President MukherjeeEgiaztatu kontua


This is an archive of President Pranab Mukherjee's official account from 2012-2017 as President of India.

New Delhi
2014(e)ko uztaila(e)tik Twitterren


@POI13 blokeatu duzu

Ziur zaude txio hauek ikusi nahi dituzula? Txioak ikusteak ez du @POI13 desblokeatuko.

  1. 2017 uzt. 24

    Thank you for your affection & support ; tomorrow when I engage with you it will not be as President but as a citizen

  2. 2017 uzt. 24

    received books & reports related to Rashtrapati Bhavan today at Rashtrapati Bhavan

  3. 2017 uzt. 24

    When I speak to you tomorrow, it will be as a citizen– a pilgrim like all of you in India’s onward march towards glory

  4. 2017 uzt. 24

    We extended our experience to a few villages in the neighbourhood

  5. 2017 uzt. 24

    During my five years in Rashtrapati Bhavan, we tried to build a humane and happy township

  6. 2017 uzt. 24

    Social inclusion would ensure access to the fruits of progress to all

  7. 2017 uzt. 24

    Eradication of poverty would provide a strong boost to happiness

  8. 2017 uzt. 24

    We must empower the poorest of the poor and ensure that the fruits of our policies reach the last person in the line

  9. 2017 uzt. 24

    For us, creation of an inclusive society has to be an article of faith

  10. 2017 uzt. 24

    Creative thinking, innovation and scientific temper have to be promoted in our institutions of higher learning

  11. 2017 uzt. 24

    Our universities should not be a place for rote-memorizing but an assembly of inquisitive minds

  12. 2017 uzt. 24

    A reordering of society is possible through the transformative power of education

  13. 2017 uzt. 24

    As I had said on assuming Office of the President, education is the alchemy that can take India to its next golden age

  14. 2017 uzt. 24

    Power of non-violence has to be resurrected to build a compassionate and caring society

  15. 2017 uzt. 24

    Only a non-violent society can ensure the participation of all sections of the people in the democratic process

  16. 2017 uzt. 24

    We must free our public discourse from all forms of violence, physical as well as verbal

  17. 2017 uzt. 24

    The capacity for compassion and empathy is the true foundation of our civilization

  18. 2017 uzt. 24

    Otherwise, a fundamental character of our thought process will wither away

  19. 2017 uzt. 24

    But we cannot deny the essential prevalence of multiplicity of opinion

  20. 2017 uzt. 24

    There are divergent strands in public discourse; we may argue, we may agree or we may not agree


Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

Baliteke Twitterren kapazitatez gaindi egotea edo momentuko gainkarga bat izatea. Berriro saiatu edo Twitterren Egoera ikusi informazio gehiagorako.

    Agian hau ere gustuko duzu
