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  1. One of the easiest complaints for a Victorian politician like to make is to criticise Sydney. My take on the / blame game.

  2. 5. ruj

    Sounds strange now but 1 month into said it was under control. This is what happened. Latest from me.

  3. 3. ruj

    Don't know that I have seen a more important editorial than the one that landed this week on . So I decided to write about what it says about and 's leadership styles.

  4. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    1. ruj

    GDP rises 0.7pc in Q2. Aus economy has risen 0.7% in Q2 compared with prior 3 months. Economists had been expecting an increase of 0.4%. On an annualised basis, GDP grew 9.6 per cent, soaring from 1.1 per cent in the previous quarter.

  5. 31. kol
  6. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    31. kol

    An iconic image: The last American soldier (U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Chris Donahue) leaves Afghanistan after 20 years.

  7. 30. kol

    Is it practical to tell 1 million people they can't eat out after three months locked down? Biz tells me they expect NSW govt to enact ban through a public health order. On Sunday, implied it would be a matter for biz. One of the challenges to opening up at 70% vaxed 2/2

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  8. 30. kol

    Banning unvaccinated workers and patrons from pubs, cafes and restaurants in NSW raises significant political, legal and logistical problems. Does the govt make the call or employers? Is it permissible under the Fair Work Act? 1/2

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  9. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    29. kol

    Don't miss Sky at 6pm! Top Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee will join me to discuss Afghanistan and the Biden Covid origins probe. is live from the UK on Kabul terror attacks. Plus , , and .

  10. 29. kol

    Victoria's outbreak is worse than NSW's at the same point in time, making it dangerous for to complain about policies north of the Murray. My take.

  11. 27. kol

    Waiting another two months for NSW schools to reopen is going to be tough on single parents. My latest take on

  12. 26. kol

    Fun fact from . If makes it to the election, he will be the first PM since Howard to serve a full term.

  13. 26. kol

    It wasn't hairdressers afterall. Vaxed Sydneysiders will essentially be allowed to socialised in groups of 5 in three weeks. My take.

  14. 25. kol

    'Our local papers are full of self-righteous letters to the editor, or posts on its website, from people who think that there is something borderline criminal about travelling to other parts of Australia during the pandemic.' Guess which state?

  15. 24. kol
  16. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    22. kol

    Coming up on on at 6pm (4pm WST) 🇦🇫 from from Afghanistan 🇨🇳's Peter Jennings on China 🦠 on the fight 💉's Catherine Bennett has good news +

  17. 22. kol

    Have always been fascinated with Afghanistan and hope to visit one day, which is why it was a (sad) privilege to write about the fall of Kabul. Weirdly refused to disclose who it recognises as the country's leader. One for you ?

  18. 22. kol
  19. 20. kol
  20. 17. kol

    A piece from a couple of months ago about Australia's spying operations in Afghanistan.


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