Ukraine News Links 26-27 January 2022

Thursday, 27 January 2022 • 17:00 — The New Dark Age

There may be some duplication due to cross-posting and may be updated throughout the day, so please check back. If it gets updated, I usually insert the time on the line above. A lot of cross-posting usually indicates that the article is popular.

War between Russians & Ukrainians is unacceptable – Moscow

Russian Training Exercises Bad, Facilitating British And US Imperialism Good

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Russia and the West: Piercing the Fog of Hysteria

Thursday, 27 January 2022 — — Global Research

The fatal mistake committed by Brussels in 2014 was to force Kiev make an impossible choice between Europe and Russia.

By Pepe Escobar

A specter haunts the collective West: total zombification, courtesy of an across-the-board 24/7 psy ops imprinting the inevitability of “Russian aggression”.

Let’s pierce the fog of hysteria by asking Ukrainian Defense Minister Reznikov what’s going on:

“I can absolutely say that to date, the Russian armed forces have not created a strike group that could make a forceful invasion of Ukraine.”

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Make the Whole World Know that the South Also Exists: The Fourth Newsletter (2022)

Thursday, 27 January 2022 — The Tricontinental

Shefa Salem Libya Life 2019Shefa Salem (Libya), Life, 2019.

Dear friends,

Greetings from the desk of the Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research.

On 19 January 2022, US President Joe Biden held a press conference in the East Room of the White House in Washington, DC. The discussion ranged from Biden’s failure to pass a $1.75 trillion investment bill (the result of the defection of two Democrats) to the increased tensions between the United States and Russia. According to a recent NBC poll, 54% of adults in the United States disapprove of his presidency and 71% feel that the country is headed in the wrong direction.

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Global Breaking News on GMOs and Pesticides 27 January 2022

Thursday, 27 January 2022 — Sustainable Pulse

Editors’ picks

Colombia Constitutional Court Suspends Re-Start of Glyphosate Aerial Fumigation Program

Rights groups and politicians in Colombia have welcomed a decision by the country’s Constitutional Court, which ruled this week that the government failed to consult local communities over its plan to restart aerial fumigation of coca crops, Al Jazeera reported. In a decision last Wednesday, the court said the government of President Ivan Duque could not […] The post Colombia Constitutional Court Suspends Re-Start of Glyphosate Aerial Fumigation Program appeared on Sustainable Pulse.

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Reflections on Events in Afghanistan-40

Thursday, 27 January 2022 — Indian Punchline

Taliban delegation led by acting foreign minister Amir Khan Muttaqi met with Western diplomats, Oslo, Norway, January 24, 2022

40. The West co-opts the Taliban

The three-day conclave in Oslo on January 23-25 for interaction for a core group of Western diplomats with Taliban officials marks a new phase in the political situation in Afghanistan. The West was represented by the US, UK, Germany, France and Italy as well as the European Union.

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COVID Vaccines a Spectacular Failure, Data Show

Thursday, 27 January 2022 — Dr. Joseph Mercola

Data analyses from multiple countries show a negative correlation between COVID vaccination rates and worsening infection rates and other health trends.

By Dr. Joseph Mercola

Story at-a-glance:

  • British data show the COVID shots are an abysmal failure, as COVID infection rates in the UK are higher among the “fully vaccinated” in all adult cohorts.
  • Infection rates are also rising faster among the fully vaxxed than in unvaccinated cohorts of all ages. All in all, these data prove that vaccine passports and mandates are completely pointless.
  • Data from Scotland show more of the same. Double-jabbed Scots are more likely to be admitted to the hospital for COVID than unvaccinated. Since Omicron became dominant, COVID case rates are also lower among the unvaccinated than among the single-, double- and even triple-jabbed.
  • Internationally, journalists are now starting to try to switch the narrative away from cases, hospitalizations and deaths by pointing out how unreliable these data are. What they don’t admit is that “dangerous misinformants” have highlighted these problems for two years already.
  • Omicron is blowing huge holes in the pandemic narrative, as it predominantly affects the vaxxed, thus proving mandates and vaccine passports are irrational and useless.

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UnHerd – BMJ stands up to Silicon valley ‘fact’ checkers

Thursday, 27 January 2022 — Big Brother Watch

Big Brother Watch Team

When the BMJ published an extraordinary article documenting the censorship of one of its articles by Facebook, it lifted the curtain on a clandestine practice performed thousands of times a day. According to the medical journal, a peer-reviewed piece documenting an investigation into clinical trial research practices occurring at Ventavia, a contracted company which assisted with the main Pfizer covid-19 vaccine trial, was labelled as “partly false” and suppressed on the network.

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Ukraine News Links 26 January 2022

Wednesday, 26 January 2022 • 21:00 — The New Dark Age

There may be some duplication due to cross-posting and may be updated throughout the day, so please check back. If it gets updated, I usually insert the time on the line above. A lot of cross-posting usually indicates that the article is popular.

Andrei Raevsky Did a Very Good Write-Up On Fundamentals.

Erdogan Works Up a Plan to Mend Ties with the US/EU

Alert Africa: Get Ready for the Customary “Predatoriness” From the West

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Bathed in Pesticides: The Narrative of Deception

Wednesday, 26 January 2022 — Global Research

The volume of pesticide use and exposure is occurring on a scale that is without precedent and world-historical in nature. Agrichemicals are now pervasive as they cycle through bodies and environments. The herbicide glyphosate has been a major factor in driving this increase in use.

These statements appear in a 2021 paper ‘Growing Agrichemical Ubiquity: New Questions for Environments and Health’ (Community of Excellence in Global Health Equity).

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Tuesday, 25 January 2022 — Consortium News

It is absolutely necessary that Moscow holds the line for the sake of a new security order in Europe and a sustainably stable world order in our time.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, left, with President Vladimir Putin in 2017. (The Kremlin)

By Patrick Lawrence
Special to Consortium News

“They must understand,” Sergei Lavrov said in one of his many public statements last week, “that the key to everything is the guarantee that NATO will not expand eastward.”

The Russian foreign minister has repeated this thought almost ad infinitum lately. He speaks, of course, of the Biden administration and the diplomats who bear its messages to others.

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Stop the Neocons from Starting a War!

Tuesday, 25 January 2022 — Eric Margolis

Amid surging tensions over Ukraine, the head of Germany’s navy had the courage to voice Europe’s fears over this totally unnecessary, contrived crisis.

In a speech to an Indian think tank, Vice-admiral Kay-Achim Schonbach proposed the Western powers ‘respect’ Russian leader Vladimir Putin and accept that Crimea would remain in Moscow’s hands.

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Order Prevails in Berlin

Saturday, 23 January 2022 — Socialist Project the Bullet

Rosa Luxemburg (1871-1919) was murdered in Berlin on January 15, 1919, along with her comrade Karl Liebknecht (1871–1919), by the emerging German fascist militia known as the Freikorps. This article is her last known writing, and penned just after the Spartacus uprising was crushed by the German government and before her capture and death.

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Graphika: The Deep State’s Beard for Controlling the Information Age

Tuesday, 25 January 2022 — MintPress News

NEW YORK – Graphika is the toast of the town. The private social-media and tech-intelligence agency that tracks down bots and exposes foreign influence operations online is constantly quoted, referenced and profiled in the nation’s most important outlets. For example, in 2020, The New York Times published a fawning profile of the company’s head of investigations, Ben Nimmo. “He Combs the Web for Russian Bots. That Makes Him a Target,” ran its headline, the article presenting him as a crusader risking his life to keep our internet safe and free. Last year, business magazine Fast Company labeled Graphika as among the 10 most innovative companies in the world.

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Julian Assange News Links 25 January 2022

Tuesday, 25 January 2022 — The New Dark Age

Assange Hearing Day

British High Court Opens Door For Assange To Appeal To Supreme Court

Julian Assange can ask Supreme Court to consider extradition casea

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A ‘Parthogenetic’ Conflict – There Is No Russian Invasion Threat To Ukraine

Tuesday, 25 January 2022 — Moon of Alabama

With regards to the completely made up story of the ‘imminent Russian invasion’ of the Ukraine a commentator remarked to me:

What we are seeing is a ‘parthogenetic’ conflict/war/crisis. A first – to my recollection.

Indeed – the virgin birth of a conflict in which there is no enemy.

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Ukraine News Links 24-25 January 2022

Tuesday, 25 January 2022 • 20:30 — The New Dark Age

There may be some duplication due to cross-posting and may be updated throughout the day, so please check back. If it gets updated, I usually insert the time on the line above. A lot of cross-posting usually indicates that the article is popular.

Congress seeks to spend $500 million of taxpayers’ money on Ukraine

Tell Biden: No War! U.S./NATO Hands Off Russia And Donbass!

US backtracks on talk of Russian invasion

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