Auction Report – November 2021

Rising auction listings across the capitals have provided buyers greater choice, weakening clearance rates in Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra.

Key findings

  • November 2021 was the busiest auction month on record, with Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane and Canberra having the highest number of auctions ever to be held in a single month.
  • Sydney recorded the highest number of auction listings since Domain records began in 1995. Clearance rates have slowed to a 12-month low, but this is a result of increased volumes and reduced competition. 
  • Sydney’s median auction house price fell 3.6 per cent over the month to $1.95 million but is still up 21.9 per cent over the year.
  • In Melbourne, pent-up supply continued to enter the market over November, recording the second-highest volume of auctions since records began. This followed the previous month’s record high.
  • Canberra’s median auction house price hit an all-time high of $1.15 million.  
  • Adelaide recorded its highest November clearance rate since records began in 2002, highlighting the continued demand for auctions.
  • Clearance rates for houses continued to outperform units across Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Canberra but this has slowed overall.
  • Median house auction prices hit a record high in Canberra, Brisbane and Adelaide.

Capital cities

Table 1. Auction performance for November 2021

City Clearance rate Auctions scheduled Auction sold Passed in Sold prior Withdrawn
Sydney 70.0% 5549 3330 620 39.2% 17.0%
Melbourne 71.0% 6098 3571 840 27.6% 12.3%
Brisbane 74.9% 951 534 53 32.3% 17.7%
Adelaide 77.3% 1002 530 104 20.0% 7.6%
Canberra 86.1% 631 416 40 35.8% 5.6%
Geographies are based on ABS GCCSA geography. Auction reporting rates are 85.7 per cent in Sydney, 82.5 per cent in Melbourne, 75.0 per cent in Brisbane, 68.5 per cent in Adelaide and 76.5 per cent in Canberra.

Table 2. Houses auction performance for November 2021

City Clearance rate Sold prior Withdrawn Median price
Sydney 70.9% 36.2% 15.3% $1,950,000
Melbourne 72.2% 27.5% 10.9% $1,210,500
Brisbane 76.4% 32.0% 16.4% $1,195,000
Adelaide 78.4% 20.0% 6.7% $805,000
Canberra 87.3% 35.7% 4.0% $1,150,000

Table 3. Units auction performance for November 2021

City Clearance rate Sold prior Withdrawn Median price
Sydney 67.5% 47.4% 21.5% $1,150,000
Melbourne 66.5% 27.9% 17.6% $739,500
Brisbane 61.1% 34.7% 29.2% $568,675
Adelaide 59.5% 19.0% 21.4% $480,000
Canberra 81.9% 36.2% 11.4% $684,000


Clearance rates

Clearance rates recorded a drop from 75.9 per cent to 70.0 per cent in November, to hit a 12 month low. This is the second month in a row of slowing clearance rates as more homes hit the market, giving buyers more choice. 

Figure 1. Sydney auction clearance rate and volume

Auction volumes

Clearance rates have continued to decline off the back of increased volumes. Auction volumes rose for the third consecutive month in November, up 27.5 per cent, signalling strong seller sentiment. The surge in auctions occurred as a result of vendor confidence with the movement back to in-person auctions after the end of lockdowns.

In comparison to the five-year average auction volume for November from 2016 to 2020, volumes this November are tracking 46.4 per cent higher. 

Sold prior

The proportion of reported auctions selling prior to auction day has dipped slightly, hovering just below the 40-45 per cent range seen from July to October. This November, 39.2 per cent of sellers accepted an offer prior to auction day. As the property market transitions back to in-person auctions, we expect the sold-prior rate to continue to ease, although the trend of sales occurring before auction may remain higher than the historical average for now, particularly with increased choice and reduced competition.

Withdrawn auctions

The rate of withdrawn auctions grew in November, increasing to 17.0 per cent, and up from the decade average of 13.8 per cent, ending three months of consecutive decline.

When there are more withdrawn auctions, there is a rise in the number of auction campaigns that are counted as unsuccessful, which leads to a negative impact on clearance rates.

Postponed auctions

The proportion of postponed auctions has fallen to represent 8.7 per cent of all auctions, maintaining the downward trajectory from the July high of 22 per cent, showing improved market sentiment from sellers. However, postponed auctions still remain elevated relative to historical averages, with the decade-long average coming in at 5.5 per cent.

Postponed auctions are expected to continue to fall over the next few months as buyers and sellers adjust to normality with onsite auctions post-lockdown.

Houses and units

For 18 straight months, house clearance rates have outperformed units. The difference is slim, declining from October, with 3.4 percentage points distinguishing the two.

Record house price growth has contributed to the narrowing difference in auctions. While there continues to be a preference for houses at auction, the relative affordability of units compared to houses may push unit clearance rates up in the near future. The longer-term underperformance of units means that first-home buyers and investors will be drawn by the perception of value and potential future growth. 

Auction prices

In November, the median auction price for houses fell from the previous month’s record high of $2.04 million, finishing at $1.95 million, down 3.6 per cent over the month but still up 21.9 per cent over the year.

The median auction price for units remained steady at $1.15 million over November, growing 21.1 per cent over the year.

Table 4. Sydney region clearance rates

Region Clearance rate Annual change
Baulkham Hills And Hawkesbury 67.7% -1.5ppt
Blacktown 64.2% -2.9ppt
Central Coast 69.3% -2.4ppt
City And Inner South 69.6% 3.6ppt
Eastern Suburbs 71.9% 6.6ppt
Inner South West 69.0% 1.8ppt
Inner West 70.8% 3.6ppt
North Sydney And Hornsby 72.6% -0.3ppt
Northern Beaches 76.0% -7.2ppt
Outer South West 65.0% 5.9ppt
Outer West And Blue Mountains 57.9% -19.9ppt
Parramatta 61.9% 3.8ppt
Ryde 75.5% 2.2ppt
South West 65.7% -7.2ppt
Sutherland 71.5% 2.2ppt


Clearance rates

Clearance rates have fallen in November, ending two consecutive months of growth in Melbourne, falling from 72.6 per cent to 71.0 per cent. The dip coincides with the significant growth in listings in October and November and a full month of onsite inspections and auctions post lockdown. 

Figure 2. Melbourne auction clearance rate and volume 

Auction volumes

Auction volumes remained steady in November, falling short of the all-time auction listings high in October but recording the second-highest volumes since Domain records began in 1997. Growth decreased marginally by 0.03 per cent month on month, with 6,098 scheduled auctions in November. The high number of auctions has led to volumes maintaining their strong 10-year average, up 50.1 per cent for November from 2011 to 2020. 

Pent-up supply continued to enter the market in November as selling conditions became more clear and sellers became satisfied with growth in the property market. 

Sold prior

Auctions sold prior recorded a marginal fall over November, with 27.6 per cent of reported auctions accepting a bid prior to auction day. Compared to the decade average of 15 per cent, sold priors remained elevated in November. 


The auction withdrawal rate has fallen again, down 2.4 percentage points in November to represent 12.3 per cent of all reported auctions. The reduction in withdrawn auctions has resulted from the ability to conduct in-person auctions.


Postponed auctions have again declined in November to represent just 7.1 per cent of all reported auctions. This month’s figure is a continuation of the downward trend seen after September’s record postponement rate high of 59.9 per cent. With onsite inspections and auctions in full swing, the continuing fall in postponement rates indicates that the broader intention to sell is still strong as buyers have the ability to attend onsite inspections. 

Houses and units

For the 16th consecutive month, house clearance rates have outperformed units. The difference has been steadily falling from July, rebounding higher in October before falling again in November by 5.7 percentage points.

Auction prices

The median auction price for houses rose 11.5 per cent over the year to $1.211 million, dipping slightly from October’s record high. For units, the median auction price rose 12.4 per cent year-over-year to $739,500 and down marginally from October, by 0.1 per cent.

Table 5. Melbourne region clearance rates

Region Clearance rate Annual change
Melbourne – Inner 69.0% 5.5ppt
Melbourne – Inner East 71.0% 5.6ppt
Melbourne – Inner South 73.6% 6.4ppt
Melbourne – North East 71.1% 0.1ppt
Melbourne – North West 71.2% 6.6ppt
Melbourne – Outer East 73.9% 12.2ppt
Melbourne – South East 69.3% 11.2ppt
Melbourne – West 69.5% 13.2ppt
Mornington Peninsula 74.8% -1.2ppt


Clearance rates

Clearance rates in Canberra are down 1.8 percentage points month on month, going from 87.9 per cent in October to 86.1 per cent in November but still remain strong relative to other markets.  

Canberra has extended its run of clearance rates above 80 per cent for every month (January figures are excluded due to low auction volumes) this year into our November results. This highlights the booming auction market and high demand that is currently present in the nation’s capital.

Figure 3. Canberra auction clearance rate and volume

Auction volumes

Auction volumes have surged again in November, recording the highest number of auction listings since records began in 1999. There were 631 auctions scheduled over the month, up 16 per cent from October. 

Volumes are 45.1 per cent higher compared to the five-year average for November from 2016 to 2020. The rise in auction listings this month is likely due to pent-up supply and increased confidence as demand remains high.  

Sold prior

Sellers continue to accept an offer prior to auction day over November, at 35.8 per cent of reported auctions this month. This remains almost three times the decade average. 


Withdrawn auctions again rose over November by 1.3 percentage points to 5.6 per cent. The auction withdrawal rate is 0.4 percentage points above the decade average.

While this puts downward pressure on the clearance rate due to an increase in unsuccessful campaigns, the increase has not been enough to substantiate a significant reduction in the clearance rate.

Houses and units

House clearance rates fell to 87.3 per cent in November, down 3.8 percentage points from October, but this is the third consecutive month of clearance rates above 85 per cent.

For units, the clearance rate hit 81.9 per cent, up 4.7 percentage points from October’s result and the highest clearance rate since February 2011. 

Auction prices

The median auction house price hit a record high in November, rising 6.5 per cent to $1.15 million. Year-over-year house prices at auction have grown 24.9 per cent.

Table 6. Canberra region clearance rates

Region Clearance rate Annual change
Belconnen 87.9% 16.1ppt
Gungahlin 87.4% 18.1ppt
North Canberra 78.6% 1.5ppt
South Canberra 86.0% 18.5ppt
Tuggeranong 81.9% 11.5ppt
Weston Creek 91.2% 6.8ppt
Woden Valley 88.9% 13.4ppt


The Domain auction clearance rate is the percentage of properties successfully sold prior to, or at, an auction. The clearance rate is calculated by dividing auction sales by the number of reported auctions, including those withdrawn or postponed.

Domain aims to collect all auction outcomes, this can take longer in some states. Cities with below 95 per cent reporting rate are considered to be preliminary. Perth, Hobart and Darwin are not included due to either low volumes of scheduled auctions or due to the lag time of collections.

Domain records began in 1995 in NSW, 1997 in Victoria, 1999 in the ACT, 2001 in Queensland and 2002 in South Australia.

Auctions scheduled: The number of all auctions scheduled for the day, including those that were withdrawn from auction at the last minute. Reporting rate: The number of auction results collected by Domain out of the total auctions. Auction sold: Property sold under auction conditions, or prior to auction. Withdrawn: Property did not go to auction. Passed in: Property did not sell at auction. For the purpose of calculating auction clearance rates, properties sold after auction are considered Passed in results