



all video games should have a “I’m shit at video games but I’m curious about the story and I don’t want to watch a let’s play” mode


I am

I made this post because I am disabled and no matter how much I practice there are some games I will never be able to play because I physically cannot move my fingers the way you have to and the responses to this post from other disabled people, people who grew up unable to play video games, and people who just aren’t very good at them has been extremely enthusiastically positive, while people who apparently can’t conceive of the idea that some people will never be good at gaming condescendingly comment, tag or send me asks telling me to try easy mode or to get good despite the fact that the feature I’m describing already exists in some games and mods. if you’re part of the latter group, consider that some of us can not ever be good at video games and we still deserve to be able to participate and have fun

Ok, real talk, if you play PC games I use a program called Wemod that has settings for almost every game ever and you can change them to suit your needs

Unlimited health? one hit kill? unlimited items?

They can’t mod multiplayer games, but every genre of game imaginable is on Wemod so I use it for everything from stardew valley, subnautica, hades, farming sim and more!

It mods the games to your level of ease without needing to mess with any files or get deep into webpages for mods yourself

It is a life changer

(via revealmyselfinvincible)

“ Lion’s mane nudibranch (Melibe leonina), has a a sweet fruity aroma which you can smell throughout the room when a number of them are in a tank.
In case you’re also wondering, the “fruity aroma” is...




Lion’s mane nudibranch (Melibe leonina), has a a sweet fruity aroma which you can smell throughout the room when a number of them are in a tank.

In case you’re also wondering, the “fruity aroma” is 2,6-dimethyl-5-heptenal which is specifically green and melony. “Green” in aroma jargon means something specific and hard to explain without experiencing it, but without having smelled the chemical or the slugs myself, I’m imagining something like honeydew, underripe cantaloupe, or the vine a ripening cantaloupe is attached to.

One of my dream pets if I could get good at keeping saltwater someday, but I’m sure they’re high maintenance even for experts :(

The mouth is a trap to catch planktonic prey; they’ll cling to surfaces and spread it open in the water like a bunch of venus fly traps


Related species take a different approach by looking like dead seaweed and crawling around in the muck, throwing their head over food like a net!


they all belong to the same ancient kind of animals called “the best ones”

(via butts-for-days)



People always talk about redstone computers when they’re like gawking at the immense complexity within Minecraft’s redstone/technical systems. Which makes sense, I mean redstone computers are a marvel in their own right, and it’s easy to grasp why they’re impressive if you’re not as familiar with the inner workings of Minecraft’s game mechanics.

But you guys. There is so much depth beyond just redstone computers. It’s more than just a novelty you can poke around with in creative mode. When you start to look at the survival mode applications of advanced redstone, that’s how you get “Technical Minecraft”, the likes of Mumbo Jumbo or ilmango / scicraft.

And boy, it goes deep. But there’s new depths that have just been discovered… More than just a new technology… a whole new frontier of Minecraft redstone has just been discovered.



some highlights from this video:

  • the wireless technology is due to an optimization in the code for Item entities. Item entities only check if they should be falling every 4 ticks (200 milliseconds); however to give the illusion of seamless gravity each item entity is given a specific offset based on when it was spawned into the world
  • this can be used to synchronize distant and wholly disconnected redstone machines…
  • …however, you must ensure that the “signal” does not get muddled by other items in the world, or other machines making use of wireless redstone tech…
  • …so you must make use of wireless redstone protocols
  • fucking protocols for sending information over redstone wirelessly. these fucking brain geniuses had to re-invent IP addresses for minecraft redstone. what the fuck
  • i feel like i just sat through a college lecture and i’m still trying to make sense of the complex shit the professor just explained

(via butts-for-days)



well you can tell by the way I use my spork

that I don’t like spoons and I don’t like forks
from time to time I stab my mouth
but it don’t hurt so I don’t pout

And it’s alright, it’s okay
I can eat my soup this way
Sometimes I try to understand
Why I can’t just use my hands

Whether you’re a lover or whether you’re a mother
We’re just eatin some pie, eatin some pie
You just can’t mistake the sporks it’s gonna take
Cause I’m eatin some pie, eatin some pie

Spork spork spork spork eatin some pie, eatin some pie
Spork spork spork spork eatin some pie—-eeaih—eeaih

Yeah we’re eatin some pie

(via butts-for-days)


Something I don’t think gets talked about enough is that the house-flipping trend has not only resulted in ugly, poorly laid out houses, it’s resulted in houses that are literally already falling apart by the time they’re sold. There are vast numbers of new houses that are being built with the explicit expectation that they’re going to be torn down and rebuilt in ten years or less to keep up with contemporary trends, so they’re only designed to last five to ten years before falling to pieces. Like, I live in an ugly little house that hasn’t seen major renovations since the 1970s, and it’s in better physical condition than a lot of newer houses that were built last year.

I know that doesn’t sound like a big deal if you think of it in terms of ha ha, rich people overpaying for shitty houses, but flip it around and consider: what does our ostensible housing surplus actually mean if an increasing number of those houses will be functionally uninhabitable within a decade?



















bc of my crack fic people have been sending me every manner of Grinch x Tony the Tiger headcanon……who wants to hear the one that finally snapped me like a tennis player’s tendon


ok so if the grinch and tony had a kid, it would probably be

  • have weird fur and an unsettling appearance (like the grinch)
  • be orange and into sports (tony)

so that child would be Gritty


I’ve never derived an iota of joy from this website and I truly don’t know why i’m still here


I am ashamed to say that I put a lot of effort into this….

holy. fucking. STARS.


Whoops my hand slipped….

how have you done this…..why have you done it…..

I can’t stop


Look at the kids run! 


Happy Grinch Day, Chapter 4 of the GRINCH X TONY THE TIGER FIX-IT FIC is up!


I couldn’t breathe when I saw these…

Parent Trap but Gritty and the Lorax try to reunite Tony & the Grinch

Everytime I see this thread show up on my dash it’s in more depth and more developed. I didn’t think we could reach these levels of insanity but here we are.

buddy have you SEEN my tags:

#also the Lorax has ‘the’ in front of their name just like The Grinch so it’s a family thing  #WAIT WAIT WAIT  #this implies that after the breakup the Grinch raised the Lorax while Tony raised Gritty. Tony the Cereal Sports Mascot raised Gritty the Hockey Mascot. this makes Complete Sense  #Grinch likes solitude and nature and hates waste and commercialism–traits passed onto the Lorax  #Tony is obnoxiously extroverted and loves sports and is a Famous Pop Cultural Mascot. Gritty followed in his father’s footsteps…

it is painfully hysterical to me that people are encountering this fic completely at random without knowing the Relevant Tumblr Backstory behind it



I think tumblr should add a ‘king for a day’ feature. This would do very little other than add a crown to the chosen king’s avatar (how blogs are chosen is not revealed) and enable the king to 'carcinize’ blogs, changing their avatar to a crab. I think this would be a good feature because it addresses no problems with the website and also would make some people very mad and that would be funny I think.

(via roach-works)



this is the face Feeby is making when I play ukulele this morning.


this is the look I got when I stopped playing


this is the face Feeby is making when I play ukulele this morning.









I am very drunk and listening to toto’s Africa

I’m thinking about watching Charlie and the chocolate factory, but the one from the 1970s where gene wilder is giving off heavy ‘fuck them kids’ energy and the lighting makes it look like the Great Depression

The newer Johnny Depp one sucked because he cared about their lives way too much and also had that haircut.

I don’t need a background story about a dentist dad to relate to willy wonka, I just need him to have crazy eyes okay, I am but a simple girl with simple needs

The trickster god energy Gene Wilder gives off vs the Kooky Entrepeneur energy Johnny Depp gives off.


Nothing in the Johnny Depp one can match the dangerous authoritarian energy of what Gene Wilder is doing with his cane in this scene alone

the manic control of how he makes them walk down the stairs.

“if you want to view paradise, simply look around and view it” he says after nearly savagely kneecapping an 11 year old girl for trying to view it

this movie is incredible

I’ve never seen this movie so I just experienced this for the first time and it terrifies me. The absolute boredom in his eyes combined with the mischief of his body language and the glittery, airy, detached way he sings the most pleasant, poetic words.


this is a man trying to get rid of his horrifically unsafe factory the year before OSHA began

This is quite frankly the funniest comment on this post

(via naamahdarling)

Tags: willy wonka



(via knitmeapony)



Contrary to popular belief, both wizards and witches are prone to dabble in inadvisable magics. The difference lies in how they respond when such magics inevitably go awry: the wizard has no qualms about running away screaming, while the witch will be like “no, I’ve got this, we can still work with this” while clearly on fire.

#i feel like this undersells the intense I Meant For That To Happen energy #of your common or garden wizard (via @spiders-hth-is-an-outlier)

A wizard meant to do that when it’s other people getting scrungled.

(via knitmeapony)




I really need to do more studying and write an essay on how Americanism is a genuine folk religion which reveres capital and the vague concept of “the free market” as a god of providence to be pleased in order to lead a prosperous life, also that the founding fathers are prophetic, perhaps even messianic figures who basically gave birth to this god through the revolutionary war, and that the vast majority of conservative Christians in America revere capital more than the god they claim to serve in an ironic sort of golden calf situation.


I think you’re just stupid, bro

It’s like I say: When most Americans say they worship God, they’re talking specifically about Mammon.

Anonymous asked:

Wait, you were talking about "Gods of Astielle" being the next in line after "Rise of Empire", but I thought Queen of All Monsters came after Rise of Empire?? Does Stars Rising Infinite take place between those two, or what's going on? Who even designed this timeline in the first place?!



[[Character Breaking Information to Prevent Confusion: This whole thing is meta fan-fiction for @unpretty’s Astielle series, which is written as if it’s fan-fiction of a non-existent long-running video game series. This is my vision of what said game series might look at based on everything she’s written so far. Legend of Starlight Hero XII: The Gods of Astielle is the name of the ‘current game’ Astielle is supposedly fanfiction of. This is written shortly before its release.]]

Well, no one. That’s the problem. By the time anyone involved with the series realized it was going to last long enough for Lore to be a concern, they’d already played so fast and loose with the reincarnation cycles it was anyone’s guess how they all related to each other. There are centuries long gaps between game-worthy incarnations, piles of side-games that constantly contradict each other, all those comics and novelizations, and so many Youtube videos trying to detangle the whole mess.

But you’re in luck, Anon! With Gods of Astielle coming out, I’ve been mulling over this very question myself lately, and I am ready to present to you and the world the only 100% True and Canonical Legend of the Starlight Hero/Astielle timeline.

[[A screenshot of The Old Man of the Mountain sitting in his chair in front of a room full of herbs and bottles in all his 32-bit glory, but with a fox-head crudely pasted over his face]]

So come in from the cold, child, and buckle the fuck in. The Old Fox of the Mountain has some learning for you.

Keep reading

this might be the ultimate fanfic for anything i’ve ever written


Okay I know there’s a bunch of different theories regarding Nona dreaming of a girl with skull paint, but imo Gideon in Harrow’s body standing over her at night like “give my body back you bitch” is by far the funniest option

Tags: tlt lol