LEO IST VERSCHWUNDEN! Merles & Liz´ Beautytag platzt... Freunde WG #47
Was für ein langweiliger Tag... Sam ist nicht da, die Mädels machen einen "Beauty Tag" und Leo... Leo ist irgendwie nicht da. 🤔 Ist er etwa verschwunden??? 😱
#Verschwunden #FreundeWG #BeautyTag
ABONNIERT den Kanal kostenlos und VERGESST NICHT DIE GLOCKE ANZUSCHALTEN: https://bit.ly/35vYOuU
Hier gehts zum Kanal: https://www.youtube.com/spielmitmir
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Die COOLSTEN Neuen Videos: https://bit.ly/2Kjrq3a
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Challenges mit Kaan, Bianca, Dania, Nina & Kathi: https://bit.ly/2MnFiH4
alle neuesten Videos: https://bit.ly/2M2BIEg
Noch mehr von uns:
YouTube: @Familie Vogel - Spiel mit mir Kinderspielzeug
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/spielmitmir_official/
published: 30 May 2020
Klask | Vanessa Mai vs. Luna Schweiger | Spiel 3 | Schlag den Star
Klask ist so ähnlich wie Tipp-Kick, aber mit Magneten unter dem Spielfeld, um die Figuren zu bewegen. Vanessa und Luna spielen die Tischfußball-Variante, bis eine zwei Durchgänge Punkte für sich entscheiden hat! (P) Unterstützt durch Produktplatzierung
Die ganze Folge auf MySpass: http://www.myspass.de/
published: 09 Nov 2019
Digimon Tamers - Spiel dein Spiel
Mein Erstes AMV Video von einem Anime wovon ich alle teile hab was auch etwas größer ist!Da es mein erstes AMV von sowas ist ist es auch nicht dfas besste ich wünsche euch trozde viel spaß damit!
Let´s Play Kanal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq1LQOrOWcPCKG1fsqlIc1A
published: 17 Jul 2010
LEO IST VERSCHWUNDEN! Merles & Liz´ Beautytag platzt... Freunde WG #47
Was für ein langweiliger Tag... Sam ist nicht da, die Mädels machen einen "Beauty Tag" und Leo... Leo ist irgendwie nicht da. 🤔 Ist er etwa verschwunden??? 😱
Was für ein langweiliger Tag... Sam ist nicht da, die Mädels machen einen "Beauty Tag" und Leo... Leo ist irgendwie nicht da. 🤔 Ist er etwa verschwunden??? 😱
#Verschwunden #FreundeWG #BeautyTag
ABONNIERT den Kanal kostenlos und VERGESST NICHT DIE GLOCKE ANZUSCHALTEN: https://bit.ly/35vYOuU
Hier gehts zum Kanal: https://www.youtube.com/spielmitmir
Diese Playlists könnten Euch auch interessieren:
Freunde WG Alle Folgen: https://bit.ly/2Vp15oT
Die COOLSTEN Neuen Videos: https://bit.ly/2Kjrq3a
5 Arten von... : https://bit.ly/2ModEcR
Challenges mit Kaan, Bianca, Dania, Nina & Kathi: https://bit.ly/2MnFiH4
alle neuesten Videos: https://bit.ly/2M2BIEg
Noch mehr von uns:
YouTube: @Familie Vogel - Spiel mit mir Kinderspielzeug
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/spielmitmir_official/
TikTok: https://bit.ly/2Ittsvr (@spielmitmir_official)
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@Spiel mit mir - Apps und Games
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@Tolle Wolle
@Familie Vogel - Spiel mit mir Kinderspielzeug
@Spiel mit mir - Apps und Games - für Kinder
@Näh mit mir - kreative Stoffideen
@Toy Stories Fun
Hey Leute! Hier findet ihr super coole und lustige Challenges!
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(c) Copyright 2020 - Urheberrechtshinweis: Alle Inhalte dieses Videos und dieses YouTube Kanals inklusive Texte, Bildspuren, Tonspuren und Grafiken sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Alle Rechte, einschließlich der Vervielfältigung, Veröffentlichung, Bearbeitung und Übersetzung, bleiben vorbehalten. Stellen Sie gerne eine schriftliche Anfrage an uns, falls Sie Inhalte entgeltlich lizensieren möchten. Rocket Creators GmbH
Was für ein langweiliger Tag... Sam ist nicht da, die Mädels machen einen "Beauty Tag" und Leo... Leo ist irgendwie nicht da. 🤔 Ist er etwa verschwunden??? 😱
#Verschwunden #FreundeWG #BeautyTag
ABONNIERT den Kanal kostenlos und VERGESST NICHT DIE GLOCKE ANZUSCHALTEN: https://bit.ly/35vYOuU
Hier gehts zum Kanal: https://www.youtube.com/spielmitmir
Diese Playlists könnten Euch auch interessieren:
Freunde WG Alle Folgen: https://bit.ly/2Vp15oT
Die COOLSTEN Neuen Videos: https://bit.ly/2Kjrq3a
5 Arten von... : https://bit.ly/2ModEcR
Challenges mit Kaan, Bianca, Dania, Nina & Kathi: https://bit.ly/2MnFiH4
alle neuesten Videos: https://bit.ly/2M2BIEg
Noch mehr von uns:
YouTube: @Familie Vogel - Spiel mit mir Kinderspielzeug
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/spielmitmir_official/
TikTok: https://bit.ly/2Ittsvr (@spielmitmir_official)
Wow! Du hast tatsächlich bis hierher gelesen! Deine EXTRA Frage: Was machst Du denn so, wenn Dir langweilig ist?
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Diese Kanäle könnten Euch auch interessieren:
@Spiel mit mir - Apps und Games
@DIY Inspiration
@Tolle Wolle
@Familie Vogel - Spiel mit mir Kinderspielzeug
@Spiel mit mir - Apps und Games - für Kinder
@Näh mit mir - kreative Stoffideen
@Toy Stories Fun
Hey Leute! Hier findet ihr super coole und lustige Challenges!
Täglich neue Abenteuer, lustige Videos, coole und verrückte Challenges mit Kaan, Bianca & Dania! ABONNIERT jetzt kostenlos unseren Kanal und seid immer die ersten die informiert werden über neue Videos!
Disclaimer: Dieser YouTube Kanal ist unabhängig. Alle die in diesem Kanal gezeigten Marken sind Marken der jeweiligen Hersteller, durch die der vorliegende YouTube Kanal weder gesponsert noch autorisiert oder unterstützt wird.
(c) Copyright 2020 - Urheberrechtshinweis: Alle Inhalte dieses Videos und dieses YouTube Kanals inklusive Texte, Bildspuren, Tonspuren und Grafiken sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Alle Rechte, einschließlich der Vervielfältigung, Veröffentlichung, Bearbeitung und Übersetzung, bleiben vorbehalten. Stellen Sie gerne eine schriftliche Anfrage an uns, falls Sie Inhalte entgeltlich lizensieren möchten. Rocket Creators GmbH
- published: 30 May 2020
- views: 96203
Klask | Vanessa Mai vs. Luna Schweiger | Spiel 3 | Schlag den Star
Klask ist so ähnlich wie Tipp-Kick, aber mit Magneten unter dem Spielfeld, um die Figuren zu bewegen. Vanessa und Luna spielen die Tischfußball-Variante, bis ei...
Klask ist so ähnlich wie Tipp-Kick, aber mit Magneten unter dem Spielfeld, um die Figuren zu bewegen. Vanessa und Luna spielen die Tischfußball-Variante, bis eine zwei Durchgänge Punkte für sich entscheiden hat! (P) Unterstützt durch Produktplatzierung
Die ganze Folge auf MySpass: http://www.myspass.de/
Klask ist so ähnlich wie Tipp-Kick, aber mit Magneten unter dem Spielfeld, um die Figuren zu bewegen. Vanessa und Luna spielen die Tischfußball-Variante, bis eine zwei Durchgänge Punkte für sich entscheiden hat! (P) Unterstützt durch Produktplatzierung
Die ganze Folge auf MySpass: http://www.myspass.de/
- published: 09 Nov 2019
- views: 386716
Digimon Tamers - Spiel dein Spiel
Mein Erstes AMV Video von einem Anime wovon ich alle teile hab was auch etwas größer ist!Da es mein erstes AMV von sowas ist ist es auch nicht dfas besste ich w...
Mein Erstes AMV Video von einem Anime wovon ich alle teile hab was auch etwas größer ist!Da es mein erstes AMV von sowas ist ist es auch nicht dfas besste ich wünsche euch trozde viel spaß damit!
Let´s Play Kanal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq1LQOrOWcPCKG1fsqlIc1A
Mein Erstes AMV Video von einem Anime wovon ich alle teile hab was auch etwas größer ist!Da es mein erstes AMV von sowas ist ist es auch nicht dfas besste ich wünsche euch trozde viel spaß damit!
Let´s Play Kanal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq1LQOrOWcPCKG1fsqlIc1A
- published: 17 Jul 2010
- views: 3646656
Annoying People With Spam Knife in KAT (Roblox KAT)
Today I use spam knife with an auto clicker and go into public servers and cause pain to every player. I hope you enjoy the video and thank you for watching!
@SolarDaily made the face
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#Roblox #KAT #Chronat
published: 17 Jun 2021
short video because game iz unfunni
Some of my things lol:
Roblox Profile ✅ : https://www.roblox.com/users/1931871874/profile
Roblox Group ✅ : https://www.roblox.com/groups/8414147/cKevs-Group#!/about
Discord Server ✅ : https://discord.gg/crGgj3PY29
Instagram✅ : https://www.instagram.com/ckev.v/
published: 12 Jan 2021
Annoying People With Spam Knife in KAT Again (Roblox KAT)
Today I annoy people with spam knife and auto clicker for no apparent reason. I hope you enjoy the video and thank you for watching!
@SolarDaily made the face
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#Roblox #KAT #Chronat
published: 01 Aug 2021
I Let The Person in Front of Me Decide What I Eat for 24 HOURS!!
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MBB - Good Times
MBB - Bora Bora
I have all rights to use this audio in this video according to Final Cut Pro's/YouTube's "terms of use."
published: 12 Aug 2021
Kat - Oddech wymarłych światów - 1988
Band Info:
Country: Poland
Location: Katowice
Formed: 1979
Style(s): Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, Black Metal
Status: Unknown
#Kat (Polish for “executioner”) was formed in late 1979 by drummer Ireneusz Loth and guitarist Piotr Luczyk – bassist Tomasz Jaguś and guitarist Ryszard Pisarski later joined the band. They played instrumental music until mid-1982 when Roman Kostrzewski took vocal duties. Their sound was clearly reminiscent of '70s hard rock and the NWOBHM, later embracing a thrash-oriented sound.
In 1984, Wojciech Mrowiec replaced Pisarski and the group qualified for the band contest of the Jarocin festival. Their increasing success gave them the opportunity to record their debut single Ostatni Tabor/Noce Szatana the same year with the collaboration of Tomasz Dziubiński. In May 198...
published: 28 May 2021
Doing Your Dares In KAT Roblox
Doing Your Dares In KAT Roblox. I do dares in KAT in this video I got all the dares in this video from my Discord server!
PizzaPasta108's Discord Server 📜
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Play Kat🗡
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Music In This Video 🎶
00:00 Coconut Mall - Mario Kart Wii
02:12 Delfino Plaza - Super Mario Sunshine OST
05:10 Eterna City (Day) - Pokémon DiamondPearlPlatinum
08:49 New Donk City Daytime - Super Mario Odyssey OST
11:45 Spear Of Justice
12:58 Trauma Center Gentle Breeze
#Roblox #PizzaPasta108 #KAT
published: 14 Aug 2021
Mobile ads portrayed by Roblox KAT 3
Dad would have been better if he didn't have 69000 ping...
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/C9FrjHqmsC
ROBLOX PROFILE: https://www.roblox.com/users/1560905596/profile
#Roblox #KAT #MobileAds
published: 17 Aug 2021
LEC x Kit Kat | Have a break with the Pros - Hans Sama
This series explores the interests and hobbies adopted by 5 LEC pro players, as well as highlighting the importance of having a break outside of the game.
This episode we’re talking to Hans Sama. Drawing has always been a part of his life. Once he began experiencing the stress of being a pro, he used drawing as a means of escape. This hobby allowed him to temporarily forget League and slip into a meditative state.
published: 17 Aug 2021
What happened to KAT?? (Roblox)
Get the NEW Tofi Squishy: https://junipercreates.com/channel/UCZXVJgry4FxvZO2718qQh5Q/p/4535792173117
Roblox KAT: https://www.roblox.com/games/621129760/SPOOKY-KAT?refPageId=e0e1f420-9dd9-42c1-b0a9-b37f5256e23a
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My name is Tofuu or Joe and this is my video! I bet you're incredibly thrilled about finding such an amazing channel, but don't freak out yet! ^o^ You have to click that subscribe button first! then you may freak out over this insanely amazing content!
Business email: tofuugamingbusiness@gmail.com
Thanks for watching!
TITLE: What happened to KAT?? (Roblox)
published: 23 Nov 2020
Hitting 50,000 Kills in KAT Roblox!!!
I suck :(
published: 16 Aug 2021
Annoying People With Spam Knife in KAT (Roblox KAT)
Today I use spam knife with an auto clicker and go into public servers and cause pain to every player. I hope you enjoy the video and thank you for watching!
Today I use spam knife with an auto clicker and go into public servers and cause pain to every player. I hope you enjoy the video and thank you for watching!
@SolarDaily made the face
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#Roblox #KAT #Chronat
Today I use spam knife with an auto clicker and go into public servers and cause pain to every player. I hope you enjoy the video and thank you for watching!
@SolarDaily made the face
Join my Discord Server
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#Roblox #KAT #Chronat
- published: 17 Jun 2021
- views: 452677
short video because game iz unfunni
Some of my things lol:
Roblox Profile ✅...
short video because game iz unfunni
Some of my things lol:
Roblox Profile ✅ : https://www.roblox.com/users/1931871874/profile
Roblox Group ✅ : https://www.roblox.com/groups/8414147/cKevs-Group#!/about
Discord Server ✅ : https://discord.gg/crGgj3PY29
Instagram✅ : https://www.instagram.com/ckev.v/
short video because game iz unfunni
Some of my things lol:
Roblox Profile ✅ : https://www.roblox.com/users/1931871874/profile
Roblox Group ✅ : https://www.roblox.com/groups/8414147/cKevs-Group#!/about
Discord Server ✅ : https://discord.gg/crGgj3PY29
Instagram✅ : https://www.instagram.com/ckev.v/
- published: 12 Jan 2021
- views: 304293
Annoying People With Spam Knife in KAT Again (Roblox KAT)
Today I annoy people with spam knife and auto clicker for no apparent reason. I hope you enjoy the video and thank you for watching!
@SolarDaily made the face
Today I annoy people with spam knife and auto clicker for no apparent reason. I hope you enjoy the video and thank you for watching!
@SolarDaily made the face
Join my Discord Server
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#Roblox #KAT #Chronat
Today I annoy people with spam knife and auto clicker for no apparent reason. I hope you enjoy the video and thank you for watching!
@SolarDaily made the face
Join my Discord Server
My Roblox Group
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Join this channel to get access to perks:
#Roblox #KAT #Chronat
- published: 01 Aug 2021
- views: 21456
I Let The Person in Front of Me Decide What I Eat for 24 HOURS!!
Don't forget to LIKE this video and SUBSCRIBE! Comment your favorite part down below!
Follow my other social medias too!
Don't forget to LIKE this video and SUBSCRIBE! Comment your favorite part down below!
Follow my other social medias too!
MBB - Good Times
MBB - Bora Bora
I have all rights to use this audio in this video according to Final Cut Pro's/YouTube's "terms of use."
Don't forget to LIKE this video and SUBSCRIBE! Comment your favorite part down below!
Follow my other social medias too!
MBB - Good Times
MBB - Bora Bora
I have all rights to use this audio in this video according to Final Cut Pro's/YouTube's "terms of use."
- published: 12 Aug 2021
- views: 175993
Kat - Oddech wymarłych światów - 1988
Band Info:
Country: Poland
Location: Katowice
Formed: 1979
Style(s): Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, Black Metal
Status: Unknown
#Kat (Polish for “executioner”) was...
Band Info:
Country: Poland
Location: Katowice
Formed: 1979
Style(s): Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, Black Metal
Status: Unknown
#Kat (Polish for “executioner”) was formed in late 1979 by drummer Ireneusz Loth and guitarist Piotr Luczyk – bassist Tomasz Jaguś and guitarist Ryszard Pisarski later joined the band. They played instrumental music until mid-1982 when Roman Kostrzewski took vocal duties. Their sound was clearly reminiscent of '70s hard rock and the NWOBHM, later embracing a thrash-oriented sound.
In 1984, Wojciech Mrowiec replaced Pisarski and the group qualified for the band contest of the Jarocin festival. Their increasing success gave them the opportunity to record their debut single Ostatni Tabor/Noce Szatana the same year with the collaboration of Tomasz Dziubiński. In May 1985 they toured with Hanoi Rocks and headlined the Jarocin festival.
They signed shortly afterwards with the Belgian record label Mausoleum Records, which released the English debut Metal And Hell, which was published in March 1986. The Polish version 666 was released by Klub Płytowy Razem in 1987. The album became a cult item among fans. The band sparked controversy with their satanic lyrics and celebrations of black masses in cemeteries.
Bassist Krzysztof Stasiak was subsequently introduced, while Mrowiec presented his resignation in 1987. The same year, Kat toured with Metallica in their home country and gigged alongside Overkill, Helloween and Running Wild at the Metalmania festival, releasing the live album 38 minutes Of Life in December.
In late 1987 they also recorded Oddech Wymarłych Światów, finally published one year later. The band parted ways with Dziubiński at the time, marking the beginning of a period of crisis. They disbanded in 1988, following Kostrzewski’s departure.
It wasn’t until 1990 when Kat was reactivated, adding new bassist Krzysztof Oset and guitarist Jacek Regulski, going on tour with TSA and Acid Drinkers, later appearing at the Jarocin festival. This new formation recorded Bastard in 1992 and Ballady in 1993. In 1995, Kostrzewski’s debut solo album Biblia Satanistyczna was released and labeled as Roman Kostrzewski & Kat, but it’s not considered part of the band’s discography.
Following records ...Róże Miłości Najchętniej Przyjmują Się Na Grobach released in 1996 and Szydercze Zwierciadło in 1997 showed a marked change in the group’s sound. Kat suspended activities after the tragic death of Regulski in a motorcycle accident in 1999.
The band was reactivated in late-2002, touring and playing in most big cities in Poland. In 2004, Kostrzewski and Loth quit and formed Kat & Roman Kostrzewski due to musical differences, playing songs of the band live, which led to legal battles with Luczyk.
Drummer Rogol, second-guitarist Jarek Gronowski and singer Henry Beck completed the new line-up which recorded Mind Cannibals entirely in English, which saw the light of day in October 2005 through Mystic Production. European dates with Six Feet Under and a couple of concerts in their home country sharing stage with Helloween followed. In 2007, they signed a distribution deal with Karthago Records, and a license deal with Nuclear War Now! Productions, which released their albums Mind Cannibals, 666 and Metal and Hell on limited edition vinyls.
• Their first published recording was “Zemsta”, on a 1982 compilation. It can be downloaded from Katfc.pl.
• There was a tribute album to Kat, entitled Czarne Zastępy: W Hołdzie Kat (Pagan Records, MOON CD 008).
Compilation appearances:
- "Noce Szatana" and "Ostatni Tabor" on Rock Made in Poland (Vega, Tape 1985).
- "Mag-Sex" and "Dziewczyna W Koronie Cierniowej" on Polish Heavy Metal '87 (Polmark, Tape 1987).
- "Time of Revenge" on Heavy, Hell and Metal (Imtrat, CD 1988).
- "Metal and Hell", "Killer" on Power Metal - Heavy Metal From Benelux (Imtrat, CD 1988).
- "Noce Szatana" on Metal Shock (Tonpress, Lp 1989).
- "Metal and Hell", "Killer" on Killer (LaserLight Digital, CD 1990).
- "Łza Dla Cieniów Minionych" on Mury Jerycha (Silverton, Tape 1993).
- "Niewinność", "Łza Dla Cieniów Minionych" on Najładniejsze Polskie Metalowe Ballady (PK Kopalnia, Tape 1995).
- "Talizma", "Robak" on Najładniejsze Polskie Metalowe Ballady 3 (PK Kopalnia, Tape 1996).
- "Purpurowe Gody" on Morbid Noizz…Most Darkness And Epic (Morbid Noizz Productions, CD 1996).
- "Łoże Wspólne Lecz Przytulne" on Brum Numer 50 (Brum, CD 1997).
- "Ostatni Tabor" on 100% Rock - Vol.9 (Jawi, CD 2001).
- "Łza Dla Cieniów Minionych" on Mystic Art Vol. 24 (Mystic Art, CD 2003).
- “Puppets on Strings” on Thrash Metal Warriors (Black Devil Records, CD 2007).
Side A
1. Porwany obłędem
2. Śpisz jak kamień
3. Dziewczyna w cierniowej koronie
4. Diabelski dom - cz.II
Side B
5. Mag - sex
6. Głos z ciemności
7. Bramy żądz #AlienForceMusic
Band Info:
Country: Poland
Location: Katowice
Formed: 1979
Style(s): Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, Black Metal
Status: Unknown
#Kat (Polish for “executioner”) was formed in late 1979 by drummer Ireneusz Loth and guitarist Piotr Luczyk – bassist Tomasz Jaguś and guitarist Ryszard Pisarski later joined the band. They played instrumental music until mid-1982 when Roman Kostrzewski took vocal duties. Their sound was clearly reminiscent of '70s hard rock and the NWOBHM, later embracing a thrash-oriented sound.
In 1984, Wojciech Mrowiec replaced Pisarski and the group qualified for the band contest of the Jarocin festival. Their increasing success gave them the opportunity to record their debut single Ostatni Tabor/Noce Szatana the same year with the collaboration of Tomasz Dziubiński. In May 1985 they toured with Hanoi Rocks and headlined the Jarocin festival.
They signed shortly afterwards with the Belgian record label Mausoleum Records, which released the English debut Metal And Hell, which was published in March 1986. The Polish version 666 was released by Klub Płytowy Razem in 1987. The album became a cult item among fans. The band sparked controversy with their satanic lyrics and celebrations of black masses in cemeteries.
Bassist Krzysztof Stasiak was subsequently introduced, while Mrowiec presented his resignation in 1987. The same year, Kat toured with Metallica in their home country and gigged alongside Overkill, Helloween and Running Wild at the Metalmania festival, releasing the live album 38 minutes Of Life in December.
In late 1987 they also recorded Oddech Wymarłych Światów, finally published one year later. The band parted ways with Dziubiński at the time, marking the beginning of a period of crisis. They disbanded in 1988, following Kostrzewski’s departure.
It wasn’t until 1990 when Kat was reactivated, adding new bassist Krzysztof Oset and guitarist Jacek Regulski, going on tour with TSA and Acid Drinkers, later appearing at the Jarocin festival. This new formation recorded Bastard in 1992 and Ballady in 1993. In 1995, Kostrzewski’s debut solo album Biblia Satanistyczna was released and labeled as Roman Kostrzewski & Kat, but it’s not considered part of the band’s discography.
Following records ...Róże Miłości Najchętniej Przyjmują Się Na Grobach released in 1996 and Szydercze Zwierciadło in 1997 showed a marked change in the group’s sound. Kat suspended activities after the tragic death of Regulski in a motorcycle accident in 1999.
The band was reactivated in late-2002, touring and playing in most big cities in Poland. In 2004, Kostrzewski and Loth quit and formed Kat & Roman Kostrzewski due to musical differences, playing songs of the band live, which led to legal battles with Luczyk.
Drummer Rogol, second-guitarist Jarek Gronowski and singer Henry Beck completed the new line-up which recorded Mind Cannibals entirely in English, which saw the light of day in October 2005 through Mystic Production. European dates with Six Feet Under and a couple of concerts in their home country sharing stage with Helloween followed. In 2007, they signed a distribution deal with Karthago Records, and a license deal with Nuclear War Now! Productions, which released their albums Mind Cannibals, 666 and Metal and Hell on limited edition vinyls.
• Their first published recording was “Zemsta”, on a 1982 compilation. It can be downloaded from Katfc.pl.
• There was a tribute album to Kat, entitled Czarne Zastępy: W Hołdzie Kat (Pagan Records, MOON CD 008).
Compilation appearances:
- "Noce Szatana" and "Ostatni Tabor" on Rock Made in Poland (Vega, Tape 1985).
- "Mag-Sex" and "Dziewczyna W Koronie Cierniowej" on Polish Heavy Metal '87 (Polmark, Tape 1987).
- "Time of Revenge" on Heavy, Hell and Metal (Imtrat, CD 1988).
- "Metal and Hell", "Killer" on Power Metal - Heavy Metal From Benelux (Imtrat, CD 1988).
- "Noce Szatana" on Metal Shock (Tonpress, Lp 1989).
- "Metal and Hell", "Killer" on Killer (LaserLight Digital, CD 1990).
- "Łza Dla Cieniów Minionych" on Mury Jerycha (Silverton, Tape 1993).
- "Niewinność", "Łza Dla Cieniów Minionych" on Najładniejsze Polskie Metalowe Ballady (PK Kopalnia, Tape 1995).
- "Talizma", "Robak" on Najładniejsze Polskie Metalowe Ballady 3 (PK Kopalnia, Tape 1996).
- "Purpurowe Gody" on Morbid Noizz…Most Darkness And Epic (Morbid Noizz Productions, CD 1996).
- "Łoże Wspólne Lecz Przytulne" on Brum Numer 50 (Brum, CD 1997).
- "Ostatni Tabor" on 100% Rock - Vol.9 (Jawi, CD 2001).
- "Łza Dla Cieniów Minionych" on Mystic Art Vol. 24 (Mystic Art, CD 2003).
- “Puppets on Strings” on Thrash Metal Warriors (Black Devil Records, CD 2007).
Side A
1. Porwany obłędem
2. Śpisz jak kamień
3. Dziewczyna w cierniowej koronie
4. Diabelski dom - cz.II
Side B
5. Mag - sex
6. Głos z ciemności
7. Bramy żądz #AlienForceMusic
- published: 28 May 2021
- views: 12764
Doing Your Dares In KAT Roblox
Doing Your Dares In KAT Roblox. I do dares in KAT in this video I got all the dares in this video from my Discord server!
PizzaPasta108's Discord Server 📜
Doing Your Dares In KAT Roblox. I do dares in KAT in this video I got all the dares in this video from my Discord server!
PizzaPasta108's Discord Server 📜
Follow PizzaPasta108 On Twitter 🐦
Play Kat🗡
PizzaPasta108 Fan Group 🍕
My Roblox Profile🍝
Music In This Video 🎶
00:00 Coconut Mall - Mario Kart Wii
02:12 Delfino Plaza - Super Mario Sunshine OST
05:10 Eterna City (Day) - Pokémon DiamondPearlPlatinum
08:49 New Donk City Daytime - Super Mario Odyssey OST
11:45 Spear Of Justice
12:58 Trauma Center Gentle Breeze
#Roblox #PizzaPasta108 #KAT
Doing Your Dares In KAT Roblox. I do dares in KAT in this video I got all the dares in this video from my Discord server!
PizzaPasta108's Discord Server 📜
Follow PizzaPasta108 On Twitter 🐦
Play Kat🗡
PizzaPasta108 Fan Group 🍕
My Roblox Profile🍝
Music In This Video 🎶
00:00 Coconut Mall - Mario Kart Wii
02:12 Delfino Plaza - Super Mario Sunshine OST
05:10 Eterna City (Day) - Pokémon DiamondPearlPlatinum
08:49 New Donk City Daytime - Super Mario Odyssey OST
11:45 Spear Of Justice
12:58 Trauma Center Gentle Breeze
#Roblox #PizzaPasta108 #KAT
- published: 14 Aug 2021
- views: 7101
Mobile ads portrayed by Roblox KAT 3
Dad would have been better if he didn't have 69000 ping...
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/C9FrjHqmsC
ROBLOX PROFILE: https://www.roblox.com/users/1560905596/profi...
Dad would have been better if he didn't have 69000 ping...
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/C9FrjHqmsC
ROBLOX PROFILE: https://www.roblox.com/users/1560905596/profile
#Roblox #KAT #MobileAds
Dad would have been better if he didn't have 69000 ping...
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/C9FrjHqmsC
ROBLOX PROFILE: https://www.roblox.com/users/1560905596/profile
#Roblox #KAT #MobileAds
- published: 17 Aug 2021
- views: 248
LEC x Kit Kat | Have a break with the Pros - Hans Sama
This series explores the interests and hobbies adopted by 5 LEC pro players, as well as highlighting the importance of having a break outside of the game.
This series explores the interests and hobbies adopted by 5 LEC pro players, as well as highlighting the importance of having a break outside of the game.
This episode we’re talking to Hans Sama. Drawing has always been a part of his life. Once he began experiencing the stress of being a pro, he used drawing as a means of escape. This hobby allowed him to temporarily forget League and slip into a meditative state.
This series explores the interests and hobbies adopted by 5 LEC pro players, as well as highlighting the importance of having a break outside of the game.
This episode we’re talking to Hans Sama. Drawing has always been a part of his life. Once he began experiencing the stress of being a pro, he used drawing as a means of escape. This hobby allowed him to temporarily forget League and slip into a meditative state.
- published: 17 Aug 2021
- views: 21467
What happened to KAT?? (Roblox)
Get the NEW Tofi Squishy: https://junipercreates.com/channel/UCZXVJgry4FxvZO2718qQh5Q/p/4535792173117
Roblox KAT: https://www.roblox.com/games/621129760/SPOOKY...
Get the NEW Tofi Squishy: https://junipercreates.com/channel/UCZXVJgry4FxvZO2718qQh5Q/p/4535792173117
Roblox KAT: https://www.roblox.com/games/621129760/SPOOKY-KAT?refPageId=e0e1f420-9dd9-42c1-b0a9-b37f5256e23a
Twitter @tofu
instagram @tofu
Use Video Creator Code "TOFUU" on the Roblox store!
My name is Tofuu or Joe and this is my video! I bet you're incredibly thrilled about finding such an amazing channel, but don't freak out yet! ^o^ You have to click that subscribe button first! then you may freak out over this insanely amazing content!
Business email: tofuugamingbusiness@gmail.com
Thanks for watching!
TITLE: What happened to KAT?? (Roblox)
Get the NEW Tofi Squishy: https://junipercreates.com/channel/UCZXVJgry4FxvZO2718qQh5Q/p/4535792173117
Roblox KAT: https://www.roblox.com/games/621129760/SPOOKY-KAT?refPageId=e0e1f420-9dd9-42c1-b0a9-b37f5256e23a
Twitter @tofu
instagram @tofu
Use Video Creator Code "TOFUU" on the Roblox store!
My name is Tofuu or Joe and this is my video! I bet you're incredibly thrilled about finding such an amazing channel, but don't freak out yet! ^o^ You have to click that subscribe button first! then you may freak out over this insanely amazing content!
Business email: tofuugamingbusiness@gmail.com
Thanks for watching!
TITLE: What happened to KAT?? (Roblox)
- published: 23 Nov 2020
- views: 776459