By Pedro de Alvarado on 01/19/2022

Will Mass African Migration Make Hispanics Immigration Patriots?

Earlier: Is The Black-Brown Coalition Unraveling?

Immigration is one issue on which Hispanics do not speak in one voice. Contrary to Karl Rove, many don’t really care for mass immigration and are even quite hostile to it. And if you put Hispanics under the microscope, you’ll find that hostility increases even more when it comes to the mass immigration of blacks.

Which raises an interesting point about the complexity of race relations in America. The current fixation is, of course, black vs. white, Jim Crow, the “legacy of slavery,” and “institutional racism.” But it’s worth taking a look at black vs. Hispanic, what Hispanics think of blacks, particularly immigrants, how blacks interact with other non-whites, and mass black immigration.

Those matters will be the most interesting to monitor as the country becomes less white in the following decades. In this new demographic ecosystem, blacks will be compelled to interact more with non-white immigrants and their descendants.

That does not portend a peaceful future. Black-on-Hispanic violence is epidemic. So is Black-Hispanic gang war.

They’re just another facet of the


Post By Former Agent on 01/19/2022
The Left never gives up on lawfare and why should they? The courts have been extremely generous to them in the past and there is every reason to believe they will be generous to them in the future. The saying about terrorism or an assassin is that the assassin only has to be lucky once, while the protection forces have to always be vigilant. The same applies to the open borders groups, who will sho...
Letter By Former Agent on 01/19/2022
Please remember, it's not just the poor illegal aliens giving birth on U.S. soil to get birthright citizenship.  It is also the elites from around the world. For example,  Baja California's lady Governor,  Marina del Pilar Ávila Olmeda, just gave birth to a  son, Diego José Torres Avila, her second child to be born in a hospital in Brawley, CA, and thus be entitled from birth to American citizensh...
Post By Anonymous Attorney on 01/19/2022
Earlier: Mollie Tibbetts’ Father Lauds "Same Values as Iowans" Hispanics in Iowa Michelle Go was by media accounts a lovely woman:  young, a graduate of NYU’s Stern School of Business, and charitable, working for years with the upscale Junior League to prepare homeless people for job interviews. The overtures were not repaid.   A 61-year-old black man, Simon Martial, pushed her to her death in a s...
Article By Ann Coulter on 01/19/2022

Our media are obsessed with Donald Trump, but Trump’s obsessed with Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida. For months now, Trump’s been playing the aging silent film star Norma Desmond in “Sunset Boulevard” to DeSantis’ younger, prettier Betty Schaefer.

Amid the hourly, annoying group emails to Trump’s list—“YOU are one of my TOP supporters!”—there was one from Roger Stone on November 2, 2021, denouncing DeSantis.

The insults sounded a lot like what Trump used to say about Stone:

Post By John Derbyshire on 01/19/2022
The Radio Derb transcript is up for January 14, 2022. Go here to read or listen. 01m49s  Triple lynching in Jim Snow Georgia.  (My savage indignation.) 11m01s  The case for complacent seat-warmers.  (Biden makes McConnell look good!) 16m01s  Supremely dumb.  (Sotomayorian metaphysics.) 25m18s  New York's mayoralty.  (A corrupt-a-palooza in the making.) 30m03s  The wisdom of The Talk.  (A warning fo...
Post By Noah Arnold on 01/19/2022
Meet Winston Glynn, left, a black 30-year-old Jamaican immigrant, who at 1:00 a.m. on January 9th, 2022 walked into an East Harlem Burger King and murdered 19-year-old Kristal Bayron-Nieves after she handed Glynn $100 cash from the register.  Bayron-Nieves was working what would have been her last night shift at the restaurant. After entering the fast-food restaurant, Glynn attacked the store manag...
Post By Steve Sailer on 01/19/2022
From my new column in Taki’s Magazine: Rembrandt never left the Netherlands in his life, but the recent Rembrandt in Amsterdam exhibition at the National Gallery of Canada still managed to obsess, in the style of our times, over slavery, colonialism, and racism. The Ottawa museum announced, with a straight face: The Dutch Republic of Rembrandt’s time had a very clear connection with the history of...
Post By James Kirkpatrick on 01/19/2022
On Thursday, at 4PM EST, I'll be interviewing Joseph Ford Cotto, author of Runaway Masters: A True Story of Slavery, Freedom, Triumph, and Tragedy Beyond 1619 and 1776 as well as Under the Crown and Stripes.  I strongly encourage you to give both a read. We'll be discussing the former because it is an extremely relevant story to the racial problems and conflicts America suffers from today.  Between...
Article By Washington Watcher II on 01/18/2022

President Joe Biden issued a stark order to Big Tech this week: “I make a special appeal to social media companies and media outlets. Please deal with the misinformation and disinformation that's on your shows. It has to stop” [Remarks by President Biden at Virtual Meeting on Military Deployments Supporting Hospitals for the COVID-⁠19 Response, WhiteHouse.gov, January 13, 2022]. It’s not the first time the Biden Regime has demanded more censorship from Big Tech—and it won’t be the last. Big Tech is already suppressing the Right. Twitter banned Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, the George Republican, for “spreading disinformation.” Also recently banned was mRNA vaccine pioneer Robert Malone. As the 2022 midterms approach, expect more. The Left’s end game, though, is abolishing Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. Happily, GOP leaders don’t seem to favor the idea. It’s a bad one that would cement Leftist control of the speech online.

Two important points to remember:

  • First, social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter are the major sources of information for a large part of the American population, including members of the Historic American Nation. Controlling social media, with the ability to censor information and ban “bad actors,” means controlling speech.
  • Second, the totalitarian controllers aren’t acting on their own. Leftist politicians and their spear-carriers in the Regime Media are pushing bans, censorship, and deplatforming with the zeal of Star Chamber judges.

After the Mostly Peaceful Unite the Right protest in Charlottesville, the loudest voices calling for tech censorship were journalists and politicians. Big Tech complied and suppressed the Alt-Right. The same thing happened after the Christchurch mosque shooting. Democrats hauled Big Tech execs before Congress to berate them and demand more censorship. Execs complied, but didn’t do enough.

Big Tech has since followed the dictates from Democrats and Journofa on the 2020 election, China Virus, and other

Post By Paul Kersey on 01/18/2022
When you understand the joke of Black Lives Matter, you’ll be able to truly comprehend the punchline.  Black folks, we must honor Dr. King this way: Stop killing each other. Especially our children, by Roy S. Johnson | rjohnson@al.com , AL.com, January 17, 2022 I don’t want to see another balloon rise toward the clouds to honor a dead child. An innocent dead child. I don’t want to hear another mot...


By Pedro de Alvarado on 01/19/2022

Will Mass African Migration Make Hispanics Immigration Patriots?

Earlier: Is The Black-Brown Coalition Unraveling?

Immigration is one issue on which Hispanics do not speak in one voice. Contrary to Karl Rove, many don’t really care for mass immigration and are even quite hostile to it. And if you put Hispanics under the microscope, you’ll find that hostility increases even more when it comes to the mass immigration of blacks.

Which raises an interesting point about the complexity of race relations in America. The current fixation is, of course, black vs. white, Jim Crow, the “legacy of slavery,” and “institutional racism.” But it’s worth taking a look at black vs. Hispanic, what Hispanics think of blacks, particularly immigrants, how blacks interact with other non-whites, and mass black immigration.

Those matters will be the most interesting to monitor as the country becomes less white in the following decades. In this new demographic ecosystem, blacks will be compelled to interact more with non-white immigrants and their descendants.

That does not portend a peaceful future. Black-on-Hispanic violence is epidemic. So is Black-Hispanic gang war.

They’re just another facet of the


By Ann Coulter on 01/19/2022

Our media are obsessed with Donald Trump, but Trump’s obsessed with Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida. For months now, Trump’s been playing the aging silent film star Norma Desmond in “Sunset Boulevard” to DeSantis’ younger, prettier Betty Schaefer.

Amid the hourly, annoying group emails to Trump’s list—“YOU are one of my TOP supporters!”—there was one from Roger Stone on November 2, 2021, denouncing DeSantis.

The insults sounded a lot like what Trump used to say about Stone:

By Washington Watcher II on 01/18/2022

President Joe Biden issued a stark order to Big Tech this week: “I make a special appeal to social media companies and media outlets. Please deal with the misinformation and disinformation that's on your shows. It has to stop” [Remarks by President Biden at Virtual Meeting on Military Deployments Supporting Hospitals for the COVID-⁠19 Response, WhiteHouse.gov, January 13, 2022]. It’s not the first time the Biden Regime has demanded more censorship from Big Tech—and it won’t be the last. Big Tech is already suppressing the Right. Twitter banned Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, the George Republican, for “spreading disinformation.” Also recently banned was mRNA vaccine pioneer Robert Malone. As the 2022 midterms approach, expect more. The Left’s end game, though, is abolishing Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. Happily, GOP leaders don’t seem to favor the idea. It’s a bad one that would cement Leftist control of the speech online.

Two important points to remember:

  • First, social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter are the major sources of information for a large part of the American population, including members of the Historic American Nation. Controlling social media, with the ability to censor information and ban “bad actors,” means controlling speech.
  • Second, the totalitarian controllers aren’t acting on their own. Leftist politicians and their spear-carriers in the Regime Media are pushing bans, censorship, and deplatforming with the zeal of Star Chamber judges.

After the Mostly Peaceful Unite the Right protest in Charlottesville, the loudest voices calling for tech censorship were journalists and politicians. Big Tech complied and suppressed the Alt-Right. The same thing happened after the Christchurch mosque shooting. Democrats hauled Big Tech execs before Congress to berate them and demand more censorship. Execs complied, but didn’t do enough.

Big Tech has since followed the dictates from Democrats and Journofa on the 2020 election, China Virus, and other

By Michelle Malkin on 01/18/2022

I'm not mad that some venture capital mogul (whom I'd never heard of before) said this week on a podcast (which I'd also never heard of before) that "nobody cares about what's happening to the Uyghurs."

I am, however, mildly (but not surprisingly) annoyed that this blundering billionaire backed down so quickly in the face of exactly the kind of virtue-signaling bloviators whom he so rightfully criticized in the first place.

Chamath Palihapitiya, who is apparently a former AOL and Facebook executive and founder of a Palo Alto investment firm called Social Capital, outraged the perpetually outraged mob by dismissing his cohost Jason Calacanis' praise for the Biden administration's "very strong" support of Muslim Uyghurs in China.

Palihapitiya retorted that "Nobody cares about what's happening to the Uyghurs, OK? You bring it up because you really care, and I think it's nice that you care, the rest of us don't care. I'm just telling you...a very hard, ugly truth. Of all the things I care about, yes, it is below my line." Palihapitiya then listed his own priority list of Official Things One Should Care More About, including "climate change" and America's "health care infrastructure."

By Nicholas Stix on 01/17/2022

Earlier by Peter Brimelow: 2022: Time To Rethink Martin Luther King Day? Now More Than Ever!

Martin Luther King Jr. Day, still under way, is now the holiest day of the Left’s Liturgical Year (although January 6th is coming up fast). Yet the civic religion that canonized King is rooted in myths, half-truths, and outright lies, most notably concerning what Founding Americans such as Thomas Jefferson believed about the race question. King wanted “Civil Rights,” which turn out to mean Quotas, Set-Asides and Reparations, aka Racial Socialism. Jefferson, like most Americans at the time and thereafter, wanted blacks “colonized,” aka resettled in another country. And that’s just the beginning of the problems with King and his “legacy.”

In his most famous speech, the plagiarized I Have A Dream oration at the Lincoln Monument on August 28, 1963, for instance, King advocated equalitarian pieties that he actually opposed, as I’ve explained here before. But he also included ridiculous claims about the American Founding:

So we’ve come here today to dramatize a shameful condition. In a sense we’ve come to our nation’s capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was the promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note in so far as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked “insufficient funds.”

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”

That “promissory note” is now a demand for racial reparations.

(By the way, I believe one of King’s speechwriters stole the phrase “I have a dream” from recently departed composer-lyricist Stephen Sondheim (1930-2021), who wrote it as a phrase running through the hit 1959 Broadway musical and 1962 film adaptation, Gypsy—"I had a dream, a wonderful dream,” etc. [Some People lyrics, YouTube]).

But as for “all men are created equal,” neither Jefferson nor any of the other Founding Fathers ever meant that to apply to blacks. Otherwise, they would have abolished slavery in the new federal Constitution. Jefferson was writing about equality before the law among whites of different social classes, in contrast to the hereditary privilege that ruled in England and Europe.

Jefferson’s thoughts on race have been either butchered or  suppressed, and his remarkable life now reduced to the Sally Hemings Hoax.

Consider the Jefferson Memorial. As the remarkable but needless to say unsung Carleton Putnam pointed out sixty years ago, in a book vainly opposing the integration mania:

The Jefferson Memorial has the following quotation
By Patrick J. Buchanan on 01/17/2022
In 2014, when Russian President Vladimir Putin responded to a U.S.-backed coup that ousted a pro-Russian regime in Kyiv by occupying Crimea, President Barack Obama did nothing. When Putin aided secessionists in the Donbass in seizing Luhansk and Donetsk, once again, Obama did nothing. Why did we not come to the military assistance of Ukraine? Because Ukraine is not a member of NATO. We had no oblig...