Sunday, 18 November 2012

First frost


Anonymous said...

I love the change of seasons, though I suppose frosty mornings are something you have to brace yourself for. Time to get out the gloves again I guess.
Over in this part of the world, I'm looking for a shady hat.

cheshire wife said...

A frost can look very pretty, but I do not like this time of year when nearly everything in the garden is dying back. However, I am still waiting for a heavy frost to blacken my dahlias.

Paula said...

Oh it looks so lovely. Over the last few years I have become fond of frosty days. Guess after 50 years I finally have accepted frost as part of the circle of life. BTW, so good to see you post again. Love and hugs.

Mel said...

Oh yes....I love the first shot. And the grasses covered in white....and the fact that I'm not alone in dealing with the white stuff! LOL

Lovely photos, ma'am. And with that sunshine, a good day for a wander.

Mel said...

*tip toe-ing in*

(((((((( the byrdie )))))))))))

Happy Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Share these videos with as many people as you can. They must go viral.

It is time we started fighting for true equality as opposed to one of the false notions of it put forth by the intellectually dishonest.

Anonymous said...

Please watch this video, it changed the way I see gender issues and feminism:
If you liked it then vote it up on reddit because more people need to see this.

Anonymous said...

fried chicken watermelon eating fucking niggers

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