'S' is featured as a movie character in the following productions:
Nymphomaniac: Vol. I (2013)
Jonas Baeck (actor),
Jean-Marc Barr (actor),
Jamie Bell (actor),
Christian Gade Bjerrum (actor),
Nicolas Bro (actor),
Jeff Burrell (actor),
Simon Böer (actor),
Jesper Christensen (actor),
Peter Gilbert Cotton (actor),
Christopher Craig (actor),
Conny Dachs (actor),
Willem Dafoe (actor),
Frankie Dawson (actor),
George Dawson (actor),
Jens Albinus (actor),
Plot: A man named Seligman finds a fainted wounded woman in an alley and he brings her home. She tells him that her name is Joe and that she is nymphomaniac. Joe tells her life and sexual experiences with hundreds of men since she was a young teenager while Seligman tells about his hobbies, such as fly fishing, reading about Fibonacci numbers or listening to organ music.
Keywords: anal-sex, anal-virginity-lost, angling, ash-tree, bathroom, bloody-nose, bud, casual-sex, cat, chapter-headings
Taglines: Forget About Love
Mrs. H: [to her children, referring to Joe's bedroom] Let's go see daddy's favorite place!
Seligman: [narrating] During the whole of a dull, dark, and soundless day in the autumn of the year, when the clouds hung oppressively low in the heavens, I had been passing alone, on horseback, through a singularly dreary tract of country; and at length found myself, as the shades of the evening drew on, within view of the melancholy House of Usher.
Young Joe: If I asked you to take my virginity, would that be a problem?::Jerôme: No, I don't see a problem.
Joe: Perhaps the only difference between me and other people was that I've always demanded more from the sunset; more spectacular colors when the sun hit the horizon. That's perhaps my only sin.
Mrs. H: [to Young Joe] Would it be alright if I show the children the whoring bed? After all, they also have a stake in this event.
Joe: It's actually the souls of the trees we're seeing in the winter. In summer everything is green and idyllic but in the winter, the branches and the trunks all stand out. Just look at how crooked they all are. The branches have to carry all the leaves to the sunlight. That's one long struggle for survival.
Jerôme: Good job, Liz!
Seligman: Love is blind.::Joe: No, no, no, it's worse. Love distort things. Or even worse, love is something you've never asked for.
Conductor: Two first class tickets for two first class ladies.
[repeated line]::Young Joe, B, Joe's Girlfriend - 18 Years, Joe's Girlfriend - 18 Years, Joe's Girlfriend - 18 Years: Mea Vulva, Mea Maxima Vulva!
Before and After (2013)
Robert Burton (actor),
Robert Burton (actor),
Brian Sutherland (actor),
Areana Cirina (actress),
Shannon Day (actress),
Shannon Lark (actress),
Mark P. Wilner (producer),
Mark P. Willner (writer),
Ed Hartman (composer),
Mark P. Willner (director),
Taglines: War is hell, so is coming home.
The Riverbed (2012)
Sebastian Downs (actor),
Tim Earle (actor),
Tucker Johnson (actor),
Nick Smerkanich (actor),
Sarah Duff (actress),
Maggie Farrell (actress),
Laura Jorgensen (actress),
Lina Pearson (actress),
Scout Tafoya (producer),
Scout Tafoya (writer),
Amy Alvey (composer),
Scout Tafoya (director),
Scout Tafoya (editor),
Pak! Pak! My Dr. Kwak! (2011)
Kyle Alvarado (actor),
Ric Arellano (actor),
Ric Arellano (actor),
Jon Avila (actor),
Paolo Ballesteros (actor),
Victor Basa (actor),
Paopao Bayola (actor),
Wally Bayola (actor),
Goms Burza (actor),
Charles Christianson (actor),
Ritchie D'Horsie (actor),
Nonong de Andres (actor),
Joey de Leon (actor),
Gerald de Quina (actor),
Gerhard Acao (actor),
Latex Puppen (2009)
Jose Cerqueda (actor),
Manuel de Blas (actor),
Yon González (actor),
Javier Iribarren (actor),
Julio Jordán (actor),
Erika Sanz (actress),
Javier Gutiérrez (producer),
Samuel Gutiérrez (producer),
Víctor Santos (producer),
Samuel Gutiérrez (writer),
Samuel Gutiérrez (director),
Manolito Román (editor),
Isabel Aparicio (miscellaneous crew),
Paula Armario (miscellaneous crew),
Nerea Castro (miscellaneous crew),
Our Hidden Lives (2005)
Richard Briers (actor),
Richard Dillane (actor),
Michael Fassbender (actor),
Mathew Horne (actor),
Ian McDiarmid (actor),
Sarah Parish (actress),
Lesley Sharp (actress),
Roy Ackerman (producer),
Celia Bargh (producer),
Richard Fell (producer),
Michael Samuels (producer),
David Eldridge (writer),
Simon Garfield (writer),
Barbara Kidd (costume designer),
Michael Samuels (director),
Plot: Based on the best-selling book by award-winning writer Simon Garfield, four stories from Britain's 'lost decade' (1945 - 1955) are presented from the diaries of four very distinct people. In his book, Garfield selected some of the most expressive diarists, and focused on the post-war years giving a vivid portrait of how Britain coped in the post-war years and how little, or how much, attitudes have changed over the past 60 years.
Keywords: based-on-novel
Mrozek: Mulatság (1990)
János Bán (actor),
György Dörner (actor),
Sándor Gáspár (actor),
Slawomir Mrozek (writer),
Ferenc Darvas (composer),
Árpád Árkosi (director),
Fruzsina Magyar (miscellaneous crew),
István Márton (miscellaneous crew),
Zoltán Vajna (miscellaneous crew),
The Fortunate Pilgrim (1988)
Gojko Baletic (actor),
Gojko Baletic (actor),
Luigi Basagaluppi (actor),
Predrag Bjelac (actor),
Predrag Bjelac (actor),
Phil Brown (actor),
Phil Brown (actor),
Andrew Castle (actor),
Stefano Cordano (actor),
Petar Cvejic (actor),
Petar Cvejic (actor),
David Flosi (actor),
John Hallam (actor),
Alan Heath (actor),
Simone Audisio (actor),
The D.I. (1957)
John R. Brown (actor),
John R. Brown (actor),
George D. Bryan (actor),
Don Dubbins (actor),
Michael K. Gebbia (actor),
Charles M. Golden (actor),
Earle Hodgins (actor),
Joseph C. Holmes (actor),
Joey (actor),
Richard Kiel (actor),
Louis R. Lazarko (actor),
Charles A. Love (actor),
Thomas Martin (actor),
Lin McCarthy (actor),
John T. Ahern (actor),
Plot: Gunnery Sergeant Jim Moore is one of the toughest Drill Instructors on Parris Island. But he's got a thorn in his side: Pvt. Owens, who always seems to foul up when the pressure's on. Convinced that "there's a man underneath that baby powder," Sgt. Moore drives Owens to the point of desertion. Making things worse, Capt. Anderson has given Moore three days to make the scared private into Marine material, "or I'll personally cut the lace off his panties and ship him out!" Adding to the pressure, Moore also juggles a budding romance with a shop girl.
Keywords: acronym-in-title, basic-training, boot-camp, drill-instructor, military, sergeant, u.s.-marine-corps, verbal-abuse
Taglines: Nobody knew he had a girl--not even the girl! Give him 12 weeks. He'll give you a Few Good Men. This is T/SGT. Jim Moore, toughest of the tough-guy Drill Instructors. One of the most powerful of all screen performances.
TSgt Moore: Private Owens! Was the sand flea you killed male or female?::Pvt. Owens: Male, sir!::TSgt Moore: Then this ain't it. Keep looking.
TSgt Moore: Out on that drill field yesterday, you people were miserable. You people ain't even a mob. A mob's got a leader. You people are a herd. I'm gonna get me a sheep dog!
Sgt. Braver: What's your idea of the perfect woman?::TSgt Moore: A good looking blonde swinger who runs a liquor store.
TSgt Moore: [shouting] If your brains were made of dynamite you couldn't blow your nose!
TSgt Moore: Why don't you take a long walk on a short pier?
Pvt. Owens: I have a headache, sir.::TSgt Moore: You don't have a headache. Only your Drill Instructor is allowed to have headaches. I have 72 of them.
TSgt Moore: You ain't gonna eat no bread, no corn, no pie, cake, desserts of any kind. No whole milk, no beans, no butter, no sugar, no potatoes, candy, ice cream, salad dressing or peanut butter... You came here with nothing but fat. You're gonna leave here with nothing but muscle.
TSgt Moore: [after beating Joey in a short fight] The next time you jump me, Joey, you make it look like something.
TSgt Moore: Rodriguez, if you were completely surrounded this morning by an enemy force of five hundred men, what would you do?::Pvt. Rodriguez: Kill 'em, sir!
TSgt Moore: The deadliest weapon in the world is the United States Marine and his M1!
VillaBanks - S prod. Linch (Video Ufficiale)
Album fuori 1/1/2020
published: 21 Dec 2019
VIVIAN s'excuse auprès d'EVA et rétablit la VÉRITÉ !
Suite à son interview #CarteSurTable, Eva et Vivian se sont fortement clashés sur les réseaux. Aujourd'hui, il fait son méa culpa.
🙌🏻 S'abonner ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/c/SamZirah
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(demandes professionnelles uniquement)
Cette chaîne Youtube est un espace de témoignage qui ne revendique pas propager une vérité absolue.
Les propos recueillis en interview n’engagent que leurs auteurs.
Les idées ou opinions émises ne peuvent en aucun cas être considérées comme l’expression d’une position officielle de Sam ZIRAH et de la société de production 2ZS P...
published: 03 Nov 2021
Top Channel/ “ Kthehemi në Kosovë me forcë”, kërcënon Vulin: “S`na duhen rusët, mjaftojnë serbët”!
Nëse Serbia dëshiron të kthehet me forcë në Kosovë e Metohi, nuk ka nevojë për rusët apo të tjerë të huaj, mjaftojnë serbët e lindur atje, deklaroi ministri i brendshëm i Serbisë Aleksandër Vulin, i cituar nga mediat vendase. Vulin u shpreh se Serbia nuk po përgatit vullnetarë rusë për t’u kthyer në Kosovë. Ai përdori sërish termin fyes “shiptari”, duke folur për “dergimin e forcave arrogante në veri, që të përulur dhe të frikësuar i tërhoqën në jug”. Komentet e Vulin duket ishin përgjigje ndaj deklaratës së ish komandantit të FSK-së, Kadri Kastrati, i cili tha se ka informacione se presidenti serb Aleksandër Vuçiç dhe ministri i brendshem po rekrutojnë mercenarë rusë për t’i dërguar në veri të Kosovës. “Prania ruse në Ballkan është shumë e qartë, dhe ne jemi të ndërgjegjshëm se ka njerëz...
published: 03 Nov 2021
Mercedes EQS против S-Class: ГОНКА ПО ТРЕКУ, 0-96 км/ч (0-60 м/ч) и 1/4 мили!
#carwow #mercedes
Понравилось видео? Подписывайтесь на @carwow Русская версия и включайте уведомления, чтобы не пропускать новые выпуски!
Пришло время зарубы на треке, о необходимости которой вы даже не задумывались... до сегодняшнего дня!
Мэт раздобыл Mercedes S-Class и EQS, чтобы они посостязались в прохождении круга на время!
Как у них с характеристиками? Начнём с S-Class: он оснащён 3-литровой турбированной "рядной шестёркой" мощностью 435 л.с. и 520 Нм момента. Как можно догадаться, это авто довольно тяжёлое, его снаряжённая масса 2065 кг.
Однако, в этом аспекте ему далеко до EQS! Оснащённый здоровенными батареями на 108 кВт-часов, этот здоровенный электромобиль весит чуть меньше 2,5 тонн! Впрочем, он тоже довольно мощный: 330 л.с. и 570 Нм момента.
Так победит ли более лёг...
published: 03 Nov 2021
Nikos Vertis - S' Agapao / Νίκος Βέρτης - Σ' Αγαπάω (Official Videoclip 4K)
Nikos Vertis is performing S Agapao
©THEAMA / Heaven Music 2021
Composer & Lyrics | Συνθέτης & Στίχοι: Nikos Vertis
Arrangement & Production | Ενορχήστρωση & παραγωγή: Ενορχήστρωση / Programming: Χρήστος Σαντικάι | Riverside Studio©
Video director | Σκηνοθεσία : Alex Konstantinidis
#NikosVertis #SAgapao #Videoclip
🎶 Stream & Downloadlinks:
Nikos Vertis Official Social Media:
▶ Facebook: https://facebook.com/NikosVertisOfficial
▶ YouTube: https://youtube.com/user/NikosVertisOfficial
▶ Instagram: https://instagram.com/nvertis
▶ Twitter: https://twitter.com/nikosvertis
▶ TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@nvertis
Heaven Music
▶ YouTube: @Heaven Music ▶ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heaven_music_official
published: 02 Jul 2021
Trondit gjyshja e 6-vjeçares/"Dhuna ç'njerëzore, s'e ka bërë im bir, veç të jetë kafshë.Dyshoj te.."
Përtej çdo imagjinate, dhuna barbare e ushtruar nga babai ndaj 6 veçares tronditi mbarë opinionin publik. Edhe më tronditës ishte rrëfimi i nënës së të miturës në studion e emisionit me zemër të hapur teksa tregoi se si e kishte gjetur vogëlushen në gjëndje të rëndë strukur në një divan. I ati dhunues i tha se vogëlushja ishte helmuar dhe kishte vjellë. Vetëm pas ekzaminimeve të para mjekësopre nëna do të zbulonte të vërtetën shokuese. Për shkak të dhunës monstruoze fëmija rrezikon jetën. Kjo ishte një dramë e cila ka nisur vite më parë për shkak se prindërit e vogëlushes kanë pasur një marrëdhënie konfliktuale me njëri tjetrin. kësaj histori komplekse si një puzzle do përpiqemi ti shtojmë edhe një tjetër copëz duke dëgjuar versionin e gjyshërve nga ana e babait. Çfarë ndodhi në familjen n...
published: 03 Nov 2021
Swimming Song + More Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs - CoComelon
Subscribe for new videos every week!
A new compilation video, including one of our most recent songs, "The Swimming Song"!
Watch your favorite song by clicking a title below:
0:08 The Swimming Song
2:43 Hot Cross Buns
5:18 Clean Up Song
8:03 Are We There Yet?
10:34 Peek-A-Boo
12:22 Counting Song
15:02 Where Has My Little Dog Gone?
17:34 Johny Johny Yes Papa
19:25 Laughing Baby with Family
21:33 Head Shoulders Knees and Toes
24:24 The Musical Instruments Song
27:42 Tortoise and the Hare
About Cocomelon:
Where kids can be happy and smart!
At Cocomelon, our goal is to help make learning a fun and enjoyable experience for kids by creating beautiful 3D animation, educational lyrics, and ...
published: 26 Oct 2018
Novi Mukbang video na JoomBoos kanalu! 🔥 Ovog puta sa nama su Marco Cuccurin i Mimiermakeup! Pogledajte u videu na koja vaša pitanja su odgovarali, koja su im bila najteža za odgovoriti a koja najlakša!
U prodaji je novo, jesensko izdanje JoomBoos Videostar magazina! 🍂💛 Uz pregršt super priča, u novom magazinu čekaju vas 24 wow postera, quizbook, edukativna knjižica, JoomBoos privjesak i essence makeup u određenim brojevima! 🥳 Potražite svoj magazin na svim kioscima Tiska po cijeni od 35 kuna, šaljite nam kreativne fotke u DM na Instagram i osvojite precool JoomBoos ruksake! 😍🎁
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Pretplati se na JoomBoos shorts - naš novi YouTube kanal na kojem objavljujemo shorts videa: http://bi...
published: 03 Nov 2021
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6BoQfEQtqCI2FDkwNsKETQ
Contrataciones/Contacto: contacto.ykato@gmail.com
¡Que pasa escuadrón! Espero que te haya gustado el vídeo^^
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published: 14 Feb 2020
❤️SUBSCRIBE FOR A MILLION COOKIES!! :https://youtu.be/wFo6XN0rmxo
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❤️SUBSCRIBE TO NIKKI: https://youtu.be/J5Fguy4VIA0
❤️HEY WANT TO BUY MERCH?? LIMITED EDITION ! SUPPORT https://teespring.com/stores/craniacs
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❤️We also have a PO Box, do you guys want to send some Fan Mail will go right ahead. We’d love to ...
published: 21 Mar 2021
新LINE@特集記事 https://bit.ly/2Dx7THQ
アプリはandroid iphone共に「スロパチステーション」で検索!!
ダウンロードはこちらから → http://slopachi-station.com/
published: 02 Nov 2021
Instagram emotor_sport : https://www.instagram.com/emotor_sport/
Thanks for watching :)
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published: 03 Nov 2021
Lucky vs Unlucky / True Sister`s Struggles
Subscribe Here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWwqHwqLSrdWMgp5DZG5Dzg?sub_confirmation=1
Long Hair, Short Hair and Curly Hair Problems!: https://youtu.be/hRTnVAuYY5s?list=PLy0LaulZe0vRyRDcwVaqbvnbSqhSQNtS-&playnext;=1
It's difficult to maintain a good relationship when one sister is lucky and the other is a failure. But the heroines of our new video will try very hard to do it!
Supplies and tools:
• Foam paper
• Decorative hole puncher
• Glue
• Wire
• Glitter
• Decorative stone
• Stud earring
• Kinder Joy
• Acrylic paint
• Fake hair
• Headband
• White polymer clay
• Marker
• Jeans
• Fabric paint
Watch More Troom Troom:
Popular Videos:
14 Weird Ways To Sneak Food Into Class / Back To School Pranks: https://youtu.be/W5p2ndS34vA
18 Funny Pranks! Prank Wars! https://youtu.be/yWazGzCNtJ4...
published: 30 Jan 2021
OTECKOVIA - Nehanebná Stella. S Alexom ich takmer pristihli
Stellu baví Alexa zvádzať a provokovať. Kdekoľvek.
Pozri aj: http://www.markiza.sk/uvod
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Celé časti našich seriálov a relácií nájdete na: http://videoarchiv.markiza.sk/uvod
published: 25 Mar 2019
VillaBanks - S prod. Linch (Video Ufficiale)
Album fuori 1/1/2020
Album fuori 1/1/2020
Album fuori 1/1/2020
- published: 21 Dec 2019
- views: 2906120
VIVIAN s'excuse auprès d'EVA et rétablit la VÉRITÉ !
Suite à son interview #CarteSurTable, Eva et Vivian se sont fortement clashés sur les réseaux. Aujourd'hui, il fait son méa culpa.
🙌🏻 S'abonner ➡️ https:/...
Suite à son interview #CarteSurTable, Eva et Vivian se sont fortement clashés sur les réseaux. Aujourd'hui, il fait son méa culpa.
🙌🏻 S'abonner ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/c/SamZirah
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Les propos recueillis en interview n’engagent que leurs auteurs.
Les idées ou opinions émises ne peuvent en aucun cas être considérées comme l’expression d’une position officielle de Sam ZIRAH et de la société de production 2ZS PRODUCTION.
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⚠️ Toute reproduction totale ou partielle est strictement interdite ⚠️
Suite à son interview #CarteSurTable, Eva et Vivian se sont fortement clashés sur les réseaux. Aujourd'hui, il fait son méa culpa.
🙌🏻 S'abonner ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/c/SamZirah
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Cette chaîne Youtube est un espace de témoignage qui ne revendique pas propager une vérité absolue.
Les propos recueillis en interview n’engagent que leurs auteurs.
Les idées ou opinions émises ne peuvent en aucun cas être considérées comme l’expression d’une position officielle de Sam ZIRAH et de la société de production 2ZS PRODUCTION.
Internautes, abonné(e)s, attention à ne pas faire de supposition, restez bienveillants et précautionneux dans vos commentaires.
⚠️ Toute reproduction totale ou partielle est strictement interdite ⚠️
- published: 03 Nov 2021
- views: 3885
Top Channel/ “ Kthehemi në Kosovë me forcë”, kërcënon Vulin: “S`na duhen rusët, mjaftojnë serbët”!
Nëse Serbia dëshiron të kthehet me forcë në Kosovë e Metohi, nuk ka nevojë për rusët apo të tjerë të huaj, mjaftojnë serbët e lindur atje, deklaroi ministri i b...
Nëse Serbia dëshiron të kthehet me forcë në Kosovë e Metohi, nuk ka nevojë për rusët apo të tjerë të huaj, mjaftojnë serbët e lindur atje, deklaroi ministri i brendshëm i Serbisë Aleksandër Vulin, i cituar nga mediat vendase. Vulin u shpreh se Serbia nuk po përgatit vullnetarë rusë për t’u kthyer në Kosovë. Ai përdori sërish termin fyes “shiptari”, duke folur për “dergimin e forcave arrogante në veri, që të përulur dhe të frikësuar i tërhoqën në jug”. Komentet e Vulin duket ishin përgjigje ndaj deklaratës së ish komandantit të FSK-së, Kadri Kastrati, i cili tha se ka informacione se presidenti serb Aleksandër Vuçiç dhe ministri i brendshem po rekrutojnë mercenarë rusë për t’i dërguar në veri të Kosovës. “Prania ruse në Ballkan është shumë e qartë, dhe ne jemi të ndërgjegjshëm se ka njerëz nga Rusia e Serbia të pranishëm cdo ditë në Mitrovicën e Veriut. Qëllimi i Rusisë dhe Repiblikës Srpska është të jenë të pranishme në veri, e të krijojnë tensione të ndryshme atje. Po e shikojmë situatën në Bosnjë ku Milorad Dodik kërcënoi me fuqizimin e forcave të tij ushtarake dhe policore duke paralajmëruar mundësinë e një ndarjeje të federatës boshnjake”, është shprehur ai.
Departamenti i Informacionit, më i madhi, më kryesori në Top Channel, i cili shënoi fillimin e televizionit me edicionin e lajmeve në 20 dhjetor 2001. Përmes informacioneve të shpejta, të sakta dhe të thelluara, reportazheve dhe rubrikave të tjera informative, Top Channel është kthyer në burimin kryesor dhe me prestigjioz të informimit të të gjithëve në Shqipëri, në hapësirën mbarëshqiptare dhe kudo tjetër në botë ku shqiptarët jetojnë. Top Channel është i pranishëm me kamerat dhe gazetarët e tij në të gjitha ngjarjet më të rëndësishme të vendit dhe në botë, me edicionet e tij informative.
Për më shumë vizitoni: http://top-channel.tv/
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Nëse Serbia dëshiron të kthehet me forcë në Kosovë e Metohi, nuk ka nevojë për rusët apo të tjerë të huaj, mjaftojnë serbët e lindur atje, deklaroi ministri i brendshëm i Serbisë Aleksandër Vulin, i cituar nga mediat vendase. Vulin u shpreh se Serbia nuk po përgatit vullnetarë rusë për t’u kthyer në Kosovë. Ai përdori sërish termin fyes “shiptari”, duke folur për “dergimin e forcave arrogante në veri, që të përulur dhe të frikësuar i tërhoqën në jug”. Komentet e Vulin duket ishin përgjigje ndaj deklaratës së ish komandantit të FSK-së, Kadri Kastrati, i cili tha se ka informacione se presidenti serb Aleksandër Vuçiç dhe ministri i brendshem po rekrutojnë mercenarë rusë për t’i dërguar në veri të Kosovës. “Prania ruse në Ballkan është shumë e qartë, dhe ne jemi të ndërgjegjshëm se ka njerëz nga Rusia e Serbia të pranishëm cdo ditë në Mitrovicën e Veriut. Qëllimi i Rusisë dhe Repiblikës Srpska është të jenë të pranishme në veri, e të krijojnë tensione të ndryshme atje. Po e shikojmë situatën në Bosnjë ku Milorad Dodik kërcënoi me fuqizimin e forcave të tij ushtarake dhe policore duke paralajmëruar mundësinë e një ndarjeje të federatës boshnjake”, është shprehur ai.
Departamenti i Informacionit, më i madhi, më kryesori në Top Channel, i cili shënoi fillimin e televizionit me edicionin e lajmeve në 20 dhjetor 2001. Përmes informacioneve të shpejta, të sakta dhe të thelluara, reportazheve dhe rubrikave të tjera informative, Top Channel është kthyer në burimin kryesor dhe me prestigjioz të informimit të të gjithëve në Shqipëri, në hapësirën mbarëshqiptare dhe kudo tjetër në botë ku shqiptarët jetojnë. Top Channel është i pranishëm me kamerat dhe gazetarët e tij në të gjitha ngjarjet më të rëndësishme të vendit dhe në botë, me edicionet e tij informative.
Për më shumë vizitoni: http://top-channel.tv/
Subscribe to "Top Channel" on YouTube Channel for NEWS and TV
Shows HERE: http://bit.ly/2Y15KwK
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Follow Top Channel on Twitter HERE: http://bit.ly/2TJndeH
- published: 03 Nov 2021
- views: 5812
Mercedes EQS против S-Class: ГОНКА ПО ТРЕКУ, 0-96 км/ч (0-60 м/ч) и 1/4 мили!
#carwow #mercedes
Понравилось видео? Подписывайтесь на @carwow Русская версия и включайте уведомления, чтобы не пропускать новые выпуски!
Пришло время зару...
#carwow #mercedes
Понравилось видео? Подписывайтесь на @carwow Русская версия и включайте уведомления, чтобы не пропускать новые выпуски!
Пришло время зарубы на треке, о необходимости которой вы даже не задумывались... до сегодняшнего дня!
Мэт раздобыл Mercedes S-Class и EQS, чтобы они посостязались в прохождении круга на время!
Как у них с характеристиками? Начнём с S-Class: он оснащён 3-литровой турбированной "рядной шестёркой" мощностью 435 л.с. и 520 Нм момента. Как можно догадаться, это авто довольно тяжёлое, его снаряжённая масса 2065 кг.
Однако, в этом аспекте ему далеко до EQS! Оснащённый здоровенными батареями на 108 кВт-часов, этот здоровенный электромобиль весит чуть меньше 2,5 тонн! Впрочем, он тоже довольно мощный: 330 л.с. и 570 Нм момента.
Так победит ли более лёгкий S-Class? Есть лишь один способ выяснить... ПОГНАЛИ!
Carwow Shorts - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChqjw1OxDLUVvoP3r7BXteg
TikTok - https://vm.tiktok.com/Vr2AS9/
Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/carwow
Instagram Мэта - http://www.instagram.com/matwatsoncars
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/carwowuk/
Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/carwowuk
Оригинальное видео от 2.11.2021
Ссылка: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUdRIZoKb_w
Мерч: https://teespring.com/en-GB/stores/carwow-index
#carwow #mercedes
Понравилось видео? Подписывайтесь на @carwow Русская версия и включайте уведомления, чтобы не пропускать новые выпуски!
Пришло время зарубы на треке, о необходимости которой вы даже не задумывались... до сегодняшнего дня!
Мэт раздобыл Mercedes S-Class и EQS, чтобы они посостязались в прохождении круга на время!
Как у них с характеристиками? Начнём с S-Class: он оснащён 3-литровой турбированной "рядной шестёркой" мощностью 435 л.с. и 520 Нм момента. Как можно догадаться, это авто довольно тяжёлое, его снаряжённая масса 2065 кг.
Однако, в этом аспекте ему далеко до EQS! Оснащённый здоровенными батареями на 108 кВт-часов, этот здоровенный электромобиль весит чуть меньше 2,5 тонн! Впрочем, он тоже довольно мощный: 330 л.с. и 570 Нм момента.
Так победит ли более лёгкий S-Class? Есть лишь один способ выяснить... ПОГНАЛИ!
Carwow Shorts - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChqjw1OxDLUVvoP3r7BXteg
TikTok - https://vm.tiktok.com/Vr2AS9/
Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/carwow
Instagram Мэта - http://www.instagram.com/matwatsoncars
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/carwowuk/
Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/carwowuk
Оригинальное видео от 2.11.2021
Ссылка: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUdRIZoKb_w
Мерч: https://teespring.com/en-GB/stores/carwow-index
- published: 03 Nov 2021
- views: 25100
Nikos Vertis - S' Agapao / Νίκος Βέρτης - Σ' Αγαπάω (Official Videoclip 4K)
Nikos Vertis is performing S Agapao
©THEAMA / Heaven Music 2021
Composer & Lyrics | Συνθέτης & Στίχοι: Nikos Vertis
Nikos Vertis is performing S Agapao
©THEAMA / Heaven Music 2021
Composer & Lyrics | Συνθέτης & Στίχοι: Nikos Vertis
Arrangement & Production | Ενορχήστρωση & παραγωγή: Ενορχήστρωση / Programming: Χρήστος Σαντικάι | Riverside Studio©
Video director | Σκηνοθεσία : Alex Konstantinidis
#NikosVertis #SAgapao #Videoclip
🎶 Stream & Downloadlinks:
Nikos Vertis Official Social Media:
▶ Facebook: https://facebook.com/NikosVertisOfficial
▶ YouTube: https://youtube.com/user/NikosVertisOfficial
▶ Instagram: https://instagram.com/nvertis
▶ Twitter: https://twitter.com/nikosvertis
▶ TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@nvertis
Heaven Music
▶ YouTube: @Heaven Music ▶ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heaven_music_official
Lyrics | Στίχοι:
Μην ακούσεις ότι κι αν σου πουν
Ζήλεια έχουν όσοι δεν μπορούν
Να έχουν ότι εμείς
Για αυτό και μας ζηλεύουν
Σ' αγαπάω την καρδιά μου αλλού δε σπαταλάω
Γιατί εγώ έχω μονάχα εσένα
Κι αν μ' αγαπάς να μην ακούς κανέναν
Άκου καλά και βάλτο στο μυαλό σου
Είμαι παρόν κι όχι το παρελθόν σου
Σ' αγαπάω την καρδιά μου αλλού δε σπαταλάω
Λένε λένε πόσα πια να πουν
Να χαλάσουν βλέπουν δε μπορούν
Να έχουν ότι εμείς
Για αυτό και μας ζηλεύουν
Σ' αγαπάω την καρδιά μου αλλού δε σπαταλάω
Γιατί εγώ έχω μονάχα εσένα
Κι αν μ' αγαπάς να μην ακούς κανέναν
Άκου καλά και βάλτο στο μυαλό σου
Είμαι παρόν κι όχι το παρελθόν σου
Σ' αγαπάω την καρδιά μου αλλού δε σπαταλάω
Τρέχω, παίζω, σαν παιδί μπροστά σου
Αγαπάω κάθε τι κοντά σου
Κάνε κάτι πια να μη μου λείπεις άλλο
Γιατί εγώ έχω μονάχα εσένα
Κι αν μ' αγαπάς να μην ακούς κανέναν
Άκου καλά και βάλτο στο μυαλό σου
Είμαι παρόν κι όχι το παρελθόν σου
Σ' αγαπάω την καρδιά μου αλλού δε σπαταλάω...πια
Music Credits
Drums | Τύμπανα: Kostas Karasavvidis
Bass | Μπάσο: Giannis Sokialis
Guitar | Κιθάρες Ακουστικές & Ηλεκτρικές: Kostas Chatzopoulos
Violin | Βιολιά: Giorgos Spuropoulos, Kostas Chatzopoulos
Ney | Νευ: Giannis Vasilopoulos
Tzouras | Τζουράς: Panagiotis Terzidis
Piano | Πιάνο: Giorgos Maragkos
Keyboard | Πλήκτρα: Xristos Santikai
Vocals | Φωνητικά: Akis Deiximos, Katerina Kyriakou, Xristos Santikai
Soundrecording/Mixer | Ηχογράφηση/Μίξη: Stathis Lagogiannis
Mastering:Mike Fuller
Video Credits
Directed by Alex Konstantinidis
Director Of Photography: George Papandrikopoulos
Steadicam Operator: George Grammatikos
Focus Puller: Simos Prasinos
Camera Assist. & Dit: Dimitris Kopalidis
Still Photography: Anastasis Tsallas
Production Coordinator: Pantelis Kanstanidis
Production Assistant: Sotiris Stefanou, Giorgos Koukoutsis, Christos Pirris
Model: Nasia Plantzopoulou
Editing: Anastasia Diamanti & Alex Kayne
Styling: Nikol Panagiotou | Styling assist.: Eleni Kokkinaki, Vicky Tsapari
Make Up - Grooming: Giannis Marketakis
Make Up Assistants: Ζανέτ Τσιτσέκογλου, Χριστιάνα Κωστάντη, Τασούλα Μαρία Δεληγιάννη,
Μυροφόρα Κυριακίδου, Αλίνα Μπολοκάν
Heaven Music Team: Giorgos Koutsoukos
Nikos Vertis IT: Konstantinos Sokolakis
Video Credits
Artistic Director/Choreographer: Natalia Michael
Assistant: Marinos Rovithakis
Main Dancers:
Serena Riccio, Eva Somarakaki, Dimitris Karageorgos, Angelos Petrou, Konstantinos Makrypidis, Natalia Spirou, Froso Rompola, Zeta Zoi, Christina Tzakou, Dimitra Giakouvi, Cristina Ungureanu, Romina Costea, Christos Ntentis, Damianos Metso, Vasilis Alexiou, Stathis Tsigkas
Angeliki Bogiatzi, Ioanna Tsoutsouki, Katerina Kavvada, Maria Triantafyllou, Athina Pavlou, Fotini Saxoni, Mayia Psyllou, Antigoni Papasavva, Marianna Tambourla, Valia Giannopoulou, Danai Zotou, Eleftheria Mega, Labrini Tzanidaki, Elena Markantonatou, Konstantina Pritsiouli, Anthoula Tournaviti, Chrystalla Psyllou, Maria Antikidou, Ilia Thekla Touri, Andreas Giaourdimos, Antonis Rigos
Beachwear: www.Reveal11.com
Σχεδιάστρια Βατικανού Αθηνα
Nikos Vertis is performing S Agapao
©THEAMA / Heaven Music 2021
Composer & Lyrics | Συνθέτης & Στίχοι: Nikos Vertis
Arrangement & Production | Ενορχήστρωση & παραγωγή: Ενορχήστρωση / Programming: Χρήστος Σαντικάι | Riverside Studio©
Video director | Σκηνοθεσία : Alex Konstantinidis
#NikosVertis #SAgapao #Videoclip
🎶 Stream & Downloadlinks:
Nikos Vertis Official Social Media:
▶ Facebook: https://facebook.com/NikosVertisOfficial
▶ YouTube: https://youtube.com/user/NikosVertisOfficial
▶ Instagram: https://instagram.com/nvertis
▶ Twitter: https://twitter.com/nikosvertis
▶ TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@nvertis
Heaven Music
▶ YouTube: @Heaven Music ▶ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heaven_music_official
Lyrics | Στίχοι:
Μην ακούσεις ότι κι αν σου πουν
Ζήλεια έχουν όσοι δεν μπορούν
Να έχουν ότι εμείς
Για αυτό και μας ζηλεύουν
Σ' αγαπάω την καρδιά μου αλλού δε σπαταλάω
Γιατί εγώ έχω μονάχα εσένα
Κι αν μ' αγαπάς να μην ακούς κανέναν
Άκου καλά και βάλτο στο μυαλό σου
Είμαι παρόν κι όχι το παρελθόν σου
Σ' αγαπάω την καρδιά μου αλλού δε σπαταλάω
Λένε λένε πόσα πια να πουν
Να χαλάσουν βλέπουν δε μπορούν
Να έχουν ότι εμείς
Για αυτό και μας ζηλεύουν
Σ' αγαπάω την καρδιά μου αλλού δε σπαταλάω
Γιατί εγώ έχω μονάχα εσένα
Κι αν μ' αγαπάς να μην ακούς κανέναν
Άκου καλά και βάλτο στο μυαλό σου
Είμαι παρόν κι όχι το παρελθόν σου
Σ' αγαπάω την καρδιά μου αλλού δε σπαταλάω
Τρέχω, παίζω, σαν παιδί μπροστά σου
Αγαπάω κάθε τι κοντά σου
Κάνε κάτι πια να μη μου λείπεις άλλο
Γιατί εγώ έχω μονάχα εσένα
Κι αν μ' αγαπάς να μην ακούς κανέναν
Άκου καλά και βάλτο στο μυαλό σου
Είμαι παρόν κι όχι το παρελθόν σου
Σ' αγαπάω την καρδιά μου αλλού δε σπαταλάω...πια
Music Credits
Drums | Τύμπανα: Kostas Karasavvidis
Bass | Μπάσο: Giannis Sokialis
Guitar | Κιθάρες Ακουστικές & Ηλεκτρικές: Kostas Chatzopoulos
Violin | Βιολιά: Giorgos Spuropoulos, Kostas Chatzopoulos
Ney | Νευ: Giannis Vasilopoulos
Tzouras | Τζουράς: Panagiotis Terzidis
Piano | Πιάνο: Giorgos Maragkos
Keyboard | Πλήκτρα: Xristos Santikai
Vocals | Φωνητικά: Akis Deiximos, Katerina Kyriakou, Xristos Santikai
Soundrecording/Mixer | Ηχογράφηση/Μίξη: Stathis Lagogiannis
Mastering:Mike Fuller
Video Credits
Directed by Alex Konstantinidis
Director Of Photography: George Papandrikopoulos
Steadicam Operator: George Grammatikos
Focus Puller: Simos Prasinos
Camera Assist. & Dit: Dimitris Kopalidis
Still Photography: Anastasis Tsallas
Production Coordinator: Pantelis Kanstanidis
Production Assistant: Sotiris Stefanou, Giorgos Koukoutsis, Christos Pirris
Model: Nasia Plantzopoulou
Editing: Anastasia Diamanti & Alex Kayne
Styling: Nikol Panagiotou | Styling assist.: Eleni Kokkinaki, Vicky Tsapari
Make Up - Grooming: Giannis Marketakis
Make Up Assistants: Ζανέτ Τσιτσέκογλου, Χριστιάνα Κωστάντη, Τασούλα Μαρία Δεληγιάννη,
Μυροφόρα Κυριακίδου, Αλίνα Μπολοκάν
Heaven Music Team: Giorgos Koutsoukos
Nikos Vertis IT: Konstantinos Sokolakis
Video Credits
Artistic Director/Choreographer: Natalia Michael
Assistant: Marinos Rovithakis
Main Dancers:
Serena Riccio, Eva Somarakaki, Dimitris Karageorgos, Angelos Petrou, Konstantinos Makrypidis, Natalia Spirou, Froso Rompola, Zeta Zoi, Christina Tzakou, Dimitra Giakouvi, Cristina Ungureanu, Romina Costea, Christos Ntentis, Damianos Metso, Vasilis Alexiou, Stathis Tsigkas
Angeliki Bogiatzi, Ioanna Tsoutsouki, Katerina Kavvada, Maria Triantafyllou, Athina Pavlou, Fotini Saxoni, Mayia Psyllou, Antigoni Papasavva, Marianna Tambourla, Valia Giannopoulou, Danai Zotou, Eleftheria Mega, Labrini Tzanidaki, Elena Markantonatou, Konstantina Pritsiouli, Anthoula Tournaviti, Chrystalla Psyllou, Maria Antikidou, Ilia Thekla Touri, Andreas Giaourdimos, Antonis Rigos
Beachwear: www.Reveal11.com
Σχεδιάστρια Βατικανού Αθηνα
- published: 02 Jul 2021
- views: 16620772
Trondit gjyshja e 6-vjeçares/"Dhuna ç'njerëzore, s'e ka bërë im bir, veç të jetë kafshë.Dyshoj te.."
Përtej çdo imagjinate, dhuna barbare e ushtruar nga babai ndaj 6 veçares tronditi mbarë opinionin publik. Edhe më tronditës ishte rrëfimi i nënës së të miturës ...
Përtej çdo imagjinate, dhuna barbare e ushtruar nga babai ndaj 6 veçares tronditi mbarë opinionin publik. Edhe më tronditës ishte rrëfimi i nënës së të miturës në studion e emisionit me zemër të hapur teksa tregoi se si e kishte gjetur vogëlushen në gjëndje të rëndë strukur në një divan. I ati dhunues i tha se vogëlushja ishte helmuar dhe kishte vjellë. Vetëm pas ekzaminimeve të para mjekësopre nëna do të zbulonte të vërtetën shokuese. Për shkak të dhunës monstruoze fëmija rrezikon jetën. Kjo ishte një dramë e cila ka nisur vite më parë për shkak se prindërit e vogëlushes kanë pasur një marrëdhënie konfliktuale me njëri tjetrin. kësaj histori komplekse si një puzzle do përpiqemi ti shtojmë edhe një tjetër copëz duke dëgjuar versionin e gjyshërve nga ana e babait. Çfarë ndodhi në familjen në Bathore qe ngjarja mori përmasa kaq tragjike. Ndiqni emisionin...
Përtej çdo imagjinate, dhuna barbare e ushtruar nga babai ndaj 6 veçares tronditi mbarë opinionin publik. Edhe më tronditës ishte rrëfimi i nënës së të miturës në studion e emisionit me zemër të hapur teksa tregoi se si e kishte gjetur vogëlushen në gjëndje të rëndë strukur në një divan. I ati dhunues i tha se vogëlushja ishte helmuar dhe kishte vjellë. Vetëm pas ekzaminimeve të para mjekësopre nëna do të zbulonte të vërtetën shokuese. Për shkak të dhunës monstruoze fëmija rrezikon jetën. Kjo ishte një dramë e cila ka nisur vite më parë për shkak se prindërit e vogëlushes kanë pasur një marrëdhënie konfliktuale me njëri tjetrin. kësaj histori komplekse si një puzzle do përpiqemi ti shtojmë edhe një tjetër copëz duke dëgjuar versionin e gjyshërve nga ana e babait. Çfarë ndodhi në familjen në Bathore qe ngjarja mori përmasa kaq tragjike. Ndiqni emisionin...
- published: 03 Nov 2021
- views: 15364
Swimming Song + More Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs - CoComelon
Subscribe for new videos every week!
A new compilation video, including one of our most recent so...
Subscribe for new videos every week!
A new compilation video, including one of our most recent songs, "The Swimming Song"!
Watch your favorite song by clicking a title below:
0:08 The Swimming Song
2:43 Hot Cross Buns
5:18 Clean Up Song
8:03 Are We There Yet?
10:34 Peek-A-Boo
12:22 Counting Song
15:02 Where Has My Little Dog Gone?
17:34 Johny Johny Yes Papa
19:25 Laughing Baby with Family
21:33 Head Shoulders Knees and Toes
24:24 The Musical Instruments Song
27:42 Tortoise and the Hare
About Cocomelon:
Where kids can be happy and smart!
At Cocomelon, our goal is to help make learning a fun and enjoyable experience for kids by creating beautiful 3D animation, educational lyrics, and toe-tapping music.
Kids will laugh, dance, sing, and play along with our videos, learning letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and much, much more while simply enjoying our friendly characters and fun stories.
We also make life easier for parents who want to keep their kids happily entertained, giving you the peace of mind that your children are receiving quality educational content. Our videos also give you an opportunity to teach and play with your children as you both watch!
WEBSITE: http://www.Cocomelon.com
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Cocomelonkids
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/cocomelon_official/
TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/Cocomelonkids
Copyright © Treasure Studio, Inc. All rights reserved.
Subscribe for new videos every week!
A new compilation video, including one of our most recent songs, "The Swimming Song"!
Watch your favorite song by clicking a title below:
0:08 The Swimming Song
2:43 Hot Cross Buns
5:18 Clean Up Song
8:03 Are We There Yet?
10:34 Peek-A-Boo
12:22 Counting Song
15:02 Where Has My Little Dog Gone?
17:34 Johny Johny Yes Papa
19:25 Laughing Baby with Family
21:33 Head Shoulders Knees and Toes
24:24 The Musical Instruments Song
27:42 Tortoise and the Hare
About Cocomelon:
Where kids can be happy and smart!
At Cocomelon, our goal is to help make learning a fun and enjoyable experience for kids by creating beautiful 3D animation, educational lyrics, and toe-tapping music.
Kids will laugh, dance, sing, and play along with our videos, learning letters, numbers, animal sounds, colors, and much, much more while simply enjoying our friendly characters and fun stories.
We also make life easier for parents who want to keep their kids happily entertained, giving you the peace of mind that your children are receiving quality educational content. Our videos also give you an opportunity to teach and play with your children as you both watch!
WEBSITE: http://www.Cocomelon.com
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Cocomelonkids
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/cocomelon_official/
TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/Cocomelonkids
Copyright © Treasure Studio, Inc. All rights reserved.
- published: 26 Oct 2018
- views: 1063751554
Novi Mukbang video na JoomBoos kanalu! 🔥 Ovog puta sa nama su Marco Cuccurin i Mimiermakeup! Pogledajte u videu na koja vaša pitanja su odgovarali, koja su im b...
Novi Mukbang video na JoomBoos kanalu! 🔥 Ovog puta sa nama su Marco Cuccurin i Mimiermakeup! Pogledajte u videu na koja vaša pitanja su odgovarali, koja su im bila najteža za odgovoriti a koja najlakša!
U prodaji je novo, jesensko izdanje JoomBoos Videostar magazina! 🍂💛 Uz pregršt super priča, u novom magazinu čekaju vas 24 wow postera, quizbook, edukativna knjižica, JoomBoos privjesak i essence makeup u određenim brojevima! 🥳 Potražite svoj magazin na svim kioscima Tiska po cijeni od 35 kuna, šaljite nam kreativne fotke u DM na Instagram i osvojite precool JoomBoos ruksake! 😍🎁
Pukni subscribe na JoomBoos, stisni zvonce i ne propusti niti jedan video: http://bit.ly/joomboos_subscribe ✔︎
Pretplati se na JoomBoos shorts - naš novi YouTube kanal na kojem objavljujemo shorts videa: http://bit.ly/JoomBoos_Shorts
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Pretplatite se i na Miss7 kanal: https://bit.ly/Miss7_Subscribe
Pogjedaj sva videa s Mimiermakeup: https://bit.ly/Mimiermakeup_JoomBoos
Pogledaj sva videa s Marco Cuccurin: http://bit.ly/MarcoCuccurin_JoomBoos
Pretplati se na @Marco Cuccurin & @Mimier Makeup
Edit by: @Marco Cuccurin
Zaprati nas na TikToku:
JoomBoos: https://www.tiktok.com/@joomboosyt?
JoomBoos Clips: https://www.tiktok.com/@joomboosclips?
Čekiraj naš web i zabavi se uz mnoštvo kvizova, savjeta i novosti iz YouTube svijeta: https://joomboos.hr/
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Najbolji originalni sadržaj na najjačoj medijskoj platformi!
Novi Mukbang video na JoomBoos kanalu! 🔥 Ovog puta sa nama su Marco Cuccurin i Mimiermakeup! Pogledajte u videu na koja vaša pitanja su odgovarali, koja su im bila najteža za odgovoriti a koja najlakša!
U prodaji je novo, jesensko izdanje JoomBoos Videostar magazina! 🍂💛 Uz pregršt super priča, u novom magazinu čekaju vas 24 wow postera, quizbook, edukativna knjižica, JoomBoos privjesak i essence makeup u određenim brojevima! 🥳 Potražite svoj magazin na svim kioscima Tiska po cijeni od 35 kuna, šaljite nam kreativne fotke u DM na Instagram i osvojite precool JoomBoos ruksake! 😍🎁
Pukni subscribe na JoomBoos, stisni zvonce i ne propusti niti jedan video: http://bit.ly/joomboos_subscribe ✔︎
Pretplati se na JoomBoos shorts - naš novi YouTube kanal na kojem objavljujemo shorts videa: http://bit.ly/JoomBoos_Shorts
Pretplatite se i na 24sata kanal: http://bit.ly/24sata_subscribe
Pretplatite se i na Miss7 kanal: https://bit.ly/Miss7_Subscribe
Pogjedaj sva videa s Mimiermakeup: https://bit.ly/Mimiermakeup_JoomBoos
Pogledaj sva videa s Marco Cuccurin: http://bit.ly/MarcoCuccurin_JoomBoos
Pretplati se na @Marco Cuccurin & @Mimier Makeup
Edit by: @Marco Cuccurin
Zaprati nas na TikToku:
JoomBoos: https://www.tiktok.com/@joomboosyt?
JoomBoos Clips: https://www.tiktok.com/@joomboosclips?
Čekiraj naš web i zabavi se uz mnoštvo kvizova, savjeta i novosti iz YouTube svijeta: https://joomboos.hr/
I ovdje smo:
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/joomboosyt/
VIDEOSTAR INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/joomboos.videostar/
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/joombooshr/
Najbolji originalni sadržaj na najjačoj medijskoj platformi!
- published: 03 Nov 2021
- views: 21970
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6BoQfEQtqCI2FDkwNsKETQ
Contrataciones/Contacto: contacto.ykato@gmail.com
¡Que pasa escuadrón! ...
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6BoQfEQtqCI2FDkwNsKETQ
Contrataciones/Contacto: contacto.ykato@gmail.com
¡Que pasa escuadrón! Espero que te haya gustado el vídeo^^
No olvides suscribirte y seguirme en mis redes sociales para saludos.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YkatoOficial/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ykato_rap/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/YkatoOfLegend
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6BoQfEQtqCI2FDkwNsKETQ
Contrataciones/Contacto: contacto.ykato@gmail.com
¡Que pasa escuadrón! Espero que te haya gustado el vídeo^^
No olvides suscribirte y seguirme en mis redes sociales para saludos.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/YkatoOficial/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ykato_rap/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/YkatoOfLegend
- published: 14 Feb 2020
- views: 18873401
❤️SUBSCRIBE FOR A MILLION COOKIES!! :https://youtu.be/wFo6XN0rmxo
❤️2nd PART ON LYSSY'S CHANNEL: https://youtu.be/IgQHmhn2RpM
❤️SUBSCRIBE TO NIKKI: https://yo...
❤️SUBSCRIBE FOR A MILLION COOKIES!! :https://youtu.be/wFo6XN0rmxo
❤️2nd PART ON LYSSY'S CHANNEL: https://youtu.be/IgQHmhn2RpM
❤️SUBSCRIBE TO NIKKI: https://youtu.be/J5Fguy4VIA0
❤️HEY WANT TO BUY MERCH?? LIMITED EDITION ! SUPPORT https://teespring.com/stores/craniacs
❤️HEY guys! Want to support the channel? Then please like this video and give it a thumbs up also if you are not subscribe then click that subscribe button and click the bell notification icon to be notified when new videos are out for your viewing pleasure!
❤️Want to follow us on Instagram???
EDWARD IG: https://www.instagram.com/centeno__/
Nikki IG : https://www.instagram.com/wwabisabi/
❤️We also have a PO Box, do you guys want to send some Fan Mail will go right ahead. We’d love to open Fan Mail and recorded and posted on the page thank you guys so much!
P.o. Box 3585 Anaheim CA 92803
Watch My Awesome Friends channels:
Dang Matt Smith - Testing The CREEPY TALKING TOM App for the First Time! : https://youtu.be/Z9G2MDipv40
Dorito's Reaction - DO NOT WATCH THE FROSTY THE SNOWMAN MOVIE AT 3 AM!! (FROSTY CAME TO LIFE) : https://youtu.be/BZ5e7uOrGno
Dark Corners - https://www.youtube.com/c/DarkCornersTV/featured
❤️SUBSCRIBE FOR A MILLION COOKIES!! :https://youtu.be/wFo6XN0rmxo
❤️2nd PART ON LYSSY'S CHANNEL: https://youtu.be/IgQHmhn2RpM
❤️SUBSCRIBE TO NIKKI: https://youtu.be/J5Fguy4VIA0
❤️HEY WANT TO BUY MERCH?? LIMITED EDITION ! SUPPORT https://teespring.com/stores/craniacs
❤️HEY guys! Want to support the channel? Then please like this video and give it a thumbs up also if you are not subscribe then click that subscribe button and click the bell notification icon to be notified when new videos are out for your viewing pleasure!
❤️Want to follow us on Instagram???
EDWARD IG: https://www.instagram.com/centeno__/
Nikki IG : https://www.instagram.com/wwabisabi/
❤️We also have a PO Box, do you guys want to send some Fan Mail will go right ahead. We’d love to open Fan Mail and recorded and posted on the page thank you guys so much!
P.o. Box 3585 Anaheim CA 92803
Watch My Awesome Friends channels:
Dang Matt Smith - Testing The CREEPY TALKING TOM App for the First Time! : https://youtu.be/Z9G2MDipv40
Dorito's Reaction - DO NOT WATCH THE FROSTY THE SNOWMAN MOVIE AT 3 AM!! (FROSTY CAME TO LIFE) : https://youtu.be/BZ5e7uOrGno
Dark Corners - https://www.youtube.com/c/DarkCornersTV/featured
- published: 21 Mar 2021
- views: 2632040
新LINE@特集記事 https://bit.ly/2Dx7THQ
アプリはandroid iphone共に「スロパチステーション」で検索!!
ダウンロードはこちらから → http://slopachi-station.com/
ご連絡先はこちら → mail@slopachi-station.com
よしきTwitter @yoshiki_sps
新LINE@特集記事 https://bit.ly/2Dx7THQ
アプリはandroid iphone共に「スロパチステーション」で検索!!
ダウンロードはこちらから → http://slopachi-station.com/
ご連絡先はこちら → mail@slopachi-station.com
よしきTwitter @yoshiki_sps
- published: 02 Nov 2021
- views: 466375
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Thanks for watching :)
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- published: 03 Nov 2021
- views: 367280
Lucky vs Unlucky / True Sister`s Struggles
Subscribe Here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWwqHwqLSrdWMgp5DZG5Dzg?sub_confirmation=1
Long Hair, Short Hair and Curly Hair Problems!: https://youtu.be/hRT...
Subscribe Here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWwqHwqLSrdWMgp5DZG5Dzg?sub_confirmation=1
Long Hair, Short Hair and Curly Hair Problems!: https://youtu.be/hRTnVAuYY5s?list=PLy0LaulZe0vRyRDcwVaqbvnbSqhSQNtS-&playnext;=1
It's difficult to maintain a good relationship when one sister is lucky and the other is a failure. But the heroines of our new video will try very hard to do it!
Supplies and tools:
• Foam paper
• Decorative hole puncher
• Glue
• Wire
• Glitter
• Decorative stone
• Stud earring
• Kinder Joy
• Acrylic paint
• Fake hair
• Headband
• White polymer clay
• Marker
• Jeans
• Fabric paint
Watch More Troom Troom:
Popular Videos:
14 Weird Ways To Sneak Food Into Class / Back To School Pranks: https://youtu.be/W5p2ndS34vA
18 Funny Pranks! Prank Wars! https://youtu.be/yWazGzCNtJ4
11 DIY Edible Makeup Ideas/11 Funny Pranks: https://youtu.be/kewz3hF63Xo
17 Weird Ways To Sneak Makeup Into Class: https://youtu.be/bvhBIsmzhwE
Gummy Food vs Real Food Challenge! https://youtu.be/jBIG6GsQcq8
Popular Playlists:
Funny Pranks: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy0LaulZe0vRyRDcwVaqbvnbSqhSQNtS-
Back to School: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy0LaulZe0vSzNLVwlQZVJszbLCsIwl_C
Life Hacks: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy0LaulZe0vSljAapkasaxsIKJp7I-7j0
Beauty And Makeup Hacks: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy0LaulZe0vSUQifjokDaw5m9aIgOQKt-
Home Décor: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy0LaulZe0vRWdxuF7xEwK_eJV2cZ8dt0
Follow Troom Troom:
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWwqHwqLSrdWMgp5DZG5Dzg?sub_confirmation=1
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Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq1JpGFxcZTbbOAz010U-og?sub_confirmation=1
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Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzgmxZIlgfH1fgch7OpigIA?sub_confirmation=1
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Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV3NWBs2K7pOEGmI4w_2dhg?sub_confirmation=1
Troom Troom Português:
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgCQlMYN2XypwYC2wcR32bA?sub_confirmation=1
Troom Troom Japanese:
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPCwT9JMWPjg6xAWrQxhQaw?sub_confirmation=1
About Troom Troom:
Easy DIY "how to" video tutorials. DIY Accessories, Scrapbooking Cards, Home Décor, Make Up Tutorials, Life Hacks, and MUCH more! Make it easy!
For any business enquires please contact me at: troomtroomdiy@gmail.com
Question of the Day: which one sister did you like more? Comment Below!
Don’t forget to turn on notifications, like, & subscribe!
Subscribe Here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWwqHwqLSrdWMgp5DZG5Dzg?sub_confirmation=1
Long Hair, Short Hair and Curly Hair Problems!: https://youtu.be/hRTnVAuYY5s?list=PLy0LaulZe0vRyRDcwVaqbvnbSqhSQNtS-&playnext;=1
It's difficult to maintain a good relationship when one sister is lucky and the other is a failure. But the heroines of our new video will try very hard to do it!
Supplies and tools:
• Foam paper
• Decorative hole puncher
• Glue
• Wire
• Glitter
• Decorative stone
• Stud earring
• Kinder Joy
• Acrylic paint
• Fake hair
• Headband
• White polymer clay
• Marker
• Jeans
• Fabric paint
Watch More Troom Troom:
Popular Videos:
14 Weird Ways To Sneak Food Into Class / Back To School Pranks: https://youtu.be/W5p2ndS34vA
18 Funny Pranks! Prank Wars! https://youtu.be/yWazGzCNtJ4
11 DIY Edible Makeup Ideas/11 Funny Pranks: https://youtu.be/kewz3hF63Xo
17 Weird Ways To Sneak Makeup Into Class: https://youtu.be/bvhBIsmzhwE
Gummy Food vs Real Food Challenge! https://youtu.be/jBIG6GsQcq8
Popular Playlists:
Funny Pranks: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy0LaulZe0vRyRDcwVaqbvnbSqhSQNtS-
Back to School: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy0LaulZe0vSzNLVwlQZVJszbLCsIwl_C
Life Hacks: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy0LaulZe0vSljAapkasaxsIKJp7I-7j0
Beauty And Makeup Hacks: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy0LaulZe0vSUQifjokDaw5m9aIgOQKt-
Home Décor: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy0LaulZe0vRWdxuF7xEwK_eJV2cZ8dt0
Follow Troom Troom:
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWwqHwqLSrdWMgp5DZG5Dzg?sub_confirmation=1
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TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSvpL6Yc/
Troom Troom Español:
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu6oyJJ6PlkeNNv6n26ZNyA?sub_confirmation=1
Troom Troom Française:
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyNeKmBHI10u4bwYEKimlZA?sub_confirmation=1
Troom Troom Russian:
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq1JpGFxcZTbbOAz010U-og?sub_confirmation=1
Troom Troom Deutsch:
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzgmxZIlgfH1fgch7OpigIA?sub_confirmation=1
Troom Troom Chinese:
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV3NWBs2K7pOEGmI4w_2dhg?sub_confirmation=1
Troom Troom Português:
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgCQlMYN2XypwYC2wcR32bA?sub_confirmation=1
Troom Troom Japanese:
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPCwT9JMWPjg6xAWrQxhQaw?sub_confirmation=1
About Troom Troom:
Easy DIY "how to" video tutorials. DIY Accessories, Scrapbooking Cards, Home Décor, Make Up Tutorials, Life Hacks, and MUCH more! Make it easy!
For any business enquires please contact me at: troomtroomdiy@gmail.com
Question of the Day: which one sister did you like more? Comment Below!
Don’t forget to turn on notifications, like, & subscribe!
- published: 30 Jan 2021
- views: 14753459
OTECKOVIA - Nehanebná Stella. S Alexom ich takmer pristihli
Stellu baví Alexa zvádzať a provokovať. Kdekoľvek.
Pozri aj: http://www.markiza.sk/uvod
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Stellu baví Alexa zvádzať a provokovať. Kdekoľvek.
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- published: 25 Mar 2019
- views: 17199511