
Moppets For Company

Chelsea Moppet

Last week the Moppet dogs came to Rancho Ferg fer a visit. I guess it would be more accurate to say that three quarters of the Moppets came actually. Only the blond moppets came here, the black haired moppet went to Ham-ell-town. They were all good fun, especially Chelsea Moppet, who is my favourite of the Moppet crew. They stayed for a few days an then had to go back home. I was sad to see them leave since we were having great fun chasing each other arownd the yard. I’m hopin’ that they com back some time. Here’s a picture of Chelsea Moppet for yer viewing pleasure.


Now for the all important puppy update. Like I told you a while ago, Gwen and Cleo are staying here to live with us. Gwen started school last week and Cleo is starting trick classes next week. Not sure what thats all abowt. Maybe she’ll learn some manners. That would be quite a trick! I can’t even go into a room now with out her getting in my face and swattin’ at me. Mom says that its some kind of puppy suck-up behaviour, but it makes me nuts.

In funny news, dad got some kinda odd foot things. He calls them snowshoes, and they make him walk like a duck. Me an Ida go for walks in the field with him an’ his snowshoes. We try not to laugh. Last few times that we went out with him we saw the wild turkeys. We try to chase them, but they

Me In the Corn Feild

just fly up into the trees till we’re gone, then they come back to the field fer the left over corn. Check out this great picture of me dashing through the corn field. Anyhow, that’s all the news for today. See ya later,

Ferg 😀

Seezuns Greetings!

Me an the Agility Field

Hi again, its me Ferg. Here is a picture of me standing in front of the agility field. As you can see, it doesn’t got any agility stuff in it whatsoever. It only has snow in it now and sometimes some wild turkeys from out in the corn field. This was suprizin to me since I didn’t know that turkeys were interested in agility. Anyways, since there is snow that means that Big Horse Barn agility has started fer another year. Me and Ida-boo and mom and dad go there once a week fer jumps and tunnels. The puppies have all gone to their new homes now and Gwen and Cleo are gonna stay here.

Ivy Leavin'

 It looks like Cleo is gonna keep her original name, so its good to see that mom and dad managed to name one of the ten puppies correct. They started Pretty Dog classes before Christmas and mom’s gonna take em to dog shows just like me and Ida did when we were liddle.

Louis Going Home

I’m not sure when they get to start playing agility.

Dinah Sayin Bye

Probably next summer when the field gets stuff in it again. I included some pictures of the last puppies leavin just to remind everyone abowt what they look like.

Bye fer now, Fergus 😀


Louis found a grouse in our yard. It wasn’t a happy grouse, in fact it was a dead grouse, but since Louis found it, it was Louis’ grouse. Louis came trottin across the yard pleased as can be wit his head held high and his grouse in his mowf. Mom seen Louis comin an says, “Oh look, Louis has a toy!”  Then Louis gits closer an mom says, “what have you got Louis? and quick calls dad. Louis musta sensed an issue wit his grouse ownership, cause he took a quick turn and tried ta get away from mom, cept the grouse was so big that when he tried ta move fast he kept trippin on it. So anyhow, mom caught upta Louis easily. They had a stand off , like two gunfighters in an old western movie and then quick as a flash, mom pulls a cupla old cookie bits outa her pocket  and shows em to Louis. Louis musta thought that cookie bits in the hand was better than a grouse in the mouth, cause he dropped the bird and snarfed the cookies. Then he looked real surprised when mom picked up the grouse and walked away with it. Anyways it didn’t take long fer Louis to move onta other things, and the poor grouse faded into memory.

The end.

Bye fer now…Ferg 🙂

Busy Times

Cleo and Grampa Ferg

Busy, busy. That’s the way the end of summer has been. First we went campin at a place called Long Sault. It’s a long car ride from my howse to get there but its worth the drive. There is a big dog show with agility and stuff every year. Jody and her friends put it on. Mom an dad help wit the agility part. I got ta do some agility when I was there and I got a cool blue Q ribbon fer one of my agility runs. Dad said that I acted like a Hi-eenah the rest of the time but the way he said it made it seem bad. Not sure what that’s all abowt. Billie’s new peeple came to Long Sault frum far away in Montreal where

Sayin Bye To Billy

 they speak French and took Billie to her new home. She got a new name too. Her’s is Mishka. Cool name huh? So anyways after Long Sault we had anudder agility thing closer to home. I gotta ribbon there too, but this one was red. I think that’s the end of outside agility this summer except at my howse. So on ta puppy news. Five of the liddle uns got new peeple now and five of em are still livin wit us. They are gettin pretty big now

Cleo The Escape Artist

an make me laugh. Liddle Cleo has turned in ta an escape artist. She kin get up and over the gate in the kitchen in no time. She landed in da mop bucket doin it one day last week. Louis has decided that hees king of the puppies and tries to be the big boss. That works till he tries it on Ivy then its game over. Ivy don’t think hees the puppy king. Mom decided that Blossom is gonna live here wit us and wouldn’t ya know it but mom changed her name too. Now sheez called Gwen. I hope mom don’t change my name cause I like bein’ Fergus!

So that’s all fer now, Ferg.


Duke Sayin' Bye To Dad

Monk Havin' His Last Cuddle Wit Mom

Well. It seems like just yesterday that Ida-Boo came home with her new puppies…then all of a sudden they are nine weeks old. They went from liddle blobs to liddle dogs, runnun an barkin an playin an with their own personalities and everything. It’s quite a transformation and I never seen nothin like it before in my life. Anyways some of the liddle uns started to get their own peeple this week and moved out to houses of their own and carry on wit life’s big adventure. First to go was Monk. Monk moved to a place in California with two nice new peeple.  They took him away on an airplane. Since hees just liddle he got ta ride inside where the peeple sit. Lucky boy! I’m five and I never been on an airplane. I already seen some pictures of him in his new howse an it looks pretty neat. He has a beardie frend there named Ace who likes him too. Oh yeah he changed his name now ta Wellington or Welles fer short.  Next ta leave was Duke. Duke went to a place called Kenora to live with his new peeple and Gwyn the beardie girl. His new mom flew ta Toronto on an airplane ta pick him up and mom met them at the air plane port with Duke to send him on his way. So Duke got to go on an airplane ride too, and since hees also liddle he sat in with the

Cab On His Way To Tronna

peeple . Duke also gots a new name. Hees gonna be calle Seamus. Didn’t get no new pictures of Duke yet but he did send a nice letter to mom. I think someone helped him to write it, like his new mom or somethin. Then after that and before you knew it young Cab was also on his way ta live with some other new peeple in Terronto. They was arownd to visit with the puppies a cupla times and then came back to pick up Cab and take him to his new home on Friday. No word on new names yet fer Cab so maybe he will just stay wit that name. I’ll keep ya updated on the Cab name thing

Ella Gettin' Ready To Go

when I know fer sure. And finally, today wee  Miss Ella left with her new peeple to go to her new home in British Columbia, in a place called Tsawwassen. That’s quite a name isn’t it? Her new peeple have a Beardie named Rusty Brown. Hees a blog readin dog so he clearly is a fellow of culture and gud taste. I’m sure that Wee Ella will be a happy gurl there. Oh, Ella’s gonna have a new name too. If we ever have puppies agin then mom and dad will need ta get way better at name pickin so that the liddle uns don’t hafta git their names all changed over. So anyways, the puppy pen sure looks emptier now then it did a few days ago. Mom and Dad are none too happy about sayin goodbye to all the young uns. Mom cries and dad

Contemplatin' Life

just gets quiet an all. I’m not sure how I feel abowt it. I do miss them and they sure are fun to watch, but mom and dad are so busy with puppy stuff that I feel kinda left out. I think Merlin feels the same way, so we will probly be glad when stuff gets back to normal. That’s all fer tonight.  I included some pictures of the puppies that left fer new homes and also a picture of me and Ida just hangin arownd.

Bye fer now…Ferg.

Was this really necessary?

Okay. So mom says hey Ferg! We got invited to a Scottish breed exhibition, how ’bout that! Let’s go, it will be fun. Noboby said nothin at any time about a bath!! So what I wanna know is how come these things always involve baths? Comments on this issue would be welcome ’cause its not clear to me, no siree. Anyhow, we got

Mom Says I Clean Up Nice

through the whole bath thing and went to this place in Toronto and I got to meet some Dandy Dinmonts and some other Scottish dogs and kids and peeple too. So, I guess it wasn’t soo bad. Change of topic now. I wanna talk abowt our kitchen. It used to be a nice kitchen. It has a pretent liddle fire hydrant with treats in it. It has a big cupboard with treats in it. It has a big fridge with treats in it. Well you get the idea. It has lotsa dog critical items in it. So now it has a big plastic fence across the one end and closed glass doors on the other end and down by the closed doors is a big puppy pen. Yup, its puppy terror-torry. No big dogs allowed! Harumph! Now on to our update on the wee beasties. Mom an’ dad took em out in the back yard fer a romp and anudder rownd of pictures with our own Mister Sheepie. Remember that I told ya a while back that one day the pups would be bigger than Mister Sheepie? Well the day has come. They are all eye to eye wit the sheep and some are even bigger. Seems like they grow up fast don’t it? Anyways, heers the latest puppy slide show fer yur enjoyment. The pictures was taken when they were six weeks old. Weel talk later, Ferg 😀

Me Hollarin'

Hey hey…Fergus here. Been quiet here except fer the usual puppy uproar arownd feedin time. It sounds kinda like poldergeist muppets yellin their heads off. Mom an dad had ’em out in the grass yesterday fer the first time runnun arownd. Kinda fun to watch. Anyhow here’s a picture of me hollarin my way down the A-frame and a slide show of the puppies yesterday. Dad says they was 33 days old at the time.


Ferg 🙂

Fun In The Tunnel

Hi agin, Fergus here. I’ve been enjoyin the agility field quite a bit lately. When I do good stuff on the jumps, then dad throws my toy fer me to chase. Its great fun! Sometimes Ida gets to come out and play too, but sheez not allowed to jump high or play on the A Frame on account of her bein a new mom and all. This brings us all to the weekly puppy update. Sadly they still haven’t learned to tell


time yet, so the mornin howl still starts at sun up. They had their first bath yesterday, and let me tell you, they was a sad buncha puppies then! Ivy in particular had a lot to say abowt the whole bath thing, and they wasn’t happy words either. When it was all done though they was a nice lookin buncha clean fluffy puppies. Chech out the slideshow to see fer yourself.

See ya later, Ferg 🙂

Well hello. Lotsa big news this week. I problee should have written a cupla posts fer all this stuff, but heer goes.

Me and Ida-Boo In Fergus Field

First up is the agility field news. Its done and we’re usin’ it. I included a picture of me and Ida-Boo standin in the field in front of some of our stuff. Dad calls it the agility field but I like to think of it as “Fergus Field.” Its got a nice ring to it don’t ya think. Send some comments on this ’cause I want dad to make a sign fer the gate way. Oh yeah, I mighta mentioned before abowt the mystery sticks that dad planted arownd the field. It turns out that they are posts fer the fence arownd the field. I believe that the fence it ta keep coyotes an foxes outa the field. This is ’cause they don’t have any trainin’ on using jumps and tunnels and they might get hurt on account of that.

Next big news is our kennel has a new web site at http://ballinorig.com. Dad’s still messin arownd with it ta get it just right, but there’s pictures of me and Ida and Merlin and puppies and me there fer your viewing pleasure and lotsa other stuff. Check it out and fer makin it easy theres a link in my blog roll over on the right.

And finally there is of course the weekly puppy update. The little monsters are a bit more than 2 weeks old now, so their eyes and ears are open and they have learned the all important skills of barkin and howlin. I learned some important things abowt puppy development. Fer instance the first thing that puppies start to do when they can see each other is start ta fight. Yup thats right. Its nuthin serious though since they are kinda wobbly and fall over every 2 seconds so the fights don’t last long. Similarly as soon as they kin hear, they start ta bark an howl. They are loud too! I’m hopin that next week they learn ta tell time so that they don’t start the mornin howl until a more sociable hour than sunrise. Anyhow I included a new puppy slide show with some pictures taken when they were 16 days old.

See ya later…Ferg 😀

Happy Canada Day!

Mister sheepie and the Gran-dogs got all gussied up fer Canada Day an’ dad took a buncha pictures. He turned them into a slide show to make it easier to see ’em all. Here they is, the whole gang fer yer viewing pleasure.