Kết quả tìm kiếm
  1. 23 thg 5

    Mona Lisa is soo overrated in front of this beauty 😍 What they cudnt express on paper, our ancestors did it on stone. 🇮🇳

  2. As somebody who grew up witnessing two of the worst anti-muslim pogroms in India, I think as a journalist and as a muslim, I have NEVER witnessed this level of brazen, televised hate. This lady is the national spokesperson of Narendra Modi’s BJP. THE NATIONAL SPOKESPERSON.

  3. 27 thg 5

    This wins Internet today.

  4. 30 thg 5

    Truck and auto drivers are spreading the truth of fountain across

  5. ’s largest electronics recycling firm Attero Recycling will spend $1 billion in the next five years and add plants in , and starting this year, its CEO told Reuters, aiming to tap into a global boom for electric vehicles.

  6. 29 thg 5

    He was a famous singer in pakistan too. This shows how RSS and hindus has clearly started an open war against shiks, by killing most famous singer of punjab.

    Hiện chuỗi hội thoại này
  7. Đang trả lời

    It’s true, every time Hindu-Muslim relations in come up, the phrase “Ganga-Jamuni” gets thrown around a lot. Fact is has no connection to the Yamuna. Yamuna is a tributary of the Sanatani Ganga itself, representing ’s acceptance of all faiths. 🙏🏽

  8. 27 thg 5

    Sadhguru on boat from Oman en route to for the much-awaited India leg of the historic . will arrive at , Gujarat on 29 May. 🇮🇳 Join All Of Mother in welcoming

    Hiện chuỗi hội thoại này
  9. 27 thg 5

    O Devi Saraswati, the most auspicious goddess of knowledge with lotus-like eyes, an embodiment of knowledge with large eyes, kindly bless me with knowledge. I salute you.🌻🌿

  10. 30 thg 5

    In this HEARTBREAKING video, a bull 🐘 is desperately trying to enter 🌳, but no matter where he turns, he’s hounded by people. 😢 One elephant expert, Dr. Chanchal Sar decries how villagers, forest officials and men of are driving 🐘🐘 away after invading THEIR habitat.

  11. 30 thg 5
    Hiện chuỗi hội thoại này
  12. Our team continues to provide supplies to help the villagers affected by the Assam floods.

  13. PM stopped his car to accept the painting by a girl.

  14. 30 thg 5
  15. 30 thg 5
  16. 9 giờ trước

    تُو بس لسی کا بندوبست کر🤔 پگلی فکر نہ کر ہمارے ہوتے ہوئے تم پر کوئی فتوی نہیں لگا سکتا😜😜😜 🇵🇰

  17. 30 thg 5
  18. 20 thg 5
  19. 19 giờ trước

    सरकारी स्कूल में भरा दबंगो ने चारा

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