Hugo Chavez: ‘21st Century Socialist’ or Populist Strongman? (2013)

From the April 2013 issue of the Socialist Standard The formula ‘socialism of the 21st century’ encapsulates the hopes that many leftists throughout the world placed in President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and his so-called ‘Bolivarian Revolution’ or ‘Bolivarian Process.’ (‘Bolivarian’ refers to Simon Bolivar, commander of the army that defeated the Spaniards in 1821 and won […]

A Hundred Years Ago: The Winnipeg General Strike

From the May 2019 issue of the Socialist Standard ‘The Winnipeg Strike will go down in history as a magnificent example of working-class solidarity and courage’ (Bill Pritchard). In February 1919, Seattle workers engaged in the general strike tactic, with 30,000 workers in 130 unions walking out for 5 days in sympathy with 38,000 shipyard workers. The city’s […]

Capitalism and Michael Moore (2010)

From the March 2010 issue of the Socialist Standard Like Michael Moore’s other films, ‘Capitalism: A Love Story‘, is brilliant in its way, hard-hitting and funny. He strips away the lies and hypocrisy of “public relations” propaganda to expose the ruthless predators who dominate our society and profit from the misery of working people. And at […]

Britain’s Political Crisis (1975)

From the October 1975 issue of the Socialist Standard Text of a letter sent by a member of the World Socialist Party of the US to the American left-wing magazine “Ramparts“. Matthew Blaire’s article in the August-September Ramparts titled: “Britain in Between” laments “Britain’s political crisis” and states ” . . . it is very hard to […]

Capitalism and underdevelopment: where Leninists go wrong (1986)

From the Summer 1986 issue of the World Socialist The whole Leninist theory of imperialism turns on two or three major concepts: the twin notions of super-profits and super-exploitation, monopoly (denned in a strictly legal sense) and investment strategy. In Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism (1916), Lenin pretended to have discovered an ultimate and final stage of capitalism, and […]

What was he fighting for? (2011)

From the May 2011 issue of the Socialist Standard Phil Ochs as the Sound of the “New Left” A new documentary film on the life and music of Phil Ochs, “There But For Fortune”, is being shown in several US cities now. It hasn’t come too soon, certainly, because Ochs today is largely unknown outside the circle […]

First as Tragedy, Then as Farce (2010)

Book Review from the February 2010 issue of the Socialist Standard First as Tragedy, Then as Farce by Slavoj Žižek. Verso, 2009. Has Slavoj Žižek (the superstar Slovenian “theorist”) signed a piece-work contract with Verso Books? One can’t help wondering because this slim volume brings his tally with that publisher alone to around 21 titles. This Stakhanovite output […]

The Campaign Against Prohibition in the U.S.A. (1932)

From the September 1932 issue of the Socialist Standard At the time of writing arrangements are being made to hold a big parade, and it is claimed that many trade unions and working men have applied for permission to march in it. The parade is to protest against the Eighteenth Amendment (Prohibition), and to demand the legalising of beer. […]

The Coming Election in the U.S.A. (1932)

From the October 1932 issue of the Socialist Standard The two great burlesque shows recently held in Chicago are now things of the past—the conventions of the two major political parties in the United States to nominate their respective candidates for the offices of President and Vice-President, and to frame their respective platforms with which each party […]

Bolshevism and the Third International (1936)

From the February 1936 issue of the Socialist Standard By no means unanimous will be the interpretations placed on the programmes formed at the recent seventh World Congress of the Communist International. The official Communist Parties, of course, hail these programmes as the highest expression of revolutionary political wisdom, calculated to promote the best interests of the world proletariat, […]

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