Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is a 1937 American animated musical fantasy film produced by Walt Disney Productions and released by RKO Radio Pictures. Based on the German fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm, it is the first full-length cel animated feature film and the earliest in the Walt Disney Animated Classics series. The story was adapted by storyboard artists Dorothy Ann Blank, Richard Creedon, Merrill De Maris, Otto Englander, Earl Hurd, Dick Rickard, Ted Sears and Webb Smith. David Hand was the supervising director, while William Cottrell, Wilfred Jackson, Larry Morey, Perce Pearce, and Ben Sharpsteen directed the film's individual sequences.
Snow White premiered at the Carthay Circle Theatre on December 21, 1937, followed by a nationwide release on February 4, 1938, and with international earnings of $8 million during its initial release briefly assumed the record of highest grossing sound film at the time. The popularity of the film has led to it being re-released theatrically many times, until its home video release in the 1990s. Adjusted for inflation, it is one of the top ten performers at the North American box office.
Princess Snow White is a fictional character and a main character from Walt Disney Productions' first animated feature film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The character of Snow White was derived from a fairy tale known from many countries in Europe, the best-known version being the Bavarian one collected by the Brothers Grimm. Snow White is the first Disney Princess and the first fictional female character with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. She was originally voiced by Adriana Caselotti.
Animators' initial sketches for Snow White's character, some of which bore a resemblance to Betty Boop, did not meet Walt Disney's expectations, as they were too cartoonish.
Hamilton Luske, whom Walt Disney had selected as the supervising animator for Snow White's character, was tasked with the challenge of making Snow White more believably human and realistic than any of the Disney studio's previous animated characters. This was a challenge Luske and co-animator Les Clark had previously been asked to explore while developing the character of Persephone for the Silly Symphonies animated short The Goddess of Spring. Of that project, Les Clark later remarked, "I'm sure Walt was thinking ahead to Snow White." Though the Persephone character ended up appearing somewhat lifeless and devoid of personality, that experiment in imitating realistic human movement and anatomy was continued and its lessons were applied in the development of Snow White's animation techniques.
Snow White is a major character in the comic book series Fables. Her character is based on two myths recorded by the Brothers Grimm, Snow-White and Rose-Red and the more famous Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.
Snow was born in a small cottage and lived there with her twin sister Rose Red. In their youth, they were inseparable, swearing to each other that nothing would ever come between them. One day, a bear knocks on their house and asks to let him stay with them. They let them in and he stays through the entire winter with them. When the summer comes, the bear says goodbye to them and leaves. After that, the girls find a dwarf, whose long beard is stuck on a tree, who explains that he got stuck while he was getting wood for his tea kettle. Snow cuts his beard, setting the dwarf free. He gets angry at the girls and pulls out a treasure bag from the tree. That night, Snow tells Rose about a dream of hers of when the bear left them, where he says he needs to return to the woods to protect his treasure from the wicked dwarfs. During the summer the girls find the dwarf again and save him twice. During the last time, a giant bird tells them that they will regret their actions, stating that "For one of you, seven evils await. For the other, the loss of one dear". After being saved, the dwarf gets angry with the girls and piles his treasures while telling them that because they cut his beard, his magic is gone. He is then attacked by and killed by the same bear Snow and Rose sheltered in winter.
A comic strip adaptation of Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was released to coincide with the release of the film. The comic strip was written by Merrill de Marris and drawn by Hank Porter, both staff at Walt Disney Pictures.
The original strip ran from December 1937 to April 1938 and was distributed by King Features Syndicate.
Used in the strip are a number of story ideas that were ultimately abandoned in the film, including a more elaborate and comical meeting between the Prince and Snow White (in which Snow White creates a 'dummy' of her dream prince, which the real Prince sneaks into), and an entire storyline in which the Witch kidnaps the Prince to prevent him from saving Snow White. Both of these abandoned concepts were notably recycled for use in Sleeping Beauty. The film's general release happened just before, in the comic, the dwarfs discover Snow White in their cottage, a cliffhanger perhaps intended to encourage readers to watch the film to see how the story continued.