'Rogers' is featured as a movie character in the following productions:
District C-11 (2015)
Jose Guns Alves (actor),
Richard C. Bailey (actor),
Richard Chandler (actor),
Angel Connell (actor),
Roger Dillingham Jr. (actor),
James Donnelly (actor),
Jamile Goforth (actor),
Tony Gugs (actor),
Tim Jacobs (actor),
Jimmy Jules (actor),
Graham King (actor),
Bill Lee (actor),
James Panagopoulos (actor),
Mark Resnik (actor),
David Afflick (actor),
To Live the Life: In The Space of A Day (2014)
Sean Amore (actor),
Tony Amore (actor),
Andy Foster (actor),
Amy Graham (actor),
Lisa Hau (actor),
Dele Johnson (actor),
Paul 'Sub Low' Lowell (actor),
Sonia Grace Gathua (actress),
Tony Amore (producer),
Tony Amore (producer),
Dave Deans (producer),
Aj Singh (producer),
Tony Amore (writer),
Tony Amore (writer),
Tony Amore (composer),
Plot: T is trying to make a change in his life and believes today on his birthday his break may finally come. However T's past and present are about to haunt him during a life changing 24hour experience covering all aspects of living triggered by slippery banker Damon Black. T will come to terms with representations of money, hate, trust, love, faith, addiction, pain, wisdom and death in quick succession. Can T learn from past mistakes? In the space of a day we'll found out. View T and his associates through the lens of smartphone camera, giving a unique perspective on our generation and how we communicate. With an original soundtrack created by layered vocal tracks To Live The Life is an experience that defies genre.
No Cover (2013)
Guy Barnes (actor),
Raun Carswell (actor),
Martin Challinor (actor),
Nick Drake (actor),
Andrew Early (actor),
Daniel Ferguson (actor),
Matthew Ferguson (actor),
John Harding (actor),
Shane Hart (actor),
Simeon Kyosev (actor),
Alain Mair (actor),
Colin Matthews (actor),
Stuart Milliner (actor),
Rob Palethorpe (actor),
Perran Pryor (actor),
Saw 3D (2010)
Dean Armstrong (actor),
Tobin Bell (actor),
Tobin Bell (actor),
Chester Bennington (actor),
Greg Bryk (actor),
Desmond Campbell (actor),
Alex Chung (actor),
Kyle Cicerella (actor),
Benjamin Clost (actor),
Jon Cor (actor),
Carlos Diaz (actor),
Chad Donella (actor),
Wayne Downer (actor),
Cary Elwes (actor),
Laurence Anthony (actor),
Plot: Detective Matt Gibson chases the psychotic Detective Mark Hoffman while Jigsaw's widow Jill Tuck tries to kill him as assigned by her husband. However he escapes and Jill meets Gibson and offers to sign an affidavit listing the murders committed by Hoffman. In return, she requests protection. Meanwhile, the prominent Jigsaw survivor and leader of a support group Bobby Dagen is abducted with his wife and friends and forced to play a mortal game to save himself and his beloved wife.
Keywords: 3-d, 3-dimensional, 3d-in-title, 3d-sequel-to-2d-film, 8-track, arm-ripped-off, bar, bare-chested-male, bear-trap, blindfolded
Taglines: The Traps Come Alive In Mind-Blowing 3D In Heart-Pounding 3D In eye-popping 3D
Hoffman: You wanna know the only thing that's wrong with killing you, Jill? I can only do it once.
Bobby: These are my scars... 'cause our minds will heal, but these scars will never go away. These scars shan't be a symbol of shame... they should be worn as a badge of courage.
Dr. Gordon: Bravo! To be able to sustain such a traumatic experience and, uh... and yet find a positive in that grizzly act. It's a remarkable feat, indeed. Remarkable... if not a little perverse.
Gibson: [talking to Jill] It's a safe house Jill! Safe. House. [Walks out of the room]::Secretary: We just got this. Hoffman knows she's here.::Gibson: Damn it!
Jigsaw: Congratulations Dr. Gordon... you survived
Dr. Gordon: [final line] Game over.
Jigsaw: Hello Dr. Gordon. You are perhaps my greatest asset. Without you, my work over the last few years would not have been possible. That having been said I have a request. Watch over Jill, and should anything happen to her, I want you to act immediately on my behalf. In return for that, I will keep no more secrets from you. I've shown you a lot of places, but there is one that will be perhaps the most meaningful to you.
Hoffman: Hello, Gibson. Been a long time. What I want is simple. Give me Jill Tuck. You're protecting her despite the fact that she had direct knowledge throughout, which makes her complicit in every death. I'll make you a deal. Give her to me, the game stops, no one else dies. If not, everyone dies and you'll be to blame. Make your choice. The clock's ticking.
Jigsaw: Hello, Bobby. I want to play a game. You have amassed wealth, fame and notoriety based on your story of survival. Many have aided in your cause. Few know the truth. You are a liar. You and I both know you have never been in a trap, nor have you ever been tested. Today, these lies will come full circle and you will learn if you truly have what it takes to call yourself a survivor. The cage you find yourself in will symbolize your rebirth. Within the next sixty minutes, you must stay on the path of learning and traverse a series of obstacles to obtain access to your wife, who you have also deceived. If you fail to reach her before the clock runs out, she will die. Live or die, Bobby. Make your choice.
Dr. Gordon: I'm sure I speak for everyone here when I say how grateful we are to be a part of your... "promotional... DVD." [claps mockingly]
Made in Dagenham (2010)
Thomas Arnold (actor),
Matthew Aubrey (actor),
Richard Bailey (actor),
Frank Baker (actor),
Angus Barnett (actor),
David Bond (actor),
Laurie Cannon (actor),
Toby Caplen (actor),
Tom Clear (actor),
Phil Cornwell (actor),
Kenneth Cranham (actor),
Peter-Hugo Daly (actor),
Ronald Fernee (actor),
Denis Gilmore (actor),
Simon Armstrong (actor),
Plot: In 1968, the Ford auto factory in Dagenham was one of the largest single private employers in the United Kingdom. In addition to the thousands of male employees, there are also 187 underpaid women machinists who primarily assemble the car seat upholstery in poor working conditions. Dissatisfied, the women, represented by the shop steward and Rita O'Grady, work with union rep Albert Passingham for a better deal. However, Rita learns that there is a larger issue in this dispute considering that women are paid an appalling fraction of the men's wages for the same work across the board on the sole basis of their sex. Refusing to tolerate this inequality any longer, O'Grady leads a strike by her fellow machinists for equal pay for equal work. What follows would test the patience of all involved in a grinding labour and political struggle that ultimately would advance the cause of women's rights around the world.
Keywords: 1960s, 31-year-old, ambulance, apartment-building, apology, archive-footage, assembly-line, auto-industry, automobile-factory, banner
Taglines: 1968. It's a man's world. But not for long... Dagenham, England, 1968. An ordinary woman fights for equal pay and achieves something extraordinary.
Barbara Castle: I am what is known as a fiery redhead. Now, I hate to make this a matter of appearance and go all womanly on you, but there you have it. And me standing up like this is in fact just that redheaded fieriness leaping to the fore. Credence? I will give credence to their cause. My god! Their cause already has credence. It is equal pay. Equal pay is common justice, and if you two weren't such a pair of egotistical, chauvinistic, bigoted dunderheads, you would realise that. Oh, my office is run by incompetents and I am sick of being patronised, spoken down to, and generally treated as if I was the May Queen. Set up the meeting!
Rita O'Grady: All right, um, everybody out!
Rita O'Grady: Look, I know you're not mentioning it because you're being polite and everything, but when we met in the corridor, well I was really upset, and I never usually use that type of language.::Lisa Hopkins: Don't you?::Rita O'Grady: No.::Lisa Hopkins: Well I called Mr Clarke a complete cock.
Lisa Hopkins: I'm Lisa Burnett, I'm 31 years old and I have a first class honours degree from one of the finest universities in the world, and my husband treats me like I'm a fool.
News Reporter 1: What if Mrs. Castle says "no deal"?::News Reporter 2: How will you cope then?::Rita O'Grady: Cope? How will we cope? We're women. Now, don't ask such stupid questions.
Eddie O'Grady: Christ, I like a drink, but I ain't out on the beer every night or screwin' other women, or... 'Ere, I've never once raised me hand to you. Ever. Or the kids.::Rita O'Grady: Christ.::Eddie O'Grady: What? Why are you looking like that?::Rita O'Grady: Right. You're a saint now, is that what you're tellin' me, Eddie? You're a bleedin' saint? 'Cause you give us an even break?::Eddie O'Grady: What are you saying?::Rita O'Grady: That is as it should be. Jesus, Eddie! What do you think this strike's all been about, eh? Oh yeah. Actually you're right. You don't go on the drink, do ya? You don't gamble, you join in with the kids, you don't knock us about. Oh, lucky me. For Christ's sake, Eddie, that's as it should be! You try and understand that. Rights, not privileges. It's that easy. It really bloody is.
Albert Passingham: This dispute's got nothing to do with what skill level you are. Ford decided to give you less money because they can. They're allowed to pay women a lower wage than men. All over the country women are getting less because they're women. You'll always come second. You'll always be fighting over the scraps from the top table, until you...::Rita O'Grady: Until we get equal pay, yeah.::Albert Passingham: Yeah.::Rita O'Grady: What I don't get is why it's so important to you.::Albert Passingham: I got brought up by my mum. Me and me brothers. She worked all her life. And she paid my aunt Lil to take care of us during the day. And it was hard, especially as she was getting less than half than what the blokes at the factory was getting, for doing the same work. And there was never any question that it could be any different. Not for her. Someone has got stop these exploiting bastards getting away with what they've been doing for years. And you can, you can, Rita, believe me.
Rita O'Grady: All those in favour of not only maintaining but increasing our current industrial action by going to an immediate all-out stoppage until we get the same rates of pay as the men! Well, why not? Cause that's what this is really about, innit? We're on the lowest rate of the entire bleeding factory despite the fact we got considerable skill. And there's only one possible reason for that. It's cause we're women. And in the workplace, women get paid less than men, no matter what skill they got! Which is why from now on, we got to demand a level playing field and rates of pay which reflect the job you do, not whether you got a dick or not! This strike is about one thing and one thing only! Fairness. Equal pay or nothing! All those in favour?::The Women: Yeah!::Rita O'Grady: Everybody out!
[Albert is being accused by his union of scuppering other negotiations with management by supporting the women's equal-pay strike]::Bartholomew: As a union we have to remember who comes first. The Communist Party. And Marx himself said "Men write their own history". That's "men", Albert.::Albert Passingham: But didn't he also say "Progress can be measured by the social position of the female sex"? Or was that a different Marx? That was Groucho, was it?::[Bartholomew is lost for words]::Albert Passingham: Equal pay across the board. You telling me that ain't worth fighting for? Of course it is, and you know it. I'll tell you something. This Rita has got a bigger set of balls than you three put together. And she ain't scared to lay 'em on the line, neither. And I for one am gonna help her. And if you are what you say you are, an organisation pledged to support its members, then you'll get off your lazy fat arses and you'll help her too. Good fucking evening.::[Albert walks out of the office]
[Rita gives an impromptu speech at the trade union conference]::Rita O'Grady: My best friend lost her husband recently. He was a gunner in the 50 Squadron in the RAF. Got shot down one time, on a raid to Essen. And even though he was badly injured, he managed to bail out. I asked him why he joined the RAF, and he said "Well, they've got the best women, haven't they?"::[audience laughs]::Rita O'Grady: And then he said "Well, you've got to do something, haven't you? You had to do something, that was a given. Cos it was a matter of principle. You had to stand up. You had to do what was right. Cos otherwise you wouldn't be able to look at yourself in the mirror." When did that change, eh? When did we, in this country, decide to stop fighting? I don't think we ever did. But you've got to back us up. You've got to stand up with us. *We* are the working classes - the men *and* the women. We're not separated by sex, but only by those who are willing to accept injustice and those like our friend George who are prepared to go into battle for what is right. And equal pay for women *is* right.
Red Alert (1977)
Charles J. Bailey (actor),
Michael Brandon (actor),
Jim Danko (actor),
William Devane (actor),
Howard Finch (actor),
David Hayward (actor),
Charles Krohn (actor),
Arnold Lipin (actor),
John Martin (actor),
Don Rausch (actor),
Mike Scott (actor),
Arnie Shayne (actor),
Jim Siedow (actor),
Ralph Waite (actor),
Dan Ammerman (actor),
Trail of the Yukon (1949)
Guy Beach (actor),
Al Bridge (actor),
Roy Bucko (actor),
Chinook (actor),
Bill Edwards (actor),
Dick Elliott (actor),
William Forrest (actor),
Kirby Grant (actor),
Harrison Hearne (actor),
Maynard Holmes (actor),
Bill Kennedy (actor),
Wilbur Mack (actor),
Peter Mamakos (actor),
Noble "Kid" Chissell (actor),
Stanley Andrews (actor),
Plot: Matt Blaine and his son, Jim, and their men, rob John Dawson's bank, although Jim doesn't approve, even though Dawson jumped Matt's mining claim. Their accomplices double-cross them and the Blaines escape by canoe. They are followed and meet Royal Candian Mounted Policeman Bob McDonald, who helps them fight until all three men are wounded. Aided by Chinook, McDonald's dog, they escape but Matt dies. McDonald then sets out to prove that Dawson was the real culprit.
Keywords: 1890s, bank-robber, bank-robbery, bank-teller, banker, canada, canadian, canoe, claim-jumper, constable
Taglines: NORTHWOODS THRILLS! SNARLING VENGEANCE! SNARLING FURY! SAVAGE FURY! ...with CHINOOK the wonder dog of the untamed wilds! ROARING NORTHWOODS ADVENTURE...from the punch-packed pen of JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD RED-BLOODED ADVENTURE WITH THE RED-COATED HEROES OF THE NORTH...and the dog who snarled defiance at the most dangerous killers in the wilds! From the Thrill-Dipped Pen of JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD - The rousing saga of a dog whose courage was as mighty as the untamed wilds he roamed!
Mr. Perrin and Mr. Traill (1948)
John Campbell (actor),
Edward Chapman (actor),
Brendan Clegg (actor),
Finlay Currie (actor),
Howard Douglas (actor),
David Farrar (actor),
Marius Goring (actor),
Archie Harradine (actor),
Roddy Hughes (actor),
Raymond Huntley (actor),
Maurice Jones (actor),
David Liney (actor),
Cavan Malone (actor),
Brian McDermott (actor),
Donald Barclay (actor),
Plot: An elderly British schoolmaster is upset when a new teacher comes to the school and is an immediate success with the boys. The older man thinks he isn't getting the respect he deserves.
Keywords: based-on-novel, school, teacher
Atlantic City (1944)
Stanley Andrews (actor),
Brooks Benedict (actor),
Sam Bernard (actor),
Stanley Brown (actor),
Robert B. Castaine (actor),
Bill Chaney (actor),
Jerry Colonna (actor),
Don Forbes (actor),
Joe Frisco (actor),
Charley Grapewin (actor),
Jesse Graves (actor),
Harrison Greene (actor),
Dell Henderson (actor),
Stuart Holmes (actor),
Bob Alden (actor),
Plot: In 1915, Atlantic City is a sleepy seaside resort, but Brad Taylor, son of a small hotel and vaudeville house proprietor, has big plans: he thinks it can be "the playground of the world." Brad's wheeling and dealing proves remarkably successful in attracting big enterprises and big shows, but brings him little success in personal relationships. Full of nostalgic songs and acts, some with the original artists.
Keywords: 1900s, 1920s, 1930s, armistice-day-1918, atlantic-city-new-jersey, atlantic-ocean, b-movie, barmaid, bartender, bathing-beauty
Taglines: HERE'S AN ALL-TIME HIGH IN MUSICAL COMEDY JOY! The spectacular, star-studded story of how the World's Playground began. 10 BIG SONG HITS including "By the Sea" - "I Ain't Got Nobody" - "Dark Town Strutters Ball" - "After You're Gone" GAY AND GLORIOUS! LOVE'N FUN! At The WORLD'S PLAYGROUND! (original print ad - mostly caps)
The Cave Girl (1921)
Jacob Abrams (actor),
John Beck (actor),
Frank J. Coleman (actor),
Boris Karloff (actor),
Charles Meredith (actor),
Wilton Taylor (actor),
Teddie Gerard (actress),
Elinor Hancock (actress),
Lillian Tucker (actress),
Guy Bolton (writer),
Katherine Hilliker (writer),
George Middleton (writer),
William Parker (writer),
Joseph Franz (director),
Kenny Rogers Greatest Hits || Kenny Rogers Best Songs || Kenny Rogers Playlist
Kenny Rogers Greatest Hits || Kenny Rogers Best Songs || Kenny Rogers Playlist
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#CountryExperience #CountrySongs70s80s90s #CountryMusic
published: 09 Jan 2019
Kenny Rogers - The Gambler
Music video by Kenny Rogers performing The Gambler. © 2018 Capitol Records LLC, Courtesy of Capitol Records Nashville under license from Universal Music Enterprises
#KennyRogers #TheGambler #Remastered
published: 23 Mar 2018
Kenny Rogers Greatest Hits - Best Songs Of Kenny Rogers
Kenny Rogers Greatest Hits - Best Songs Of Kenny Rogers
▽Follow 'Classic Country Music'
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kenny rogers,kenny rogers songs,kenny rogers greatest hits,kenny rogers best songs,country songs,country hits,country music,country legend,kenny rogers playlist,kenny rogers greatest hits full album,kenny rogers best hits,rip kenny roger,kenny rogers song,kenny rogers the gambler,kenny rogers lady,rogers,Best Country Songs Of Kenny Rogers,the best of kenny rogers, best of kenny rogers,kenny rogers country songs,kenny rogers best of,best songs of kenny rogers,
published: 06 Apr 2019
ROGERS - Einen Letzten Abend (Official Video)
Video: Arkadiusz Goniwiecha (arek-photography.com)
Recorded/Mixed/Mastered: Michael Czernicki at Rock Or Die Studios Düsseldorf (www.rockordie.de)
ALBUM VORBESTELLEN: https://rogers.lnk.to/mittelfingerfuerimmer
TICKETS: https://bit.ly/2Kxaxz9
Plus Special Guests: MARATHONMANN und ENGST
03.04.2019 GER-Düsseldorf, Tube
04.04.2019 GER-Hannover, Musikzentrum
05.04.2019 GER-Hamburg, Gruenspan
06.04.2019 GER-Dortmund, FZW
07.04.2019 GER-Weinheim, Café Central
09.04.2019 SUI-Zürich, Dynamo
10.04.2019 SUI-Lyss, KUFA
11.04.2019 GER-Nürnberg, Z-Bau
12.04.2019 GER-Stuttgart, Im Winzemann
13.04.2019 GER-München, Backstage
14.04.2019 AUT-Graz, Dom im Berg
15.04.2019 GER-Saarbrücken, Garage
17.04.2019 GER-Koblenz, Circus Maximus
18.04.2019 GER-Münster, Sputnikhalle
19.04.2019 GER-B...
published: 08 Mar 2019
Episode 2 of a 5-part origin story to the noble Lord & Lady Mingeworthy
SONG: Illuminati by @Onicks
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/track/4z7SNiJh3qIPRJivsdb8CH?si=YFBSJrLhT8KUSFurrWoH_g
ITUNES: https://music.apple.com/us/album/illuminati-single/1585791888
published: 18 Oct 2021
Lady - Kenny Rogers
lady kenny rogers
If you enjoyed my channel and decide to tip in crypto. I thank you for your support.
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published: 12 Jan 2008
Jake Wesley Rogers - Pluto (Live from a Courthouse)
Stream/save my new EP, Pluto 💙: https://jakewesleyrogers.lnk.to/plutoep
Follow me:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jakewesleyrogers/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jakewesleyrogers/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jakewrogers
Facebook: http://facebook.com/jakewesleyrogers/
Vocals, keys: Mike Miller
Vocals: Maureen Murphy and Nickie Conley
Vocals, bass: Emma Lambiase
Drums: Simon Knudtson
Director/DP: Alex Chaloff
Production Company: Bucket's Moving Company
Producer: Wesley Stebbins-Perry
Producer: Christen Pinkston
Steadicam: Tony Reyes
1st AC: Tyler Bradley
Gaffer: Paul Williams
Key Grip: Bennett Self
Recording Engineer: Trevor McIntosh
A2: Robbie Artress
HMU: Adam Franklin
When I was a kid
Pluto was still a planet
I’m still kinda sad about it
Thought ...
published: 19 Oct 2021
Rogers e l'apprendimento significativo
In questo video è descritto il pensiero pedagogico di Carl Rogers, la sua idea di pedagogia non direttiva attraverso l'insegnante "facilitatore", la differenza tra l'apprendimento "dal collo in su" e l'apprendimento significativo e come il grande psicologo statunitense struttura l'attività didattica tramite automotivazione e autovalutazione; inoltre sono specificate tutte le qualità che deve avere l'insegnante per "facilitare" l'apprendimento.
Il video nasce per i ragazzi del liceo delle scienze umane, ma si presta alla visione di tutti gli appassionati del settore, e alla preparazione per il concorso scuola 2020.
#Rogers #pedagogia #apprendimento
published: 16 Jun 2020
A Day at the Beach
The filthy sequel to A Day at the Park: With the forces of time travel at their hands, nobody is safe on the beach. Starring Helen, Jürgen, Sebastian, Ignacio, some normal British people, a Thug with secrets, a Grandpa, a silly cat, Lucious Cowpussy, and several other morons
IG: @brandonbored
IG: @mooninthemilk
published: 03 Aug 2018
The Worst Financial Crisis EVER is Almost Here - Jim Rogers | Many Will Lose EVERYTHING After This!!
The Worst Financial Crisis EVER is Almost Here - Jim Rogers | Many Will Lose EVERYTHING After This!!
In this video, Global investor Jim Rogers co-founded the Quantum Fund, a global-investment partnership. During the next 10 years, the portfolio gained 4200%, while the S&P; rose less than 50%. Rogers then decided to retire - at age 37 - and has been sharing his wisdom with investors ever since, as well as having some pretty amazing life adventures.
#jimrogers #crypto #houseoffinance
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published: 14 Oct 2021
Kenny Rogers Greatest Hits || Kenny Rogers Best Songs || Kenny Rogers Playlist
Kenny Rogers Greatest Hits || Kenny Rogers Best Songs || Kenny Rogers Playlist
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Kenny Rogers Greatest Hits || Kenny Rogers Best Songs || Kenny Rogers Playlist
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#CountryExperience #CountrySongs70s80s90s #CountryMusic
Kenny Rogers Greatest Hits || Kenny Rogers Best Songs || Kenny Rogers Playlist
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#CountryExperience #CountrySongs70s80s90s #CountryMusic
- published: 09 Jan 2019
- views: 7884613
Kenny Rogers - The Gambler
Music video by Kenny Rogers performing The Gambler. © 2018 Capitol Records LLC, Courtesy of Capitol Records Nashville under license from Unive...
Music video by Kenny Rogers performing The Gambler. © 2018 Capitol Records LLC, Courtesy of Capitol Records Nashville under license from Universal Music Enterprises
#KennyRogers #TheGambler #Remastered
Music video by Kenny Rogers performing The Gambler. © 2018 Capitol Records LLC, Courtesy of Capitol Records Nashville under license from Universal Music Enterprises
#KennyRogers #TheGambler #Remastered
- published: 23 Mar 2018
- views: 131146482
Kenny Rogers Greatest Hits - Best Songs Of Kenny Rogers
Kenny Rogers Greatest Hits - Best Songs Of Kenny Rogers
▽Follow 'Classic Country Music'
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Kenny Rogers Greatest Hits - Best Songs Of Kenny Rogers
▽Follow 'Classic Country Music'
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kenny rogers,kenny rogers songs,kenny rogers greatest hits,kenny rogers best songs,country songs,country hits,country music,country legend,kenny rogers playlist,kenny rogers greatest hits full album,kenny rogers best hits,rip kenny roger,kenny rogers song,kenny rogers the gambler,kenny rogers lady,rogers,Best Country Songs Of Kenny Rogers,the best of kenny rogers, best of kenny rogers,kenny rogers country songs,kenny rogers best of,best songs of kenny rogers,
Kenny Rogers Greatest Hits - Best Songs Of Kenny Rogers
▽Follow 'Classic Country Music'
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✚Please share this video in social sites (Facebook, Google +, Twitter.)✚
kenny rogers,kenny rogers songs,kenny rogers greatest hits,kenny rogers best songs,country songs,country hits,country music,country legend,kenny rogers playlist,kenny rogers greatest hits full album,kenny rogers best hits,rip kenny roger,kenny rogers song,kenny rogers the gambler,kenny rogers lady,rogers,Best Country Songs Of Kenny Rogers,the best of kenny rogers, best of kenny rogers,kenny rogers country songs,kenny rogers best of,best songs of kenny rogers,
- published: 06 Apr 2019
- views: 9085854
ROGERS - Einen Letzten Abend (Official Video)
Video: Arkadiusz Goniwiecha (arek-photography.com)
Recorded/Mixed/Mastered: Michael Czernicki at Rock Or Die Studios Düsseldorf (www.rockordie.de)
Video: Arkadiusz Goniwiecha (arek-photography.com)
Recorded/Mixed/Mastered: Michael Czernicki at Rock Or Die Studios Düsseldorf (www.rockordie.de)
ALBUM VORBESTELLEN: https://rogers.lnk.to/mittelfingerfuerimmer
TICKETS: https://bit.ly/2Kxaxz9
Plus Special Guests: MARATHONMANN und ENGST
03.04.2019 GER-Düsseldorf, Tube
04.04.2019 GER-Hannover, Musikzentrum
05.04.2019 GER-Hamburg, Gruenspan
06.04.2019 GER-Dortmund, FZW
07.04.2019 GER-Weinheim, Café Central
09.04.2019 SUI-Zürich, Dynamo
10.04.2019 SUI-Lyss, KUFA
11.04.2019 GER-Nürnberg, Z-Bau
12.04.2019 GER-Stuttgart, Im Winzemann
13.04.2019 GER-München, Backstage
14.04.2019 AUT-Graz, Dom im Berg
15.04.2019 GER-Saarbrücken, Garage
17.04.2019 GER-Koblenz, Circus Maximus
18.04.2019 GER-Münster, Sputnikhalle
19.04.2019 GER-Bremen, Schlachthof
20.04.2019 GER-Berlin, Lido
21.04.2019 GER-Leipzig, Conne Island
23.04.2019 GER-Ulm, Cabaret Eden
24.04.2019 GER-Saarbrücken, Garage
25.04.2019 GER-Kassel, Club Arm
26.04.2019 GER-Frankfurt, Das Bett
27.04.2019 GER-Köln, Live Music Hall
Gefördert durch die Initiative Musik gemeinnützige Projektgesellschaft mbH mit Projektmitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.
ROGERS online:
Video: Arkadiusz Goniwiecha (arek-photography.com)
Recorded/Mixed/Mastered: Michael Czernicki at Rock Or Die Studios Düsseldorf (www.rockordie.de)
ALBUM VORBESTELLEN: https://rogers.lnk.to/mittelfingerfuerimmer
TICKETS: https://bit.ly/2Kxaxz9
Plus Special Guests: MARATHONMANN und ENGST
03.04.2019 GER-Düsseldorf, Tube
04.04.2019 GER-Hannover, Musikzentrum
05.04.2019 GER-Hamburg, Gruenspan
06.04.2019 GER-Dortmund, FZW
07.04.2019 GER-Weinheim, Café Central
09.04.2019 SUI-Zürich, Dynamo
10.04.2019 SUI-Lyss, KUFA
11.04.2019 GER-Nürnberg, Z-Bau
12.04.2019 GER-Stuttgart, Im Winzemann
13.04.2019 GER-München, Backstage
14.04.2019 AUT-Graz, Dom im Berg
15.04.2019 GER-Saarbrücken, Garage
17.04.2019 GER-Koblenz, Circus Maximus
18.04.2019 GER-Münster, Sputnikhalle
19.04.2019 GER-Bremen, Schlachthof
20.04.2019 GER-Berlin, Lido
21.04.2019 GER-Leipzig, Conne Island
23.04.2019 GER-Ulm, Cabaret Eden
24.04.2019 GER-Saarbrücken, Garage
25.04.2019 GER-Kassel, Club Arm
26.04.2019 GER-Frankfurt, Das Bett
27.04.2019 GER-Köln, Live Music Hall
Gefördert durch die Initiative Musik gemeinnützige Projektgesellschaft mbH mit Projektmitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.
ROGERS online:
- published: 08 Mar 2019
- views: 76733
Episode 2 of a 5-part origin story to the noble Lord & Lady Mingeworthy
SONG: Illuminati by @Onicks
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/track/4z7SNiJh3qIPRJivsdb...
Episode 2 of a 5-part origin story to the noble Lord & Lady Mingeworthy
SONG: Illuminati by @Onicks
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/track/4z7SNiJh3qIPRJivsdb8CH?si=YFBSJrLhT8KUSFurrWoH_g
ITUNES: https://music.apple.com/us/album/illuminati-single/1585791888
Episode 2 of a 5-part origin story to the noble Lord & Lady Mingeworthy
SONG: Illuminati by @Onicks
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/track/4z7SNiJh3qIPRJivsdb8CH?si=YFBSJrLhT8KUSFurrWoH_g
ITUNES: https://music.apple.com/us/album/illuminati-single/1585791888
- published: 18 Oct 2021
- views: 286927
Lady - Kenny Rogers
lady kenny rogers
If you enjoyed my channel and decide to tip in crypto. I thank you for your support.
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lady kenny rogers
If you enjoyed my channel and decide to tip in crypto. I thank you for your support.
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lady kenny rogers
If you enjoyed my channel and decide to tip in crypto. I thank you for your support.
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- published: 12 Jan 2008
- views: 74306334
Jake Wesley Rogers - Pluto (Live from a Courthouse)
Stream/save my new EP, Pluto 💙: https://jakewesleyrogers.lnk.to/plutoep
Follow me:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jakewesleyrogers/
TikTok: https://www.t...
Stream/save my new EP, Pluto 💙: https://jakewesleyrogers.lnk.to/plutoep
Follow me:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jakewesleyrogers/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jakewesleyrogers/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jakewrogers
Facebook: http://facebook.com/jakewesleyrogers/
Vocals, keys: Mike Miller
Vocals: Maureen Murphy and Nickie Conley
Vocals, bass: Emma Lambiase
Drums: Simon Knudtson
Director/DP: Alex Chaloff
Production Company: Bucket's Moving Company
Producer: Wesley Stebbins-Perry
Producer: Christen Pinkston
Steadicam: Tony Reyes
1st AC: Tyler Bradley
Gaffer: Paul Williams
Key Grip: Bennett Self
Recording Engineer: Trevor McIntosh
A2: Robbie Artress
HMU: Adam Franklin
When I was a kid
Pluto was still a planet
I’m still kinda sad about it
Thought I was the shit
Till someone made me doubt it
I’m still kinda mad about it
I could buy me a rainbow
I’m a little afraid though
It won’t look good with my halo
Hate on me, hate on me, hate on me, hate on me
You might as well hate the sun
For shining just a little too much
Hate on me, hate on me, hate on me, hate on me
Maybe at the end of the day
You and me are both the same
We just wanna be loved
We just wanna be loved
I think of my mom
She loves me no matter what
That really fucks me up
I can’t be the best
There’s so many killers out there
Dying in hotels somewhere
I could buy me a rainbow
I’m a little afraid though
It might start to fade, oh
Hate on me, hate on me, hate on me, hate on me
You might as well hate the sun
For shining just a little too much
Hate on me, hate on me, hate on me, hate on me
You might as well do it today
You and me are both the same
We just wanna be loved
We just wanna be loved
Hate on me, hate on me, hate on me, hate on me
You might as well curse the sun
For shining just a little too much
Hate on me, hate on me, hate on me, hate on me
Maybe at the end of the day
You and me are both the same
We just wanna be loved
Just wanna be loved, baby
Just gotta love
Love me, love me, love me, love me baby
Oh yeah, yeah yeah
I know you can, know you can
If you love me let it fly
Let it fly, let it fly, let it fly, let it fly
You don’t gotta try
#JakeWesleyRogers #Pluto #PlutoEP
Stream/save my new EP, Pluto 💙: https://jakewesleyrogers.lnk.to/plutoep
Follow me:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jakewesleyrogers/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jakewesleyrogers/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jakewrogers
Facebook: http://facebook.com/jakewesleyrogers/
Vocals, keys: Mike Miller
Vocals: Maureen Murphy and Nickie Conley
Vocals, bass: Emma Lambiase
Drums: Simon Knudtson
Director/DP: Alex Chaloff
Production Company: Bucket's Moving Company
Producer: Wesley Stebbins-Perry
Producer: Christen Pinkston
Steadicam: Tony Reyes
1st AC: Tyler Bradley
Gaffer: Paul Williams
Key Grip: Bennett Self
Recording Engineer: Trevor McIntosh
A2: Robbie Artress
HMU: Adam Franklin
When I was a kid
Pluto was still a planet
I’m still kinda sad about it
Thought I was the shit
Till someone made me doubt it
I’m still kinda mad about it
I could buy me a rainbow
I’m a little afraid though
It won’t look good with my halo
Hate on me, hate on me, hate on me, hate on me
You might as well hate the sun
For shining just a little too much
Hate on me, hate on me, hate on me, hate on me
Maybe at the end of the day
You and me are both the same
We just wanna be loved
We just wanna be loved
I think of my mom
She loves me no matter what
That really fucks me up
I can’t be the best
There’s so many killers out there
Dying in hotels somewhere
I could buy me a rainbow
I’m a little afraid though
It might start to fade, oh
Hate on me, hate on me, hate on me, hate on me
You might as well hate the sun
For shining just a little too much
Hate on me, hate on me, hate on me, hate on me
You might as well do it today
You and me are both the same
We just wanna be loved
We just wanna be loved
Hate on me, hate on me, hate on me, hate on me
You might as well curse the sun
For shining just a little too much
Hate on me, hate on me, hate on me, hate on me
Maybe at the end of the day
You and me are both the same
We just wanna be loved
Just wanna be loved, baby
Just gotta love
Love me, love me, love me, love me baby
Oh yeah, yeah yeah
I know you can, know you can
If you love me let it fly
Let it fly, let it fly, let it fly, let it fly
You don’t gotta try
#JakeWesleyRogers #Pluto #PlutoEP
- published: 19 Oct 2021
- views: 392
Rogers e l'apprendimento significativo
In questo video è descritto il pensiero pedagogico di Carl Rogers, la sua idea di pedagogia non direttiva attraverso l'insegnante "facilitatore", la differenza ...
In questo video è descritto il pensiero pedagogico di Carl Rogers, la sua idea di pedagogia non direttiva attraverso l'insegnante "facilitatore", la differenza tra l'apprendimento "dal collo in su" e l'apprendimento significativo e come il grande psicologo statunitense struttura l'attività didattica tramite automotivazione e autovalutazione; inoltre sono specificate tutte le qualità che deve avere l'insegnante per "facilitare" l'apprendimento.
Il video nasce per i ragazzi del liceo delle scienze umane, ma si presta alla visione di tutti gli appassionati del settore, e alla preparazione per il concorso scuola 2020.
#Rogers #pedagogia #apprendimento
In questo video è descritto il pensiero pedagogico di Carl Rogers, la sua idea di pedagogia non direttiva attraverso l'insegnante "facilitatore", la differenza tra l'apprendimento "dal collo in su" e l'apprendimento significativo e come il grande psicologo statunitense struttura l'attività didattica tramite automotivazione e autovalutazione; inoltre sono specificate tutte le qualità che deve avere l'insegnante per "facilitare" l'apprendimento.
Il video nasce per i ragazzi del liceo delle scienze umane, ma si presta alla visione di tutti gli appassionati del settore, e alla preparazione per il concorso scuola 2020.
#Rogers #pedagogia #apprendimento
- published: 16 Jun 2020
- views: 13782
A Day at the Beach
The filthy sequel to A Day at the Park: With the forces of time travel at their hands, nobody is safe on the beach. Starring Helen, Jürgen, Sebastian, Ignacio, ...
The filthy sequel to A Day at the Park: With the forces of time travel at their hands, nobody is safe on the beach. Starring Helen, Jürgen, Sebastian, Ignacio, some normal British people, a Thug with secrets, a Grandpa, a silly cat, Lucious Cowpussy, and several other morons
IG: @brandonbored
IG: @mooninthemilk
The filthy sequel to A Day at the Park: With the forces of time travel at their hands, nobody is safe on the beach. Starring Helen, Jürgen, Sebastian, Ignacio, some normal British people, a Thug with secrets, a Grandpa, a silly cat, Lucious Cowpussy, and several other morons
IG: @brandonbored
IG: @mooninthemilk
- published: 03 Aug 2018
- views: 20786937
The Worst Financial Crisis EVER is Almost Here - Jim Rogers | Many Will Lose EVERYTHING After This!!
The Worst Financial Crisis EVER is Almost Here - Jim Rogers | Many Will Lose EVERYTHING After This!!
In this video, Global investor Jim Rogers co-founded the Q...
The Worst Financial Crisis EVER is Almost Here - Jim Rogers | Many Will Lose EVERYTHING After This!!
In this video, Global investor Jim Rogers co-founded the Quantum Fund, a global-investment partnership. During the next 10 years, the portfolio gained 4200%, while the S&P; rose less than 50%. Rogers then decided to retire - at age 37 - and has been sharing his wisdom with investors ever since, as well as having some pretty amazing life adventures.
#jimrogers #crypto #houseoffinance
👇 Checkout These Similar Videos👇:
"Gold Is Way More Useful Than You THINK!" - PETER SCHIFF
"There's TWO THINGS Going On In The Economy" - Peter Schiff (US Economy)
Peter Schiff: "The Bubble Is Being Inflated Too Much"
Jim Rogers Own Commodities, Get Rich Gold, Silver, Oil, Uranium, Sugar, Copper, Agriculture PT2
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, commenting, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
-This video has no negative impact on the original works (It would actually be positive for them)
-This video is also for teaching and inspirational purposes.
-It is not transformative in nature.
-We've only used bits and pieces of videos to get the point across where necessary.
The Worst Financial Crisis EVER is Almost Here - Jim Rogers | Many Will Lose EVERYTHING After This!!
In this video, Global investor Jim Rogers co-founded the Quantum Fund, a global-investment partnership. During the next 10 years, the portfolio gained 4200%, while the S&P; rose less than 50%. Rogers then decided to retire - at age 37 - and has been sharing his wisdom with investors ever since, as well as having some pretty amazing life adventures.
#jimrogers #crypto #houseoffinance
👇 Checkout These Similar Videos👇:
"Gold Is Way More Useful Than You THINK!" - PETER SCHIFF
"There's TWO THINGS Going On In The Economy" - Peter Schiff (US Economy)
Peter Schiff: "The Bubble Is Being Inflated Too Much"
Jim Rogers Own Commodities, Get Rich Gold, Silver, Oil, Uranium, Sugar, Copper, Agriculture PT2
Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, commenting, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
-This video has no negative impact on the original works (It would actually be positive for them)
-This video is also for teaching and inspirational purposes.
-It is not transformative in nature.
-We've only used bits and pieces of videos to get the point across where necessary.
- published: 14 Oct 2021
- views: 4937