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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

I love when baby gays are clearly still unlearning a lot of biases and like every couple of months try to find a progressive reason to explain why men wearing dresses makes them uncomfortable. Like obviously transmisogynistic caricatures are Bad but if it's just a guy irl who wants to do drag or something that's literally fine. This has been a thing longer than you've been alive


Also like I need you all to understand that historically the line between gnc & trans people has always been way less distinctly defined than you want it to be. And for a lot of people that's kind of the point. Drag in particular is about radical self expression it's about taking gender performance and turning it into a literal show and it rules


To the people in my notes talking about "it's okay if gnc men make you uncomfortable as long as you don't police anyone <3" no it's not actually. You need to think about why that is and deconstruct it. Lol

“Black Social Comedy
It gets worse:
1) he isn’t a professional photographer, he’s a dog groomer with a camera which he used to take nice pictures of his clients for social media who agreed to be the...

Black Social Comedy


It gets worse:

1) he isn’t a professional photographer, he’s a dog groomer with a camera which he used to take nice pictures of his clients for social media who agreed to be the photographer as a favor because

2) he was invited to the wedding but they took his place off the seating chart once they hired him (!)

3) he was paid $250 for the day and at the point he got fed up was totally out of water and hadn’t had a break or anything to eat for TEN HOURS

4) the groom told him he couldn’t even have 10 minutes while everyone else was eating to go to the bathroom, sit down for a minute, and refill his water bottles, they wanted him taking pictures of Aunt Marsha eating chicken apparently

4a) it was in an old VFA hall and the A/C was broken and it was like 100° so being out of water and without food was actively dangerous

5) they also had him babysitting people’s children for free

6) when he said he really needed to at least get water, the groom said no, or he’d be fired, and at THAT point he said “fine, this isn’t worth it, this was a favor to all of you, I’ve been following your new wife around since early this morning and I’m starving,” the groom basically told him to suck it up, and THEN he wiped his memory card and left.

And honestly, good for him.


I followed this story heavily when it first came to light and I wanna point out that the gender of the photographer has never been revealed - they’ve kept their whole identify anonymous (tho it actually does seem the majority of the articles written about them reference them as a she). But there’s nothing the photographer has posted that reflects their own gender identity.

but also some more updates:

7) The photographer was originally friends with the wife and only knew the husband who they dealt with the entire day through the bride.

8) The husband lied to the bride and told her that the images were lost due to camera malfunction. After the honeymoon when the bride contacted the photographer, they told her the truth.

9) The photographer offered to have the SD card restored at the cost of the bride and groom, but the bride refused.

10) Despite the shit they were put through at the wedding, the photographer agreed to do a re-shoot later in the season for the original price with the condition that they bail the moment they get any “crap” from either of them.

11) The photographer made the wife correct the fake story her and her husband gave facebook of the camera malfunctioning so that people would stop blaming and giving the photographer hate.

12) The re-shoot was scheduled for November, but they got a last minute request from the wife and husband to do it in October, a couple of days after the request, to which the photographer agreed to.

13) All dressed and readied up, the couple meets the photographer at their car when at the destination. While unloading their equipment, the photographer tells the couple their plans for the shoot and the scenes they wanna set up. They ask the husband while they do for help carrying sandbags, to which he declined, saying it was their job to do all that, not his.

14) The photographer immediately loads up their stuff, gets in their car and drives home. They blocked both the husband and wife

And honestly, yes, good for them.


One of the most important things I learned in my Language and the Law class is that law enforcement will intentionally misinterpret every type of statement asking for a lawyer as not asking for a lawyer. Even directly saying it like this “I will not speak to you without a lawyer” can be taken as a simple statement of fact rather than a request for a lawyer. You literally have to state “I am now invoking my right to a lawyer” and every time they try to proceed with an interrogation you have to answer every question with “I am invoking my right to have a lawyer present”. You can’t just tell them you won’t talk without a lawyer or that you want a lawyer. You have to state that you are invoking your rights. Otherwise they could just say “well they just said they wouldn’t speak without a lawyer present. That’s not invoking their rights to a lawyer. It’s just stating a fact.” even just stating your right to a lawyer doesn’t count!


PLEASE share this addition. I am a lawyer who works in criminal defense, and this is one of the most avoidable things that people consistently get wrong about the Miranda rights.

Here are some more “ambiguous” phrases which courts have found DO NOT invoke your right to a lawyer:

“Maybe I should speak to my lawyer first.”

“I might like a lawyer.”

“I think I should have a lawyer present for this.”

“Could I speak to my lawyer first?”

“How long until my lawyer gets here?”

And perhaps most egregiously – “Get me a lawyer, dawg – ‘cause this is not what’s up.”

Here are the magic phrases which you need to know if you want to invoke your Miranda rights:

1) “Am I free to leave?”

It’s worth asking this even if the answer is obvious. Even if the officer does not let you leave, by forcing them to admit that you are not free to leave, you are creating a record which your attorney can use to prove that you were in custody. Miranda rights only apply if the interrogation is custodial, meaning that police officers will frequently claim that their suspects were “not in custody” to get around their Miranda rights.

2) “I am invoking my right to remain silent.”

Simply staying silent will not invoke your right to remain silent. As absurd as this is, you must explicitly say that you are invoking your right to remain silent in order to invoke that right.

3) “I am invoking my right to an attorney.”

As stated above, you must be not only clear and unambiguous, but clear and legally unambiguous. Don’t get cute. Don’t get sassy. And on the flip side, don’t get intimidated and use verbal ticks to minimize your request. Say the line with those words exactly – say it clearly, and say it once, and then say nothing else.

Because even after you’ve done all this, the police can still try to get you to talk. They’re not supposed to interrogate you, but they’re allowed to make casual conversation, and if that conversation just happens to circle back around to the thing they wanted to question you about, well, that’s really your fault for talking after you said you wouldn’t, isn’t it? Can’t possibly fault the poor officers when you initiated – if you really wanted to have your rights respected, you wouldn’t have talked to them in the first place.

The police know this, and they will mercilessly exploit this loophole. So, once you’ve successfully invoked your Miranda rights, any and all conversation you have with police officers will put those rights back into jeopardy. 

Putting it all together:

Ask: “Am I free to leave?”

If they say no, say: “I am invoking my right to remain silent and I am invoking my right to an attorney.”

And then shut up and do not say a single thing to them for any reason whatsoever until you have actually spoken to an attorney. Yes, even if it takes hours. Yes, even if they start talking to you about something else.

Finally, a very important disclaimer:

I may be a lawyer, but I’m not your lawyer, and I cannot guarantee that what I’ve just laid out here will always work for every situation. We didn’t get to this bizarre and absurd place overnight – we built this ridiculous system piecemeal, by deciding on a case-by-case basis that certain phrases were “too ambiguous” or certain types of questioning weren’t actually questioning at all. The law is still in flux, and is still fundamentally out to get you, and willing to bend plain meaning beyond all recognition to do it. Even if you invoke your rights perfectly, exactly as I have specified above, there’s a chance that your invocation of rights will be disqualified on some new technicality that no one’s even thought of yet – and that’s precisely the problem.


Watch this video: “Don’t Talk To The Police”


I am begging my followers to please watch this video from start to finish. I know it’s long, but it is incredibly valuable information that everyone needs to know, especially if you’re involved in any form of activism.

Every single cop lies. Every single cop lies and manipulates and twists the situation around to get a confession. Even when they know that the person is innocent, even when they know that what they have isn’t enough to convict someone, even when they know that that confession has been made under duress or manipulation. All they care about is getting anything to put someone behind bars.

It doesn’t matter how eloquent or innocent or experienced you are. Do not talk to cops.


The video is a doozy. Aside from all the good advice, the racist dog whistling from the officer really jumps out. In fact, his whole segment was pretty effective to drive home the point that officers are literally trained to manipulate you and fuck you over. He does say he doesn’t “try” to put innocent people in prison, but he never says he tries to keep them out either. He also explicitly states that he destroys material that could be helpful to you.



hey y’all please please please read this and watch the video and do research if you can, this is really scary /srs


Hey guys, if you have the time please click this link and go view the AIDS memorial quilt. As of last year, all 1.2 million feet of the quilt has been photographed and made viewable to the public.

As such a cornerstone to our community as queer people, the AIDS quilt was a sign of love and remembrance of all who were lost. And for some, with no solution in sight. What a wonder science is, because living as HIV/AIDS positive is no longer a death sentence. It is a treatable and manageable disease. We can live full and happy long lives and not transmit the disease.

When it was intitially unveiled, the quilt had about 2,000 panels and it was now bloomed into 48,000. The majority of them measuring 6'3". About the size of a grave.

I urge you to take the time to treasure, understand, and support our community. As their lives and the queer movement- have brought undoubtable freedom as we live in our own.

Making a quilt can take countless of hours. And a quilt of this size, it's a whole generations worth.

Love your queer elders. Love your gay history. Live free, today.