The Science Delusion: Freeing the Spirit of Inquiry by Rupert Sheldrake (Full Presentation)
"From the 2014 Synchronicity Symposium © Gary S. Bobroff 2016 http://www.GSBobroff.com"
Rupert also appears in the documentary film 'Time is Art' produced by TAC Productions. Get the film + bonus scenes: https://thesyncmovie.com/watch
Stay connected:
Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D. is a biologist and author of more than 80 scientific papers and 11 books, including Science Set Free. He was a Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge University, a Research Fellow of the Royal Society, Principal Plant Physiologist at ICRISAT (the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) in Hyderabad, India, and from 2005-2010 the Director of the Perrott-Warrick Project, funded from Trinity College...
published: 07 Sep 2016
1/7: Dr. Rupert Sheldrake: THE SCIENCE DELUSION: Freeing the Spirit of Inquiry
💜🔁 Den ganzen Vortrag & viel Insiderwissen findest du auf 🗝 https://dvd-wissen.com
& wenn du einen echt wundervollen Film sehen willst komm auf 🗝 https://lebenskraft.film 🌟❤️
More from Dr. Rupert Sheldrake: http://tinyurl.com/pkpe2xe,
The science is going on in a strictly logical way. Everything on which it is based must be proved. Against this naive misconception Dr. Rupert Sheldrake mentions at the very beginning of his lecture 10 science dogmas - unproven, sometimes even long since refuted assumptions. Are basic assumptions wrong, so the entire edifice of ideas that is build upon them is wrong.
In the course of his lecture, Dr. Rupert Sheldrake focuses on three science dogmas, which are particularly important for the field of medicine and health, and provides numerous examples and evi...
published: 25 Nov 2013
The Art of Effortless Living (Taoist Documentary)
The Art of Effortless Living is a documentary based on the traditional philosophy and essential teaching of Taoism. The practice of nondoing, nonforcing is the essential aspect of Taoism known as wu-wei. Attributed to the great sage Lao-tzu, the philosophy of wu-wei teaches you how to develop a natural state of consciousness not bound by thought or preconceived limitations. Experienced by the greatest artists, athletes, musicians, and writers, this heightened state of consciousness, referred to as "being in the zone," is where intelligent spontaneity and effortless action flourish via a practice rooted in permitting the natural harmony of the cosmos to prevail. Essentially, how to live life effortlessly. Wu-wei can yield a renewed sense of trust in many aspects of your daily life, making e...
published: 11 Nov 2019
27/09/2014 Totem Enquiry Canada 6 of 14 (Eng Sub)
Master Lu’s Extraordinary Totem Cases during his Dharma Assembly on the 27th of September 2014 in Vancouver, Canada (Eng Subbed).
After watching this video, you may have the following 2 responses: 1) is to say that everything is an act, discredit the video, close off your mind and overlook it. Or 2) a surge of curiosity swelled within you, and you are interested to find out whether this ‘Master Lu’ character is genuine or a fraud. There’s nothing wrong with being curious, and finding out the truth would be better than staying ignorant.
I was originally a sceptic of the spiritual, regarding religions as man-made inventions and belief systems used to control and regulate the masses in an easier way, as a society would be a lot more peaceful if they believed in God/ Divine and heaven and he...
published: 16 Jan 2017
Liberating the Archive
published: 15 Oct 2020
Compassionate Inquiry with Gabor Mate
Compassionate Inquiry is a psychotherapeutic method developed by Dr. Gabor Maté that reveals what lies beneath the appearance we present to the world. Using Compassionate Inquiry, the therapist unveils the level of consciousness, mental climate, hidden assumptions, implicit memories and body states that form the real message that words both express and conceal. Through Compassionate Inquiry, the client can recognize the unconscious dynamics that run their lives and how to liberate themselves from them.
#Markwalsh #EFC #EmbodimentUnlimited
✅Who is Mark Walsh?
Mark Walsh is the founder of The Embodiment Conference, The Embodied Facilitator Course (in UK and Russia), Embodied Yoga Principles and The Embodiment Podcast and owner of Integration Trai...
published: 17 Apr 2021
How To Do Self-Inquiry
Self-Inquiry - The technique of self-inquiry and all of its traps explained.
The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career:
Leo Reviews Top 200 Self Help Books
Leo's Blog:
Actualized.org Forum
Contribute subtitles & translations for any Actualized.org video, watch how:
Disclaimer: Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By watching & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences.
published: 23 Dec 2018
J. Krishnamurti - Brockwood Park 1978 - Discussion 1 with Buddhist Scholars - We are all...
J. Krishnamurti - Brockwood Park 1978 - Discussion 1 with Buddhist Scholars - We are all caught in the idea of progress
Q: Does knowledge condition human beings?
Knowledge means accumulation of information, experience, various facts, theories and principles, the past and the present. All that bundle we call knowledge. Can a mind that is burdened with knowledge see truth?
Will we get more knowledge by reading this or that, what the Buddha said, what Christ said? We are full of this accumulative instinct that we think will help us to jump into heaven.
Can I look at the fact without the word, with all its intimations, all its content, its tradition? Can I look at something without the word, without the association of words, without past remembrances?
Then only I see the fact.
published: 07 Jan 2014
Liberating Our Thoughts From the Tyranny of the Illusory Self
In this clip Rupert explores thoughts that arrise on behalf of a separate self.
published: 12 Sep 2014
Kim Jong-Un brutally shoots an orchestra conductor 90 times in front of every artist in Pyongyang
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For interviews & collaboration requests, please email me at park@yeonmi.com.
published: 06 May 2021
The Science Delusion: Freeing the Spirit of Inquiry by Rupert Sheldrake (Full Presentation)
"From the 2014 Synchronicity Symposium © Gary S. Bobroff 2016 http://www.GSBobroff.com"
Rupert also appears in the documentary film 'Time is Art' produced by ...
"From the 2014 Synchronicity Symposium © Gary S. Bobroff 2016 http://www.GSBobroff.com"
Rupert also appears in the documentary film 'Time is Art' produced by TAC Productions. Get the film + bonus scenes: https://thesyncmovie.com/watch
Stay connected:
Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D. is a biologist and author of more than 80 scientific papers and 11 books, including Science Set Free. He was a Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge University, a Research Fellow of the Royal Society, Principal Plant Physiologist at ICRISAT (the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) in Hyderabad, India, and from 2005-2010 the Director of the Perrott-Warrick Project, funded from Trinity College, Cambridge. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Petaluma, California, and a visiting professor at the Graduate Institute in Connecticut. http://sheldrake.org.
"From the 2014 Synchronicity Symposium © Gary S. Bobroff 2016 http://www.GSBobroff.com"
Rupert also appears in the documentary film 'Time is Art' produced by TAC Productions. Get the film + bonus scenes: https://thesyncmovie.com/watch
Stay connected:
Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D. is a biologist and author of more than 80 scientific papers and 11 books, including Science Set Free. He was a Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge University, a Research Fellow of the Royal Society, Principal Plant Physiologist at ICRISAT (the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics) in Hyderabad, India, and from 2005-2010 the Director of the Perrott-Warrick Project, funded from Trinity College, Cambridge. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Petaluma, California, and a visiting professor at the Graduate Institute in Connecticut. http://sheldrake.org.
- published: 07 Sep 2016
- views: 69672
1/7: Dr. Rupert Sheldrake: THE SCIENCE DELUSION: Freeing the Spirit of Inquiry
💜🔁 Den ganzen Vortrag & viel Insiderwissen findest du auf 🗝 https://dvd-wissen.com
& wenn du einen echt wundervollen Film sehen willst komm auf 🗝 https://lebens...
💜🔁 Den ganzen Vortrag & viel Insiderwissen findest du auf 🗝 https://dvd-wissen.com
& wenn du einen echt wundervollen Film sehen willst komm auf 🗝 https://lebenskraft.film 🌟❤️
More from Dr. Rupert Sheldrake: http://tinyurl.com/pkpe2xe,
The science is going on in a strictly logical way. Everything on which it is based must be proved. Against this naive misconception Dr. Rupert Sheldrake mentions at the very beginning of his lecture 10 science dogmas - unproven, sometimes even long since refuted assumptions. Are basic assumptions wrong, so the entire edifice of ideas that is build upon them is wrong.
In the course of his lecture, Dr. Rupert Sheldrake focuses on three science dogmas, which are particularly important for the field of medicine and health, and provides numerous examples and evidence to support his theory of morphogenetic fields.
Sheldrake,Dr. Rupert Sheldrake,morphogenetic fields, morphic fields,science,science dogmas, dogma, basics, prove, evidence, medicine, thoughts, thought fields, consciousness, health, consciousness fields, Sheldrake,Dr. Rupert Sheldrake,morphogenetic fields, morphic fields,science,science dogmas, dogma, basics, prove, evidence, medicine, thoughts, thought fields, consciousness, health, consciousness fields, Sheldrake,Dr. Rupert Sheldrake,morphogenetic fields, morphic fields,science,science dogmas, dogma, basics, prove, evidence, medicine, thoughts, thought fields, consciousness, health, consciousness fields,
💜🔁 Den ganzen Vortrag & viel Insiderwissen findest du auf 🗝 https://dvd-wissen.com
& wenn du einen echt wundervollen Film sehen willst komm auf 🗝 https://lebenskraft.film 🌟❤️
More from Dr. Rupert Sheldrake: http://tinyurl.com/pkpe2xe,
The science is going on in a strictly logical way. Everything on which it is based must be proved. Against this naive misconception Dr. Rupert Sheldrake mentions at the very beginning of his lecture 10 science dogmas - unproven, sometimes even long since refuted assumptions. Are basic assumptions wrong, so the entire edifice of ideas that is build upon them is wrong.
In the course of his lecture, Dr. Rupert Sheldrake focuses on three science dogmas, which are particularly important for the field of medicine and health, and provides numerous examples and evidence to support his theory of morphogenetic fields.
Sheldrake,Dr. Rupert Sheldrake,morphogenetic fields, morphic fields,science,science dogmas, dogma, basics, prove, evidence, medicine, thoughts, thought fields, consciousness, health, consciousness fields, Sheldrake,Dr. Rupert Sheldrake,morphogenetic fields, morphic fields,science,science dogmas, dogma, basics, prove, evidence, medicine, thoughts, thought fields, consciousness, health, consciousness fields, Sheldrake,Dr. Rupert Sheldrake,morphogenetic fields, morphic fields,science,science dogmas, dogma, basics, prove, evidence, medicine, thoughts, thought fields, consciousness, health, consciousness fields,
- published: 25 Nov 2013
- views: 238
The Art of Effortless Living (Taoist Documentary)
The Art of Effortless Living is a documentary based on the traditional philosophy and essential teaching of Taoism. The practice of nondoing, nonforcing is the ...
The Art of Effortless Living is a documentary based on the traditional philosophy and essential teaching of Taoism. The practice of nondoing, nonforcing is the essential aspect of Taoism known as wu-wei. Attributed to the great sage Lao-tzu, the philosophy of wu-wei teaches you how to develop a natural state of consciousness not bound by thought or preconceived limitations. Experienced by the greatest artists, athletes, musicians, and writers, this heightened state of consciousness, referred to as "being in the zone," is where intelligent spontaneity and effortless action flourish via a practice rooted in permitting the natural harmony of the cosmos to prevail. Essentially, how to live life effortlessly. Wu-wei can yield a renewed sense of trust in many aspects of your daily life, making each day more effortless. The Art of Effortless Living provides keen insight on how you can experience the beauty of achieving an enlightened, effortless mind while reveling in the process of life's unfolding.
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Disclaimer: Jason Gregory is an Amazon Associate member. The Amazon links in this description are affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, Jason will earn a very small commission on qualifying purchases you make, at no additional cost to you. This goes a tiny way towards defraying the costs of making these videos.
The Art of Effortless Living is a documentary based on the traditional philosophy and essential teaching of Taoism. The practice of nondoing, nonforcing is the essential aspect of Taoism known as wu-wei. Attributed to the great sage Lao-tzu, the philosophy of wu-wei teaches you how to develop a natural state of consciousness not bound by thought or preconceived limitations. Experienced by the greatest artists, athletes, musicians, and writers, this heightened state of consciousness, referred to as "being in the zone," is where intelligent spontaneity and effortless action flourish via a practice rooted in permitting the natural harmony of the cosmos to prevail. Essentially, how to live life effortlessly. Wu-wei can yield a renewed sense of trust in many aspects of your daily life, making each day more effortless. The Art of Effortless Living provides keen insight on how you can experience the beauty of achieving an enlightened, effortless mind while reveling in the process of life's unfolding.
SUBSCRIBE https://www.youtube.com/OneWorldWithin for new videos every week
Patreon https://www.patreon.com/jasongregory
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Spiritual Freedom in the Digital Age https://amzn.to/3iDNaHL
Emotional Intuition for Peak Performance https://amzn.to/2oZZdFm
Effortless Living http://amzn.to/2z0EG3Q
Fasting the Mind http://amzn.to/2zhsAY1
Enlightenment Now http://amzn.to/2B2oNuV
The Science and Practice of Humility http://amzn.to/2z01WPb
Main Camera https://amzn.to/2DXxuvv
Main Lens https://amzn.to/2Shk5BF
Microphone https://amzn.to/2S6Evgm
Tripod https://amzn.to/2SdLxA8
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Goodreads Author Page https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3021190.Jason_Gregory
Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/5M7o63rxZ1Co5x86zktVYD
Apple Podcasts https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/enlightenment-today-with-jason-gregory/id1304105394
Google Podcasts https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9qYXNvbmdyZWdvcnkub3JnL2ZlZWQvcG9kY2FzdC8
Anchor https://anchor.fm/jasongregory
MY WEBSITE https://jasongregory.org/
Disclaimer: Jason Gregory is an Amazon Associate member. The Amazon links in this description are affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, Jason will earn a very small commission on qualifying purchases you make, at no additional cost to you. This goes a tiny way towards defraying the costs of making these videos.
- published: 11 Nov 2019
- views: 2407124
27/09/2014 Totem Enquiry Canada 6 of 14 (Eng Sub)
Master Lu’s Extraordinary Totem Cases during his Dharma Assembly on the 27th of September 2014 in Vancouver, Canada (Eng Subbed).
After watching this video, yo...
Master Lu’s Extraordinary Totem Cases during his Dharma Assembly on the 27th of September 2014 in Vancouver, Canada (Eng Subbed).
After watching this video, you may have the following 2 responses: 1) is to say that everything is an act, discredit the video, close off your mind and overlook it. Or 2) a surge of curiosity swelled within you, and you are interested to find out whether this ‘Master Lu’ character is genuine or a fraud. There’s nothing wrong with being curious, and finding out the truth would be better than staying ignorant.
I was originally a sceptic of the spiritual, regarding religions as man-made inventions and belief systems used to control and regulate the masses in an easier way, as a society would be a lot more peaceful if they believed in God/ Divine and heaven and hell after death. But a part of me also believed that there was an ‘Invisible Hand’ at work because there were just too many things that modern science and common sense cannot explain. Anyhow as you may have guessed already, I picked the second option just under a year ago, when I first watched his Totem enquiry video, and I’m happy I did, because the more I researched, the more I was convinced.
I have included some links regarding Master Lu:
• His background: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jun_Hong_Lu, http://richardjunhonglu.org/
• He owns a radio station called ‘2OR Australia Oriental TV and Radio Station’ and he has consistently answered Totem enquiries and other metaphysical enquiries for the past 20 years. The following link is the time slots for it (http://guanyincitta.com/en/radio-programs/) where normal people like you and me can call him if you were lucky enough (as you will be competing with all the other countless callers worldwide). Also, every conversation he had has been uploaded on Youtube (although all in Mandarin).
• His followers record and upload all his Dharma Assemblies on to Youtube for many years up till now (he began in 2012), so he is very transparent. He typically conducts a Dharma Assembly that lasts 3-4 days in 7-8 countries per year. The people asking for Totem enquiries are picked randomly via a ‘lottery’. You pick a random ticket number, and if your number is chosen, then you are invited to go on stage for a Totem Enquiry. There is no ‘cherry picking’ where right ‘guesses’ are published while wrong ‘guesses’ are not reported. The recording records the whole session of the Totem Enquiries at the Dharma Assembly of a particular day in one single take. (Although not obvious with my uploaded videos because viewers generally do not have the time to watch a 1-2 hour long session, so I have to cut it up to a per case video.)
• There are no fees charged to attend the Dharma Assemblies. Admission is free (though tickets are limited), and there are also free vegan meals for all attendees. All literature (instructions, books, scriptures) are distributed free. You can get them from the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door Practitioner Center. I had visited the Practitioner Center in the UK, and they were nice and friendly people, atmosphere’s peaceful, and they don’t ask for any money.
What I got from this research is that they are very open and transparent with their practices. It doesn’t have any secrets or any hidden veil that suggest anything sinister. Also, no fraud can withstand the tests of time, and if he were a fraud, then his number of followers wouldn’t have grown to 10,000,000 worldwide and still growing today. Especially in today’s modern age of information and technology where everything is quite transparent, so any ‘superstition’ has less room to grow and fester. So then, I looked at even more videos of his Totem enquiries, and I was awestruck each and every single time I watched. Anyhow, any more words from me are useless, and I can only hope that you take option 2).
DISCLAIMER: I am not affiliated with 'Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door'. I am only an enthusiastic translator. I wanted to share because it had a profound effect on my life and I thought it was a pity that people who don't understand Mandarin were potentially missing out on something big. I'm based in the UK, so I have added the contact information of their UK branch at the end of the video if you're interested. But I'm happy to answer any genuine questions to the best of my (limited) ability, but I won't get myself involved in any malicious debate.
Master Lu’s Extraordinary Totem Cases during his Dharma Assembly on the 27th of September 2014 in Vancouver, Canada (Eng Subbed).
After watching this video, you may have the following 2 responses: 1) is to say that everything is an act, discredit the video, close off your mind and overlook it. Or 2) a surge of curiosity swelled within you, and you are interested to find out whether this ‘Master Lu’ character is genuine or a fraud. There’s nothing wrong with being curious, and finding out the truth would be better than staying ignorant.
I was originally a sceptic of the spiritual, regarding religions as man-made inventions and belief systems used to control and regulate the masses in an easier way, as a society would be a lot more peaceful if they believed in God/ Divine and heaven and hell after death. But a part of me also believed that there was an ‘Invisible Hand’ at work because there were just too many things that modern science and common sense cannot explain. Anyhow as you may have guessed already, I picked the second option just under a year ago, when I first watched his Totem enquiry video, and I’m happy I did, because the more I researched, the more I was convinced.
I have included some links regarding Master Lu:
• His background: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jun_Hong_Lu, http://richardjunhonglu.org/
• He owns a radio station called ‘2OR Australia Oriental TV and Radio Station’ and he has consistently answered Totem enquiries and other metaphysical enquiries for the past 20 years. The following link is the time slots for it (http://guanyincitta.com/en/radio-programs/) where normal people like you and me can call him if you were lucky enough (as you will be competing with all the other countless callers worldwide). Also, every conversation he had has been uploaded on Youtube (although all in Mandarin).
• His followers record and upload all his Dharma Assemblies on to Youtube for many years up till now (he began in 2012), so he is very transparent. He typically conducts a Dharma Assembly that lasts 3-4 days in 7-8 countries per year. The people asking for Totem enquiries are picked randomly via a ‘lottery’. You pick a random ticket number, and if your number is chosen, then you are invited to go on stage for a Totem Enquiry. There is no ‘cherry picking’ where right ‘guesses’ are published while wrong ‘guesses’ are not reported. The recording records the whole session of the Totem Enquiries at the Dharma Assembly of a particular day in one single take. (Although not obvious with my uploaded videos because viewers generally do not have the time to watch a 1-2 hour long session, so I have to cut it up to a per case video.)
• There are no fees charged to attend the Dharma Assemblies. Admission is free (though tickets are limited), and there are also free vegan meals for all attendees. All literature (instructions, books, scriptures) are distributed free. You can get them from the Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door Practitioner Center. I had visited the Practitioner Center in the UK, and they were nice and friendly people, atmosphere’s peaceful, and they don’t ask for any money.
What I got from this research is that they are very open and transparent with their practices. It doesn’t have any secrets or any hidden veil that suggest anything sinister. Also, no fraud can withstand the tests of time, and if he were a fraud, then his number of followers wouldn’t have grown to 10,000,000 worldwide and still growing today. Especially in today’s modern age of information and technology where everything is quite transparent, so any ‘superstition’ has less room to grow and fester. So then, I looked at even more videos of his Totem enquiries, and I was awestruck each and every single time I watched. Anyhow, any more words from me are useless, and I can only hope that you take option 2).
DISCLAIMER: I am not affiliated with 'Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door'. I am only an enthusiastic translator. I wanted to share because it had a profound effect on my life and I thought it was a pity that people who don't understand Mandarin were potentially missing out on something big. I'm based in the UK, so I have added the contact information of their UK branch at the end of the video if you're interested. But I'm happy to answer any genuine questions to the best of my (limited) ability, but I won't get myself involved in any malicious debate.
- published: 16 Jan 2017
- views: 2400
Compassionate Inquiry with Gabor Mate
Compassionate Inquiry is a psychotherapeutic method developed by Dr. Gabor Maté that reveals what lies beneath the appearance we present to the world. Using Com...
Compassionate Inquiry is a psychotherapeutic method developed by Dr. Gabor Maté that reveals what lies beneath the appearance we present to the world. Using Compassionate Inquiry, the therapist unveils the level of consciousness, mental climate, hidden assumptions, implicit memories and body states that form the real message that words both express and conceal. Through Compassionate Inquiry, the client can recognize the unconscious dynamics that run their lives and how to liberate themselves from them.
#Markwalsh #EFC #EmbodimentUnlimited
✅Who is Mark Walsh?
Mark Walsh is the founder of The Embodiment Conference, The Embodied Facilitator Course (in UK and Russia), Embodied Yoga Principles and The Embodiment Podcast and owner of Integration Training. With an honours degree in psychology, 20+ years of yoga experience and an aikido black belt, he has dedicated his life to embodied learning. He has taught everyone from street kids to the rich and famous, in over 50 countries. His hobbies include offending pirates with his swearing, impressing cats with his stroking, and embarrassing drunks with his dancing.
👉Explore his work:
🎙️'Embodiment - Moving beyond mindfulness' book: https://www.amazon.com/Embodiment-Moving-mindfulness-Mark-Walsh/dp/1916249221/
🎙️The Embodiment Conference 2020: https://theembodimentconference.org/
🎙️Embodied Facilitator Course: https://embodiedfacilitator.com/
🎙️Online Courses: https://embodiedfacilitator.com/events-calendar/
🎙️Embodiment Shop: https://embodiedfacilitator.com/shop/
🎙️Corporate and business training: http://www.integrationtraining.co.uk
Compassionate Inquiry is a psychotherapeutic method developed by Dr. Gabor Maté that reveals what lies beneath the appearance we present to the world. Using Compassionate Inquiry, the therapist unveils the level of consciousness, mental climate, hidden assumptions, implicit memories and body states that form the real message that words both express and conceal. Through Compassionate Inquiry, the client can recognize the unconscious dynamics that run their lives and how to liberate themselves from them.
#Markwalsh #EFC #EmbodimentUnlimited
✅Who is Mark Walsh?
Mark Walsh is the founder of The Embodiment Conference, The Embodied Facilitator Course (in UK and Russia), Embodied Yoga Principles and The Embodiment Podcast and owner of Integration Training. With an honours degree in psychology, 20+ years of yoga experience and an aikido black belt, he has dedicated his life to embodied learning. He has taught everyone from street kids to the rich and famous, in over 50 countries. His hobbies include offending pirates with his swearing, impressing cats with his stroking, and embarrassing drunks with his dancing.
👉Explore his work:
🎙️'Embodiment - Moving beyond mindfulness' book: https://www.amazon.com/Embodiment-Moving-mindfulness-Mark-Walsh/dp/1916249221/
🎙️The Embodiment Conference 2020: https://theembodimentconference.org/
🎙️Embodied Facilitator Course: https://embodiedfacilitator.com/
🎙️Online Courses: https://embodiedfacilitator.com/events-calendar/
🎙️Embodiment Shop: https://embodiedfacilitator.com/shop/
🎙️Corporate and business training: http://www.integrationtraining.co.uk
- published: 17 Apr 2021
- views: 57005
How To Do Self-Inquiry
Self-Inquiry - The technique of self-inquiry and all of its traps explained.
The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career:
Self-Inquiry - The technique of self-inquiry and all of its traps explained.
The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career:
Leo Reviews Top 200 Self Help Books
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Actualized.org Forum
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Disclaimer: Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By watching & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences.
Self-Inquiry - The technique of self-inquiry and all of its traps explained.
The Ultimate Life Purpose Course - Create Your Dream Career:
Leo Reviews Top 200 Self Help Books
Leo's Blog:
Actualized.org Forum
Contribute subtitles & translations for any Actualized.org video, watch how:
Disclaimer: Advice provided without warranty. This is NOT medical advice. By watching & applying this advice you agree to take 100% responsibility for all consequences.
- published: 23 Dec 2018
- views: 97787
J. Krishnamurti - Brockwood Park 1978 - Discussion 1 with Buddhist Scholars - We are all...
J. Krishnamurti - Brockwood Park 1978 - Discussion 1 with Buddhist Scholars - We are all caught in the idea of progress
Q: Does knowledge condition h...
J. Krishnamurti - Brockwood Park 1978 - Discussion 1 with Buddhist Scholars - We are all caught in the idea of progress
Q: Does knowledge condition human beings?
Knowledge means accumulation of information, experience, various facts, theories and principles, the past and the present. All that bundle we call knowledge. Can a mind that is burdened with knowledge see truth?
Will we get more knowledge by reading this or that, what the Buddha said, what Christ said? We are full of this accumulative instinct that we think will help us to jump into heaven.
Can I look at the fact without the word, with all its intimations, all its content, its tradition? Can I look at something without the word, without the association of words, without past remembrances?
Then only I see the fact.
This channel is managed by the Krishnamurti Foundation Trust, UK, and by the Krishnamurti Foundation of America.
The role of the foundations was described by Krishnamurti when he said, 'The foundations will see to it that these teachings are kept whole, are not distorted, are not made corrupt. They will not give rise to any sectarian spirit in their activities... nor create any kind of place of worship around the teachings or the person.'
We maintain extensive archives of Krishnamurti's original works and all four Krishnamurti foundations are actively engaged in the publication of material in various forms.
Our videos contain thousands of subtitles in more than 25 languages, translated by volunteers from all over the world. If you would like to help us with translating subtitles, please contact us at digital@kfoundation.org
For more information about J. Krishnamurti and the Krishnamurti foundations:
International Site - http://www.jkrishnamurti.org/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/jk.krishnamurti
Twitter - https://twitter.com/orgKrishnamurti
Krishnamurti Foundation Trust, UK - http://www.kfoundation.org/
Krishnamurti Foundation of America - http://www.kfa.org/
Krishnamurti Foundation of India - http://www.kfionline.org/
Fundación Krishnamurti Latinoamericana - http://www.fkla.org/
This organization is a registered charity. Registered charity number: 312865
© 1978 Krishnamurti Foundation Trust
J. Krishnamurti - Brockwood Park 1978 - Discussion 1 with Buddhist Scholars - We are all caught in the idea of progress
Q: Does knowledge condition human beings?
Knowledge means accumulation of information, experience, various facts, theories and principles, the past and the present. All that bundle we call knowledge. Can a mind that is burdened with knowledge see truth?
Will we get more knowledge by reading this or that, what the Buddha said, what Christ said? We are full of this accumulative instinct that we think will help us to jump into heaven.
Can I look at the fact without the word, with all its intimations, all its content, its tradition? Can I look at something without the word, without the association of words, without past remembrances?
Then only I see the fact.
This channel is managed by the Krishnamurti Foundation Trust, UK, and by the Krishnamurti Foundation of America.
The role of the foundations was described by Krishnamurti when he said, 'The foundations will see to it that these teachings are kept whole, are not distorted, are not made corrupt. They will not give rise to any sectarian spirit in their activities... nor create any kind of place of worship around the teachings or the person.'
We maintain extensive archives of Krishnamurti's original works and all four Krishnamurti foundations are actively engaged in the publication of material in various forms.
Our videos contain thousands of subtitles in more than 25 languages, translated by volunteers from all over the world. If you would like to help us with translating subtitles, please contact us at digital@kfoundation.org
For more information about J. Krishnamurti and the Krishnamurti foundations:
International Site - http://www.jkrishnamurti.org/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/jk.krishnamurti
Twitter - https://twitter.com/orgKrishnamurti
Krishnamurti Foundation Trust, UK - http://www.kfoundation.org/
Krishnamurti Foundation of America - http://www.kfa.org/
Krishnamurti Foundation of India - http://www.kfionline.org/
Fundación Krishnamurti Latinoamericana - http://www.fkla.org/
This organization is a registered charity. Registered charity number: 312865
© 1978 Krishnamurti Foundation Trust
- published: 07 Jan 2014
- views: 163001
Liberating Our Thoughts From the Tyranny of the Illusory Self
In this clip Rupert explores thoughts that arrise on behalf of a separate self.
In this clip Rupert explores thoughts that arrise on behalf of a separate self.
In this clip Rupert explores thoughts that arrise on behalf of a separate self.
- published: 12 Sep 2014
- views: 236257
Kim Jong-Un brutally shoots an orchestra conductor 90 times in front of every artist in Pyongyang
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For interviews & collaboration requests, please email me at park@yeonmi.com.
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To purchase sign copies of my book, "In Order To Live";
Paperback - https://py.pl/1YqqRN
Hardcover - https://py.pl/70pvx
Donate - paypal.me/YeonmiPark
Please find me at:
Book: In Order To Live: https://www.amazon.com/Order-Live-Korean-Journey-Freedom/dp/014310974X
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yeonmi_park/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/officialyeonmipark/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/YeonmiParkNK
For interviews & collaboration requests, please email me at park@yeonmi.com.
- published: 06 May 2021
- views: 3486056