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21st Century Glam Rock™-

Boys' Entrance presents Bowie's Entrance

For 28 years, Tim Cain and Boys' Entrance have been producing award winning, highly acclaimed 21st Century Glam Rock. Now based in the Tampa Bay region of Florida, Cain and the Boys have been ranked in the Top 5 for Alternative Rock Bands in Central Florida on ReverbNation for the past 7 years. Boys' Entrance released their 6th album, "Boys' Entrance Presents Bowie's Entrance" volumes 1 & 2 on Valentine's Day, 2020. The album features covers influenced by David Bowie from his classic Glam Rock period. The first single is a cover of Gary Glitter's "Rock 'N Roll, Pt. 1". Check it out on SoundCloud!  We are currently working on a new album along the same lines that will include some new Boys' Entrance tunes as well. Stay tuned!


2/28/21 - Check out the latest review of Boys' Entrance at Rave and!



Exit or Entrance

After a 30 year delay, the debut album of Boys' Entrance is finally available. Download it at

Boys' Entrance Presents Bowie's Entrance, Vol. 1 & 2

"Cain hits the right inflection and the performances are air tight all around."- JAIME FUNK,



For the THIRD year in a row, BE has placed in the Top 3 for

"FAVORITE LOCAL PERFORMERS: MUSICIAN" Thank you Tampa Bay for your support!


Keep up with the latest news about the band on our Social Media pages: 

Reverb Nation / Facebook / Twitter / You Tube / Instagram


Our Rock Opera TUNNELVISION completed its run at The Studio @620 to sold out shows and standing ovations. Creative Loafing did a feature on Tim Cain and the history of TUNNELVISION, the Musical.

Read reviews of TUNNELVISION from the press in London, Atlanta, Tampa Bay, Chicago and Sacramento.

Email us at [email protected]