Primary Colors (1998)
Ross Benjamin (actor),
Eric Boyd (actor),
Clark Heathcliff Brolly (actor),
Scott Burkholder (actor),
Robert Cicchini (actor),
Matt Clifford (actor),
O'Neal Compton (actor),
Kevin Cooney (actor),
William Stanford Davis (actor),
James Denton (actor),
James DuMont (actor),
Robert Easton (actor),
Ned Eisenberg (actor),
Freddie Joe Farnsworth (actor),
Jordan Ancel (actor),
Plot: Jack Stanton is running for president. The election is seen through the eyes of young Henry Burton. Along the way Stanton must deal with a sex scandal.
Keywords: adultery, american-flag, balloon, based-on-novel, blackmail, campaign-manager, campaigning, candidate, cocaine, cover-up
Taglines: What went down on the way to the top. He was born to run How Much Spin Does It Take To Win?
Gov. Jack Stanton: I'm going to tell you something really outrageous. I'm going to tell you the truth.
Jack Stanton: We can do incredible things. We can change this country. I'm gonna win this thing. Look me in the eye, Henry, and tell me that you don't want to be a part of it.
[about Jack Stanton]::Libby Holden: He's poked his pecker in some sorry trash bins.
[with a gun in her enemy's crotch]::Libby Holden: I am a gay lesbian woman! I do not mythologize the male sexual organ!
[on the fealty of political bosses]::Richard Jemmons: That's what these guys do. They love you and then stop lovin' you.
Libby Holden: From now on you can call me the "Dust Buster." I'm stronger than dirt.
Susan Stanton: The only shot we have here is to be perfect.
Gov. Jack Stanton: [handing Picker the scandalous information concerning his dealings with Reyes] This is the only copy left. I want you to have it because it might help you to know what someone else may find. I shouldn't have looked for it. I'm really sorry.::Gov. Fred Picker: Fuckin' cocaine. You know, I was really so successful at everything I did. Business, politics, hell, I could handle anything... except cocaine. Only I didn't know that because of cocaine. That's what really fucked up my marriage. It wasn't anything else. And... [pause] I did go to bed with 'Renzo once or twice. Hell, it was just a coke thing. I could do anything, so I did that too. [pause] I'm seeing a really nice woman now... I suppose I have to tell her. [voice breaking] Hell of a price to pay, isn't it?::Gov. Jack Stanton: Well, maybe no one will find out.::Gov. Fred Picker: Well, you did... in a day. I should never have said yes to Mrs. Harris. But I liked what Harris was doing, and I thought I'd give it a week, and it just took off. Once I did that blood thing, God...::Gov. Jack Stanton: [interrupting]... but that was great politics.::Gov. Fred Picker: Yeah... amazing, wasn't it? Jack, I'd like to thank you for coming here, the honorable way you have. I was wrong to stay in. I just hope that maybe when I quit, they won't hit it as hard. And my boys, I really don't want them to know about 'Renzo. The problem is, the bottom line is, I'm going to be a national joke... and I'm going to have to explain it all to my boys... either way. Because no matter what I do, the press is still going to find out the rest of it, aren't they?::Gov. Jack Stanton: If they think it will sell one newspaper, yes.::Gov. Fred Picker: [breaking down] Oh, my God.::Gov. Jack Stanton: [putting his hand on Picker's shoulder] If there's anything I can do... anything... that can make it a little better... [stands and leaves as Picker weeps]
Richard Jemmons: I got a python in here... [Richard unzips his pants and exposes himself to Jennifer at campaign office in front of everyone]::Jennifer Rogers: [awkwardly] I've never seen one that... old... before [Richard is stunned] .::Howard Ferguson: [softly] Come on, Richard... let's just park that Mustang back in the garage [leading him away] .
Susan Stanton: Your grandfather was a great man. Jack Stanton could also be a great man, if he wasn't such a faithless, thoughtless, disorganized, undisciplined shit.