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A column by Abby Zimet
A column by Abby Zimet

First Do No Harm: Yada Yada So Umm Yada Science Yada Like Yada Yada Data Yada

God knows we've been served lots of lunacy with our pandemic: COVID and the tools to fight it are "genocide," wokeness, communism, fascism, social control, internment camps, a Chinese plot to kill deplorables. But Ron DeathSantis - credit where it's due - has topped it all by choosing as his top health official an anti-vax quack who at hearings just declined five surreal times to answer an elemental question: Are vaccines safe and effective? After Joseph Ladapo dodged, dithered, deflected, Dems - somehow resisting the urge to slap him up side of the head - walked out. GOP pols approved him.

Abby Zimet · Jan 26, 2022

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