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Careers at Domain

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At Domain Group we’re building what you might call the incredible find – the right size, space and environment for you to love what you do and who you do it with. With us you’ll make your mark and make a difference. And you’ll be part of an inclusive team of unique individuals that are inspired by the opportunity that sits before them.

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Hear from some of our people

I feel really proud to work at Domain Group because I can bring my authentic self to work every day. Domain fosters a culture of inclusivity that I have not seen in any company I have worked for in the past.

Glenn Slobodzian

Account Manager

Everyone is so open-minded and collaborative, they give me the confidence to bring my ideas to the table and do my best work. I feel truly at home here.

Puria Davoodi

Legal Counsel

A lot of tech companies talk a big talk about customer-focus, but Domain is the first place I've worked where the customer is at the centre of our conversation about what and how we build.

Kate Andrews

Head of Residential Tech