Jessica Irvine | The Age

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Jessica Irvine is a senior economics writer with The Sydney Morning Herald.

The graph that shows where your taxes are heading. Hint: it’s up!

The graph that shows where your taxes are heading. Hint: it’s up!

Tax cuts are in order - but if only our messy array of tax concessions could be cleaned up at the same time.

  • by Jessica Irvine


How I got a $13,878 tax refund this year (and topped up my super)

How I got a $13,878 tax refund this year (and topped up my super)

The reason my tax refund was so fat is that in June, I made a one-off, voluntary contribution into my superannuation fund from my after-tax savings. That resulted in a whopping refund of $10,154.

  • by Jessica Irvine
Was JobKeeper money wasted?

Was JobKeeper money wasted?

Today on Please Explain, economics correspondent Shane Wright joins Jess Irvine to discuss a new analysis of the JobKeeper wage subsidy program.

  • by Jessica Irvine
It’s OK to bury JobKeeper ... and to praise it

It’s OK to bury JobKeeper ... and to praise it

We should give the Morrison government credit where it’s due - because it will be a dangerous legacy if politicians think twice about unleashing stimulus in our next economic crisis.

  • by Jessica Irvine
How regulators messed up my property investing dream (but it’s ok!)

How regulators messed up my property investing dream (but it’s ok!)

Borrowers will only be able to take on debts they can afford to pay if the interest rate on their loan is 3 percentage points higher than the current rate.

  • by Jessica Irvine
The Pandora Papers: what’s in the box?

The Pandora Papers: what’s in the box?

Today on Please Explain, business investigative reporter Sarah Danckert joins Jess Irvine to discuss the biggest data leak of offshore tax details in history.

  • by Jessica Irvine
Time for a crackdown on ‘liar loans’ to douse home price bonfire

Time for a crackdown on ‘liar loans’ to douse home price bonfire

The number of borrowers who “misstate” the level of their spending is rising.

  • by Jessica Irvine
Aussies left in the dark on what’s really inside their super

Aussies left in the dark on what’s really inside their super

Australia has the worst disclosure regime of 26 countries surveyed by Morningstar in its annual Global Investor Experience Study.

  • by Jessica Irvine
The Evergrande debt crisis: how worried should we be?

The Evergrande debt crisis: how worried should we be?

Today on Please Explain, North Asia correspondent Eryk Bagshaw joins Jess Irvine to discuss the problems confronting China’s second biggest property company.

  • by Jessica Irvine
Evergrande is not a ‘Minsky moment’ or the next Lehman Brothers

Evergrande is not a ‘Minsky moment’ or the next Lehman Brothers

Speculative bubbles can burst, but it’s not true that what goes up must always come down.

  • by Jessica Irvine
Why can’t you borrow as much to invest in shares as property?

Why can’t you borrow as much to invest in shares as property?

Property investing seems like a bet that we, as a society, will prove unable, over the longer term, to match our housing supply to our housing needs, hence pushing up prices.

  • by Jessica Irvine