- published: 05 Apr 2021
- views: 50
Roberto Citran (born 26 January 1955) is an Italian actor.
Born in Padua, Citran graduated in psychology and founded the university film club "CINEMAUNO" in his hometown. After some sporadic stage works he founded a small theater company, "Punto e Virgola".
Citran is probably best known for his films with the director Carlo Mazzacurati, Paduan like him, who made him debuting in a main role in 1989, in Il prete bello.
In 1994 Citran won a Volpi Cup for best supporting actor for his performance in Mazzacurati's Il toro.
The name Robert is a Germanic given name, from Proto-Germanic *χrōþi- "fame" and *berχta- "bright". Compare Old Dutch Robrecht and Old High German Hrodebert (a compound of hruod "fame, glory" and berht "bright"). It is also in use as a surname.
After becoming widely used in Continental Europe it entered England in its Old French form Robert, where an Old English cognate form (Hrēodbēorht, Hrodberht, Hrēodbēorð, Hrœdbœrð, Hrœdberð) had existed before the Norman Conquest. The feminine version is Roberta. The Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish form is Roberto.
Similar to the name, Richard, "Robert" is also a common name in many Germanic languages, including English, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, and Icelandic. It can be used as a French, Hungarian, Finnish, and Estonian name as well.
Robert, and also the name Joseph, were in the top 10 most given boys' names in the US for 47 years, from 1925 to 1972.
In Italy during the Second World War, the form of the name, Roberto, briefly acquired a new meaning derived from, and referring to the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis.
Roberto (March 16, 1969 – August 2, 1988) was an American-bred, Irish-trained Thoroughbred Champion racehorse. In a career that lasted from 1971 until July 1973 he ran fourteen times and won seven races. He was the best Irish two-year-old of 1971, when his victories included the National Stakes. As a three-year-old, he won the Epsom Derby before recording his most famous victory when beating Brigadier Gerard in the inaugural running of the Benson and Hedges Gold Cup. He won the Coronation Cup as a four-year-old before being retired to stud. Roberto also proved to be a highly successful and influential stallion.
Roberto was a bay horse with a white blaze bred by John W. Galbreath at his Darby Dan Farm near Galloway, Ohio He was a son of the successful sire Hail To Reason out of the mare Bramalea, winner of the CCA Oaks in 1962. Roberto's grandsire was Turn-To, a descendant of Nearco, and his damsire was U.S. Hall of Famer Nashua. He was named for Major League Baseball star Roberto Clemente by his owner John Galbreath who also owned the Pittsburgh Pirates baseball team.
The following are minor but notable fictional characters on the NBC/DirecTV soap opera Passions whose connections to the four major families are either weak or non-existent.
For the character from the Psycho franchise, see Norma Bates (Psycho). Marianne Muellerleile (January 22, 2001 - August 5, 2008)
Norma Bates was introduced as the owner of a motel in 2001 that Tabitha Lenox and her companion, Timmy, fled to in order to escape the backlash from the release of Hidden Passions, a collection of Tabitha's memories that Timmy had compiled into a novel. Norma told Tabitha and Timmy that no one ever stopped at their hotel anymore, the reason for which the witch and doll later discovered — Norma was insane. She attempted to kill Tabitha with an axe while she showered, and the two later discovered that her father, with whom she had been conversing earlier, was dead — Norma had left his skeleton, dressed in his clothes, in a rocking chair. Timmy accidentally destroyed the skeleton, with only the skull surviving, and Norma swore to kill Timmy for hurting "Daddy". Tabitha and Timmy fled the motel.
Citran is a Bordeaux wine from the appellation Haut-Médoc rated Cru Bourgeois. The winery is located on the Left Bank of France’s Bordeaux wine region in the commune of Avensan.
The estate also produces a second wine named Moulins de Citran.
From its origins as a seigneurie of the Marquis de Donnissan and a 13th-century fortress, the property remained with the Donnissan family for six hundred years until 1832 when it was acquired by the Clauzel family. By 1945 the estate was derelict and viticulture at a steep decline, when it was bought by the Miailhe who restored and rebuilt the vineyards and facilities. After a period of decades which reestablished the estate's reputation, it was sold in 1986 to Japanese Société Touko Haus of the holdings company Fujimoto.
In 1997 the property came to Groupe Taillan, led by Jacques Merlaut, who own several properties in the region, including Château Ferrière, Château Gruaud-Larose, Château Chasse-Spleen and Château Haut-Bages-Liberal. Château Citran is managed by Céline Villars.
JOSS (an acronym for JOHNNIAC Open Shop System) was one of the very first interactive, time-sharing programming languages. JOSS I, developed by J. Clifford Shaw at RAND was first implemented, in beta form, on the JOHNNIAC computer in May 1963. The full implementation was deployed in January 1964, supporting five terminals and the final version, supporting ten terminals, was deployed in January 1965.
JOSS was written in a symbolic assembly language called EasyFox (E and F in the US military's phonetic alphabet of that time). EasyFox was also developed by Cliff Shaw.
JOSS was dubbed "The Helpful Assistant" for its conversational user interface. Originally green/black typewriter ribbons were used in its terminals with green being used for user input and black for the computer's response. Any command that was not understood elicited the response "Eh?".
JOSS II, was developed by Charles L. Baker, Joseph W. Smith, Irwin D. Greenwald, and G. Edward Bryan for the PDP-6 computer between 1964 and February 1966.
23 agosto 2020: Roberto Citran si racconta durante la 5a edizione del Porte Aperte Festival di Cremona. Seguici sui canali social del PAF: FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pafcremona INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/porteapertefestival/ E sul nostro sito: http://www.porteapertefestival.it/
#NFT https://opensea.io/assets/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/33467045773307894285042332063151189323181647700468552680124790852374075801601
sabato 8 marzo 2008 Teatro Miela - Trieste Regia Alessandro Bressanello Con la collaborazione di Carlo Mazzacurati "Ciao nudo" è tratto da una serie di divertenti racconti di Roberto Citran nei quali l'attore/autore rivive la sua fanciullezza a Padova, sua città natale. Attore di eccezionale bravura, elegante, dotato di una splendida recitazione. Sono innumerevoli i registi che lo hanno voluto in un loro film. Ha vinto la Coppa Volpi per Il Toro di Carlo Mazzacurati al Festival di Venezia (1994) come migliore attore non protagonista.
GIORNO 23 - ROBERTO CITRAN legge CIAO NUDO di Roberto Citran #raccontiintempodipeste Progetto di Sergio Maifredi e Corrado d'Elia - Prodotto da Teatro Pubblico Ligure e Compagnia Corrado d'Elia - Produzione e comunicazione Lucia Lombardo | Organizzazione Caterina Mariani
«Cosa nasconde in centro città un enorme portone da cui entrano ed escono ragazzi neri?» si domandava da bambino Roberto Citran. La risposta arriva cinquant’anni dopo, attraversando quel portone per un invito a pranzo. Con la sorpresa di incontrare un modo di fare senza retorica, «fare e basta, senza tante domande». Un invito proposto a tutti da Roberto Citran, attore garbato ed elegante di teatro, cinema e tante fiction tv.
Il 'QuaranTrailer': 40 secondi per raccontare, in tempo di quarantena, LE VERITÀ DI BAKERSFIELD di Stephen Sachs, con Marina Massironi e Roberto Citran. 👉 INFO https://www.nidodiragno.it/leveritadibakersfield/ LE VERITÀ DI BAKERSFIELD di Stephen Sachs traduzione Massimiliano Farau con Marina Massironi, Roberto Citran regia di Veronica Cruciani produzione NIDODIRAGNO/CMC – Sara Novarese – PICKFORD assistente alla regia Virginia Landi scene e costumi Barbara Bessi light design Gianni Staropoli drammaturgia sonora John Cascone/Marcello Gori movimenti scenici Micaela Sapienza foto Marina Alessi immagini video Valeria Tomasulo
Scarica il mandato da: http://www.artisti7607.com/ Gli artisti, dopo 30 anni di monopolio, si sono stufati di essere costretti ad essere rappresentati da persone non scelte da loro. Che lo vogliano o no ora la legge è cambiata grazie al lavoro di un gruppo di attori che si è impegnato, che ha studiato, capito e messo a disposizione di tutta la categoria i risultati raggiunti. Ora c'è l'alternativa: Artisti 7607, con la quale raccoglieremo i diritti connessi e la copia privata con criteri trasparenti. Mandate il mandato!!!!!!! Subito!!!!!! Scarica il mandato da: http://www.artisti7607.com/ e invialo firmato insieme ad una copia del tuo documento d'identità ad : Artisti 7607 viale del Vignola 5 00196 Roma
Un film di Carlo Mazzacurati. Con Marco Messeri, Roberto Citran, Diego Abatantuono, Alberto Lattuada. Commedia - Italia 1994
I protagonisti del Premio Masi 2019 si raccontano; dalla nascita di un amore, quello per il vino, all’emozione e l’orgoglio di essere stati scelti per ricevere il prestigioso riconoscimento che celebra persone e istituzioni impegnate a promuovere valori fondanti della società e del vivere civile. Scopri di più su: https://www.masi.it/it/news-eventi/news/premio-masi-2019-assegnato-il-prestigioso-riconoscimento
Un film di Renato De Maria, Luca Ribuoli. Con Nicole Grimaudo, Andrea Di Stefano, Roberto Citran, Marco Giallini, Fabrizia Sacchi. Serie TV, Drammatico, numero episodi: 14. - Italia 2008.
Roberto Citran (born 26 January 1955) is an Italian actor.
Born in Padua, Citran graduated in psychology and founded the university film club "CINEMAUNO" in his hometown. After some sporadic stage works he founded a small theater company, "Punto e Virgola".
Citran is probably best known for his films with the director Carlo Mazzacurati, Paduan like him, who made him debuting in a main role in 1989, in Il prete bello.
In 1994 Citran won a Volpi Cup for best supporting actor for his performance in Mazzacurati's Il toro.