I lived on Mercury I’d be 172 years old. And if I lived on Pluto, my first birthday wouldn’t be until 2228.

This site calculates your age and birthday according to different planets in our solar system. It also explains the science of the whole thing for those of you who care about more than a short [e]thrill.

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Shock and Awe!

I did the ol What Kind of Anarchist Are You? quiz (hattip: stanselen) and surprise surprise, I’m an anarcha-feminist:

You scored as Anarcha-Feminist.

Anarcha-feminists put a strong emphasis on the importance of patriarchy, arguing that all forms of hierarchy can be traced back to man’s domination over woman. Although associated with the 1960s, the movement has its roots in the theories of Emma Goldman and Voltarine DeCleyre.

Anarcha-Feminist 95%
Anarcho-Communist 70%
Anarcho-Syndicalist 45%
Anarcho-Primitivist 45%
Christian Anarchist 40%
Anarcho-Capitalist 25%

Don’t be gay now m’kay?

A friend of mine sent me a link today to the most wonderful website. It’s called Love God’s Way and it’s made by a guy called Donnie Davies. Apparently Donnie has it under good authority that god hate’s fags and his website has this wonderful resource for parents:

One of the most dangerous ways homosexuality invades family life is through popular music. Parents should keep careful watch over their children’s listening habits, especially in this Internet Age of MP3 piracy.

This is followed by a large list of musicians, both contemporary and a bit older, which one should keep your children away from. It is rather amusing. Elton John’s on there twice! He must be really gay!!

Anyhoo, I checked out Donnie’s personal website and HE LOOKS SO FUCKING GAY! No shit, he could be in the village people or something. In fact, with that pink shirt and moustache he’s got going on, he looks awfully like Big Gay Al.

I think I need to go edit my iTunes Library now…

Weather warning

Just so y’all know, I’m like, due to have a baby this week. So if I vanish for, let’s say, 5 days or more you can probably safely assume the imminent explosion has arrived.

Maybe even Asher could tell you all. Since he’s supposed to make some kind of blog announcement if I die, maybe I could persuade him to make an announcement if I give birth?

Groovy map!

History of Religion
(fucking embedding won’t work!!)
Hattip: Motherhood & Anarchy


I’m not offended that I didn’t get asked to participate in a Blinterview. I’m not really, I promise. Even though I haven’t really got anything better to do with my time. And even though I need more excuses to procrastinate from doing important things like writing serious crap. (Although there is a killer article about to be posted any moment, are you excited!). And even though I’m really happy to be home but am starting to miss some Melbourne people.

I promise I’m not sad about it.
