Bastille 2022 pertains to the restoration of fundamental rights. It seeks to reverse the criminal COVID-19 agenda which in the course of the last two years has triggered economic, social and political chaos Worldwide, coupled with bankruptcies, unemployment, mass poverty and despair.
First Delta, then Omicron. Neither one of the two has ever been isolated. The vast majority of people of the 193 UN member countries – swallow the lie with fear and respect, as if it were the truth
This "health strategy" based on false simulations, lies, promises never kept, propaganda and the fear campaign has become unbearable. In turn it has been followed by the extortion of consent to be vaccinated, by outright blackmail.
There has been no epidemic of COVID-19 of national scope in any country, no pandemic internationally, for the general population SARS-CoV-2 is not a killer virus, and it is the same in every country.
UK to End “Mask” and “Vaccine” Mandates, and More, Immediately By Dr. Mark Trozzi, January 20, 2022
554 Million Covid-19 Vaccine Doses Ordered by German Government for 83 Million People: Seven Doses Per Person! By Jens Bernert, January 20, 2022
Blinken Delays US Response to Russia By M. K. Bhadrakumar, January 20, 2022
The “How Bad Is My Batch” Website Provides Access to Data on Vaccine Deaths and Disabilities associated with Each Batch / Lot Number By How Bad Is My Batch, January 20, 2022
The 5G Roll Out: EMF Radiation, Devastating Health Impacts, Social and Economic Implications. Crimes Against Humanity? By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, January 20, 2022
How Bush and Blair Plotted War in Iraq: Read the Secret Memo in Full By Middle East Eye, January 20, 2022
Worldwide Heart Attack Deaths Among Pro-Footballers in 2021 Were 300% Higher Than the 12-year Average By The Daily Expose, January 20, 2022
What People in India Have Received to Battle COVID Successfully. Ivermectin By Joel S. Hirschhorn, January 20, 2022
Totalitarian Paranoia Run Amok: Pandemics, Lockdowns and Martial Law By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, January 20, 2022
Washington’s Intrusion in the Republic of Sudan, “Seeks to Maintain Hegemony in Region” By Abayomi Azikiwe, January 20, 2022
Biggest COVID Vaccine Scandal. “COVID Vaccine Batch Numbers and the Range of Adverse Impacts” By Joel S. Hirschhorn, January 20, 2022
Peeking Past the Pall Put Over Arms Talks with Russia By Ray McGovern, January 20, 2022
Why Do NATO States Commit “Energy Hara Kiri”? Green Zero Carbon Madness. Industrial Collapse? By F. William Engdahl, January 19, 2022
FOIA Docs Reveal Pfizer Shot Caused Avalanche of Miscarriages, Stillborn Babies By Celeste McGovern, January 19, 2022
Why the Corporate State Doesn’t Target the American Left By Ben Bartee, January 19, 2022
Pfizer Trials: All Injected Mothers Lost Their Unborn Babies By Dr. Mark Trozzi, January 19, 2022
The Dangers of the Covid “Vaccine” to Pregnant Women: Do Not be a Lab Rat. The Untested Experimentation on Babies and the Unborn By John Goss, January 19, 2022
Video: Ukraine: Calm Before the Storm? By South Front, January 19, 2022
ASEAN’s Discord Over Myanmar, Could Expose Association to External Dominance By Paul Antonopoulos, January 19, 2022
History of World War II: The Soviet Red Army’s Winter Campaign 80 Years Ago By Shane Quinn, January 19, 2022
The Globalization of Human Rights Violations: “The Right to Live a Dignified and Decent Living” By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, January 19, 2022
NATO Expansion: What Gorbachev Heard. “Not One Inch Eastward”. What Was Agreed Between the Soviets and the West in 1990? By Svetlana Savranskaya and Tom Blanton, January 19, 2022
“False Propaganda” against China: Excellent Xinjiang Health Statistics vs US Alliance Lies By Gideon Polya, January 19, 2022
Biden Lies (Again) as He Covertly Continues the U.S. Forever War Against the Afghan People By Zachary Scott, January 19, 2022
Video: Graphene Oxide: A Toxic Substance in the Vial of the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine? By Ricardo Delgado and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 19, 2022
US Could be Planning False Flag Operation in Ukraine to Blame Russia By Paul Antonopoulos, January 19, 2022
Who Will be the Next King of Saudi Arabia? By Steven Sahiounie, January 19, 2022
Arise, Pandemic Profiteers By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 19, 2022
The US Plan of an Afghanistan Inside Europe By Manlio Dinucci, January 19, 2022
Dr. Meryl Nass: My Side of the Story, and the Constitutional protections that I believe are being abridged by the Misinformation Witch Hunt By Dr. Meryl Nass, January 18, 2022
Up to 65% Increase in Deaths Among 18-49 Year Olds in the U.S. During 2021, the Year of the Experimental COVID “Vaccines” By Brian Shilhavy, January 18, 2022
Farmer’s Movement in India: Looking at the Larger Picture By Biju Negi, January 18, 2022
In Kathmandu, a Struggle for Water Amid Worsening Floods By Johan Augustin, January 18, 2022
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: Latest Bombshell About COVID “Vaccines” Will Dismantle Big Pharma By Planet Today, Reiner Fuellmich, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, and Kevin Hughes, January 18, 2022
“One Drinks Party Too Many” at 10 Downing Street: Boris Johnson and Breaching the Lockdowns By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 18, 2022
Can Humanity Survive Washington’s Delusional Belief in Its Omnipotence? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 18, 2022
As Protests Erupt, Some Countries Backtrack on COVID Mandates While Others Double Down By Michael Nevradakis, January 18, 2022
Cyberspace Close to Become New Focus for NATO-Ukraine Joint Actions Against Russia By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, January 18, 2022
The Dollar Has Entered a Death Spiral, and a Lot More Inflation Is on the Way By Michael Snyder, January 18, 2022
“No Dialogue Has Begun. Washington Could Not Care Less About Russia’s Security Concern.” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and GEOFOR, January 18, 2022
Get Well Soon Rocco Galati! By WholeHearted Media, January 18, 2022
Did J. Edgar Hoover Order the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr? By Jeremy Kuzmarov, January 18, 2022
Medical Doctor Who Treated COVID Patients with Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine: License Suspended, Ordered to Undergo Psychiatric Evaluation ‘for Spreading Misinformation’ By Snejana Farberov, January 18, 2022
Myocarditis Tops List of COVID Vaccine Injuries Among 12- to 17-Year-Olds, VAERS Data Show By Megan Redshaw, January 18, 2022
Violence Increasing in Yemen By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, January 18, 2022
Confirmed: COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Can Cause Severe Liver Damage By Paul Anthony Taylor, January 18, 2022
Martin Luther King Day 2022: The Continuing Struggle for Voting Rights By Abayomi Azikiwe, January 18, 2022
Video: Digital Tyranny and the Rockefeller-Gates WHO “Vaxx-Certificate Passport”: Towards a World War III Scenario By Peter Koenig, January 18, 2022
“Orders to Kill” Dr. Martin Luther King: The Government that Honors MLK with a National Holiday Killed Him By Edward Curtin, January 18, 2022
Pfizer Inc. “Fraudulent Marketing”: “Largest Health Care Fraud Settlement in Its History” (2009). US Department of Justice By US Department of Justice, January 18, 2022
The Vaccinated vs. the Unvaccinated: Those Who Refuse the Vaccine and the “Official” Covid-19 Narrative are Categorized as “Psychopaths” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 18, 2022
Martin Luther King: Encountered in Algeria… By Barbara Nimri Aziz, January 17, 2022
The U.S. Has Killed More Than 20 Million People in 37 “Victim Nations” Since World War II By James A. Lucas, January 17, 2022
Redefining the Meaning of Life and Death By Julian Rose, January 17, 2022
Video: US Space Militarization Plans Are Same Old “Gunboat Diplomacy” By Dirk Pohlmann and Kristina Borjesson, January 17, 2022
Skeptic’s Alert: Washington and NYT Expose Russian False Flag By Kim Petersen, January 17, 2022
Video: “VaxNation”. Show Me Your Papers. Analysis by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms By Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, January 17, 2022
Dangerous Precedents and Hypothetical Threats: “Vaccine Exemption” and The Deportation of Tennis Player Novak Djokovic By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 17, 2022
Video: A Lawyer’s Thoughts on Justin Trudeau’s Comments and Compulsory Vaccinations By Nicholas Wansbutter and Don't Talk TV, January 17, 2022
JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass by Oliver Stone By Edward Curtin, January 17, 2022
Video: Nicaragua Towards Final Emancipation By Dr. Gustavo Porras Cortés and Daniel Kovalik, January 17, 2022