




still so fucking weird to go from real life, where a cis man being flamboyant/effeminate/camp is judged like 70+% by how he speaks and carries himself, to online queer communities, which often seem to have no concept of male gender non-conformity that doesn’t involve wearing a skirt

i promise you, a man can be fem to the point of being in danger while wearing literally exactly the same thing as a hypermasculine guy. a boring basic black suit. a t shirt and jeans. a UNIFORM. gender conformity is not only about what you wear

None of you have watched that heartbreaking scene in The Birdcage where Albert gives up wearing everything he likes to try and blend in for their son’s conservative prospective in-laws and is so awkward and uncomfortable that no one says much until finally he says, defeated, “I know what you’re thinking - dressed like this, I’m even more obvious, aren’t I?” and it shows.

Here, have your queer heart broken:

This is what I’m talking about. This is still literally how it is in most places in the Midwest if you’re trying to “pass” for straight/cis/whatever.

I cannot begin to describe how hard I cried when I saw this scene the first time and how confused my conservative family was as to why I was crying.

(via elytrians)


sorry i got cranky because people misinterpreted the narrative. it will happen again [hasn’t even stopped being cranky from before]

(via goldenzingy46)


do you ever want to just shield your favorite characters from certain people because they just don’t get them and therefore shouldn’t even be allowed to look at them let alone talk about them

(via goldenzingy46)

glockmonkey asked:

whats ur favourite chnt headcanon?

selescope Answer:

so funny story i’m answering this on the car ride home from where i was. anyways i’m gonna give my fav hcs for some different characters because i’m sitting in a sheetz parking lot bored out of my mind.

sydney: sydney is a funky mug enjoyer/collector. mugs shaped like cats. mugs shaped like mushrooms. mugs that say stupid things. all of them!!

jedidiah: i’ve said this a million times but jedidiah is so goddamn left handed he is the most left handed person i’ve ever seen.

rowan: he can play guitar! his guitar probably has lots of cool stickers on it.

juniper: juniper will find little random things and decide that he wants to give them to rowan. so when he does he acts all confident about it like “look at this extremely cool leaf i found you 😎” and that’s how he flirts.

yvonne: yvonne has invisalign. and i think they make a lot of your mom jokes.

joshua: on numerous occasions joshua has told yvonne “hey yvonne you might wanna get new tights, yours have holes in them :/” and yvonne is wearing purposely ripped tights.

elijah: elijah has creepy long fingers and he talks with his hands a lot.

adam: the man is like carved up there are sigils and markings carved into him all over his body.

fennel: oh look it’s soren selescope to push his PARALYZED VOCAL CORD FENNEL agenda onto you. (:



This article is six parts and thousands of words, but I hope you read it. Incredibly brave creators spoke about their experience working with Rusty Quill, and their stories kept me up for nights. In my opinion, some of the actions taken by this company were unconscionable - but I invite you to read this piece and decide for yourself.

There is no ethical consumption under capitalism, but the behavior we support will be emulated by other podcast companies. It is up to us as a community to decide what that behavior should be, and take concrete action to uphold it.

(via jeddiehater)



grounding techniques, ok 5 things i can see. ugly man. shitty palm tree. clear evidence of air pollution. conservative bumper stickers. roadkill. why do i feel worse

I used to do the 5 things you see, 4 things you hear etc with my daughter when she was spiralling, but it had a low success rate. Just didn’t engage her brain, was too easy to just list shit things that made her feel shit.

I had to get creative.

Now we do shit like:

5 things you can see that you could easily steal without being noticed

4 things you think might be sticky if you licked them

3 things that you could fit in your mouth at once

2 inanimate objects that in another dimension, might fall in love

1 thing you can see that isn’t made of cheese, but would be better if was

Obviously not those ones every time, I gotta keep mixing things up, else she doesn’t have to really focus. Your mileage may vary, but it mostly works for us.

(via headspace-hotel)


Yvonne: Hey, could you help me find Sydney? He hasn’t left camp or anything, I just don’t know where he is.

Jedidiah: Sure. *clears throat* ZYDRATE COMES IN A LITTLE GLASS VIAL!

Sydney, at the other end of the campgrounds: A LITTLE GLASS VIAL!?

Jedidiah, pointing in the direction of Sydney’s voice: He’s over there.



You are the Chosen One. This is a lie. The Wizard trains each Chosen One, the Assassin arranges threats and enemies for the Chosen One to defeat and the Dark Lord faces and always slays each Chosen One without fail. It is all a ruse, meant to keep the three in power.

writing inspo

Indy Theme by Safe As Milk