Iran claims to have thwarted what it terms a US attempt to "steal" an oil tanker in the strategic Sea of Oman, amid heightening tensions between the two countries. A US military vessel reportedly confiscated an Iranian oil tanker and diverted the oil to another tanker headed to an undisclosed location, state media said ... .
By Jonathan Stempel. NEW YORK (Reuters) -A U.S. judge on Wednesday said Britain’s Prince Andrew should be prepared for a civil trial late next year on accusations that he sexually abused a woman when she was under 18 and also being abused by the late financier Jeffrey Epstein. U.S ...Virgin Islands...Maxwell goes on trial in Manhattan on Nov ... Advertisement.
"Africans, especially the youth, are committed to the demand that France takes its hands off their continent," Belhimer told the private Algerian NewsNetwork... PHOTOS.
SenatorEmmanuel D. Pacquiao on Wednesday, Nov. 3 said his position on the death penalty issue remains unchanged ... ‘’We have to overhaul the three pillars of our criminal justice system to make sure that only the criminals are punished,’’ he added ... .
Melbourne. A 4-year-old girl who vanished while camping with her family in a remote area of Western Australia was found "alive and well" 18 days later in a locked house, authorities said Wednesday. The girl, CleoSmith, was freed after the police broke into the empty house in Carnarvon, the same town where she and her family lived ... About 1 a.m ... .
To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Visit and follow us on Instagram at @crg_globalresearch. Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley claimed last week that China was close to a “sputnik moment” due to its successful test of a hypersonic missile. However, U.S ... It has all of our attention.” ... and USSR...The U.S ... .
KABUL, Afghanistan — A roadside bomb struck a Taliban patrol in a stronghold of Islamic State militants in eastern Afghanistan on Wednesday, killing two people and wounding three, witnesses said. There was no immediate claim of responsibility, but the attack bore the hallmarks of previous ISIS strikes against the Taliban ... 15 takeover of Kabul ... .
The U.N. human rights chief said Wednesday that Ethiopia’s yearlong war has been marked by “extreme brutality” as a joint investigation into alleged atrocities faulted all sides for committing abuses, but avoided saying who was the most to blame ... The report, a rare collaboration by the U.N ...The U.N ... A high-level task force will be formed, it said.
Dubai. A Jordanian man reportedly divorced his wife for recording a voice note of his mother while she was snoring during her sleep, local media reported. The woman is said to have shared the recording on her family’s WhatsApp group ... .
A toy-like robot with scowling blue eyes and a North Korean flag across its chest roams around a classroom at a university in Pyongyang in a recent demonstration of tools aimed at helping children learn basic maths, music and English... cnxps.cmd.push(function () { cnxps({ playerId ... window.location.pathname.indexOf("/omg/") != -1 . ... (credit ... .
NSOGroup, the Israeli company whose controversial spyware Pegasus was used by authoritarian leaders to spy on their adversaries, was put on a US "entity list" for engaging in "activities that are contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests of the United States," the US Commerce Department announced on Wednesday ... (credit ... .
The Han RiverPark near Cheonho Bridge in Seoul is submerged due to heavy rain in this Aug. 6, 2020 photo. South Korea suffered from torrential rains in its capital and central regions at the time, with the first flood alert in nine years issued for areas near the river. Korea Times photo by Hong In-ki ... ― ED ... By Jun Ji-hye ... On Oct ... 2021-11-01 17.18 ...18 ... .