Rob Plath has saturated the underground lit. scene w/ his writing for the past 25 years. He is the author of A Bellyful of Anarchy, There's A Fist Dunked In Blood Beating In My Chest,​ Death Is Dead, Hearts For Brains, An Ax For The Frozen Sea, The Skeleton Sutras, In Rot We Trust, Swallowtude, Deathbed Colored Glasses, Feed These Words To The Buddha Who Is Slowly Waking Up Inside Of You & many more.  He continues his literary onslaught w/ another monster poetry collection My Soul Is A Broken Down Valise  (epic rites press) and The Morgue Sutras (Rusty Truck Press' Brown Bag Poetry Series) both due out in 2019.   

For books on Amazon or other websites please go to the menu. If you want a signed book by Rob Plath, please contact the author.

Rob Plath