Don’t miss out.
Be seen by sellers.
Invisibility is a tempting superpower, right? Not where property is concerned!

No real estate agent wants to be invisible. Are you being seen by your next seller?
Be seen early
A successful agent is always looking for their next listing, but it can take time for sellers to enter the market.

To be seen by potential sellers, make sure you’re part of their journey as early as possible. Build your brand and foster relationships so when they’re ready to go to market, you’re top of mind.

Today's buyer may be tomorrow's vendor.
The average property buyer spends slightly less than a year searching before buying “the one”¹
people in the property market will also be looking to sell a property within the next 12 months²
Be seen in all the right places
A hot market doesn’t mean a house will always sell itself or get your vendor the best price, just as listing on one portal won’t always reach the full market.
of Domain app users do not use the nearest competitor’s property app⁴
around 50%
of people search more than one property portal because they “don’t believe one portal has all the listings on the market”³
But with listings you may not find anywhere else, wouldn’t you want to give your brand every opportunity to be seen by buyers and sellers on Domain and help win your next listing?
There are over
1.7 million
people actively looking for a home to buy on Domain⁷
We are working closely with Nine to unlock new audiences, channels and sponsorships tapping into their
15.9 million
unique audience⁶
Our audience has grown, with a combined digital and print audience of
9.4 million
Be more visible to the right people
Be seen by our growing, engaged audience and get your brand in front of buyers and sellers that matter.
Access a wider-than-ever search network and be seen across the homepages of Nine, 9News and their leading news site for your state.
“Do you want to know what agents do to be incredibly successful? Well, they make sure that they never miss out on that opportunity to optimise, to be in front of more buyers and more sellers more often.”
Josh Phegan - Real Estate Trainer Coach
Be active in the market
One of the best ways an agent can market themselves to potential sellers is to make their in-market activity as visible as possible.

Did you know that updating your Domain Agent Profile can help you rank better on Google? Notify your Account Manager and we will do our best to help you be seen.
Almost 7 in 10
listings on Domain have been shared with others. That’s more eyes on your properties and more eyes on you.⁸
Over a third
of Domain’s listings result in an agent’s profile being viewed. Not only are your properties being seen but you are also being seen.⁸

Top agents share their tips on how they win Saturdays

Get in touch with the team at Domain to learn more

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Source: 1. Domain research, Picnic Customer Intelligence, average Australian residential property buyers journey of 10.7 months, June 2021, The Buyer Journey; 2. YouGov Profiles, 52-week period to 22 Aug 2021, % share among people likely to buy a new home in the next 6 to 12 months, Australia; 3. Domain research, April 2021, share of respondents in the property market (at that time or in the last year) in NSW, VIC, QLD, SA and WA who use 2+ property portals; 4. Domain app audience who do not use our closest competitor App, iPhone and Android phone average, App Annie, Avg of Apr 20 - Mar 21, Australia; 5. emmaCMV™ conducted by Ipsos Australia, People 14+ for the 12 months ending March 2021, P14+ Nielsen Digital Panel data calibrated to Digital Content Ratings March 2021, Domain audience based on Domain Digital & Print (Domain Magazines in the SMH, The Age & AFR, Prestige & Domain Review). Data for National; 6. Nielsen Digital Content Planning, Mar 2021, P18+, Digital (C/M), Text, Monthly Unique Audience, Nine Entertainment Co. *DIsclaimer: IAB Australia, Nine & Domain are currently unable to support the Nielsen Digital Content Planning as outstanding methodology concerns and data queries remain unresolved, See more here:…umetric-measurement/; 7. emmaCMV™ conducted by Ipsos Australia, People 14+ for the 12 months ending Mar 21, P14+ Nielsen Digital Panel data calibrated to Digital Content Ratings Mar 21, Domain (digital) & Print (Domain Magazines in the SMH, The Age & AFR, Prestige & Domain Review, Serious Home Buyers based on those who intend to buy a home in the N12M, Data for National; 8. Domain internal data, 12-month average to 18 Aug 2021, Residential, Sale listings, 69% Agent Views, 36% Agent Shares.