Early December round-up: Sheffield JustEat strike, Kill the Bill prisoners, and more

A few upcoming events:

Whats App Image 2021 11 28 at 14 38 04

On Monday 6th, Sheffield JustEat delivery drivers organised through the IWGB are due to strike against a pay cut. You can donate to their strike funds here. Security guards organised through the UVW at Great Ormond Street Hospital are also due to begin striking then, and that day will also see an “anti-racist Wales” event and fundraiser for the Free Siyanda campaign in Swansea, and an RMT demo against cuts to station staffing in Berwick.

On Tuesday 7th, security guards at Great Ormond Street Hospital will be holding a strike rally as part of their campaign for full NHS terms and conditions. You can donate to their strike fund here, and send a message to GOSH trustees in support of their demands here. That day will also see students at Poole College walking out in protest against the Policing Bill.

On Wednesday 8th, there’ll be a protest at the House of Lords as they begin voting on the Bill, followed by another Kill the Bill event in Bristol on Friday 10th.

On Sunday 12th, someone’s running a half marathon in the Vale of Clwyd as a fundraiser for the Free Siyanda campaign, and you can donate to that here


Monday 13th will see the start of the trial of the alleged statue-topplers in Bristol, and RMT demos against station staffing cuts in Newcastle and Durham. On Tuesday 14th, there’s an online raffle and poetry night fundraiser for the strike against job cuts at Goldsmiths, and Wednesday 15th will see more RMT demos in Darlington and York.


Saturday 18th will see Harrods workers organised through the UVW holding a pre-strike protest as they prepare to strike over pay, and there’s another Bristol radical bookfair currently scheduled for Sunday 19th.

I’ve not seen anything specific announced yet, but there’s usually prison solidarity noise demos on New Year’s Eve, so that seems likely to happen, particularly in London and Bristol.

A few more notes on recent news:

In November, Amazon sacked a shop steward of the Polish syndicalist union Inicjatywa Pracownicza/Workers’ Initiative, apparently for trying to stop any cover-up after a worker died on the job. You can watch a short video about the situation here. In Greece, an attempt to frame two anarchist militants for the murder of a drug dealer has just collapsed in court.

In recent workplace news, the Community union are claiming victory in a struggle against fire and rehire and pay cuts at the shoe company Clarks. The Anarchist Communist Group have reports on a number of recent workplace disputes, including a general roundup, the London tube strike, a successful strike over pay by London further education workers, and more struggles by further education workers

Finally, there’s an appeal to remember the Kill the Bill prisoners at Christmas:


Please write to the Kill the Bill Prisoners this Christmas! 🔥❤️🏴You have no idea how much difference every single card makes in terms of making people feeling supported and able to keep going. These folks have all been sentenced (except two who are on remand) for their role in the Kill the Bill demonstration this March in Bristol. 

We all love sharing pictures of burning vans on social media but once the riot porn fades, people are serving years behind bars for a night of defiance. They took action to defend themselves against the cops, resisting the state and its legislation set to expand police powers and incarceration across the board. Show them they are not alone!!!!!! Get a card in the post ❤️💌🖤💌

These prisoners welcome letters of support. Please share widely. You can also use emailaprisoner.com. Check the Bristol ABC website regularly in case their addresses change – www.bristolabc.wordpress.com 

Ryan Dwyer A4276AT
Kane Adamson  A1103ER
Kain Simmonds A9381EQ
Brandon Lloyd A0806EE
Shaun Davies A4075ER
HMP Portland, 104 the Grove, Easton, Portland, Dorset, DT5 1DL

Ryan Roberts A5155EM,
Benjamin Rankin A1261AY
HMP Bristol, 19 Cambridge Road, BS7 8PS

Posted in Anarchists, Repression, Strikes, Unions, Work | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Sheffield JustEat couriers to strike against pay cut

Couriers working for JustEat/Stuart Delivery in Sheffield have now announced plans to strike and hold a series of protests against a new payment structure that will slash their earnings.


The IWGB union stated:

“On Sunday 28 November at 12 noon, Sheffield food delivery couriers from the Independent Workers’ Union of Great Britain (IWGB) are protesting outside of Sheffield Town Hall to demand that Stuart delivery cancels a planned pay cut of nearly 25%. Having previously been promised a postponement to the cuts in October 2021, couriers are set to strike from 6 December after the corporation that delivers for JustEat decided to push ahead with the cuts next month.

Stuart is slashing pay on most deliveries from £4.50 to £3.40 from 6 December 2021 as part of a new pay structure that will force couriers who already have to pay their own vehicle costs to work even harder and longer to make the same money.

The upcoming protest and strike, backed by Sheffield Labour MP Olivia Blake, follows a protest organised by IWGB in October 2021 when the pay cuts were first proposed. At Sunday’s rally, couriers will stage a motorcade leaving from Queen Street at 11am, arriving at Sheffield Town Hall at 12 noon where speeches will be given by Olivia Blake MP, members of the council, and workers.

Despite undertaking high-risk key work through the pandemic, Stuart’s couriers still live on poverty pay, are denied basic worker rights such as sick pay, and are forced to cover their own vehicle and insurance costs. With rising costs of living and fuel spikes, pay cuts will push these key workers further into poverty.”

You can donate to their strike fund here.

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Mid-November round-up: Facebook cleaners, university strikes, care home victory and more

A very quick round-up of a few upcoming events:

On Saturday 20th, Shropshire NEU are organising a protest in support of John Boken, a local union rep who’s been unfairly sacked by bullying management. Also happening that evening, the IWW’s TEFL Workers Union are hosting a showing of the film Pride, including a Q&A with a member of Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners, as a fundraiser for an upcoming employment tribunal. You can donate directly to the tribunal costs here.

UCU members at Goldsmiths University will be striking from November 23rd-December 13th in a local dispute over redundancies, as the jobs of 20 academic and 32 non-academic staff are threatened.

On Thursday 25th, London housing campaigners will be protesting at the UK Housing Awards, where social housing bosses will be slapping each other on the back. As the Social Housing Action Campaign put it, “Help us challenge the housing association executives wallowing in excess, whilst leaving tenants to wallow in debt, disrepair, and housing stress through the conditions they create.”

Friday 26th will see strikes and protests against Amazon in a number of countries around the world, apparently including the UK, although there doesn’t seem to be much in the way of details confirmed yet. That day will also see another protest by cleaners’ union CAIWU in their ongoing dispute over workloads and victimisation at Facebook.


A press release from CAIWU reads:

“Facebook’s London cleaners are to step up their campaign against excessive workloads and to be brought in house with a major protest on Friday November 26th.

The protest, labelled ‘Cancel Facebook’, is scheduled for 4pm at 10 Brock Street, NW1 3FG. The event will feature samba music, street performers, and a variety of speakers including former Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer John McDonnell, ADCU General Secretary James Farrar, and Glenroy Watson of the RMTs Black Solidarity Committee’s Secretary.

The cleaners have been campaigning since June about increased workloads which are making them exhausted and ill. Their employer, Churchill Cleaning, which took over the Facebook contract in January, has added eight extra floors to the six that used to make up the cleaners’ schedule. Churchill has failed to provide any extra resources to meet the increased workload.

Facebook itself has consistently refused to intervene on behalf of its cleaners. The Cleaners and Allied Independent Workers Union, has approached the company on multiple occasions, but it has consistently refused to get involved beyond vague expressions of concern about the wellbeing of its service providers and its intent to foster a respectful and safe working environment. Beyond that, it simply repeats the mantra that these are matters for Churchill and for its facilities management contractor JLL. Despite repeated enquiries from CAIWU, Facebook has declined to comment on the cleaners’ request to be brought in house.

In the absence of any positive progress, the prospect of industrial action grows increasingly likely. CAIWU has already served Churchill with notice of its members’ intention to vote about the possibility of strike action, and Christmas Eve has been identified as a probable date for the first of what is likely to be a series of one-day strikes. CAIWU organiser Bruce Coker says that striking is very much a last resort, but that the cleaners feel they’ve been left with no other choice. ‘The campaign has been going on for months now,’ said Coker. ‘Our members are getting ill from overwork, but Churchill refuses to acknowledge that there’s a problem. The cleaners have reached the point where going on strike seems like the only way to make Churchill, JLL and Facebook listen.’ Asked the reason behind the ‘Cancel Facebook’ label for the protest, Coker explained, ‘As a society we are becoming very quick to judge and cancel individuals for minor misdemeanours, and platforms like Facebook actively encourage this behaviour by rewarding outrage and engagement. We want to make some noise about the actual harm these companies are causing, not just to members of the public but often to their own workers.’

One former cleaner who won’t be taking part in any strike is Guillermo Camacho, the supervisor dismissed last month for allegedly poor performance of his duties. Both CAIWU and Camacho, whose reinstatement case was rejected by the employment tribunal last week, continue to insist that the real reason behind his dismissal was his trade union activities, of which he made no secret. Camacho’s unfair dismissal case is scheduled to be heard by the tribunal in the new year, by when his former colleagues are hoping their campaign will have resulted in a return to tolerable workloads at Brock Street.

Protest: Friday November 26th, 4pm | 10 Brock Street, London NW1 3FG”

You can also donate to their strike fund here.

Friday 26th will also see the start of strike action by RMT members working on the night tube, in a dispute over staffing levels and working arrangements.

On Saturday 27th, London Renters Union are hosting a discussion and social for renters in Tower Hamlets.

UCU members at 58 universities are due to strike from December 1st-3rd over two separate disputes involving pensions and pay.

Further ahead into December, the 3rd will see the start of a new round of strike action on East Midlands Railways, security guards organised through the UVW union at Great Ormond Street are due to start striking against outsourcing and for full NHS contracts from the 6th onwards, and the “Colston 4” alleged statue-topplers are due to face trial in Bristol from the 13th.


A few other miscellaneous notes:

Sheffield Justeat riders working through Stuart Delivery are entering into dispute over a pay cut, and are raising money for a strike fund here. Their union, the IWGB, is also launching a new supporters’ network, the “solidarity squad.”

Workers organised through the UVW at Sage Nursing Home have won the London Living Wage after a campaign involving strike action.

Finally, Bristol Kill the Bill defendant Ryan Roberts was recently found guilty on charges of riot and arson. You can read a statement on the verdict here, and write to him at:

Ryan Roberts A5155EM, HMP Bristol, 19 Cambridge Rd, Bristol BS7 8PS

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325 defendant Toby Shone sentenced, police raids in Liverpool, and other repression news

A court case that started with police raids connected to the anarchist website 325 has now concluded, with the original terrorism charges being dropped and the defendant being jailed on drugs charges. Bristol Defendant Solidarity have published the following statement:

Anarchist prisoner Toby Shone was sentenced to 3 years 9 months in prison for 8 drugs charges after all political charges against him related to the website http://325.nostate.net under the Terrorism Act were dropped on 1st October 2021 due to lack of evidence. Toby Shone is currently held at HMP Bristol pending transfer. Please send letters of support and birthday cards (20th October) to: Toby Shone A7645EP HMP Bristol 19 Cambridge Road Bristol BS7 8PS UK

More information about the case can be found here.

Bristol Defendant Solidarity have also published an up-to-date list of current Kill the Bill prisoners requesting support:

In text format, that information is:

Kane Adamson A1103ER
Kain Simmonds A9381EQ
Brandon Lloyd A0806EE
HMP Portland
104 The Grove
Easton, Portland

Ryan Roberts A5155EM
Dylan Dunne A4108ER
HMP Bristol
19 Cambridge Road

The trial of Ryan Roberts, the first Kill the Bill defendant to plead not guilty, is coming up soon, starting on October 25th. Meanwhile, all charges against two Kill the Bill protesters in Newcastle have just been dropped.

In other news related to repression and state violence, Freedom have a report on police raids against anti-arms trade/Palestine solidarity protesters in Liverpool, and the annual United Families and Friends Campaign rally commemorating deaths at the hands of the state will be happening in London on October 30th.

On an international note, US antifascist prisoner Dan Baker was just sentenced to 44 months, nearly 4 years, in prison for posts he made calling for resistance to any far-right coup attempt in January.

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Driving wages up? Current transport disputes

Strike supporters blocking a bus at the Queens Road depot in Manchester, earlier this year

Recent weeks have seen transport workers taking or threatening action for pay demands in a number of areas. These disputes have been broken up among two different unions, and seem to be mostly conducted as solely local disputes with little attempt to coordinate at a national scale. Trying to put these pieces together may give us a clearer picture of what the potential for a strike wave this winter could be, and what the limitations might be.

A few disputes have now been called off after workers have accepted a new offer – this has been the case among Dartford DHL Sainsbury’s lorry drivers, who won a 6.2% rise, Stagecoach drivers in Lancashire, who won a 4.4% rise, and Manchester tram drivers, who have now accepted a 3% rise after rejecting two previous offers.

Bus drivers organised in both RMT and Unite are currently suspending action while voting on a new offer in similar disputes in the Midlands, where bus staff in Mansfield and Chesterfield had been due to take action.

At time of writing, strike action is still due to go ahead starting on Monday 18th October in Stagecoach South West, Tuesday 19th October in Stagecoach South West, and Tuesday 26th October in Stagecoach Greater Manchester. Drivers in the South West have rejected one offer already, with the RMT publishing details of how Stagecoach’s pay offer included harsh cuts to sick pay and other terms and conditions.

More areas could shortly join the list of bus disputes, as workers at Kinchbus in the East Midlands are currently balloting for action, along with those at Stagecoach Scotland. Meanwhile, staff at Scotrail and Caledonian Sleeper services are due to strike over pay in November, although their dispute pre-dates the current wave of action, as the Scotrail dispute has now been running for over seven months.

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Early October round-up: transport strikes, Bristol repression, and more

A few upcoming events:

Uber drivers organised through the IWGB’s United Private Hire Drivers branch will be striking on Wednesday 6th, and are holding a protest at Uber’s headquarters that day. Bin collectors employed by Serco in Sandwell will also be striking that day.

The 6th will also see the start of Toby Shone’s trial in Bristol. Toby Shone is facing terrorism charges related to the raids against the anarchist website 325.

You can currently write to Toby at:

Toby Shone A7645EP
HMP Bristol
19 Cambridge Rd
Bristol BS7 8PS

It’s possible that, if convicted, Toby’s address may change after sentencing. 
On Thursday 7th, two people are in court in Manchester facing charges related to alleged direct action against the Israeli arms company Elbit (non-fb link for backup purposes).
On Friday 8th, cleaners organised through the grassroots union CAIWU will be protesting at Facebook over their workloads and the victimisation of a union activist. They have also now announced their intention to ballot for strike action.

Sunday 10th will see Manchester tram workers striking over pay, park cleaners and other striking workers at Royal Parks in London holding a protest as part of their month-long strike action, and a radical bookfair hosted by Active Distribution in Bristol (non-fb link for backup purposes). You can also donate to the Royal Parks strike fundraiser here.

The International Workers’ Association has called for a week of action against unpaid wages starting on October 11th. Several groups of bus drivers have voted to take action against Stagecoach, starting with drivers based in Preston and Chorley who’ll be striking over pay from the 14th-16th October.
Manchester tram workers will be striking again on the 15th and 18th, and the 18th will also see strikes by Stagecoach bus drivers in the South West, East Midlands, and Derbyshire/Yorkshire. Stagecoach drivers in South Wales have now also voted for action but not set a date yet, and drivers in Manchester and Scotland are now going through the balloting process.

On Wednesday 20th, the Blacklist Support Group and National Construction Rank and File will be hosting a meeting in Liverpool on rank and file organising in construction. (non-fb link for backup purposes). That day will also see further strike action by care home workers organised through the UVW union at Sage Nursing Home, over pay, sick pay and annual leave.

There will also be further action by Lancashire Stagecoach drivers starting on the 22nd, and another Manchester tram strike on the 24th.

Ryan Roberts will be facing trial in Bristol on charges connected to the Kill the Bill protest earlier this year from October 25th-27th, and Bristol ABC are calling for a presence throughout his trial, but particularly on the first and last days.
Finally, going into November, the Manchester and Salford Anarchist Bookfair will be happening on the 6th, and that day will also see a global day of climate action coinciding with the COP 26 talks. The AngryWorkers collective will also be holding a gathering in Manchester the day after.

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Uber strikes, Jock Palfreeman, victimised Facebook cleaners and more

Following on from the previous round-up, a few quick additional updates:

Uber Eats and Just Eats drivers in Dumferline are holding a wildcat strike over pay this week.

On Thursday 23rd, the Cowley Club in Brighton will be hosting a talk by former antifascist prisoner Jock Palfreeman.

Talk with Jock Palfreeman

CAIWU’s fight against trade union victimisation at Facebook continues, with another protest planned for Friday 24th.

The Uber strike planned for Tuesday 28th is now planned to happen in at least eight cities, with events confirmed so far for London, Sheffield, Glasgow, Manchester, Leeds, Bristol, Birmingham, and Nottingham.


Separately to the ADCU strike, the IWGB’s drivers union is also organising another Uber strike for October 6th, which will also involve a protest at Uber’s headquarters. It seems that Unite may also be organising protests over Pizza Express’s tipping policy that day, but there’s not many details of that confirmed yet.


In other IWGB news, food delivery couriers organised through the IWGB have organised a boycott of a Dalston McDonald’s over parking issues, and they’ve also published a new survey showing the extent of harassment affecting couriers.

Further ahead, it’s just been announced that the Blacklist Support Group, Shut the Sites and the Construction Rank and File will be holding a joint meeting in Liverpool on Wednesday 20th October.

Finally, busy times for Manchester transport workers – this weekend’s tram strikes have been called off after an improved pay offer was made, but Stagecoach bus drivers in Manchester will now be balloting over pay.

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Breaking news – mass wildcat against blacklisting at Atomic Weapons Establishment

Breaking news coming from the Construction Rank and File network:

“They’re at it again. NG Bailey, Costain Group and AWE PLC are all pointing fingers at each other over who is responsible for blacklisting sparks at AWE Burghfield. Over 200 sparks walked off the Burghfield site today in support of their Unite the union safety rep who was removed from the site by NG Bailey – a firm with a long history of blacklisting union members. These are the very same electricians whose action in May 2021 was decisive in winnning the No2ESO industrial dispute.”

Dave Smith adds that:

“NG Bailey sent out letters threatening disciplinary action this afternoon. Costain (another firm with a history of blacklisting) are the main contractor on the project.”

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Mid-September round-up – Bristol wildcat wins, Uber strike, new bookfairs announced and more

Another quick round-up of upcoming events and ongoing struggles:


On the evening of Tuesday 21st, the Louise Michel Sports Club will be hosting a talk by former antifascist prisoner Jock Palfreeman in London. An Australian anti-fascist and founder of the Bulgarian Prisoners Association, Palfreeman was sentenced to 20 years in a Bulgarian jail for defending two Roma boys and himself from a racist mob. He will talk about the lessons learnt during a decade spent in prison, including the role of solidarity behind bars, direct democracy as the natural way to self-organise in prisons, as well as reform and abolition.

Weetabix workers in Northamptonshire are set to begin a round of strikes from Tuesday 21st September onwards, in opposition to a “fire and rehire” attempt to change their contracts and shift patterns. Engineers organised through Unite are set to begin continuous action short of strike on Friday 24th at Abellio Scotrail, a company which is also seeing a separate conductors’ dispute organised through the RMT. Friday 24th will also see the return of the Youth Strike for Climate movement, there’s a protest in support of cleaners’ struggles happening in London on the 25th, and Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th will see Greater Manchester tram drivers striking over pay. The 25th may also see local Disabled People Against Cuts events over the £20 Universal Credit cut, but I’m not sure if any have been confirmed yet.

Conductors on Scotrail and East Midlands Railway are continuing their series of regular Sunday strikes over a range of issues.

On Monday 27th, workers at the GKN factory in Birmingham are launching an all-out indefinite strike against the threatened closure of their factory, and outsourced cleaners at the University of the Arts London will be starting a strike demanding to be brought in-house and given equal terms and conditions. More information can be found on their linktree, and they have a strike fundraiser here.

WhatsApp Image 2021-09-13 at 10.01.30.jpeg

Tuesday 28th sees a protest outside Parliament commemorating a year of the dehumanising refugee camp in Napier Barracks and demanding its closure, while Disabled People Against Cuts are planning a very loud protest in London that day over the Universal Credit cut and similar issues in the benefits system. Also on the 28th, the App Drivers and Couriers Union have just announced a strike by Uber drivers, with demos apparently planned in London, Glasgow, Birmingham and Nottingham

The joint UVW/PCS dispute by Royal Parks cleaners and playground attendants continues, with the outsourced workers set to walk out on October 1st and stay out throughout the whole month. On Sunday 3rd, there’s the traditional demo against the tory party conference in Manchester. Further ahead, Active Distribution will be hosting a radical bookfair in Bristol on October 10th, and the Manchester and Salford Anarchist Bookfair will be happening on November 6th.

Other miscellaneous notes:

The Bristol bakery wildcat has now ended in a victory. Also in Bristol, defendants are still being sentenced from the Kill the Bill protest that kicked off in the spring, with Dylan Dunne being given 4 months for stealing a copper’s hat. Dylan’s address is:

Dylan Dunne A4108ER
HMP Horfield
19 Cambridge Road


The IWGB have launched a dispute at Ocado, with drivers voting for strike action over poverty pay and the threat of job losses. They’re currently asking for people to donate to their strike fund and to send letters to Ocado using this tool. Over at the UVW, cleaners at Great Ormond Hospital have voted to strike over issues around annual leave, maternity/paternity leave rights, and redundancy issues. You can find more about the campaign here, and they’re currently asking people to donate to their strike fund, write a letter to the hospital trustees using this tool, and fill out a form here if they want to get more involved in supporting the dispute.  

The Bexley Serco bin strike has won an impressive victory including a pay rise and extra holidays, and voice.wales has a report on the possibility of a number of public sector pay strikes breaking out in Wales.


At Facebook, a cleaner and CAIWU member involved in union organising against impossible workloads has been taken to a disciplinary and now sacked. CAIWU seem to be holding fairly regular Friday protests at Facebook’s offices at the moment, and also suggest that groups could invite Guillermo Camacho or one of his coworkers to address their meetings to raise awareness of the dispute.

Final notes: ACORN members have been involved in resisting an eviction in Cornwall, and the last few days have also seen Stagecoach drivers organised through the RMT voting for strike action over pay in Derbyshire and the South West, and workers at four Tesco distribution centers rejecting a pay offer, meaning that they’ll now move to being balloted for strike action.

Posted in Anarchists, Climate Change, Disability, Housing, Repression, Riots, Strikes, Tories, Unemployment/claimants and welfare, Unions, Work | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Late August round-up: Kill the Bill prisoner solidarity, Royal Parks strike, Bristol bakery wildcat and more

A few quick updates:

Tonight, North London Anti-Fascist Assembly will be running a night of solidarity with the imprisoned Bristol Kill the Bill prisoners, featuring letter-writing, a film showing and more.

On Saturday 28th, Equity are organising a protest against the proposed council cuts at Stratford Circus in Newham. That night also sees a fundraiser party for the ongoing PCS/UVW Royal Parks strike. As previously noted, in Brighton, Liverpool, Nottingham, Cambridge, Sheffield, Leeds, Manchester, Coventry, North London and East London, campaigners will be calling on TUI to end their complicity with the Home Office’s deportation regime.

Regular Sunday strikes are continuing on East Midlands Trains, running into mid-October, and also on Hull trains and Scotrail.

On the bank holiday Monday, there’s a big strike rally being organised in support of the Royal Parks strikers, at Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park. Then on Tuesday 31st, Serco staff at Sandwell will be striking over health and safety issues and management bullying, and seem likely to walk out on four successive Tuesdays if the dispute isn’t resolved.

On September 4th, care workers will be holding protests highlighting issues with pay and conditions in their industry, with events so far confirmed for London, Newcastle, Manchester, and Preston. That day also sees the Bradford Anarchist Bookfair, and the start of the Antiuniversity thing in London.

Also in early September, there’s going to be a range of events happening against the DSEi arms fair, mostly between the 6th-16th. Then on the 11th, there’s a demo against another arms fair going on in Liverpool, the Wigan Diggers’ Festival up in Wigan, and an anarchist bookfair happening in London.

In other industrial news, Bristol IWW report that staff at a Bristol bakery have started a wildcat strike in response to threatened redundancies. It sounds like the Bexley bin strike may be coming to an end, and Manchester tram drivers have started balloting for action over pay.
In prison news, there’s a call for action in response to racist attacks on Muslim prisoners at HMP Long Lartin. You can use a tool to send emails here, read a bit more about the situation in this post, and Freedom have a report from a recent demo at the prison highlighting these issues. There’s also another call to send emails in response to a similar situation at HMP Wakefield.

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