Hey there, I'm Cody!
I'm a digital artist, writer and professional dog.
If you want to know about me, go ahead and check my about page and BYF/DNI.


The girls enjoying a hanami outing 🌸

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i want to agree with that “the internet is for kids now” post, but i cant. op saw the symptoms but they came to the wrong conclusion.

its for advertisers. you have to keep a clean image for advertisers. they don’t want Bad Words to be associated with their advertisements. yes some corporations will try edgier shit for certain demographics, but normies are where the money is.

As an internet elder, you all must realize the internet is currently the most sanitized it has ever been and it’s all for and by the corporations.

“The power
” ”



The power


(Source: mostlycatsmostly)





It’s easy to look at your behavior and see many red flags but I promise you, other people don’t notice. Because they’re not as smart as you. So don’t worry baby

what about the dolls

What dolls



if you hug me hard enough I make a squeaky toy sound



A guest just came by my front desk and said “it’s my husband’s birthday today, make sure you say happy birthday when he comes down!” and I love it so much it reminds me of that post that’s like “if I was dating just some guy I would hype him up so much I would walk in and say here comes the most specialist boy make sure you clap and cheer when he comes in or I’ll blow this whole building up” you know that post, but it literally just happened to me in real life.

Update: they just came back in from eating dinner at a local restaurant I recommended, and I asked the specialist boy in the world how his Special Birthday Dinner was and what he got to eat, and he began to gush about this lasagna he had, and in the background I saw the wife nod in approval that I had acknowledged her Most Specialist Boy’s birthday.


rb with some red flags that are in your room



The idea of being a villain in Pokémon is SO FUNNY like youre in this word where you have little creatures that are powered by good vibes and friendship and you can bond with them and play with them and stuff and you’re like no I think we need to establish an organized crime ring or blow up the planet or both

pikachu: pika pika:)

Like 10 different people: I want to kill everyone in the world




horses made me transgender

Story time to explain this

-there’s a horse where I work named Lucy who HATES men

-like “bite your face off” levels of hate

-enter me, who’s been having gender thoughts but not really realizing what that means

-I’d been avoiding Lucy because I quite like having my face not bitten off thank you

-Then one day I forget that she hates men and I go into her stall with her to clean out the poo

-She Doesent Hate me but I don’t think anything about it because I don’t remember that she’s sexist

-Someone walks by and comments on how she never lets any men in there

-“ha ha weird”

-internally I’m screaming “holy shit holy shit holy shit”

-thoughts that I’ve been having suddenly start to make sense

and that’s how I realized I was a girl

Assigned female at barn



*at a party* Hey the rest of us are gonna do some HRT in the bathroom wanna join


i never think more than two months into the future otherwise i start bawling and puking and clutching my stomach



“invest in your future” “build your career” “make professional connections” “grind” 🤢

how about

“run through wheat fields” “kiss loved ones often” “eat fruit” “bask in the sun”


wait wait can you want a dick but not in a guy way but like just to have one???



you can do whatever you want forever

One of the biggest influences on the way I currently see gender and sex and transgender identity was one tiny sentence

When I was talking to my top surgeon, he mentioned that he’d done top surgery on a butch lesbian. She identified fully as a woman, she just wanted a flat chest.

And that… blew my mind. My own desire for a dick and a flat chest is in a guy way, but the freedom of knowing that it doesn’t HAVE to be a guy way, that you can just want a body and have it -

That not only is gender presentation in clothes and so forth mix and match, you can treat your body that way too, not only does your gender not have to ‘match’ your assigned body your chosen gender doesn’t have to 'match’ your chosen body because all that really matters, on any of it, is what feels right to you -

I was full up on “you can be trans without wanting to change x part of your body” but learning that that could also apply the other way around was what blew my mind and shifted my whole understanding of identity.