Not For Profit - For Global Justice - Since 2001

"Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people" - John Adams - 2nd U.S. President

Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"


Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In U.S. War And Occupation Of Iraq 4,801

Number Of International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 3,487

Total Cost of U.S. Wars Since 2001


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Mike Pompeo: 'We Lied, We Cheated, We Stole' in CIA









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Video And Audio


Watch the Full Film: The Israel Lobby Didn’t Want You To See

Obey: The Routine Of Obedience

"This film was absolutely WONDERFUL! It is inspiring and maddening"

Authority & Expectations

Smart and provocative young veteran, Wray Harris, unlocks the sufferings served by the Iraq war.

"I Am An American Indian Patriot"

"We live in a prisoner of war camp, that's why they call it a reservation"

A Pantomime World

By Adam Curtis

A fake bubble of certainty that has imprisoned us in the west - and is now preventing us from understanding what is really going on in the world outside.

The Power of Nightmares

By Adam Curtis

In the past our politicians offered us dreams of a better world. Now they promise to protect us from nightmares.

“How we can solve the Palestinian-Israeli problem”,
  “I simply got tired of western mainstream media presenting the Palestinian-Israeli issue as being complex."

Miko Peled Debunks Jewish Myths

"If Anybody here, came hoping to hear a balanced presentation, then they are going to be sorely disappointed.

"Political Fraud"

Indoctrination By Propaganda Works

Lifting the Veil:
Obama and the Failure of Capitalist Democracy

This film explores the historical role of the Democratic Party as the “graveyard of social movements”.

Surviving Progress

The film connects financial collapse, growing inequality and global oligarchy with the sustainability of mankind itself.

Let Your Life Be a Friction to Stop the Machine

A brief and crucial history of the United States

The Most Honest Three and a Half Minutes of Television. Ever......?

Scene of the new HBO series The Newsroom.

U.S. Helicopter Blasts Afghan Man to Pieces...
As The Pilot Sings 'Bye, Bye Miss American Pie'

It is the horrific moment an Afghan man is blown apart by a US missile.

The Power Principle

Simply brilliant. - This is probably the best film ever made about American foreign policy.

Managing Public Perception - Psywar

The real battlefield is your mind.

The Century of the Self

How politicians and business learned to create and manipulate mass-consumer society.

Why We Fight

What are the forces that shape and propel American militarism?

Norman Finkelstein: American Radical

Probing, definitive documentary about Jewish-American political scientist Norman Finkelstein

Stop the Machine!!!!!:
A brief and crucial history of the United States.

The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis

Bill Moyer's 1987 scathing critique of the criminal subterfuge carried out by the Executive Branch of the United States Government

Lives In The Balance : Jackson Browne

"You might ask what it takes to remember
When you know that you've seen it before
Where a government lies to a people
And a country is drifting to war "

American Drug War - The Last White Hope

How money, power and greed have corrupted not just drug pushers and dope fiends, but an entire government.

How American News Media Works In Favor Of Israel
The Fourth World War

Documentary of radical resistance to global capitalism

The Israel Lobby

Does the United States in fact keep Israel on its feet? And how long will it continue to do so?

John Pilger: 'The War on Democracy'

The story of great power behind its venerable myths. It allows us to understand the true nature of the so-called war on terror".

Dick Cheney '94: Invading Baghdad Would Create Quagmire

Dick Cheney reveals the reasons why invading Baghdad and toppling Saddam Hussein wouldn't be a great idea.

Poison DUst

Poison DUst tells the story of young soldiers who thought they came home safely from the war, but didn't.

John Pilger: Truth Game

The worldwide propaganda surrounding the nuclear arms race is scrutinised.

The Road To Guantanamo

Three young British Muslims tell the story of how they came to be in US custody at Guantánamo for over two years, and discuss the Kafkaesque horrors that awaited them there


"I Witnessed The Degradation And Murder Of Detainees":

A prisoner of the "war on terror" disturbing allegations of mistreatment and murder.

Global Dimming

It reveals that we may have grossly underestimated the speed at which our climate is changing. At its heart is a deadly new phenomenon.

 An Inconvenient Truth

Al Gore's Documentary on the dangers of climate change and global warming


America Freedom to Fascism

Startling facts about our laws, raising critical issues that Americans must consider if they are to be a free people.

Despotism & Democracy : Video

Explains how societies and nations can be measured by the degree that power is concentrated and respect for the individual is restricted.



Further down the rabbit hole. Tom's medical adventures
By Tom Feeley
All my treatments and medicines have been stopped.


Kremlin identifies ‘red line’ in NATO-Russia relations
NATO created a situation Russia “couldn’t tolerate any more,” Putin's spokesman


Peeking Past the Pall Put Over Arms Talks With Russia
By Ray McGovern
Biden’s pledge not to deploy offensive arms in Ukraine amounted to acknowledgment of Russia’s security concerns.


Biden Should Declare NATO Membership Closed
By Patrick J. Buchanan
Ending NATO enlargement could be a victory for all of us.


False Flags Suddenly No Longer A Crazy Conspiracy Theory
By Caitlin Johnstone
The US government is now more dangerous than ever.


Iraq war: Secret memo reveals Bush-Blair plans to topple Saddam Hussein
By David Hearst
Bush said that acting against Saddam would enhance rather than diminish regional stability.


How Bush and Blair plotted war in Iraq: Read the secret memo in full
By MEE staff
The text of that memo is published for the first time.


Zionist Power Over Washington
By Philip Giraldi
Ending NATO enlargement could be a victory for all of us.


America’s new class war
By Chris Hedges
Exploited employees across the country are rising up



20 killed in Saudi attack on Yemen

Explosions kill three as Yemen’s Houthi group mounts rare missile attacks on United Arab Emirates

Syrian Media Reports US Theft of Additional Oil Supplies, Relocation of Military Equipment to Iraq

US lawmakers demand probe into Palestinian American's death after Israeli detention

Israeli police attempt to forcibly remove Palestinian family from their home


Four people killed, 10 wounded in bombing in Somali capital


U.N. Chief Appeals for Release of Money to Save Afghan Lives

Women Protestors in Kabul Urge US to Release Bank Assets

Taliban says all Afghan girls will be back in school by March

China to Curb Purchases of U.S. Farm Goods


US senators promise weapons for Ukraine in warning to Putin

Propaganda alert: White House Says Russia Is Planning ‘False Flag’ Operation as Pretext for Invading Ukraine

Moscow claims everything is normal after report says Russia has been quietly emptying out its diplomatic outposts in Ukraine

West no longer mulling cutting off Russia from Swift

Ukraine’s President secretly met with CIA boss

US, NATO Reject Russia’s Call for Halt of Eastward Expansion

Canada Deploys Small Contingent of Special Forces Operators to Ukraine

Britain Says It Is Supplying Anti-Tank Weapons to Ukraine

NATO, Ukraine Sign Deal to ‘Deepen’ Cyber Cooperation

A top Russian diplomat refused to rule out a military deployment to Cuba and Venezuela if tensions with the United States escalate.

Former Ukrainian president lands in Kyiv to face treason case

Covid-19: Germany passes 100,000 new infections in past 24 hours

Czechs scrap mandatory COVID-19 jabs, daily cases hit record

Jonathan Cook: Rachel Riley libel ruling is the latest judicial attack on political speech: The British judiciary is accumulating more weapons to crush political speech that challenges establishment narratives

Boris Johnson's 'political death' is near, claim Conservative MPs, suspecting that no-confidence letters are piling up

Boris Johnson, Facing a Mutiny, Says England Will Ease Virus Rules


‘The opposite of planning’: how Australia put the economy before health of the nation


Doomsday Clock panel to set risk of global catastrophe

Early Omicron Breakthroughs Show MRNA Vaccines’ Weakness

China's Chang'E 5 lunar lander is first in history to find water on the moon up close


US faces wave of omicron deaths in coming weeks, models say: COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. are climbing and modelers forecast 50,000 to 300,000 more Americans could die by the time the wave subsides in mid-March

Epstein worked to ‘whitewash’ Clinton ties – media – media

New York AG says Trump’s company misled banks, tax officials

N.Y. Attorney General Outlines Pattern of Possible Fraud at Trump Business

How to order free at-home Covid tests: White House website goes live

January 02, 2022


The American polity is cracked, and might collapse. Canada must prepare
By Thomas Homer-Dixon
By 2030, if not sooner, the country could be governed by a right-wing dictatorship.


Another Nail in the U.S. Empire’s Coffin… Biden Signs $770 Billion War Budget
SCF Editorial
Three decades after the Cold War officially ended, the U.S. is setting a new record high for annual expenditure on its armed forces.


Pentagon Fails Audit (Again!)
By Dave Lindorff
The US military, is a financial black hole!


The Real Antidote to Inflation
By Ellen Brown
The Federal Reserve is caught between a rock and a hard place


Putin and Xi Plot Their SWIFT Escape
By Pepe Escobar
This is a stunning game-changer in more ways than one.


US as primary source of terrorism
By Viktor Mikhin
Washington has been getting away with these crimes while Pentagon is still trying to downplay its terrorist activities.


Choking the Afghan People to Death
By Daniel Larison
U.S. and its allies have to stop choking the life out of the Afghan people.


Barf Alert
Tony Blair to be given most senior knighthood
By Rose Dunn
Tony Blair’s knighthood is an insult



37 Houthi militants killed in battle with Yemeni army in Marib

Iraq arrests security officers over death of 20 civilians

Yankee go home: US army convoy attacked in southern Iraq: The fifth attack in six days

Protesters mourn murdered general by burning US flags

Iraqi protesters march to demand full withdrawal of US troops

Yemen officials: Saudi airstrike kills 12 troops by mistake

Report: Clashes in southeast Iran kill 3 troops, 5 bandits

Russian Jets Bomb Rebel-Held Idlib in Syria

How serious are Israel’s latest war threats against Iran?

Israel doesn’t need US permission to attack Iran – FM

In case you missed it: Jonathan Pollard says Jews ‘will always have dual loyalty’: Pollard suggested that Jews were deluding themselves if they thought of America as a home

Once again this year, the UN General Assembly repeatedly voted overwhelmingly to criticize Israel. Why?

The UN war crimes probe is still tarnished by decades of colonial support for Israel

Watch: Jewish-American activist, speaks about changing her perspective on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict


2 protesters killed during demonstrations in Sudan's Khartoum: sources

Sudan coup: Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok resigns amid mass protests

The CIA Undermined Postcolonial Africa From the Start


Afghanistan : Hunger forces parents to sell children in desperation

People protest in Kabul against U.S. sanctions on Afghanistan

China warns US will 'face unbearable price' on Taiwan

China claims to have beaten US to develop next generation heat-seeking hypersonic missiles t

India to fully deploy 1st regiment of S-400 missile system next month


Petition to strip Sir Tony Blair of Knighthood passes 250,000 signatures


NBC News Uses Ex-FBI Official Frank Figliuzzi to Urge Assange's Extradition, Hiding His Key Role


Countries accelerate shift away from US dollar


Venezuela: Social Program Meets Goal, Delivers 3 Million Homes

Time We Can’t Get Back’: Stolen at Birth, Chilean Adoptees Uncover Their Past

Noam Chomsky on Rising Fascism in U.S. and Class Warfare

Think America's foreign reputation suffered under Trump? It's even worse with Biden

Pentagon Projected to Hand $407 Billion to Private Military Contractors This Fiscal Year

Defense contractor gouged taxpayers, says Pentagon auditor

US sets WORLD record 489,267 COVID cases in 24 hours

Omicron leads to less severe disease than other Covid variants

December 31, 2021

America's 'Suez moment': Another strategic mistake would be its last
By David Hearst
What unravelled this year was no less than three decades of bungled US global governance.


2022: The Year the US achieves Collapse
By Dmitry Orlov

Once upon a time Moscow was weak and Washington strong, but now the balance has shifted in Moscow’s favor and the time for Washington’s punishment has finally come.



Neocons bent on starting another disaster in Ukraine
By James Carden

US foreign policy is evidently held hostage by a venal, avaricious and, above all, reckless claque of elites



Why is Biden Pushing Putin on Ukraine? – Larry Wilkerson
Video and Transcript
We began immediately doing things that made Russia, even under Yeltsin, doubt our word.



Clouds on the horizon
By The Saker

There is absolutely overwhelming evidence that the Russians are NOT bluffing,



America’s Foreign Policy Death Spiral
By Walter L. Hixson
What is certain is that Congress will continue to give Israel, $3.8 billion a year and $146 billion since 1948.


A More Aggressive Israel Lobby Is Coming in 2022
By Philip Giraldi
Where does this ever end to satisfy the Jewish lobby?


Ghislaine Maxwell Convicted
By Philip Giraldi

“Who among the celebrities and top-level politicians that Epstein cultivated were actually Israeli spies?”



Protecting the Nazis: The Extraordinary Vote of Ukraine and the USA
By Craig Murray
Why does the United States Government believe that avowed Nazis have freedom of speech, but that Julian Assange does not?




Act of war! Israeli attack sets port of Latakia ablaze

Terrorist groups spreading insecurity in northern Syria under US, Turkey support: Damascus

Israel codifies shoot-to-kill policy against Palestinians

Germany will not export arms to Saudi Arabia over Yemen war, new government says

Iran ready to resume tension-easing talks with Saudi Arabia


Somalia's PM Accuses President of 'Coup Attempt' After Powers Suspended


Indonesia rejects Rohingya refugees, sends boat to Malaysia

Jesus statue smashed in spate of attacks on India’s Christian community


7 dead after refugee boat capsizes in Greece waters

There will be no more NATO expansion – Russia

Russia to Take Hardline Approach in Defending National Interests at Talks With US, FM Lavrov Says

Putin says he will consider 'diverse' options if West refuses security guarantees on Ukraine

US displaying dangerous trend of lowering threshold for use of nukes, warns diplomat

German Greens Crusade for US/NATO Wars

Putin says Europe only has itself to blame for surging gas prices: Some of its members resell cheap Russian gas at much higher prices within the bloc, Russian President Vladimir Putin said

Delaying Nord Stream 2 is not problem for Russia, but for European consumers — official

Whistleblower Craig Murray Speaks Out After Being Imprisoned Over Blog Posts

Editorial: Boris Johnson’s Britain: cry, the corrupt country

UK: Labour intensifies purge of socialists, dissenting Jews


Complete collapse of leadership’: Australia’s recent Covid response amounts to world-class bungling

Long Covid is the elephant in the room, but it seems invisible to Australian politicians


Omicron up to 70% less likely to need hospital care

Bought and paid for: For Third Year, Committee To Protect Journalists Excludes Assange From Jailed Journalist Index

Prof. Wolff Responds: World Inequality Report 2022


Venezuela: 87% Of Vaccinated Against COVID-19

US-Backed Opposition Continues to Loot Venezuelan Assets

Shame on you: Biden signs enormous US military budget into law

US Ends War But Increases Military Budget

Shame on you: Hey, look what I did! Lawmakers scramble to take credit for "popular" Military–industrial complex provisionse

The LAPD Murder of a 14-Year-Old Girl

Nearly 25% of Navy Warship Crew Has COVID-19

New York City Schools to Test Each Student for Coronavirus Amid Surge in Cases

Speculation grows that Maxwell may try to cut a deal for reduced sentence

A key inflation measure just hit a nearly four-decade high

Housing boom: US home prices climbed 18.4 percent in October


December 22, 2021

Putin Has a Big Brother in Xi
By Ray McGovern
Dec. 15, Chinese President Xi Jinping stated that “this relationship even exceeds an alliance in its closeness and effectiveness.”



My Children Live in Fear of US Drones
By Ahmed Ali Jaber
Faces are forgotten. And the killing continues with impunity. Nobody is held accountable.


The Pentagon’s 20-Year Killing Spree Has Always Treated Civilians as Expendable
By Norman Solomon
The bloody-thirty feast of the war profiteers continues unabated.


Confirmation Bias
By Stephen F. Eisenman
The evidence of war crimes and manslaughter committed by the U.S. military in the Middle East, Central America and Southeast Asia is voluminous.



Civilians killed, children wounded in northeastern Syria by Turkish-backed shelling: SDF

Ex-Israeli Intel Chief Admits Role in Murder of Iran's Qassem Soleimani

US official to travel to Israel to discuss Iran nuclear programme

Jerusalem Churches Protest 'Systematic Attempt to Drive Christians Out of the Holy Land'

Watch: Right-wing Israel MK draws gun at Arab guards in Tel Aviv

Israel censored this film. Watch it here

Israel: companies sold weapons to China 'without permit'

25% of households in Israel live in poverty

Mossad Chief, Yossi Cohen, Conducted Affair With Israeli Stewardess, Exposing Intelligence Secrets to Her and Husband

Let them eat bombs: Funds shortage forces UN WFP to cut food aid to Yemen

UAE agency placed spyware on Khashoggi fiancee’s phone: Report

Turkey won't expel Syrians while Erdogan is president, he says

Turkish dollar? Erdogan's new financial investment tool explained

Saudi Arabia the 'drug capital' of the Middle East


15 Civilians Killed in Fresh CAR Rebel Attacks : UN

Libya parliament cancels Friday's election

Tunisia: ex-minister accuses Saudi Arabia of hacking phone using Israeli programme


'Let us eat” : Protesters in Kabul call for release of Afghanistan's assets

Tanks and Think Tanks: How Taiwanese Cash is Funding the Push to War with China

China welcomes US competition but is not afraid of confrontation, Wang Yi says

U.S., Japan Reach Deal on Payments for Hosting American Occupation Troops

Turkish, Qatari companies sign MoU to operate 5 Afghan airports


BREAKING! Putin: US Wants To Put Hypersonic Missiles In Ukraine! Russia Has "Nowhere To Retreat"!

Putin on US invasion of Iraq, interference in Syria, and involvement in Ukraine

Who cares what the people want? Poll: Americans don’t want war with Russia over Ukraine

First Round of Russia-US Talks on Security Guarantees Set for Early 2022, Lavrov Says

About time!: Ukrainian president says ready to implement Minsk agreements

Ukraine accuses former president Poroshenko of treason: Ukrainian authorities accuse Petro Poroshenko of having helped pro-Russian separatists sell coal to Kyiv.

Protecting the Nazis: The Extraordinary Vote of Ukraine and the USA

More than 160 migrants drown in shipwrecks off Libya on Friday, UN says

UN urges Belarus, Poland to deal with 'appalling' border situation

RT responds to German channel’s satellite broadcast ban

City hiring people-hunters to pursue and fine the unvaxxed

New UK daily Covid cases top 100,000 for 1st time

Exclusive: Secret cables reveal Britain interfered with elections in Chile


Australia Outlines New Measures to Avoid Lockdowns Amid Spread of Omicron Variant

Honest Government Ad | Hung Parliament


I've studied nuclear war for 35 years -- you should be worried.

Omicron Associated With Two-Thirds Less Risk of COVID-19 Hospitalization Than Delta - Study

Most of the World’s Vaccines Likely Won’t Prevent Infection From Omicron


'Historically Large Win': Chile Votes for Socialism Over Fascism

Mexico says refugee requests tripled in 2021: Mexico approves more than 95 percent of applications, foreign minister says.

Federal Class-Action Suit Filed Over Haitian Migrants 'Abused and Dehumanized' at US Border

Anger as tech start-up’s video showing drones tasing migrants emerges

U.S. death rate soared 17 percent in 2020

COVID helped cause the biggest drop in U.S. life expectancy since WWII

About $100Bln in COVID Aid Were Stolen, US Secret Service Assesses

Airstrikes allowed America to wage war with minimal risk to its troops.

Mission Unaccomplished: Describing Failing US Military as 'Awesome'

Corporate Donations Poured Into Manchin's PAC Ahead of Final 'No' on Build Back Better

Joe Biden accuses ‘immoral’ cable networks and social media of spreading vaccine lies

Trump plans to hold news conference on January 6 riot anniversary

GOP Rep. Scott Perry declines January 6 committee's request to speak with him

Pause on student loan payments is extended through May 1

December 20, 2021

CIA advisor believes the US is 'closer to civil war than anyone would like to believe'
By Geoff Earle
America is no longer a democracy but an 'anocracy'5


Retired generals sound the alarm about coup-proofing US military
By Global Times
Another insurrection initiated by both veterans and grass-roots Americans can be very likely, as well as a small-scale mutiny in the US army,


America’s Foreign Policy Dilemma
By Paul Craig Roberts
NATO, spit in the Kremlin’s eye


U.S. Proxy War Against Russia in Ukraine: The Afghanistan-Syria Redux Option
By Finian Cunningham
There is a directive from Washington for widening the war.


China Is Not A Problem That Westerners Need To Solve
By Caitlin Johnstone
“China is going to take over and give me a social credit score” is the new “Muslims are going to take over and impose Sharia law.”


A Critique of Obscene Wealth
By Richard Wolff
Obscene wealth flaunts its disregard for the law.


Censoring Texas History
By Lawrence Davidson
At the center of the Texas effort to censor the facts of its own past is what the Washington Post calls “the myth of the Alamo”



Yemen: 100 Houthis killed, vehicles destroyed in coalition air raids in Marib

Yemen: Saudi-led Airstrike Kills 7 Houthis In Taiz Province

U.S. drone strikes killed thousands of civilians in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan,

Six killed by IS in Syria’s Al-Hol camp

Syria: Israeli Attack Cratered The Runway At Damascus International Airport

What? Israeli occupation forces allowing troops to shoot/kill rock-throwers even if the assailants no longer present an immediate threat.

China to help build 1,000 schools in war-torn Iraq

Bought and paid for: Two Former CIA Directors Call on Biden to Threaten Iran Militarily

Iranian general vows broad, decisive response against any Israeli attack on nuclear, military sites

'A license to kill': No punishment for Israeli who shot mentally ill Palestinian citizen

WATCH: Israeli Soldiers Beat, Arrest Palestinian Elderly Woman in Hebron

Jerusalem church leaders: ‘Radical’ Israeli groups driving Christians from Holy Land

AIPAC will now "officially" fundraise BUY U.S. politicians: The American Israel Public Affairs Committe super PAC, can raise unlimited money for a candidate.

Yes Ms. Diplomat, Canada Does Arm and Fund Apartheid Israel

Britain Acknowledges Its 70s Arms Deal Debt to Tehran. But What Now in Vienna?

Egypt looks to build $20k electric vehicles with Chinese firms


Death Toll Rises To 47 After Weekend Attacks in Nigeria

Somali forces kill six Al-Shabab militants in southern region

Anti-Balaka Militia Kill Five Persons In Central African Republic

Sudan: one man shot dead, more than 300 injured in Sunday's protests

US National Guard Deploys to Ethiopia

How the West Distorts the China-Africa Relationship


Hidden Pentagon Records Reveal Patterns of Failure in Deadly Airstrikes : U.S. Operations forces bombed what they believed were three ISIS “staging areas. More than 120 villagers were killed.

US House Dems warn of ‘imminent mass starvation’ in Afghanistan, urging Biden to unfreeze Afghan central bank reserves

Tariq Ali: Afghanistan War Was For Money Laundering & Drug Trafficking, NOT Freedom & Women’s Rights

U.S. builds new software tool to predict actions that could draw China's ire


White House: US Ready to Engage in Diplomacy With Russia, Says Dialogue Must Be Based on Reciprocity

Rossiya Segodnya Head Kiselev Warns West Against Repeating Cuban Crisis in Situation With Ukraine: The tense situation around Ukraine has the potential of escalating into a new Cuban missile crisis if the West fails to provide Russia with the security guarantees it has requested.

White House Considers Sending Ukraine Military Equipment Once Bound for Afghanistan

Covid's icy grip on Europe: Winter infections soar on the continent as Belgium rages with anti-lockdown riot

U.K. omicron cases explode, while Boris Johnson faces new allegations of lockdown parties

UK: Jewish widow accused by Labour of antisemitism threatens to sue party

UK: media and politicians 'misled public' with support for far-right Israeli ambassador

The war for Israel on British campuses

The Establishment Feared Corbyn’s Internationalism

Corbyn receives award for supporting Palestinians amid Labour debate on BDS


The hounding of Julian Assange leaves honest journalism with no refuge

Morrison’s approval dives over vaccine rollout, grants and Brittany Higgins fallout, poll suggests

‘Vaccines are not the only answer’: experts call for more public health measures to curb Omicron


WHO: Evidence Shows Omicron, Affects Vaccinated, Recovered People


Hitmen Kill Amazon Indigenous Leader in Peru

Historic Win for Gabriel Boric in Chile Presidential Elections

Latin America Hails Boric's Victory In Chilean Elections

Chile’s new president is bitter Israel critic, whose win has many local Jews worried

"I'm back" says Lula, vowing a broad alliance ahead of Brazil election

How Can Some Progressives Get Basic Information about Nicaragua So Wrong?

Cuba To Inaugurate New Floating Power Plant

Trump’s Big Border Wall Is Now a Pile of Rusting Steel

Third Test Of The Air Force's Hypersonic Weapon Has Failed Like The Ones Before It

Manchin says he still sees himself as a Democrat even after thwarting Build Back Better plan

U.S. Health officials say omicron variant likely to cause record-high coronavirus cases, hospitalizations

Fauci warns of stark winter with Omicron ‘just raging around the world’

Trump says he got Covid vaccine booster shot, tells fans not to boo him for it in U.S.

Trump Sues New York A.G. in Attempt to Stop Inquiry Into His Business

Inflation Crashes the Holidays, Shrinking Menus and Spoiling Traditions

Ten Years Ago: Homelessness : Professor Wolff is revisiting relevant moments from 10 years ago to explore how capitalism, its defenders, and its critics have all changed.

Corporate Exploitation of Prison Labor Reaches Deep into the Supply Chain

Elon Musk Says He Will Pay More Than $11 Billion in Taxes This Year

December 16, 2021

The judicial kidnapping of Julian Assange
By John Pilger
What is at stake is both a courageous man's life and, indeed our very humanity.


Secret US strike cell responsible for untold number of civilian deaths in Syria: Report
By News Desk
US army's Talon Anvil strike-cell played an "outsize role" in dropping over 100,000 bombs across Syria


It’s Time to Make Deep Cuts at the Pentagon
By William Astore
We should all call on Congress to stop the madness of ever-mushrooming war budgets


When Your Government Ends A War But Increases The Military Budget, You’re Being Scammed
By Caitlin Johnstone
The human species has some very daunting tests ahead of it. I hope we pass.


Putin, Xi Running Circles Around Biden’s Hybrid War
By Pepe Escobar
Putin and Xi plot their SWIFT escape


US Fully Prepared to Lift Sanctions Inconsistent With JCPOA Commitments - US Envoy to UN
By Nevin Brown
Lifting of sanctions would allow Iran to receive economic benefits of the original Inuclear deal


Trump was played
Trump: I thought Israelis would do anything for peace, but found that not to be true
By TOI staff
" I don’t think Bibi ever wanted to make a deal."


Israel’s Dominance of Washington
By Philip Giraldi
It’s worse than ever but the “apartheid state” is increasingly under pressure


Pelosi’s Defense of Political Insider Trading Is Orwellian
By Luke Savage
Pelosi’s stock ownership is a clear and visible conflict of interest.



Watch Syrian Villagers and Troops Intercept & Turn Back Two US Occupation Force Convoys

US Bracing for Fresh Attacks on Troops in Iraq as Soleimani Murder Anniversary Nears

Israel Is Trying to Push War With Iran — and the US Press Barely Cares

Meet Ghislaine: Daddy’s Girl: Absent from mainstream discourse on Ghislaine Maxwell’s ongoing trial is any mention of the ties, to Israeli intelligence.

The US keeps turning a blind eye to Israel's illegal squatter expansion

Trump says Jewish Americans 'don't like Israel'

Israel lobby pushes US Congressman to tone down criticism of Israel

Bought and paid for: UK minister says BDS will be outlawed

Bought and paid for: Ukraine plans to open diplomatic office in Jerusalem

F-35s: As UAE-US deal collapses over spy fears, Turkey sees a pattern

33% of Arab world doesn't have enough food: UN report


North and South Korea agree 'in principle' to formally end Korean War after 70 years

China and Russia to establish independent financial systems: Russian media

No US troops will be held accountable for Kabul drone strike that murdered 7 children: Pentagon officials

Russia Seeks to Reconnect Afgan Banks to SWIFT Payment System

Indian Government Urged to Set up Alternative to SWIFT Payment System Over US Misuse


Russia, China sign roadmap for closer military cooperation

Putin to Macron: Ukraine Escalating Situation in Donbass With Silent Permission of West

Russian Foreign Ministry Lays Out Detailed Proposals for New Russia-US-NATO Security Agreements

The Dangerous Ignorance Of Germany’s New Foreign Minister

Germany's Baerbock Threatens Nord Stream 2, Raises Gas Prices; US Expels Diplomats, G7 Splits

Russian Foreign Ministry statement on dialogue with the United States and other Western countries regarding security guarantees

Russian Proposals for Dialogue Have Had No Answer From NATO

Ukraine Is a Problem Only as Long as the West Makes It One

After Tory's North Shropshire Defeat, BoJo's Ouster is Just a Matter of Time, Academics Say

UK: The Government Just Took Away YOUR FREEDOM

UK-Australia trade deal is more golden duck than golden goose: The first post-Brexit trade deal negotiated from scratch will save each UK household £1 a year


Australia free trade deal with UK denounced by unions as ‘anti-worker’


US panel recommends J&J shots be sidelined after clot deaths


Latin America Must Unite To Fight US Interference: Llorenti

Bolivia: The Attempt To Carry Out a Second Coup Was a Failure

US panel recommends J&J shots be sidelined after clot deaths

Fatigue has replaced fear for us health workers on the frontline,

The Real Disinformation Agents, Watch as NBC Tells 4 Lies in a Two-Minute Clip

"The State of Democracy in the United States" Released by Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

Joe Biden Calls Kamala Harris 'President' During Speech at South Carolina State University - Video

The GOP agreed to pay $1.6 million of Trump's legal fees from NY investigations

America's richest pastor avoids $150,000 in annual taxes on a $7 million Texas mansion

‘I can’t get a single present’: millions in US barely scraping by amid holidays


Headlines Continue