  1. 3. tammik.

    'in tukemat Huthikapinalliset ovat saaneet huomattavaa sotasaalista merirosvoamalla Saudien kalustoa siirtävän aluksen.

  2. 3. tammik.

    Tänään tulee kuluneeksi 2v siitä, kun surmasi 'in vallankumouskaarti joukkojen komentajan Qassem 'n lentokentällä määräyksestä. Isku johti erittäin kiristyneeseen kansainvälispoliittiseen tilanteeseen USA & Iranin välillä.

    Näytä tämä ketju
  3. 9. tammik.

    آبشار یخ زده سنگان ، تهران زیبا ( کشوری هست به زیبایی ایران باشد؟! )

  4. 10 tuntia sitten

    ⚡️⚡️⚡️ to Allow Businesses Use for Int’l Settlements 💰💰

  5. Health Ministry announced on Tuesday: Total number of patients recovered: 6,054,670 Total number of infected cases: 6,210,298 Total number of death toll: 131,940 In the past 24 hours: New cases tested positive: 1,961 New death toll: 25

  6. 10. tammik.
  7. 8. tammik.

    Today Zara Mohammadi commenced her five year prison sentence in Sine, Eastern Kurdistan. Her crime is teaching the Kurdish language. She said goodbye with so much grace, it will only fuel more people to keep our language alive under Iranian occupation.

  8. 19 tuntia sitten

    Could you imagine the global outcry if was threatening the Christians presence? Impunity is the missing word

  9. 9. tammik.

    From Jan 14th-16th, 26th Free Iran Telethon in support of IranNTV (Simaye Azadi), a commercial free TV & pioneer in creating a bridge of communication between Iran & the world solely dedicated to echoing voice of freedom in will be held.

  10. 9. tammik.

    From 14-16 January 2022 the IRANNTV will held a to support democracy movement in . Take part and join us in this campaign

  11. 4 tuntia sitten
  12. 8. tammik.

    Victims of Ethiopia's drone attacks on IDP camp, northwest Tigray. provide drones to Ethiopia.

  13. 9. tammik.

    : Political prisoner Mohammad Javad Vafaei Sani, 26, has been sentenced to death after he endured two years in prison under torture on charges of “supporting MEK,” & “corruption on earth". UN Secretary General & UN High Commissioner for Human Rights should take urgent action

    Mohammad Javad Vafaei Sani
  14. 9. tammik.

    Drones by the , and are killing civilians in Tigray—many of whom are children—and contributing to the instability in the Horn of Africa. As long as Abiy has drones, we will not see peace.

    Näytä tämä ketju
  15. 9. tammik.
  16. 8. tammik.

    Families of victims of the downed Ukrainian flight persistently seek for 2 yrs. Those responsible for crime have also been involved in 4 decades of massacres, torture & executions. 's people seek accountability for Khamenei, Raisi & IRGC commanders.

  17. 6. tammik.

    " once saw as a Nobel prize-winning peacemaker. Now (USA &) EU allies are keen to stop the bloodshed but the and have been..linked to delivery of unmanned drones that have devastated targets, both military & civilian."

  18. 5. tammik.

    💐With the hope of , & ending the suffering of our compatriots, & contribute to this popular media، share in the of . 🌼14/15/16 January 2022 🌺Send your donations to the following address: Paypal:http//bit.ly/support-sima

    Näytä tämä ketju
  19. 9. tammik.

    From Friday to Sunday 14th-16th January, Free Telethon in support of Iran NTV (), the true voice for the Iranian people who want a free and democratic Iran will be held

  20. 10. tammik.

    "KHONEHYE MADARI"; By Hellena my beautiful motherland! Freedom thirsty for 100 years.

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