'Hans' is featured as a movie character in the following productions:
D3: The Mighty Ducks (1996)
Herbert Brill (actor),
Steven Brill (actor),
James Craven (actor),
Michael Cudlitz (actor),
Christopher Day (actor),
Christopher Day (actor),
Matt Doherty (actor),
Stephen Dowling (actor),
Emilio Estevez (actor),
Jr. Kirk Hall (actor),
Elden Henson (actor),
Joshua Jackson (actor),
Paul Kariya (actor),
Mike Kelly (actor),
Joss Ackland (actor),
Plot: In the third episode of this series, the Ducks get scholarships to Eden Hall Academy, a high ranking prep school. But as freshmen, they will have to face the snob varsity team...
Keywords: 1990s, coach, hockey, hockey-movie, preparatory-school, sequel, sports-team, trilogy
Taglines: No Fear. No Limits. No Brakes. Just Ducks.
Goldberg: It's not enough that I get shot at on the ice, now I have to worry about getting nailed off the ice. Why am I always getting shot at?::Fulton: You're a goalie, dude. Deal.
Mrs. Madigan: Every Monday you will have a practice quiz. Every Wednesday you will have a real quiz. Every Friday you will have an exam. And any time I FEEL like it you will have a surprise quiz or exam.
Dwayne: What'd he say?::Russ: Something about a shrinking sphincter.
Connie Moreau: This ninja stuff really makes you look uh, I don't know how you say um...::Guy Germaine: [suavely] Ruggedly handsome?::Connie Moreau: Amazingly stupid!::Guy Germaine: [sarcastically] Very funny.
[In the goal singing]::Julie Gaffney: Fulton scored, Fulton scored. I am really bored. Fulton's great, Fulton's great. A year ago he couldn't even skate.
Goldberg: Great, now I have to worry about being nailed off the ice as well. Why am I always getting shot at?::Fulton: You're a goalie, dude, deal.::Goldberg: Thanks, Fulton, real sensitive.::Fulton: You're welcome.
Dwayne: Waiter I have too many forks... I only need one... Ya'll... It's just... [Picks up lil' fork] Hey, what's this lil' bitty one for?
Coach Orion: Goldberg, when's the last time you practiced?::Goldberg: Well, we don't really practice per say. We either play or... play around.
Rick: [to the ducks] You're nothin' but white trash!::Russ: [leans forward] Uh, who are you callin' white trash?
Charlie Conway: [after Cole steals Charlie's lunch] Aww. C'mon, my mommy made me brownies::Fulton: Yeah, fresh warm ones.::Rick: It's too bad about your bash brother, I heard he was too scared to leave home.::Fulton: Portman ain't scared of nothin'.::Cole: Eww, what the hell kind of brownies are these?::Charlie Conway: I gotta tell her to stop using horse turds in the recipe.
Päärooli (1996)
Ossi Ahlapuro (actor),
Hannu Kahakorpi (actor),
Juho Milonoff (actor),
Kari Rakkola (actor),
Kai Savola (actor),
Iris-Lilja Lassila (actress),
Rea Mauranen (actress),
Leena Uotila (actress),
Tove Jansson (writer),
Laura Ruohonen (writer),
Jukka Sipilä (director),
The Mighty Ducks (1992)
Brandon Quintin Adams (actor),
Hal Fort Atkinson III (actor),
John Beasley (actor),
Mark Bradley (actor),
Steven Brill (actor),
Scott Bryan (actor),
George Coe (actor),
J.D. Daniels (actor),
Kevin Deon (actor),
Matt Doherty (actor),
Stephen Dowling (actor),
Dale Dunham (actor),
Emilio Estevez (actor),
Anthony Fitzgerald (actor),
Joss Ackland (actor),
Plot: Gordon Bombay, a hotshot lawyer, is haunted by memories of his childhood, when, as the star player in his champion hockey team, he lost the winning goal in a shootout, thereby losing the game, and the approval of his coach. After being charged for drunk driving, the court orders him to coach a peewee hockey team, the worst in the league, Gordon is at first very reluctant. However, he eventually gains the respect of the kids and teaches them how to win, gaining a sponsor on the way and giving the team the name of The Ducks. In the finals, they face Gordon's old team, coached by Gordon's old coach, giving Gordon a chance to face old ghosts.
Keywords: 1990s, athlete, blockbuster, coach, community-service, competition, forbidden-love, girl-on-boys-team, hockey, hockey-movie
Taglines: He's never coached. They've never won. Together they'll learn everything about winning! They Can't Skate. They Can't Win. They Can't Be Serious.
Gordon Bombay: Keep swingin'. Maybe you'll give them a cold.
District Five Peewee Hockey Team: Take the fall! Act hurt! Get indignant!
Coach Reilly: Why'd you turn against me, Gordon? For six years, I taughtcha how to skate, I taughtcha how to score, I taughtcha how to go for the "W". You could have been one of the greats! An' now look at yourself. You're not even a has-been. You're a never-was.
Casey Conway: Look, Mr. Zen Master, you may be in tune with the ice universe, but when it comes to my kid, "I just know" doesn't cut it!
Jesse: Yo dude! You obviously in the wrong hood. This is my dominion, and it's a drug free zone. You understand? Now I'm feelin' generous today. So I'm gonna let you get your sorry vanilla booty out of here before we be usin' your eyeballs as hockey pucks!
Goldberg: Be careful man, it almost hit me that time!::Charlie Conway: Goldberg, you're the goalie. It's supposed to hit you.::Goldberg: Does that sound stupid to anyone else?
Gordon Bombay: I hate kids. They're barely human.
Gordon Bombay: You think losing is funny?::Les Averman: Well, not at first, but once you get the hang of it.::Jesse: We're the ones out there gettin' our butts kicked.::Terry Hall: Yeah, it's not like you coach us or anything. At least we tried.
[Coach Bombay has taped Goldberg to the goal]::Goldberg: My mother is not gonna approve of this, Coach! She wants me to live to be Bar Mitzvah'd!::Gordon Bombay: This is your Bar Mitzvah, Goldberg. Today, you become a man.::Goldberg: No. I think you've got the ceremonies mixed up. This is more like a CIRCUMCISION.
Frank Huddy: [Gordon has defeated Frank at court] You really stooped to an all-time low on this one, Bombay.::Gordon Bombay: I'm insulted by that, Frank, you have no idea how low I can stoop.::Frank Huddy: I mean, I don't mind losing; I'd just like to lose fairly.::Gordon Bombay: Losing fair is still losing, Frank. Gotta go for the "W" every time!::Frank Huddy: And what about justice, huh? That man, he should be in jail.::Gordon Bombay: It was your job to put him there, so don't take it out on me! Next time do your job, Franky-Boy.
Macken - Roy's & Roger's Bilservice (1990)
Hans Alfredson (actor),
Marcus Ekbom (actor),
Anders Eriksson (actor),
Claes Eriksson (actor),
Per Fritzell (actor),
Magnus Härenstam (actor),
Håkan Johannesson (actor),
Gösta Krantz (actor),
Folke Lind (actor),
Mikael Lindgren (actor),
Sven Melander (actor),
Magnus Norén (actor),
Peter Rangmar (actor),
Steen Rasmussen (actor),
Knut Agnred (actor),
Plot: Roy and Roger decide to close their gasstation for the summer, to try to find where, what and how their lost father is. Roger also falls in love and much more.
Keywords: based-on-tv-series, blackmail, brother-brother-relationship, businessman, character-name-in-title, copenhagen-denmark, escalator, estranged-father, father-son-reunion, gas-station
Taglines: a movie about two brothers and a gasstation En film om tvaa broeder och en mack
Los 4 músicos de Bremen (1989)
Pablo Adán (actor),
José Luis Baltanás (actor),
Gonzalo Durán (actor),
Eduardo Jover (actor),
Eduardo Jover (actor),
Luis Marín (actor),
Rafael Alonso Naranjo Jr. (actor),
Antonio Prieto (actor),
Simón Ramírez (actor),
Claudio Serrano (actor),
Manuel Torremocha (actor),
Valle Acebrón (actress),
Pilar Coronado (actress),
Pilar Gentil (actress),
Ana María Saizar (actress),
Los trotamúsicos (1989)
Pablo Adán (actor),
José Luis Baltanás (actor),
José Carabias (actor),
Rafael de Penagos (actor),
Gonzalo Durán (actor),
Eduardo Jover (actor),
Eduardo Jover (actor),
Luis Marín (actor),
Eduardo Moreno (actor),
Rafael Alonso Naranjo Jr. (actor),
Antonio Prieto (actor),
Simón Ramírez (actor),
Claudio Serrano (actor),
Valle Acebrón (actress),
Pilar Coronado (actress),
Plot: A rooster named Koki leaves his farm looking for fame and fortune playing music. In his path he meets Lupo (a dog), Burlón (a cat) and Tonto (a donkey), and together create a band called the Four Musicians of Bremen. Nevertheless the house where they live is too the house of the three stupid criminals, Chef, Bestia and Tapón, what will try expel the Musicians of the house, but time and time Koki and his friends defeat to Chef and his partisans, what will return to try recover a great treasure what they robbed and hid in the house before that Koki and the others moved to live in it.
Keywords: bandit, farm, goblin
Der rote Reiter (1970)
Erich Altrock (actor),
Martin Angermann (actor),
Ulrich Balko (actor),
Walter Beck (actor),
Detlef Becker (actor),
Ralph Borgwardt (actor),
Peter Brock (actor),
Juri Gamzin (actor),
Rüdiger Giese (actor),
Gerhard Goldhorn (actor),
Wolfgang Gorks (actor),
Eckehard Hardkopf (actor),
Werner Kamenik (actor),
Siegfried Kellermann (actor),
Berko Acker (actor),
The Cretan Plays of Action (1966)
John Abineri (actor),
Michael Coles (actor),
Griffith Davies (actor),
Roy Dotrice (actor),
Czeslaw Grocholski (actor),
Neil Stacy (actor),
Athene Fielding (actress),
Lilian Redfern (actress),
Derek Bennett (producer),
Arden Winch (writer),
Derek Bennett (director),
Lita på mej, älskling! (1961)
Ragnar Arvedson (actor),
Bengt Eklund (actor),
Nils Fritz (actor),
Jarl Kulle (actor),
Lars Kåge (actor),
Sven Lindberg (actor),
Sune Mangs (actor),
Märta Dorff (actress),
Helena Fernell (actress),
Elna Gistedt (actress),
Lena Granhagen (actress),
Barbro Hiort af Ornäs (actress),
Margaretha Krook (actress),
Eivor Landström (actress),
Herman Ahlsell (actor),
Plot: Karl and Anna are looking for an apartment, but have so far been unable to get one. But they have an excellent idea: Anna's room mate Ulla and Karl's brother Fredrik are single. If they could be able to make them fall in love with each other, one apartment would become available. But when Ulla and Fredrik first meet, they can't stand each other...
Keywords: bachelor, brother, journalism, marriage, opposites-attract
Pięc Dwa - Deep Hans (reedycja winyl) - 08. Creutzfeli
Utwór pochodzi z wydania CD albumu Pięć Dwa "Deep Hans" (2008) i jest zapowiedzią reedycji albumu na płycie winylowej oraz wznowienia oryginalnego wydania CD! Za każdy like/komentarz dla zasięgu na YT/IG/FB dziękujemy z góry! Do każdego utworu dołączamy kawałek naszej historii zapraszamy do przeczytania na FB/IG.
Preorder trwa! Tylko na: https://sklep.52debiec.pl
Wideo: Artfilm Grzegorz Prałat
Digital: https://piecdwa.lnk.to/deephans
published: 30 Mar 2021
Hej kära Hans fans! Nu får Hans svara på lite frågor så ni får en bättre bild av honom. Mer videos kommer att läggas upp på min youtube kanal. Tack för all kärlek och support.
Gilla/Subscribe !!!!!
Instagram: @Youknowike
published: 23 Mar 2021
Hans Zimmer - Time (Inception - Live in Prague)
published: 29 Nov 2017
DER ENTSCHEIDENDE PUNKT mit Anja Reschke, Albrecht von Lucke & Hans - Jung & Naiv im Blätterwald 5
Unterstützt uns finanziell ► http://www.paypal.me/JungNaiv
Diskutiert im Jung & Naiv Forum ► http://forum.jungundnaiv.de/
Fünfte Ausgabe von Jung & Naiv im Blätterwald. Diesmal mit Anja Reschke (NDR, Panorama)
Wer die "Blätter für deutsche & internationale Politik" unterstützen wil, abonniert sie https://www.blaetter.de/
Bitte unterstützt unsere Arbeit finanziell:
Konto: Jung & Naiv
IBAN: DE854 3060 967 104 779 2900
GLS Gemeinschaftsbank
PayPal ► http://www.paypal.me/JungNaiv
published: 29 Mar 2021
Bisping talks the Hans Molenkamp controversy
Former UFC middleweight champion Michael Bisping and Comedian Luis J Gomez talk about Dominick Cruz calling out Hans Molenkamp for a fight, then discuss the subsequent fallout and Bisping's personal issues with the man.
These Episodes Were Recorded On 3.08.21 and 3.11.21
Support Our Sponsors
https://paleovalley.com/ - Use promo code BELIEVE15 for 15% off!
https://www.carolfitai.com/ - Use Promo Code MIKE to get $100 off a bike today!
https://www.Manscaped.com/ - Use promo code Bisping20 for 20% off plus free shipping!
https://www.sheathunderwear.com/- use code BISPING20 to get 20% off
Believe You Me is available for early pre release on GaS Digital Network every Monday and Thursday. Sign-up with code BYM to get access to the archives, bonus content and more! https://bit.ly/2YX...
published: 15 Mar 2021
Mere Naina Vich/Rehan De★ Ep 10 | Hansraj Hans, Navraj Hans, Yuvraaj Hans| Mixtape Punjabi Season 2
Presenting the video of Episode- 10 "Mere Naina Vich/ Rehan De" from the T-Series Mixtape Punjabi 2, sung by Hansraj Hans, Navraj Hans, & Yuvraaj Hans.
Amazon Prime Music presents Gulshan Kumar & Bhushan Kumar's T-Series Mixtape Punjabi - Season 2, The series has 24 prolific singers and 11 phenomenal Punjabi hits playing from 04th November 2019 only on T-Series YouTube Channel.
Listen ad-free on Amazon Prime Music: https://amzn.to/2ZU9YaJ
Song: Mere Naina Vich/ Rehan De
Singers: Hansraj Hans, Navraj Hans, Yuvraaj Hans
Directed By: Radhika Rao & Vinay Sapru
Music By: Abhijit Vaghani
Conceptualized & Developed By: So...
published: 06 Jan 2020
Hans Solo | 52 dębiec - Ego-tyka
Ego-Tyka to trzy prawdziwe historie, które być może zmieniły moje życie. Być może zmienią także Twoje. Może masz jakieś własne historie które to zrobiły, a nigdy ich nie opowiedziałeś?
Dystrybucja cyfrowa:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3GA6lJ27EZhWkQsoMGvNEH
Tidal: https://tidal.com/track/107889165
Google Play https://play.google.com/store/music/album?id=Buffjdyitjgj3pw5u7xxflqmrfu&tid;=song-Tsozmca5aimxyroiwpjvmuabmle
Empik.com https://www.empik.com/ego-tyka,p1226562080,ebooki-i-mp3-p
Plus Music https://plusmusic.pl/album/3965010/1000-mil-fair-play-remix
PlayTheMusic http://www.playthemusic.pl/mp3/utwor.html?pid=3255955&artistId;=608581&t;=Enjoy%2B1000+mil+Fair+Play+Remix
Muzyka T-Mobile http://www.muzyka.t-mobile.pl/main/utwor.htm?pid=5631393
Realizacja teledysku: Bartosz Dziams...
published: 18 Apr 2019
FAST AND FURIOUS 9 "Han Is Back" Trailer (2020)
FAST AND FURIOUS 9 "Han Is Back" Trailer (2020)
© 2020 - Universal Pictures
published: 03 Feb 2020
Best Hans Zimmer Music #1 (Top 10 HD)
► Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvgQ2_d_jFhX3uGNn_BHqcg
► More Videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvgQ2_d_jFhX3uGNn_BHqcg/playlists
► Watch the last episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nfcbkQQqpI
00:00 Hans Zimmer & Lorne Balfe - In The Beginning
03:45 The Lion King - This Land (Hans Zimmer)
06:40 The Thin Red Line (Hans Zimmer)
10:27 The Dark Knight Rises - Main Theme – Hans Zimmer
14:08 Interstellar - Main Theme - Hans Zimmer
18:13 Pearl Harbor - Brothers – Hans Zimmer
22:17 Injection - Hans Zimmer
27:05 Lost but Won...
published: 05 Dec 2015
Hans? Ja? - Proč Němci prohráli válku aneb Prašivá taktika dohody (Le passe temps) - CZ
Prašivá taktika dohody...
Vytvořeno na popud bratrů z KVH 29. pěší pluk "plk. Josefa Jiřího Švece" - Jindřichův Hradec
Přeložil: Kratochvíl Tadeáš
published: 25 Aug 2013
Pięc Dwa - Deep Hans (reedycja winyl) - 08. Creutzfeli
Utwór pochodzi z wydania CD albumu Pięć Dwa "Deep Hans" (2008) i jest zapowiedzią reedycji albumu na płycie winylowej oraz wznowienia oryginalnego wydania CD! Z...
Utwór pochodzi z wydania CD albumu Pięć Dwa "Deep Hans" (2008) i jest zapowiedzią reedycji albumu na płycie winylowej oraz wznowienia oryginalnego wydania CD! Za każdy like/komentarz dla zasięgu na YT/IG/FB dziękujemy z góry! Do każdego utworu dołączamy kawałek naszej historii zapraszamy do przeczytania na FB/IG.
Preorder trwa! Tylko na: https://sklep.52debiec.pl
Wideo: Artfilm Grzegorz Prałat
Digital: https://piecdwa.lnk.to/deephans
Utwór pochodzi z wydania CD albumu Pięć Dwa "Deep Hans" (2008) i jest zapowiedzią reedycji albumu na płycie winylowej oraz wznowienia oryginalnego wydania CD! Za każdy like/komentarz dla zasięgu na YT/IG/FB dziękujemy z góry! Do każdego utworu dołączamy kawałek naszej historii zapraszamy do przeczytania na FB/IG.
Preorder trwa! Tylko na: https://sklep.52debiec.pl
Wideo: Artfilm Grzegorz Prałat
Digital: https://piecdwa.lnk.to/deephans
- published: 30 Mar 2021
- views: 761
Hej kära Hans fans! Nu får Hans svara på lite frågor så ni får en bättre bild av honom. Mer videos kommer att läggas upp på min youtube kanal. Tack för all kärl...
Hej kära Hans fans! Nu får Hans svara på lite frågor så ni får en bättre bild av honom. Mer videos kommer att läggas upp på min youtube kanal. Tack för all kärlek och support.
Gilla/Subscribe !!!!!
Instagram: @Youknowike
Hej kära Hans fans! Nu får Hans svara på lite frågor så ni får en bättre bild av honom. Mer videos kommer att läggas upp på min youtube kanal. Tack för all kärlek och support.
Gilla/Subscribe !!!!!
Instagram: @Youknowike
- published: 23 Mar 2021
- views: 1346
DER ENTSCHEIDENDE PUNKT mit Anja Reschke, Albrecht von Lucke & Hans - Jung & Naiv im Blätterwald 5
Unterstützt uns finanziell ► http://www.paypal.me/JungNaiv
Diskutiert im Jung & Naiv Forum ► http://forum.jungundnaiv.de/
Fünfte Ausgabe von Jung & Naiv im Blä...
Unterstützt uns finanziell ► http://www.paypal.me/JungNaiv
Diskutiert im Jung & Naiv Forum ► http://forum.jungundnaiv.de/
Fünfte Ausgabe von Jung & Naiv im Blätterwald. Diesmal mit Anja Reschke (NDR, Panorama)
Wer die "Blätter für deutsche & internationale Politik" unterstützen wil, abonniert sie https://www.blaetter.de/
Bitte unterstützt unsere Arbeit finanziell:
Konto: Jung & Naiv
IBAN: DE854 3060 967 104 779 2900
GLS Gemeinschaftsbank
PayPal ► http://www.paypal.me/JungNaiv
Unterstützt uns finanziell ► http://www.paypal.me/JungNaiv
Diskutiert im Jung & Naiv Forum ► http://forum.jungundnaiv.de/
Fünfte Ausgabe von Jung & Naiv im Blätterwald. Diesmal mit Anja Reschke (NDR, Panorama)
Wer die "Blätter für deutsche & internationale Politik" unterstützen wil, abonniert sie https://www.blaetter.de/
Bitte unterstützt unsere Arbeit finanziell:
Konto: Jung & Naiv
IBAN: DE854 3060 967 104 779 2900
GLS Gemeinschaftsbank
PayPal ► http://www.paypal.me/JungNaiv
- published: 29 Mar 2021
- views: 0
Bisping talks the Hans Molenkamp controversy
Former UFC middleweight champion Michael Bisping and Comedian Luis J Gomez talk about Dominick Cruz calling out Hans Molenkamp for a fight, then discuss the sub...
Former UFC middleweight champion Michael Bisping and Comedian Luis J Gomez talk about Dominick Cruz calling out Hans Molenkamp for a fight, then discuss the subsequent fallout and Bisping's personal issues with the man.
These Episodes Were Recorded On 3.08.21 and 3.11.21
Support Our Sponsors
https://paleovalley.com/ - Use promo code BELIEVE15 for 15% off!
https://www.carolfitai.com/ - Use Promo Code MIKE to get $100 off a bike today!
https://www.Manscaped.com/ - Use promo code Bisping20 for 20% off plus free shipping!
https://www.sheathunderwear.com/- use code BISPING20 to get 20% off
Believe You Me is available for early pre release on GaS Digital Network every Monday and Thursday. Sign-up with code BYM to get access to the archives, bonus content and more! https://bit.ly/2YXEoZH
Follow the show on social media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BYMPod
Subscribe on YouTube: https://bit.ly/3drq6ps
Follow the hosts on social:
Michael Bisping Twitter https://twitter.com/bisping
Michael Bisping Instagram https://www.instagram.com/mikebisping/
Michael Bisping YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/mikethec...
Website https://www.believeyoumepod.com/
Mike's debut book "Quitters Never Win" is available wherever books are sold, click here to get a copy! https://bit.ly/2V9ZqDk
Luis J Gomez Twitter https://twitter.com/luisjgomez
Luis J Gomez Instagram https://www.instagram.com/gomezcomedy/
Luis J Gomez YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/PosterDo...
Website https://www.luisjgomezpresentsluisjgo...
Check out Luis J Gomez's debut comedy special “Luis J Gomez Presents Luis J Gomez” which is currently streaming and available on YouTube for free https://bit.ly/2V8nrut
Follow the team on social:
Brian MacKay Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bmackayisri...
Brian MacKay Twitter: https://twitter.com/bmackayisright
Mike Harrington Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheMHarrington
Mike Harrington Instagram https://www.instagram.com/themharring...
Mike Harrington Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/themharrington
Believe You Me is a twice weekly podcast covering MMA news in a comedy podcast format hosted by former UFC Middleweight Champion Michael Bisping and New York standup comedian Luis J Gomez
Michael Bisping is a Former UFC Middleweight Champion. He transitioned to commentary in his post fight career and regularly calls the biggest fights. In addition to analyst work Michael has been cast in shows on Netflix, CBS and Showtime and has appeared in movies such as XXX: Return of Xander Cage, Den Of Thieves and Triple Threat. His next project slated for release is Warrior on Netflix in October, his self titled documentary "Bisping" is slated for release in the fall as well.
Luis J. Gomez is a comedian, writer, podcaster, and producer based out of New York City. He is most known for being one of the hosts of the popular podcast Legion of Skanks. His television appearances include NBC’s “Last Comic Standing”, Comedy Central’s “Roast Battle”, TruTV’s “Comedy Knockout”, two seasons of NBC Seeso’s “What’s Your F@%king Deal?!”, and more.
Recently, Luis performed at the prestigious Just For Laughs Festival in Montreal and was named a “Breakout Performer” by Time Out NY. In 2016, Luis started the GaS Digital Podcast Network with his good friend, and fellow podcaster, Ralph Sutton. He hosts three podcasts on the network (Legion of Skanks, Believe You Me, and Real Ass Podcast). That same year he co-created the comedy festival Skankfest NYC which has now sold out 4 years in a row and has amassed a cult like following among comedy fans world wide.
#MichaelBisping #DominickCruz #HansMolenkamp
Former UFC middleweight champion Michael Bisping and Comedian Luis J Gomez talk about Dominick Cruz calling out Hans Molenkamp for a fight, then discuss the subsequent fallout and Bisping's personal issues with the man.
These Episodes Were Recorded On 3.08.21 and 3.11.21
Support Our Sponsors
https://paleovalley.com/ - Use promo code BELIEVE15 for 15% off!
https://www.carolfitai.com/ - Use Promo Code MIKE to get $100 off a bike today!
https://www.Manscaped.com/ - Use promo code Bisping20 for 20% off plus free shipping!
https://www.sheathunderwear.com/- use code BISPING20 to get 20% off
Believe You Me is available for early pre release on GaS Digital Network every Monday and Thursday. Sign-up with code BYM to get access to the archives, bonus content and more! https://bit.ly/2YXEoZH
Follow the show on social media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BYMPod
Subscribe on YouTube: https://bit.ly/3drq6ps
Follow the hosts on social:
Michael Bisping Twitter https://twitter.com/bisping
Michael Bisping Instagram https://www.instagram.com/mikebisping/
Michael Bisping YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/mikethec...
Website https://www.believeyoumepod.com/
Mike's debut book "Quitters Never Win" is available wherever books are sold, click here to get a copy! https://bit.ly/2V9ZqDk
Luis J Gomez Twitter https://twitter.com/luisjgomez
Luis J Gomez Instagram https://www.instagram.com/gomezcomedy/
Luis J Gomez YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/PosterDo...
Website https://www.luisjgomezpresentsluisjgo...
Check out Luis J Gomez's debut comedy special “Luis J Gomez Presents Luis J Gomez” which is currently streaming and available on YouTube for free https://bit.ly/2V8nrut
Follow the team on social:
Brian MacKay Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bmackayisri...
Brian MacKay Twitter: https://twitter.com/bmackayisright
Mike Harrington Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheMHarrington
Mike Harrington Instagram https://www.instagram.com/themharring...
Mike Harrington Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/themharrington
Believe You Me is a twice weekly podcast covering MMA news in a comedy podcast format hosted by former UFC Middleweight Champion Michael Bisping and New York standup comedian Luis J Gomez
Michael Bisping is a Former UFC Middleweight Champion. He transitioned to commentary in his post fight career and regularly calls the biggest fights. In addition to analyst work Michael has been cast in shows on Netflix, CBS and Showtime and has appeared in movies such as XXX: Return of Xander Cage, Den Of Thieves and Triple Threat. His next project slated for release is Warrior on Netflix in October, his self titled documentary "Bisping" is slated for release in the fall as well.
Luis J. Gomez is a comedian, writer, podcaster, and producer based out of New York City. He is most known for being one of the hosts of the popular podcast Legion of Skanks. His television appearances include NBC’s “Last Comic Standing”, Comedy Central’s “Roast Battle”, TruTV’s “Comedy Knockout”, two seasons of NBC Seeso’s “What’s Your F@%king Deal?!”, and more.
Recently, Luis performed at the prestigious Just For Laughs Festival in Montreal and was named a “Breakout Performer” by Time Out NY. In 2016, Luis started the GaS Digital Podcast Network with his good friend, and fellow podcaster, Ralph Sutton. He hosts three podcasts on the network (Legion of Skanks, Believe You Me, and Real Ass Podcast). That same year he co-created the comedy festival Skankfest NYC which has now sold out 4 years in a row and has amassed a cult like following among comedy fans world wide.
#MichaelBisping #DominickCruz #HansMolenkamp
- published: 15 Mar 2021
- views: 150310
Mere Naina Vich/Rehan De★ Ep 10 | Hansraj Hans, Navraj Hans, Yuvraaj Hans| Mixtape Punjabi Season 2
Presenting the video of Episode- 10 "Mere Naina Vich/ Rehan De" from the T-Series Mixtape Punjabi 2, sung by Hansraj Hans, Navraj Hans, & Yuvraaj Hans.
Amazon ...
Presenting the video of Episode- 10 "Mere Naina Vich/ Rehan De" from the T-Series Mixtape Punjabi 2, sung by Hansraj Hans, Navraj Hans, & Yuvraaj Hans.
Amazon Prime Music presents Gulshan Kumar & Bhushan Kumar's T-Series Mixtape Punjabi - Season 2, The series has 24 prolific singers and 11 phenomenal Punjabi hits playing from 04th November 2019 only on T-Series YouTube Channel.
Listen ad-free on Amazon Prime Music: https://amzn.to/2ZU9YaJ
Song: Mere Naina Vich/ Rehan De
Singers: Hansraj Hans, Navraj Hans, Yuvraaj Hans
Directed By: Radhika Rao & Vinay Sapru
Music By: Abhijit Vaghani
Conceptualized & Developed By: Sonal Chawla, Raj Chanana, Shivam Chanana, Vivin Sachdeva
Creative Assistance & Project Co-ordination to Abhijit Vaghani: Mahima Batra
DOP: Vikrant Beena Thakur
Set Design Concept: Radhika Rao & Vinay Sapru
Production Designer: Parichit Paralkar
Choreographer: Firoz A khan
Costume Stylist: Sunakshi Kansal & Vibhuti Chamria
Makeup Artist & Hair Stylist - Chetan Pathare, Shayli Nayak
Editing Team: Anil Shinde, Rishi Neupane, Vivek Shevade
Creative Designs: Sunil Kumar, Dhananjay Pant
Presented By: Amazon Music India
President Digital & Legal: Neeraj Kalyan
President Marketing, Media & Publishing: Vinod Bhanushali
T-Series Marketing Team: Bhavesh Bhanushali, Pooja Vora, Rajendram Akula
T-Series Production Team :Alok Shukla, Ekevera Sinha, Sana Shaikh, Preeti Lepcha
T-Series Digital Team (Mumbai): Prashant Shetty, Andrew D'Souza, Vahishta Bharucha, Sana Shaikh, Farhin Khatri
T-Series Digital Team (Delhi): Varun Arora, Juhi Singh, Akanksha Chaudhary, Garishma Gandhi, Uzma Khan
T-Series A&R; Team: Raj Chanana, Shivam Chanana, Sonal Chawla, Vivin Sachdeva, Sonu Srivastava
Team Rao & Sapru
Commercial & Operations Head - Priyanka Jaiswal
Head Of Production: Kunal Khandelwal
Direction Assistant: Renu Sagore, Rafi Ahmad Anjum, Nakul Arora, Rahul Kumar
Production Assistants: Akhilesh Srivastava, Harshit Dwivedi, Karanveer Khera
Team AV: Mahima Batra, Saurabh-Jay, Harshit Jain, Shamita Bhatkar, Pooja Mazumdar
Rehearsed at: T-Series Studio
Recorded By: Surajit Ghosh Mazumdar, Dattaray Narvekar
Mixed & Mastered By: Aftab Khan at Headroom Studio
Mix Assistant: Vatsal Chevli
Offline Editor: Ambar Vyas
Post Production Studio: Amit Jalan-Image Devices (I) Pvt. Ltd.
DI & Online Artist - Ritujit Rai Chaudhary
Music Team:
Music co-produced by: Shamita Bhatkar
Guitar Arrangement by: Shomu Seal
Drums: Manoj Maran, Siddesh Sundar
Bass Guitar: Sandeep Sharma
Nylon Guitar: Tejas Patil
Acoustic Guitar: Hitesh Solanki
Electric Guitar: Rahul Rajbongshi, Manoj Maran
Flute: Rajib Sarkar
Percussion: Pulkit Rathore, Chetan Parab, Sham Adhav
Keys: Varun Kindra
Piano: Vivek Sunil Mayekar
Tumbi – Charanjot Singh
Dhol – Anil Bhatt & Bros
Mandolin: Hitesh Solanki
Ukelele: Siddhant Sharma
Backing Vocals arranged by Team AV
Backing Vocalists: Bhrigu Parashar, Nuaman Mulla, Shona Sharma, Rukhsar, Riya Sengupta, Barsha Borah, Kanchan Srivastava, Neeva Desai, Saurabh, Akash Verma, Navneet Singh
Stage Manager - Rahul Bakshi
Jewellery Sponsored By Golecha's Jewels
Guitar Courtesy - Gibson Brands
Musical Instruments: Furtados
Music Location - Prime Focus Ltd, Filmcity
Original Song 1: Mere Naina Vich
Singer: Hansraj Hans
Music: Anand Raj Anand
Lyrics: Amardeep Gill
Original Song 2: Rehan De Rehan De
Singer: Hansraj Hans
Music: Atul Sharma
Lyrics: Shamsher Sandhu
Enjoy & stay connected with us!
👉 Subscribe to T-Series: http://bit.ly/TSeriesYouTube
👉 Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tseriesmusic
👉Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/tseries
👉 Follow us on Instagram: http://bit.ly/InstagramTseries
Presenting the video of Episode- 10 "Mere Naina Vich/ Rehan De" from the T-Series Mixtape Punjabi 2, sung by Hansraj Hans, Navraj Hans, & Yuvraaj Hans.
Amazon Prime Music presents Gulshan Kumar & Bhushan Kumar's T-Series Mixtape Punjabi - Season 2, The series has 24 prolific singers and 11 phenomenal Punjabi hits playing from 04th November 2019 only on T-Series YouTube Channel.
Listen ad-free on Amazon Prime Music: https://amzn.to/2ZU9YaJ
Song: Mere Naina Vich/ Rehan De
Singers: Hansraj Hans, Navraj Hans, Yuvraaj Hans
Directed By: Radhika Rao & Vinay Sapru
Music By: Abhijit Vaghani
Conceptualized & Developed By: Sonal Chawla, Raj Chanana, Shivam Chanana, Vivin Sachdeva
Creative Assistance & Project Co-ordination to Abhijit Vaghani: Mahima Batra
DOP: Vikrant Beena Thakur
Set Design Concept: Radhika Rao & Vinay Sapru
Production Designer: Parichit Paralkar
Choreographer: Firoz A khan
Costume Stylist: Sunakshi Kansal & Vibhuti Chamria
Makeup Artist & Hair Stylist - Chetan Pathare, Shayli Nayak
Editing Team: Anil Shinde, Rishi Neupane, Vivek Shevade
Creative Designs: Sunil Kumar, Dhananjay Pant
Presented By: Amazon Music India
President Digital & Legal: Neeraj Kalyan
President Marketing, Media & Publishing: Vinod Bhanushali
T-Series Marketing Team: Bhavesh Bhanushali, Pooja Vora, Rajendram Akula
T-Series Production Team :Alok Shukla, Ekevera Sinha, Sana Shaikh, Preeti Lepcha
T-Series Digital Team (Mumbai): Prashant Shetty, Andrew D'Souza, Vahishta Bharucha, Sana Shaikh, Farhin Khatri
T-Series Digital Team (Delhi): Varun Arora, Juhi Singh, Akanksha Chaudhary, Garishma Gandhi, Uzma Khan
T-Series A&R; Team: Raj Chanana, Shivam Chanana, Sonal Chawla, Vivin Sachdeva, Sonu Srivastava
Team Rao & Sapru
Commercial & Operations Head - Priyanka Jaiswal
Head Of Production: Kunal Khandelwal
Direction Assistant: Renu Sagore, Rafi Ahmad Anjum, Nakul Arora, Rahul Kumar
Production Assistants: Akhilesh Srivastava, Harshit Dwivedi, Karanveer Khera
Team AV: Mahima Batra, Saurabh-Jay, Harshit Jain, Shamita Bhatkar, Pooja Mazumdar
Rehearsed at: T-Series Studio
Recorded By: Surajit Ghosh Mazumdar, Dattaray Narvekar
Mixed & Mastered By: Aftab Khan at Headroom Studio
Mix Assistant: Vatsal Chevli
Offline Editor: Ambar Vyas
Post Production Studio: Amit Jalan-Image Devices (I) Pvt. Ltd.
DI & Online Artist - Ritujit Rai Chaudhary
Music Team:
Music co-produced by: Shamita Bhatkar
Guitar Arrangement by: Shomu Seal
Drums: Manoj Maran, Siddesh Sundar
Bass Guitar: Sandeep Sharma
Nylon Guitar: Tejas Patil
Acoustic Guitar: Hitesh Solanki
Electric Guitar: Rahul Rajbongshi, Manoj Maran
Flute: Rajib Sarkar
Percussion: Pulkit Rathore, Chetan Parab, Sham Adhav
Keys: Varun Kindra
Piano: Vivek Sunil Mayekar
Tumbi – Charanjot Singh
Dhol – Anil Bhatt & Bros
Mandolin: Hitesh Solanki
Ukelele: Siddhant Sharma
Backing Vocals arranged by Team AV
Backing Vocalists: Bhrigu Parashar, Nuaman Mulla, Shona Sharma, Rukhsar, Riya Sengupta, Barsha Borah, Kanchan Srivastava, Neeva Desai, Saurabh, Akash Verma, Navneet Singh
Stage Manager - Rahul Bakshi
Jewellery Sponsored By Golecha's Jewels
Guitar Courtesy - Gibson Brands
Musical Instruments: Furtados
Music Location - Prime Focus Ltd, Filmcity
Original Song 1: Mere Naina Vich
Singer: Hansraj Hans
Music: Anand Raj Anand
Lyrics: Amardeep Gill
Original Song 2: Rehan De Rehan De
Singer: Hansraj Hans
Music: Atul Sharma
Lyrics: Shamsher Sandhu
Enjoy & stay connected with us!
👉 Subscribe to T-Series: http://bit.ly/TSeriesYouTube
👉 Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tseriesmusic
👉Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/tseries
👉 Follow us on Instagram: http://bit.ly/InstagramTseries
- published: 06 Jan 2020
- views: 12945540
Hans Solo | 52 dębiec - Ego-tyka
Ego-Tyka to trzy prawdziwe historie, które być może zmieniły moje życie. Być może zmienią także Twoje. Może masz jakieś własne historie które to zrobiły, a nigd...
Ego-Tyka to trzy prawdziwe historie, które być może zmieniły moje życie. Być może zmienią także Twoje. Może masz jakieś własne historie które to zrobiły, a nigdy ich nie opowiedziałeś?
Dystrybucja cyfrowa:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3GA6lJ27EZhWkQsoMGvNEH
Tidal: https://tidal.com/track/107889165
Google Play https://play.google.com/store/music/album?id=Buffjdyitjgj3pw5u7xxflqmrfu&tid;=song-Tsozmca5aimxyroiwpjvmuabmle
Empik.com https://www.empik.com/ego-tyka,p1226562080,ebooki-i-mp3-p
Plus Music https://plusmusic.pl/album/3965010/1000-mil-fair-play-remix
PlayTheMusic http://www.playthemusic.pl/mp3/utwor.html?pid=3255955&artistId;=608581&t;=Enjoy%2B1000+mil+Fair+Play+Remix
Muzyka T-Mobile http://www.muzyka.t-mobile.pl/main/utwor.htm?pid=5631393
Realizacja teledysku: Bartosz Dziamski i Oskar Sosnowski
Muzyka: DarkBeatz
Słowa: Hans
Utwór z płyty Hans Solo - Poprawna Praca Serca - premiera 14.06.2019
Preorder: http://poprawnapracaserca.pl
Koncerty: booking@52debiec.pl
ego tyka tyk tyk głośno tyka tyk tyk
tak byś słyszał tylko tylko siebie
lustro świeci blink blink i oślepia blink blink
tak byś widział tylko tylko siebie
siemasz hans jestem wolontariuszem w hospicjum dziecięcym
nic wielkiego, organizuję czas swoim podopiecznym
jest tutaj taki paweł, ma twoją kasetę pń vi
bardzo cię lubi i pomyślałem sobie, że
mógłbyś wpaść, odwiedzić, pogadać i spędzić chwilę
zrobić zdjęcie, dać autograf, przybić piątkę i tyle
chłopak jest bardzo słaby, nie damy rady przyjść na koncert
w tej chwili tylko leży, nigdzie z nim nie wychodzę
to tylko pomysł, nic mu o tym nie powiedziałem
jak dasz radę to fajnie,
to byłoby dla niego naprawdę coś
nic na siłę, jak możesz to po prostu bądź
co o tym myślisz, daj znać przy czasie
umówimy się, mój telefon, mail, pozdrawiam tymczasem!
odpisałem, że ok, przy okazji koncertu
żeby nie jechać tak bez sensu, wpadnę jak będę na miejscu
nie chciało mi się, byłem zajęty sobą, własnym życiem
w weekendy picie i koncerty - w tygodniu tylko picie
mijał gładko głupi czas, trwoniłem go garściami
nie robiłem nic i nie miałem czasu na nic
koło południa, dzień był smutny i deszczowy
wpadła nowa wiadomość do skrzynki odbiorczej
nadeszły trzy słowa, które tyle lat przetrawiam
przygniotły mnie do ziemi
"paweł zmarł, pozdrawiam."
co możesz odpowiedzieć dzieciakowi, który pokazuje ci sznyty
by wyjącą rozpacz zagłuszył ból fizyczny
patrzy w ciebie dwojga oczu odległa galaktyka
mówi chciałem się zabić uratowała mnie twoja muzyka
a ja stoję jak zaklęty, przywalony tym ciężarem
ile może mieć lat? 15??
mówię - dziękuję - niewiele więcej umiem z siebie wydusić
choć nie wiem, może powinienem przytulić
schować do kieszeni i zabrać stąd
gdzieś gdzie ciepło i bezpiecznie i owinąć w koc
przechować na dłużej z dala od wszystkiego
jak pomóc przetrwać burzę
kiedy nie wiem nic i umiem niczego.
co możesz powiedzieć na onkologii dziecięcej
gdy dziewczynka chowa głowę pod koc i tylko wyciąga ręce
wstydzi się, że wypadły jej brwi i włosy
a ja daję jej płytę z autografem i chciałbym przeprosić
po co tu jestem jak pajac w tym bezmiarze cierpień
rozdaję gadżety, uśmiechy jakbym mógł coś zmienić
jak w tym świecie gdzie liczy się tylko piękne i praktyczne
spojrzeć w oczy, w których właśnie gaśnie życie
mały człowiek w piżamie opleciony przewodami
w małych kapciach z pieskiem za nim statyw z kroplówkami
szura krok za krokiem korytarzem niepewnie
nagle spogląda na ciebie i uśmiecha się tak pięknie
Ego-Tyka to trzy prawdziwe historie, które być może zmieniły moje życie. Być może zmienią także Twoje. Może masz jakieś własne historie które to zrobiły, a nigdy ich nie opowiedziałeś?
Dystrybucja cyfrowa:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3GA6lJ27EZhWkQsoMGvNEH
Tidal: https://tidal.com/track/107889165
Google Play https://play.google.com/store/music/album?id=Buffjdyitjgj3pw5u7xxflqmrfu&tid;=song-Tsozmca5aimxyroiwpjvmuabmle
Empik.com https://www.empik.com/ego-tyka,p1226562080,ebooki-i-mp3-p
Plus Music https://plusmusic.pl/album/3965010/1000-mil-fair-play-remix
PlayTheMusic http://www.playthemusic.pl/mp3/utwor.html?pid=3255955&artistId;=608581&t;=Enjoy%2B1000+mil+Fair+Play+Remix
Muzyka T-Mobile http://www.muzyka.t-mobile.pl/main/utwor.htm?pid=5631393
Realizacja teledysku: Bartosz Dziamski i Oskar Sosnowski
Muzyka: DarkBeatz
Słowa: Hans
Utwór z płyty Hans Solo - Poprawna Praca Serca - premiera 14.06.2019
Preorder: http://poprawnapracaserca.pl
Koncerty: booking@52debiec.pl
ego tyka tyk tyk głośno tyka tyk tyk
tak byś słyszał tylko tylko siebie
lustro świeci blink blink i oślepia blink blink
tak byś widział tylko tylko siebie
siemasz hans jestem wolontariuszem w hospicjum dziecięcym
nic wielkiego, organizuję czas swoim podopiecznym
jest tutaj taki paweł, ma twoją kasetę pń vi
bardzo cię lubi i pomyślałem sobie, że
mógłbyś wpaść, odwiedzić, pogadać i spędzić chwilę
zrobić zdjęcie, dać autograf, przybić piątkę i tyle
chłopak jest bardzo słaby, nie damy rady przyjść na koncert
w tej chwili tylko leży, nigdzie z nim nie wychodzę
to tylko pomysł, nic mu o tym nie powiedziałem
jak dasz radę to fajnie,
to byłoby dla niego naprawdę coś
nic na siłę, jak możesz to po prostu bądź
co o tym myślisz, daj znać przy czasie
umówimy się, mój telefon, mail, pozdrawiam tymczasem!
odpisałem, że ok, przy okazji koncertu
żeby nie jechać tak bez sensu, wpadnę jak będę na miejscu
nie chciało mi się, byłem zajęty sobą, własnym życiem
w weekendy picie i koncerty - w tygodniu tylko picie
mijał gładko głupi czas, trwoniłem go garściami
nie robiłem nic i nie miałem czasu na nic
koło południa, dzień był smutny i deszczowy
wpadła nowa wiadomość do skrzynki odbiorczej
nadeszły trzy słowa, które tyle lat przetrawiam
przygniotły mnie do ziemi
"paweł zmarł, pozdrawiam."
co możesz odpowiedzieć dzieciakowi, który pokazuje ci sznyty
by wyjącą rozpacz zagłuszył ból fizyczny
patrzy w ciebie dwojga oczu odległa galaktyka
mówi chciałem się zabić uratowała mnie twoja muzyka
a ja stoję jak zaklęty, przywalony tym ciężarem
ile może mieć lat? 15??
mówię - dziękuję - niewiele więcej umiem z siebie wydusić
choć nie wiem, może powinienem przytulić
schować do kieszeni i zabrać stąd
gdzieś gdzie ciepło i bezpiecznie i owinąć w koc
przechować na dłużej z dala od wszystkiego
jak pomóc przetrwać burzę
kiedy nie wiem nic i umiem niczego.
co możesz powiedzieć na onkologii dziecięcej
gdy dziewczynka chowa głowę pod koc i tylko wyciąga ręce
wstydzi się, że wypadły jej brwi i włosy
a ja daję jej płytę z autografem i chciałbym przeprosić
po co tu jestem jak pajac w tym bezmiarze cierpień
rozdaję gadżety, uśmiechy jakbym mógł coś zmienić
jak w tym świecie gdzie liczy się tylko piękne i praktyczne
spojrzeć w oczy, w których właśnie gaśnie życie
mały człowiek w piżamie opleciony przewodami
w małych kapciach z pieskiem za nim statyw z kroplówkami
szura krok za krokiem korytarzem niepewnie
nagle spogląda na ciebie i uśmiecha się tak pięknie
- published: 18 Apr 2019
- views: 1704156
FAST AND FURIOUS 9 "Han Is Back" Trailer (2020)
FAST AND FURIOUS 9 "Han Is Back" Trailer (2020)
© 2020 - Universal Pictures
FAST AND FURIOUS 9 "Han Is Back" Trailer (2020)
© 2020 - Universal Pictures
FAST AND FURIOUS 9 "Han Is Back" Trailer (2020)
© 2020 - Universal Pictures
- published: 03 Feb 2020
- views: 18594810
Best Hans Zimmer Music #1 (Top 10 HD)
► Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvgQ2_d_jFhX3uGNn_BHqcg
► More Videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvgQ2_d_jFhX3uGNn_BHqcg/playlists
► Watc...
► Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvgQ2_d_jFhX3uGNn_BHqcg
► More Videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvgQ2_d_jFhX3uGNn_BHqcg/playlists
► Watch the last episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nfcbkQQqpI
00:00 Hans Zimmer & Lorne Balfe - In The Beginning
03:45 The Lion King - This Land (Hans Zimmer)
06:40 The Thin Red Line (Hans Zimmer)
10:27 The Dark Knight Rises - Main Theme – Hans Zimmer
14:08 Interstellar - Main Theme - Hans Zimmer
18:13 Pearl Harbor - Brothers – Hans Zimmer
22:17 Injection - Hans Zimmer
27:05 Lost but Won - Hans Zimmer
33:17 Honor - Main Theme - Hans Zimmer
36:14 Time – Inception - Hans Zimmer
► Picturelist :
► Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvgQ2_d_jFhX3uGNn_BHqcg
► More Videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvgQ2_d_jFhX3uGNn_BHqcg/playlists
► Watch the last episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nfcbkQQqpI
00:00 Hans Zimmer & Lorne Balfe - In The Beginning
03:45 The Lion King - This Land (Hans Zimmer)
06:40 The Thin Red Line (Hans Zimmer)
10:27 The Dark Knight Rises - Main Theme – Hans Zimmer
14:08 Interstellar - Main Theme - Hans Zimmer
18:13 Pearl Harbor - Brothers – Hans Zimmer
22:17 Injection - Hans Zimmer
27:05 Lost but Won - Hans Zimmer
33:17 Honor - Main Theme - Hans Zimmer
36:14 Time – Inception - Hans Zimmer
► Picturelist :
- published: 05 Dec 2015
- views: 12282123
Hans? Ja? - Proč Němci prohráli válku aneb Prašivá taktika dohody (Le passe temps) - CZ
Prašivá taktika dohody...
Vytvořeno na popud bratrů z KVH 29. pěší pluk "plk. Josefa Jiřího Švece" - Jindřichův Hradec
Přeložil: Kratochvíl Tadeáš
Prašivá taktika dohody...
Vytvořeno na popud bratrů z KVH 29. pěší pluk "plk. Josefa Jiřího Švece" - Jindřichův Hradec
Přeložil: Kratochvíl Tadeáš
Prašivá taktika dohody...
Vytvořeno na popud bratrů z KVH 29. pěší pluk "plk. Josefa Jiřího Švece" - Jindřichův Hradec
Přeložil: Kratochvíl Tadeáš
- published: 25 Aug 2013
- views: 501468