It’s the stupid economy - and navigating its volatility will test the PM’s grip on power

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It’s the stupid economy - and navigating its volatility will test the PM’s grip on power

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Australia’s economic halo is slipping. Our 21st century story of resilience, which saw us avoid recession during the global financial crisis in 2008-9 and then lead the world in the recovery from the first and second waves of the pandemic last year, has been tarnished by the avoidable health policy errors of 2021.

It might seem like a harsh judgment when we still boast the third lowest death rate from the coronavirus of the 38 members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, behind South Korea and New Zealand.

Illustration: Simon Letch

Illustration: Simon Letch Credit:The Sydney Morning Herald

But we can no longer make the claim to be a role model in protecting both lives and livelihoods. NSW and Victoria have lost almost 1100 people between them to the Delta outbreak, and have endured recessions that are equivalent to the economic calamities of the early 1990s and early 1980s. Now our economy faces the threat of yet another setback as the big two states try to recover the jobs they have lost, while the COVID-free states of Queensland and Western Australia face the dilemma of living with the virus.

When the winter lockdowns in NSW and Victoria pushed the national economy back into recession, we joined fragile rich nations such as Britain and Italy that have still to restore their gross domestic product to its pre-pandemic level.

Our GDP gap is relatively small – as a nation, we produced 0.2 per cent fewer goods and services in total in the September quarter than we had in the December quarter 2019. The shortfall in Britain is 10 times ours, at 2 per cent; in Italy it is 1.3 per cent. Yet, we are now ranked 17th weakest of the 27 OECD countries that have released comparable data.


The Australian Bureau of Statistics provided this helpful detail in Wednesday’s national accounts. It also pointed out that Australia was only one of two rich nations, along with Japan, to record a contraction in the September quarter itself. Our GDP result of minus 1.9 per cent was almost three times worse than Japan’s minus 0.7 per cent. Britain, by contrast, grew by 1.3 per cent, Italy by 2.6 per cent. Delta struck a largely unvaccinated Australian population when our peers were reopening their economies. It is the recession we brought on ourselves.

Yet even this understates the volatile position of our economy at the moment, and with it, the Morrison government’s hold on political power.

The national accounts are by definition out of date. We are already two-thirds of the way through the December quarter and the signs are the national economy will be back in the black now that NSW and Victoria are open for business. But a Christmas surge in consumer spending does not guarantee the restoration of all the jobs that disappeared in NSW and Victoria.


Each state was vulnerable before Delta. In NSW, the male workforce was still 20,000 jobs short in June 2021 compared with February 2020, the month before the first national lockdown. In Victoria, the female workforce still had 10,000 jobs to make up from the state’s two lockdowns.

The Delta lockdowns claimed a further 70,000 male jobs in NSW, and twice as many female jobs between July and October. In Victoria, almost 70,000 men and 60,000 women were laid off. The upshot was that both states suffered hard landings.

The early 1990s recession remains by far the worst of the postwar crises – 4.2 per cent of all jobs disappeared over the course of the retrenchment cycle. Of those, 84.6 per cent belonged to men, predominantly in manufacturing, construction, agriculture and mining.

The early 1980s recession, which brought down Malcolm Fraser’s government, saw 3.6 per cent of the workforce laid off, while the mid-1970s recession which terminated Gough Whitlam’s government was less brutal with only 1.4 per cent of jobs lost.


The NSW deficit of 175,000 jobs or 4.2 per cent of the state’s workforce exactly matches the national toll of the early 1990s recession. Victoria’s deficit of 115,000 jobs (3.3 per cent) is just under the figure for the early 1980s recession. The national scorecard for the COVID recession is closer to the Whitlam recession, with the number of people employed 1.2 per cent lower in October 2021 than it was in February 2020. In raw numbers, that is a gap of 160,000 jobs, of which 67.3 per cent had belonged to women, reflecting lockdown’s hit on hospitality, the arts and education – all majority-female sectors.

But that national figure is meaningless because Delta split Australia into two economies – the locked-down south-east and the all-but COVID-free states of Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia and Tasmania. Queensland and Western Australia in particular have been booming. Between them, they added a combined 120,000 jobs through the pandemic.

The challenges this poses for the recovery would test even the most competent governments in our history. NSW and Victoria, and in particular Sydney and Melbourne, will warp what happens next as they will draw jobs back from the states to their north and west. The speed and the shape of the south-east recovery, and any setbacks the COVID-free states suffer once the virus gets into their communities, will inevitably collide with the budget and electoral cycles.

A cautious government would be mindful of the imbalances, and wary of the risk of a dash for growth that could seed another outbreak. A desperate one would throw money at NSW and Victoria in the hope that voters forget the trauma of 2021.

The most politically difficult part of the recovery equation is immigration. Sydney and Melbourne need large numbers to restart their economies, while the frontier states of Queensland and Western Australia would be happier if both domestic and international borders remained closed until the pandemic ends.


This double-dip recession, centred in our two largest cities, ends a long run of over-achievement for the Australian economy. Remember that we entered the pandemic with a record of 28 years without the interruption of a deep recession. And we were one of the first countries to recover our initial losses from last year’s lockdowns. We can’t say that now because the federal government was too slow to secure vaccines; the NSW government was too slow to lock down in June; the Victoria government was too slow to appreciate that it had already exhausted its people before its final lockdown.

The undoubted star of the rich world for the time being is South Korea, which has both a lower death rate than Australia’s and an economy that has grown by 1.7 per cent despite the shock of the pandemic. That may change; indeed, the No. 1 lesson of the pandemic is that no country is safe from setback. The Omicron variant could easily reset the global ladder.

The danger for Australia is that we may have further to fall, and that our people, already divided by the experience of COVID, may become even grumpier in 2022.

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