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Posts tagged FIJA

Monday Lazy Linking

<li><p><a href="http://eyeofthestorm.blogs.com/eye_of_the_storm/2010/05/i-very-much-like-the-current-phrase-sovereign-debt-which-appears-simply-to-mean-government-debt-but-its-hard-not-to-hear-it.html">i very much like the current phrase &quot;sovereign debt,&quot; which. Captain Capitulation, <cite>eye of the storm</cite> (2010-05-21)</a>. <q>i very much like the current phrase &quot;sovereign debt,&quot; which appears simply to mean government debt. but it&#39;s hard not to hear it as &quot;the debt which exercises complete, legitimate power over each of us.&quot; and hard in turn not to see this as a kind of summary of human...</q> <em style="font-size: smaller">(Linked Friday 2010-05-28.)</em></p></li>
<li><p><a href="http://sheldonfreeassociation.blogspot.com/2010/05/regarding-those-whites-only-lunch.html">Should Whites-Only Lunch Counters Be Allowed? Sheldon Richman, <cite>Free Association</cite> (2010-05-28)</a>. <q>Okay, let's get right down to it. Our side is asked, incredulously, "Do you mean that someone should be allowed to have a whites-only lunch counter?"The standard libertarian answer is, "Yes, although I don't approve of the racist policy."I say, "No. He shouldn't be allowed."What?! Heresy!Chill out.He shouldn't be allowed,...</q> <em style="font-size: smaller">(Linked Friday 2010-05-28.)</em></p></li>
<li><p><a href="http://blogofbile.com/2010/05/27/update-on-julian-heicklens-2010-05-25-arrest/">Update on Julian Heicklen??s 2010-05-25 arrest. bile, <cite>blog of bile</cite> (2010-05-27)</a>. <q>http://a072-web.nyc.gov/inmatelookup/inmateDetailAction.do?bookcasenumber=7001000078 Julian_Heicklen_inmate_details_-_2010-05-27-1232.pdf Inmate Details: Julian Heicklen NYSID: 02569223L Age: 78 Sex: Male Race: White Height: 5 ft 10 inches Weight: 195 lbs Hair Color: White Eye Color: Brown Nativity: Unknown Booking Information: Book &amp; Case Number: 7001000078 Facility: Anna M. Kross Center Arrest Date: 2010-05-25 Arrest Number: WARRANT Next Court...</q> <em style="font-size: smaller">(Linked Friday 2010-05-28.)</em></p></li>
<li><p><a href="http://aaeblog.com/2010/05/29/state-backs-off/">State Backs Off. Roderick, <cite>Austro-Athenian Empire</cite> (2010-05-29)</a>. <q>Good news ?? as far as it goes ?? for civil liberties in Malawi, as their president has (reluctantly) pardoned a same-sex couple, Steven Monjeza and Tiwonge Chimbalanga, who??d been sentenced to 14 years of prison for their role in the country??s ??first recorded public activity for homosexuals.? The pressure...</q> <em style="font-size: smaller">(Linked Saturday 2010-05-29.)</em></p></li>
<li><p><a href="http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Racialicious/~3/YGZHgIy4L_k/">Sustainable Food and Privilege: Why is Green Always White (and Male and Upper-Class) Guest Contributor, <cite>Racialicious - the intersection of race and pop culture</cite> (2010-05-20)</a>. <q>by Guest Contributor Janani Balasubramanian When asked to name the heroes of food reform and sustainable agriculture, who comes to mind? Michael Pollan, Joel Salatin, Eric Schlosser, Peter Singer, Alice Waters maybe? Notice any patterns? The food reform movement is predicated on rather shaky foundations with regards to how it...</q> <em style="font-size: smaller">(Linked Saturday 2010-05-29.)</em></p></li>
<li><p><a href="http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/c4ss/~3/mGbMfPgtRPk/2573">Getting it Backward. Kevin Carson, <cite>Center for a Stateless Society</cite> (2010-05-27)</a>. <q>You can learn a lot about people??s unstated assumptions just by looking at the way they frame their questions.  Take the debate over genetically modified foods, for example.  It??s generally presented as a controversy over whether the government should ??allow? GM foods to be sold without proper labeling.  But that??s...</q> <em style="font-size: smaller">(Linked Saturday 2010-05-29.)</em></p></li>
<li><p><a href="http://bradspangler.com/blog/archives/1587">Rand Paul and Positive Law in a Stateless Society. Brad Spangler, <cite>BradSpangler.com</cite> (2010-05-20)</a>. <q>I??ve previously mentioned one of the biggest drawbacks of a reformist approach to implementing libertarian ethics is that politics makes you stupid ?? because by looking at things in terms of government policy, you tend to lose the ability to explain and advocate something very important. Now Rand Paul is...</q> <em style="font-size: smaller">(Linked Saturday 2010-05-29.)</em></p></li>

Monday Lazy Linking

<li><p><a href="http://aaeblog.com/2010/05/20/bye-bye-for-ip/">Bye-Bye for IP. Roderick, <cite>Austro-Athenian Empire</cite> (2010-05-20)</a>. <q>Another blast from the past, out of the same box: I believe this letter to the Durham-based Independent Weekly was published, in some form at any rate. 3 February 1995 To the Editor: The copyright hassles of Blaise Faint (Independent Weekly 2/1/95) [2010 note: alas, I no longer recall what...</q> <em style="font-size: smaller">(Linked Saturday 2010-05-22.)</em></p></li>
<li><p><a href="http://aaeblog.com/2010/05/22/uncle-grady-still-has-a-gun/">Uncle Grady Still Has a Gun. Roderick, <cite>Austro-Athenian Empire</cite> (2010-05-22)</a>. <q>The following letter appeared in today??s Opelika-Auburn News; it??s a rejoinder to a recent reply to my ??Uncle Grady? letter. To the Editor: Carol Robicheaux (May 15) accuses me of hubris, hypocrisy, and naivety for my preference for voluntary modes of social organization over coercive ones ?? as though personal...</q> <em style="font-size: smaller">(Linked Saturday 2010-05-22.)</em></p></li>
<li><p><a href="http://aaeblog.com/2010/05/22/how-walter-williams-learned-to-stop-worrying-and-love-the-state/">How Walter Williams Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the State. Roderick, <cite>Austro-Athenian Empire</cite> (2010-05-22)</a>. <q>Walter Williams asks (CHT LRC): There are close to 7 billion people on our planet. I??d like to know how the libertarians answer this question: Does each individual on the planet have a natural or God-given right to live in the U.S.? ? I believe most people, even my open-borders...</q> <em style="font-size: smaller">(Linked Saturday 2010-05-22.)</em></p></li>
<li><p><a href="http://www.phdcomics.com/comics.php?f=1320">05/21/10 PHD comic: 'If only' <cite>PHD Comics</cite> (2010-05-23)</a>. <q>Piled Higher &amp; Deeper by Jorge Cham www.phdcomics.com title: &quot;If only&quot; - originally published 5/21/2010 For the latest news in PHD Comics, CLICK HERE!</q> <em style="font-size: smaller">(Linked Sunday 2010-05-23.)</em></p></li>
<li><p><a href="http://xkcd.com/743/">Infrastructures. <cite>xkcd.com</cite> (2010-05-20)</a>.  <em style="font-size: smaller">(Linked Sunday 2010-05-23.)</em></p></li>
<li><p><a href="http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=502500630&amp;v=wall&amp;story_fbid=122655867757355">I'm a criminal and so are you. Tennyson McCalla, <cite>Tennyson McCalla&#39;s Facebook Links</cite> (2010-05-21)</a>. <q>I'm a criminal and so are youSource: www.cnn.comWho am I? How do I identify?    [H/T Jo Hastings. This is good stuff.]"Lately, I've been telling people that I'm a criminal. This shocks most people, since I don't 'look like' one. I'm a fairly clean-cut, light-skinned black woman with fancy degrees from Vanderbilt...</q> <em style="font-size: smaller">(Linked Sunday 2010-05-23.)</em></p></li>
<li><p><a href="http://blogofbile.com/2010/05/16/julian-heicklens-2010-05-14-progress-report/">Julian Heicklen??s 2010-05-14 Progress Report. bile, <cite>blog of bile</cite> (2010-05-15)</a>. <q>FIJA DISTRIBUTIONS MAY 10??14, 2010 1. FIJA Demonstration in Trenton, NJ, 5/10/10 Jim Babb, George Donnelly, and I arrived at the U. S. District Courthouse at 402 E. State Street in Trenton, NJ, at 11:40 am on Monday, May 10, 2010. It was a sunny, but chilly and mildly windy...</q> <em style="font-size: smaller">(Linked Sunday 2010-05-23.)</em></p></li>
<li><p><a href="http://blog.iblamethepatriarchy.com/2010/05/16/and-they-moved-to-stars-hollow-and-lived-happily-ever-after/">And they moved to Stars Hollow and lived happily ever after. Jill, <cite>I Blame The Patriarchy</cite> (2010-05-16)</a>. <q>This post would have appeared earlier, but I only just now got the gore and debris cleaned up. I allude to the obstreperal lobe tissue dripping from the bunkhouse rafters. That??s right, I blew another lobe, and no doubt you did, too, when you heard about the insane bill that...</q> <em style="font-size: smaller">(Linked Sunday 2010-05-23.)</em></p></li>
<li><p><a href="http://insteadofablog.wordpress.com/2010/05/23/counter-culture/">Counter Culture. Neverfox, <cite>Anarchoblogs in English</cite> (2010-05-23)</a>. <q>Allison Kilkenny writes: The free market can??t provide solutions to many social problems. As Oliver Willis (sarcastically) put it, ??instead of boycotting [the] bus, rosa parks should have been an entrepreneur and started her own bus service. let the market decide.? Therein lies the problem with Libertarian [sic] philosophy. Social...</q> <em style="font-size: smaller">(Linked Monday 2010-05-24.)</em></p></li>

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