About Sapara width=
Amazonia Ecuador
Sapara Amazonia Ecuador
About Kuna Yala width=
Kuna Yala
Kuna Yala  Panama
About Maasai width=
Maasai  Kenya
About Parque de la Papa width=
Parque de la Papa
Cusco Peru
Parque de la Papa Cusco Peru
About Pacific North American tribes width=
Pacific North American tribes
Pacific North American tribes
About Adivasi width=
Andhra India
Adivasi Andhra India
About Huay Manao width=
Huay Manao
Huay Manao Thailand
Huay Manao Huay Manao Thailand
About Ifugao width=
Ifugao  Philippines
About Skolt Sami width=
Skolt Sami
Province of Lapland Finland
Skolt Sami Province of Lapland Finland
Welcome to IPCCA

As indigenous peoples around the world face extreme climatic events that threaten their livelihoods and well-being, responses that stem from indigenous knowledge, experiences, wisdom and world views are urgently needed.  The Indigenous Peoples’ Bio cultural Climate Change Assessment Initiative (IPCCA) has emerged as an innovative response, bringing together indigenous knowledge and science in a process which links bio cultural realities with complex global processes.  

Use of bio cultural methods and tools involve communities from around the world in the assessment of climate change and local well-being and the development of evidence-based responses for climate change adaptation.

We believe that indigenous adaptation processes must continue nurturing bio cultural diversity in order to build resilience and better respond and adapt to the changes we face.



Native American Perspectives on the Total Solar Eclipse; August 21, 2017

http://www.denverpost.com/2017/08/19/tribes-hope-renewal-solar-eclipse/ ...

'Indigenous peoples are the best guardians of world's biodiversity'

Interview with UN Special Rapporteur Victoria Tauli-Corpuz t ...
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IPCCA Methodological Toolkit

This toolkit presents a practical methodology for developing and facilitating indigenous LA under the framework of the IPCCA, providing methodological options and practical examples to support their local implem ...
More toolkits
Posesión del Nuevo Consejo de Gobierno de la Nación SaparaPosesión del Nuevo Consejo de Gobierno de la Nación Sapara Life and culture Life and culture - Sapara Nombramiento de los Nuevos Dirigentes de la Nación SaparaNombramiento de los Nuevos Dirigentes de la Nación Sapara

The recently formed Gender Working Group aims to create case studies and guidelines for LAs to evaluate their implementation process through a gender lens. ...

The REDD+ Working Group focuses on sharing information about the REDD process and REDD preparedness, as well as developing work on the non-carbon benefits of forests.  ...
H9 Ave. Sacsayhuaman, Manuel Prado
Cusco, Peru
Tel: 0051-84-245021
© IPCCA 2013
diseño gráfico: Gissel Enriquez