- published: 26 Aug 2016
- views: 187650
Robert Vogel may refer to:
The name Robert is a Germanic given name, from Proto-Germanic *χrōþi- "fame" and *berχta- "bright". Compare Old Dutch Robrecht and Old High German Hrodebert (a compound of hruod "fame, glory" and berht "bright"). It is also in use as a surname.
After becoming widely used in Continental Europe it entered England in its Old French form Robert, where an Old English cognate form (Hrēodbēorht, Hrodberht, Hrēodbēorð, Hrœdbœrð, Hrœdberð) had existed before the Norman Conquest. The feminine version is Roberta. The Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish form is Roberto.
Similar to the name, Richard, "Robert" is also a common name in many Germanic languages, including English, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, and Icelandic. It can be used as a French, Hungarian, Finnish, and Estonian name as well.
Robert, and also the name Joseph, were in the top 10 most given boys' names in the US for 47 years, from 1925 to 1972.
In Italy during the Second World War, the form of the name, Roberto, briefly acquired a new meaning derived from, and referring to the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis.
Adder System: Robert Vogel Trailer
Frei wie ein Vogel - Robert Vogel auf der Walz (Doku)
Original Straumann Abutments – Dr. Robert Vogel
Positioning NICU patients with The Zaky
THINK. PLAY! - David Vogel
HSS Solvers - Jimmy Vogel
Hajdari vogel extra per ademin hitt 2015
A robot that flies like a bird | Markus Fischer
Fadili Vogel & TahiriV. - Rafsh Tallava Per Bajram B. 2017 HITT ( Sint. Liridon T. )
Luthier Tips du Jour Mailbag 29 - Shop design
The Twinkling Light Set: An increasingly rare but delightful type of decorative lighting
Trinitron: Sony's Once Unbeatable Product
Halbe Vogel Algemeen
Supine Position / Positioning NICU patients with The Zaky / Instructional Video
Hajdari vogel 2016
Room 133
Digital Design and Fabrication 2017
Designing Original Games | Daniel COOK
Adder System™ Ambidextrous Design
Room 330 - 2 bedroom, 3rd floor
Gary Clark Jr. - The Healing (Official Music Video)
VSA Partners
2-Takter Yamaha RD500 | K.OTs Klassiker
INDUSTRIAL MUSIC: The History [INURE - Subversive]
Robert Vogel from Vogel Dynamics (vogeldynamics.com) spent the day with Team Adder testing out the BERNE® Echo One Zero Vest and Echo Zero Six Cargo Pant featuring the U.S. Patent Pending Adder System™. Subscribe for future full-length videos. Gear: http://www.bernedirect.com/ccw Vogel Dynamics: http://www.vogeldynamics.com/
http://www.straumann.us Dr. Robert Vogel talks about the stability original Straumann components deliver to his dental practice and patients. Dr. Vogel discusses studies substantiating the value of original Straumann abutments.
"Effect of a maternal simulated intervention (The Zaky) on Physiologic and Developmental Behaviors of 28-34 Week Gestation Infants in a Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit" Robert L. Vogel, Ph.D., Barbara Weaver, R.N., Kendra Russell, Ph.D., R.N.Georgia Southern University (Statesboro, GA), Medical Center of Central Georgia (Macon, GA), Georgia College and State University (Milledgeville, GA) For more information about this research please contact Robert L. Vogel, PH.D., rvogel@georgiasouthern.edu For information about the Zaky, please contact Yamile Jackson, Ph.D., yamile@nurturedbydesign.com or visit www.nurturedbydesign.com
THINK. PLAY! -- das dritte Symposium der Strategie Austria Wir leben in einer Welt, der es an Visionen mangelt. Wie sollen wir aber neue Strategien entwickeln, wenn nicht im spielerischen Kontext? Die Redner: Sie beschäftigen sich auf den unterschiedlichsten Gebieten mit dem Thema „Spielen". Sie kennen sich aus mit der digitalen und der analogen Welt, mit Kommunikation, Produktion, UX, Dienstleistungen und vor allem mit Menschen. Dabei sind unter anderem: Stefan Scheer & Tim Turiak (D) Berater, Autoren, Gründer des Portals innovationsstuntmen.com Michael Marcovici (A) Unternehmer & Künstler, David Vogel (NL) User Experience Director AKQA Amsterdam Christoph Kolb (D) Interaktions Design. Geschäftsführer Widjet Das Versprechen: Sie werden keine Antworten bekommen, aber jed...
Jimmy Vogel, Purdue University Math department PUNLAG is a student-led seminar in numerical linear algebra at Purdue University. In this talk, I will discuss how the structure of Hierarchically Semiseparable (HSS) matrices can be exploited to design linear time solvers for systems of linear equations. I will first review HSS structures, then discuss the main ideas of nested dissection and structured Schur complements, and finally give a few key algorithmic details for the important method: HSS ULV solve.
Ernim mandi rrema bekim cita Tallava Sultan hajolli
http://www.ted.com Plenty of robots can fly -- but none can fly like a real bird. That is, until Markus Fischer and his team at Festo built SmartBird, a large, lightweight robot, modeled on a seagull, that flies by flapping its wings. A soaring demo fresh from TEDGlobal 2011. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, development and the arts. Closed captions and translated subtitles in a variety of languages are now available on TED.com, at http://www.ted.com/translate. Follow us on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/tednews Checkout our Fac...
__ ►ABONNIEREN & NICHTS VERPASSEN: http://goo.gl/KsNY8A ►►Facebook Fanpage Liken: http://bit.ly/TahiriVogelAufFacebook ►►►Folgt mir auf Twitter: @tahirivogel ► http://bit.ly/TahiriVogelAufTwitter ►Tahiri Vogel auf SoundCloud: http://bit.ly/TahiriVogelAufSoundcloud Instgram: ►@tahiri_vogel_offizial_ & @artem__schmir ►http://bit.ly/TahiriVogelAufInstagram ►http://bit.ly/ArtemSchmirAufInstagram Snapchat: ►artem_schmir Wir Arbeiten mit ►KraytextTV ►StudioErdenajREC.HD ►Werde Fan auf Facebook: http://bit.ly/TahiriVogelAufFacebook ►Zum Kanal: http://bit.ly/TahiriVogelAufYouTube ►Zur Playlist: http://bit.ly/TahiriVogelPlaylist _ Ihr fragt euch bestimmt wer ist dieser Tahiri Vogel?, Tahiri Vogel ist ein kleiner berühmter Albanischer Sänger der es geschaft hat mit 5 Jahren schon so e...
Luthier and Instructor, Robert O'Brien offers advice on shop layout and design and also gives some tips about shop efficiently that he has learned. www.obrienguitars.com
You can support this channel on Patreon! Link below If you're anything like me, the countless light displays you'll find around the average neighborhood during the holiday season are always welcome. But there's a certain type of light set that seems to be disappearing that I certainly hope stays around a little longer. In this video, you'll learn a little bit about how fairy light sets are made, how they work, and how a particular type of light strand pulls this all together to make my far-and-away favorite kind. You can support this channel on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/technologyconnections Contributions from viewers like you, even as little as a dollar a month, go a long way to keeping content flowing and uploads frequent. Thank you for your consideration. And, a big thanks ...
You can support this channel on Patreon! Link below Throughout much of the analog television era, Sony was the fairly undisputed king of TVs. Their Trinitron picture tube was a universally well received technology and made a number of important improvements on the standard color picture tube. This is the story of its creation. **The trinitron CRT wasn't impervious to Moire patterns. However, it was less prone to them because of the lack of a phosphor grid. Vertical misalignment could still occur with the aperture grille, so moire patterns could still appear on patterns with strong vertical stripes. However, moire patterns wouldn't appear with horizontal image components due to the lack of distinct phosphor groupings. **The patent expired in 1996, not 1998. You can support this cha...
VOGEL ARCHITECT te Sassenheim (Zuid-Holland) http://www.architectenbureauvogel.nl/index.html Veel meer dan een tekening alleen: Een allround architectenbureau met jarenlange ervaring. Niet alleen op het gebied van verbouw, nieuwbouw, restauratie, maar ook met funderingsherstel, planontwikkeling, het herbestemmen en splitsen van bestaande panden. Grote, maar vooral ook kleinere bouwwerken: Vogel Architect maakt alles van het ontwerp tot volledig bouwklare bouwplannen. Wij regelen alle nodige vergunningen, de aanbesteding en verzorgen de totale begeleiding tijdens het gehele bouwproces. Wij luisteren naar uw wensen en ideeën: En we vertalen deze naar een hoogwaardig en energiezuinig bouwplan. Wij gebruiken waar mogelijk prefab bouwelementen. Hierdoor werken wij snel en efficiënt en blijv...
"Effect of a maternal simulated intervention (The Zaky) on Physiologic and Developmental Behaviors of 28-34 Week Gestation Infants in a Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit" Robert L. Vogel, Ph.D., Barbara Weaver, R.N., Kendra Russell, Ph.D., R.N. Georgia Southern University (Statesboro, GA), Medical Center of Central Georgia (Macon, GA), Georgia College and State University (Milledgeville, GA)
1 bedroom - 550 sq feet
Digital design and fabrication 2017 Course Coordinator: Alison Fairley Senior Tutor: Rosie Gunzburg Tutors: Siavash Malek, Matt Greenwood, Amanda Masip, Josh Russo-Batterham, Lyle Talbot, Luca Lana, Dingwen Bao. Students: Opemiposoluwa Olubodun, Qingyi Zhang, Brett Mccoll, Joanna Tidy, Carla Sujanto, Aline Li Wain Teh, Cindy Nguyen, Tong Wu, Zijun Mo, Thomas Huntingford, Alison Fong, Pelin Cao, Kah Yi Fern, Cheong, Yueting Yang, Natalie Keynton, Yuxuan Xiu, Harrison Blasco-Burke, Pingrong Chen, Winnie Chiu, Jade Layton, Isabella Romanella, Ka Long Chow, Phoebe Shiyi, Danika Pandinata, Yu Chia Lim, Paul Morgan, Madeline Gundry, Di Wu, Lauren Ho, Tianming Lin, Xinrui Peng, Baolin Qiu, Yakun Li, Han Wang, Yixuan Huang, Bowen Liu, Louis Saunders, Sayedah Zamanah Moslih, Mitchell Sack...
To become a master designer, you need to break past a slavish devotion of past forms and create vibrant, new experiences. This design talk covers practical techniques for reinventing game genres. The goal is the invention of a unique and highly differentiated customer value proposition that makes both strong business sense and is also deeply creatively fulfilling. We cover designing from the root, reducing design risk, and igniting original franchises. We also cover the pitfalls of design innovation and how to thrive in a highly competitive market. Delivered at Casual Connect Seattle, July 2012. Download Slides: http://casualconnect.org/lectures/design/designing-original-games-daniel-cook
The Adder System™ features an ambidextrous, exterior pocket system that is rapidly accessible by right and left handed users. US PATENT PENDING.
Official Music Video for "The Healing" From the new album from Gary Clark Jr. 'The Story of Sonny Boy Slim' Get it on iTunes http://smarturl.it/GCJI Starring: Nicole Trunfio Director: Gaston Jouany Supervising Producer: Tyler Mann for MannMade Productions Line Producer: Jacob Miguel Executive Producer: Devin Sarno 1st AD: Drew Saplin 2nd AD: Dax Stringer DP: Andrew Barrera 1st AC: Rue Dwyer 2nd AC/DIT: Michael Richard Green Production Designer: Robert Christian Art Director: Joel Cruz Gaffer: Patrick Hoy Stylist: Stephanie Strate Editor: Claire Marie Vogel Special Thanks To: Brian Parker (http://lakeaustinfishing.com/) Road Side Rose Trading Co. (https://www.facebook.com/roadsideroseATX) Texas State Parks & Recreation Robert Schmidt, DC - Restoration Chiropractic Jules Esh - Earphoria ...
VSA Partners is a branding and marketing company.It has its headquarters in Chicago with offices in New York City and Detroit.The firm was founded in 1982 by Robert Vogele as Communication Design Group.Clients include IBM, Harley-Davidson, GE, Nike and Procter & Gamble among others. This channel is dedicated to make Wikipedia, one of the biggest knowledge databases in the world available to people with limited vision. Article available under a Creative Commons license Image source in video
Holger Vogel präsentiert seinen Yamaha RD500 Umbau auf der Motorräder Dortmund im Kenny Roberts-Design. Das vielleicht legendärste 500er-Superbike aller Zeiten. Wir vom 1000PS Team würden uns freuen, wenn ihr unseren Youtube Kanal abonniert: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAbWl7Gv6YD0_QKp-LUlF1g Tägliche News rund um das Thema Motorrad bekommt ihr auf http://www.1000ps.at oder auf http://www.1000ps.de Besucht uns auf unserer 1000PS Facebook Seite: http://www.facebook.com/1000ps
Banda formada no início dos anos 2000, que tem como integrantes ao longo dos anos: ADAM MOORE. ROBERT VOGEL. SAMUEL PFANNKUCHE (Dementia Design, Everything Goes Cold, Imperative Reaction, Pulse Legion). JOSH SCHLAUT. A. VEX. As ideias do grupo navegam pelo Electro e elementos do Ambient e o EBM mais clássico. Foram lançados vários singles, EP's, alguns albuns e produções em coletâneas a partir de 2001. Música do album "Subversive" [2006]. País: Estados Unidos. Selo: Alfa Matrix.
Company Music & Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, Book by George Furth Originally Produced and Directed on Broadway by Harold Prince Orchestrations by Jonathan Tunick Crafton-Preyer Theatre A classic musical that takes an honest look at adult relationships. A single guy unable to commit, five best friend-couples, three girlfriends and New York City comprise the company of this classic Broadway musical. A series of parties, dates and conversations attempt to weigh the pros and cons of marriage. Directed & Choreographed by Leslie Bennett Musical Direction by Ryan McCall Scenic Design by Kelly Vogel Lighting Design by Ann Sitzman Costume Design by Chelsea Pitts Dramaturgy by Lusie M. Cuskey Stage Management by Jordan Michael Grant Cast Robert..........................................Cale Morr...
__ ►ABONNIEREN & NICHTS VERPASSEN: http://goo.gl/KsNY8A ►►Facebook Fanpage Liken: http://bit.ly/TahiriVogelAufFacebook ►►►Folgt mir auf Twitter: @tahirivogel ► http://bit.ly/TahiriVogelAufTwitter ►Tahiri Vogel auf SoundCloud: http://bit.ly/TahiriVogelAufSoundcloud Instgram: ►@tahiri_vogel_offizial_ & @artem__schmir ►http://bit.ly/TahiriVogelAufInstagram ►http://bit.ly/ArtemSchmirAufInstagram Snapchat: ►artem_schmir Wir Arbeiten mit ►KraytextTV ►StudioErdenajREC.HD ►Werde Fan auf Facebook: http://bit.ly/TahiriVogelAufFacebook ►Zum Kanal: http://bit.ly/TahiriVogelAufYouTube ►Zur Playlist: http://bit.ly/TahiriVogelPlaylist _ Ihr fragt euch bestimmt wer ist dieser Tahiri Vogel?, Tahiri Vogel ist ein kleiner berühmter Albanischer Sänger der es geschaft hat mit 5 Jahren schon so e...
THINK. PLAY! -- das dritte Symposium der Strategie Austria Wir leben in einer Welt, der es an Visionen mangelt. Wie sollen wir aber neue Strategien entwickeln, wenn nicht im spielerischen Kontext? Die Redner: Sie beschäftigen sich auf den unterschiedlichsten Gebieten mit dem Thema „Spielen". Sie kennen sich aus mit der digitalen und der analogen Welt, mit Kommunikation, Produktion, UX, Dienstleistungen und vor allem mit Menschen. Dabei sind unter anderem: Stefan Scheer & Tim Turiak (D) Berater, Autoren, Gründer des Portals innovationsstuntmen.com Michael Marcovici (A) Unternehmer & Künstler, David Vogel (NL) User Experience Director AKQA Amsterdam Christoph Kolb (D) Interaktions Design. Geschäftsführer Widjet Das Versprechen: Sie werden keine Antworten bekommen, aber jed...
Jimmy Vogel, Purdue University Math department PUNLAG is a student-led seminar in numerical linear algebra at Purdue University. In this talk, I will discuss how the structure of Hierarchically Semiseparable (HSS) matrices can be exploited to design linear time solvers for systems of linear equations. I will first review HSS structures, then discuss the main ideas of nested dissection and structured Schur complements, and finally give a few key algorithmic details for the important method: HSS ULV solve.
Lawrence Vogel is Professor of Philosophy at Connecticut College where has taught since 1989. He is author of The Fragile 'We': Ethical Implications of Heidegger's Being and Time (Northwestern University Press, 1994) and editor of a volume of Hans Jonas's later essays, Mortality and Morality: a Search for the Good after Auschwitz (Northwestern, 1996). His more recent publications reflect his special interest in Heidegger's Jewish students -- especially Jonas, Hannah Arendt, Emmanuel Levinas and Leo Strauss -- and their responses to the legacy of their teacher. In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussio...
➜ Eine weitere gute Dokumentation zu diesem Thema: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSODyNQl7RY ★ HIER ABONNIEREN für mehr neue Dokus: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN9nk_gGeXhoiLlZcFw4ziA?sub_confirmation=1 ➜ Für mehr neue deutsche Dokumentationen (Dokus) und Reportagen in HD aus 2017 bitte abonnieren! Vielen Dank!
In this lecture, presented in conjunction with the exhibition Wang Jianwei: Time Temple, Dr. Thomas J. Berghuis, The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Curator of Chinese Art, examines the development of contemporary art in China in the context of the global turn. He focuses on art produced after the turn of the 21st century, as China began positioning itself at the center of a new world order and as an origin from which to observe increasing globalization. The presentation examines the role of artists in China, such as Wang Jianwei, who consider new alternatives in addressing universal forms, and who strive for more pluralistic visions of culture and identity in their work. This lecture was presented as part of The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Lecture Series.
Swedish Fashion Talents Aug 2015 Kulturhuset Stadsteatern © Timo Trolin/iTeve Music by: Martin Vogel THE PARTICIPANTS OF SWEDISH FASHION TALENTS 2015 Arethé Stockholm (Stockholm), womenswear, www.arethe.se Emelie Janrell (Stockholm), womenswear, www.emeliejanrell.se Freehistoric (Stockholm), menswear, www.freehistoric.com Inez-NY (New York/Stockholm), womenswear, www.inez-ny.com Isabella Idberg (Stockholm), womenswear, www.isabellaidberg.com MLTV Clothing (Stockholm), menswear, www.mltvclothing.com Märta Larsson (London/Stockholm), jewellery, www.martalarsson.com Simon Ekrelius (London/Stockholm), womenswear, www.simonekrelius.com Sofia Eriksson (Stockholm), jewellery, www.sofiaeriksson.tictail.com WDEE (Göteborg), womenswear, www.wdee.se SHOW PRODUCTION: Helena Mellström, Paulina Tharé...
To become a master designer, you need to break past a slavish devotion of past forms and create vibrant, new experiences. This design talk covers practical techniques for reinventing game genres. The goal is the invention of a unique and highly differentiated customer value proposition that makes both strong business sense and is also deeply creatively fulfilling. We cover designing from the root, reducing design risk, and igniting original franchises. We also cover the pitfalls of design innovation and how to thrive in a highly competitive market. Delivered at Casual Connect Seattle, July 2012. Download Slides: http://casualconnect.org/lectures/design/designing-original-games-daniel-cook
2017 Joomla World Conference in Rome, Italy November 17-19, 2017 With Vitaly Friedman Friday 14:15-14:45 - Main Room
Watch 2006 AIGA Medalist and Pentagram partner MICHAEL BIERUT's mainstage presentation "What I've Learned" at the 2015 AIGA Design Conference in New Orleans. 1998-2001 AIGA national board of directors president and Design Observer cofounder Michael Bierut imparts lessons learned throughout four decades practicing graphic design. Plus, watch Michael chat with Conference moderator and podcast star Roman Mars (99% Invisible).
Webinar Presented as part of ELA "A Focus on Sustainability" series on May 5, 2015. www.ecolandscaping.org Each year millions of dollars are spent on designing, building, and maintaining landscapes that use too many unsustainable resources and rely on unsustainable practices. There is little thought given to water conservation in traditional landscape design and the result is a continuing depletion of our water resources. Gary Krause is committed to landscapes designed with water conservation in mind. As drought conditions become the norm in many parts of the country, the need for water-conscious landscape design becomes more critical. This presentation will address many water conservation techniques including plant choices, material selection, and irrigation options. With careful plannin...
Immer wieder führten technische Entwicklungen zu Revolutionen im Brückenbau. Zahlreiche Schweizer prägten die Geschichte der Ingenieurskunst mit: So zum Beispiel Robert Maillart, der dem Betonbrückenbau in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts zum Durchbruch verhalf, oder Christian Menn, dessen elegante Brücken in der Schweiz und in den USA zu Wahrzeichen wurden. – Die Suche nach höchster Ästethik kann gefährliche Folgen haben: Trotz modernsten Berechnungsmethoden schwankte die Londoner Millennium Bridge bei ihrer Eröffnung so stark, dass sie erst nach massiven Verstärkungsarbeiten für das Publikum geöffnet werden konnte. Künftig sollen sich «intelligente Brücken» selber schützen. Dank dem Einsatz von Kunststoffen und ausgeklügelten Testverfahren werden die Brücken der Zukunft noch robus...
Melanie Stirner ist eine Motion Designerin und Art Directorin, die aktuell in Hamburg lebt und arbeitet. Ihre Grafiken, Animationen und Filme zeichnen sich durch Farbenfreude und Liebe zum Detail aus und entstehen mitunter durch kreative Experimente (https://mlsn.myportfolio.com). Immer auf der Suche nach dem perfekten Loop, möchte Melanie mit ihren Arbeiten kleinen Augenblicken mehr Aufmerksamkeit schenken und sie gefühlt wertvoller machen. Melanie hat sowohl im Auftrag von Agenturen als auch unabhängig u.a. für Kunden wie Hospital Records, Volkswagen, Ikea oder Warner Music gearbeitet. Auf Adobe Live wird sie euch zeigen wie ihre wunderbaren animierten GIFs macht. Moderation: Rufus Deuchler Abonnieren: https://www.youtube.com/user/AdobePRD?sub_confirmation=1 Neuigkeiten von Adobe: htt...
Join our Goodreads Forum: http://tinyurl.com/swordandlaser Subscribe to Geek and Sundry: http://full.sc/GTVYfM CLICK "SHOW MORE" FOR DESCRIPTION & MORE INFO! Brandon Sanderson joins us to talk his upcoming Rithmatist, the Legion film adaptation, and why he was the right guy for the job when it came to finishing Robert Jordan's epic Wheel of Time series. Cheers! More about our guest, Brandon Sanderson: On the Web: http://www.brandonsanderson.com/ On Twitter: https://twitter.com/BrandSanderson On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BrandSanderson On Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/38550.Brandon_Sanderson His Blog: http://www.brandonsanderson.com/blogi More on Brandon's Works: The Stormlight Archive series: http://www.goodreads.com/series/49075-the-stormlight-archive Ela...
Business leaders discuss how design impacts their overall strategy and affects their bottom line. Moderated by Daniel H. Pink, the panelists will discuss the role of design thinking in the workplace as it relates to consumer goods as well as overall company vision. Moderator: Daniel H. Pink, author of A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future Panelists include: Bill Moggridge, 2009 Lifetime Achievement National Design Award Winner, co-founder of IDEO Sam Lucente, Vice President of Design, Hewlett-Packard Company Jeanne Liedtka, Professor, University of Virginia's Darden Graduate School of Business
Are humans becoming a creative force that creates life from dead matter? Exploring new life forms, extending our life span tremendously, or even rejuvenating...it is now, at reach. Especially if we grow our own new organs thanks to stemcell research: will we become super evolved life forms with enhanced features and an extended life span? Original Title: The mind of the universe Lee Cronin, creator of alternative life: Non-biological life, you would say that this is impossible by definition. But that happens to be what he is trying to create. All life on Earth uses DNA or RNA and proteins, but is that the only option? Maybe this is just the only form that is left here on Earth, and we overlooked other life forms. And maybe there are other planets or life forms with a totally different ...
2017 Joomla World Conference in Rome, Italy November 17-19, 2017 With George Wilson Friday 15:00-15:45 - Main Room
Presentation recording and slides for the Sustainability, Entrepreneurship and Design MSc Webinar.