
Tumblr Blaze is very good because tumblr correctly deduced that if they ran a real advertising service using targeted demographics we’d have burnt this site to the ground, but ALSO correctly deduced that we would be overjoyed to collectively pay large amounts of money to spread shitposts onto completely random dashes in a delighted flurry of slightly malicious mischief. You really do gotta hand it to em on this one, A+ problem solving.






terfs are so fucking stupid its actually funny

I probably shouldn’t be surprised about this, but a lot of people missing the point here. the joke isn’t “terfs calling Sigourney weaver, a hot woman, unattractive” and tbh I think seeing this post and going “terfs are so stupid because Sigourney weaver is obviously gorgeous” is even potentially harmful or at least hurtful

the joke here is terfs seeing a picture of Sigourney Weaver, famous actress and cis woman, but because they were told its a picture of a trans woman they’re immediately yakking about how ‘clockable’ she is

Reminds me of when me and a friend were tabling for Mermaids and some TERF came over and told us, in great detail, why we, two cis women, would never “pass”. Because its incomprehensible to them that any actual cis people would just support trans rights. I’m obviously taller than any real woman and my tits are obviously fake, and her man hands and “beer belly” gave her away.

She was six months pregnant

I’ve yet to hear any definition of womanhood as set by TERFs that doesn’t exclude huge swathes of women, both cis and trans alike.


the problem with musicians is how they’re always touring their latest album instead of like their critically hated second album from 2009 which is the one i’m obsessed with


any other girls feel a permanent sense of unbelonging no matter where they are or who they are with






some fandom needs to hear this. but i just cANt remember which one ……

Finally someone is saying it

Every fandom needs to hear this.

A pedestal is a tiny constrained place to stand in. Why would anyone want to be there?

Putting someone on a pedestal is just as dehumanizing as treating them like they’re beneath you. In both cases, you’re not seeing them as equals.


So someone said in the tags on that last post, that Leia should be trained by Obi-Wan, and yeah. I’m onboard. 

AU where Anakin never falls, and everyone lives happily ever after. Dammit.

Part 1 here. 


Obviously I’m 10000% Most Excited to see Obi-Wan but also I cannot fucking WAIT to see Vader in this dumb show IT IS GOING TO BE THE BEST. He’s going to be THE BIGGEST ASSHOLE and he’s gonna bring his smoke machine with him and say a bunch of stupid shit that he thinks makes him sound cool but really just proves YET AGAIN that a HOPELESS DUMBASS is inside that suit and I am JUST SO HAPPY about all of it. Can’t wait. Will never be ready and yet have never been more ready for anything in my LIFE.





tumblr SHIELD. for 3 bucks a month, whenever a blaze post would appear on your dash, a pre-loaded post of yours instead appears on the dashboard of the person who tried to blaze you

tumblr BLAST. for 5 bucks a month, whenever a blaze post of yours would be blocked by tumblr shield, it instead appears in all caps at the top of the shielded person’s dashboard for an hour and flashes violently whenever they try to block it

tumblr POSSESS. for 200$ a day you can post using another person’s blog, though you cannot change their blog in any other way nor delete their previous posts. at the end of the day they receive half of the 200 dollars

tumblr TRUE SIGHT. for 6$ monthly you can see when a blog is possessed. tumblr SCRY. for 30$ a day you can read other blogs’ private messages

tumblr POWER WORD KILL. for a one time payment of 6,666 bucks, you can delete another blog entirely. tumblr notifies all of that blog’s mutuals that you killed them. each user can only use this feature once, and thereafter loses the ability to use any of the other tumblr spells. you must have been a user for at least 10 years to use this feature

tumblr UNDENIABLE SUMMONS. for 35$ you enchant a blog such that they cannot post again until they answer your ask. alternatively, you can simply set a price point of your choosing which they will receive if they choose to answer the ask (though they are not obligated to)

tumblr ENTHRALL. for 4$ a month you can use gifs as your icon again

tumblr FAMILIAR. for 5$ a month, you summon a small, cute familiar—such as a crab, snail, owl or frog—which can carry small messages onto your mutuals’ dashboards for you. owning a familiar also protects you from being tumblr POSSESSed by anyone but your own mutuals

tumblr REFLECT. for a one time payment of 100 dollars, the next time someone attempts to use POWER WORD KILL on you, they are deleted instead. there is no way of knowing whether someone has this feature active


we should reanimate nikola tesla just so that he can personally murder elon musk himself

“You made this while pointedly avoiding your WIPs, didnt you
” ”



You made this while pointedly avoiding your WIPs, didnt you



the spn guy being bi is great because it means he was playing one of the biggest queerbait ship of the decade while, actually, being queer. funniest shit ever i hope hes THRIVING


i love that post thats like “never trust how you feel about your life after 9pm” that shit changed my life. every time i feel bad i look at the clock and i’m like Aha It’s 10:26 PM You Cannot Fucking Fool Me