
Showing posts with the label Birthmonthday

Uncharted Waters

Over the weekend I took the kids to a birthday party where instead or horse rides or karabao rides the family was offering proa rides. The party took place on the beach in Hagatna right across the street from the Federal Court Building. Children and adults could take turns riding in the canoe as it went out to the edge of the reef and back. Sumahi and Akli'e' have ridden in boats before but never a canoe like that crafted and manned by Chamorros and other Micronesians. The canoe and the rides were provided by Rob Limtiaco, a former apprentice of Tun Segundo Blas, the late Chamorro Master Carver. Limtiaco studied under Tun Segundo when Chamorros were at a different point in terms of their shifting of consciousness and moving towards a more indigenous context. This was when Chamorro dancing as we know it today did not exist. There were Chamorro activist groups but Nasion Chamoru was still a decade away from existence. Criticism of the military in terms of its form and its sen

Biba Sumahi!!!

Biba Sumahi!!! Its already been one great year of baby punches, hamburger faces, hand clapping, rolling pin and eggplant attacks, Bihusaurus body slams, old man looks, stinky faces, chubby cheeks, chinese boy haircuts, inichon babui, yelling at inappropriate times during movies, daggan shaking, nangnang na chinalek and running for Governor. Hu gof guaiya hao nene, ya mahalang yu' kada ha'ani na ti gaige yu' gi fi'on-mu. Here is one video from Youtube, for each month of your life...

Baby Driver's License

Sumahi is eleven months old now and recently got her baby driver's license! In honor of her eleventh month of life, her mother was kind enough to get her a baby used car! Here are some videos below of her taking it out for a test drive. Actually, its not much of a test drive, but more of a cruising session. Warning: For those who are faint of heart, this videos are insanely cute, and may cause prolonged smiling, crying, giggling, or fainting.