Pogrom against Palestinians in Jerusalem

The US Congress reaffirms its unconditional support for Israel despite the anti-Palestinian pogrom in Jerusalem. A satirical sketch

Immigrants: how many is too many?

How many immigrants can the United States accommodate? — asks Alan Johnstone (SPGB)

India: turning a deaf ear to misery and despair

In a guest post from India, Pramod Ranjan of Assam Central University reflects on the new annual budget of the Indian government and how it ignores the plight of the country’s poor in the wake of Covid-19.

Covid-19: the lab-leak hypothesis

Did the coronavirus leap from bat to man at a wildlife market or inside a scientific laboratory? We may never know for sure, but the lab-leak hypothesis is plausible. What are the implications?

What’s going on in Belarus?

An interview with Dmitry Kosmachev, a member of the Minsk Socialist Circle, about the situation in Belarus, the current protests, and where they may lead.

The US–China confrontation

With the closure of China’s consulate in Houston and the American consulate in Chengdu, the confrontation between China and the United States moves up another notch.  Not such a big deal, you say? But other recent developments are more worrying. Following her re-election in May, Taiwan President Tsai Ingwen made it clear that Taiwan is […]

Why we can’t breathe

What is the significance of the mass movement of social protest? A powerful and moving commentary from the group Internationalist Perspective.

“When the looting starts, the shooting starts”

Who and what do the police protect? Three articles on the Black Lives Matter movement from the July 2020 issue of The Socialist Standard

Against police violence and racism

The United States is in the midst of a massive social movement against police violence and racism. As socialists we support this movement wholeheartedly and without reservation.

Markets are trash

The Covid-19 pandemic exposes the cruel and absurd results of relying on markets for the satisfaction of human needs. In Las Vegas homeless men sleep on a parking lot on a street full of empty hotels.

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