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How I saved $537 on my electricity bill

If you haven’t shopped around for a better energy plan in a year or more, this is your annual reminder to jump on to your relevant government price comparison website today.

  • by Jessica Irvine

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Paying down the mortgage trumps tax deductible super contribution

While mortgage repayments are a fixed outgoing, super fund earnings are not and may be lower this year, or even negative, as interest rates rise.

George Cochrane

Security of housing tenure key to determining pension amount

Home ownership is a key Centrelink consideration in determining a person’s capacity for self-support in retirement.

Noel Whittaker
Noel Whittaker

Money columnist

Superannuation transfer balance cap explained

Anyone who started a ‘retirement phase’ pension before July 2017 has a personal transfer balance cap that could only be increased in July 2021 by the amount of their unused cap.

George Cochrane

Planning & budgeting



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