YOUSS45 x KLASS A - C.P.F (Officiel Video) Ra9m 24
#fes #Tmara #Ar9amAlbum
Youss45 x Klass A - C.P.F (Officiel Video)
Performed By : Youss45
(arranged, mixed & mastered by klass-a)
montage Video :Achraf Tomahawk
Beatmaker 2 : https://www.instagram.com/wiki_town/
Connect with Klass A : https://www.instagram.com/klass_a/
Connect with Youss45 : https://instagram.com/Fayadan.45
Remerciements personnels à "Salah smartess"
et à l'équipe qui a regardé le court métrage par excellence
To stay up to date with my latest music, make sure to subscribe
to my channel today and if you enjoyed this video
, destroy the like button, share this on Facebook, instagram, etc.
Thank you !
2020¦ all Rights Reserved
published: 02 Jun 2020
Planning for Your Retirement with CPF
Wonder what happens to your CPF savings when you turn 55? What is CPF LIFE and how much retirement payouts can you receive from your CPF savings?
Watch this video and learn how you can start planning for your retirement with CPF.
Check out the 3 tips here:
Tip 1: Your CPF Savings earn good interest (00:46)
Tip 2: Grow your retirement savings with Cash or CPF top-up (03:51)
Tip 3: Join CPF LIFE for lifelong retirement payouts: (07:36)
Try the CPF LIFE Estimator at https://www.cpf.gov.sg/CPFLIFEEstimatorFB
Please note that the figures shown in this video are applicable to members turning 55 in 2020. All information and figures are accurate as at 1 January 2020.
*This video was filmed before the implementation of the circuit breaker measures.
Update: Thank you for sending in your que...
published: 30 Apr 2020
What happens to my CPF savings when I turn 55?
Note: Retirement sum figures are applicable to members turning 55 in 2019. All information and figures are accurate as at 1 January 2019.
For members turning 55 in 2020, the Retirement Sums are:
Basic Retirement Sum $90,500
Full Retirement Sum $181,000
Enhanced Retirement Sum $271,500
For more information: https://www.cpf.gov.sg/Members/Schemes/schemes/retirement/retirement-sum-scheme
About the video:
You may be familiar with your Ordinary, Special, and MediSave Accounts, but do you know what happens when a Retirement Account is added to the mix? Learn what happens to your CPF accounts when you turn 55, and the options available to you.
Still not sure? We're happy to help! Call us at 1800-227-1188 or make an appointment to visit us at our Service Centres.
Watch the rest of the episod...
published: 04 Apr 2019
How much CPF savings can I withdraw from age 55?
Note: Retirement sum figures are applicable to members turning 55 in 2019. All information and figures are accurate as at 1 January 2019.
For members turning 55 in 2020, the Retirement Sums are:
Basic Retirement Sum $90,500
Full Retirement Sum $181,000
Enhanced Retirement Sum $271,500
For more information: https://www.cpf.gov.sg/Members/Schemes/schemes/retirement/retirement-sum-scheme
About the video:
Your retirement savings are meant to provide you with monthly payouts during your golden years. If you have set aside enough for your future, you can choose to withdraw your remaining savings from age 55. In this video, you can find out how much CPF savings you can withdraw from age 55.
Still not sure? We're happy to help! Call us at 1800-227-1188 or make an appointment to visit us at o...
published: 02 Mar 2019
Gostou? Deixe seu like!
Instagram: @antonyegabriel
Consulta meu CPF
É o mais limpo da praça
Cachaça, Picanha e Fumaça..
Simpatia pra combater invejoso
Um litro de cachaça
E um quilo de sal grosso
Se alguém quiser
Cuidar da minha vida
É só pagar minhas contas
E bancar minhas bebidas
Eu só tô preocupado
Com meu churrasco na brasa
E o povo preocupado
Com meu nome no serasa
Ao povinho
Que conversa fiada
Pode ficar tranquilo
Que eu tô muito ocupado
Consulta meu CPF
É o mais limpo da praça
Cachaça, Picanha e Fumaça.
Composição: Antony, Gabriel Vittor, Carlos Dias, Dom Vittor.
Vídeo: Sete4
Direção: Jacques Jr
Roteiro: Antony Correa
Produção Musical: Jenner Melo
Master/Mix: Flávio Libório
• Site: http://www.anton...
published: 16 Oct 2018
Singapore Budget 2020: Govt to match CPF Retirement Account top-ups by older Singaporeans
Older Singaporeans who have not been able to put aside the Basic Retirement Sum in their CPF account will now benefit from a new matched savings scheme.
Subscribe to our channel here: https://cna.asia/youtubesub
Subscribe to our news service on Telegram: https://cna.asia/telegram
Follow us:
CNA: https://cna.asia
CNA Lifestyle: http://www.cnalifestyle.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/channelnewsasia
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/channelnewsasia
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/channelnewsasia
published: 18 Feb 2020
YOUSS45 x KLASS A - C.P.F (Officiel Video) Ra9m 24
#fes #Tmara #Ar9amAlbum
Youss45 x Klass A - C.P.F (Officiel Video)
Performed By : Youss45
(arranged, mixed & mastered by klass-a...
#fes #Tmara #Ar9amAlbum
Youss45 x Klass A - C.P.F (Officiel Video)
Performed By : Youss45
(arranged, mixed & mastered by klass-a)
montage Video :Achraf Tomahawk
Beatmaker 2 : https://www.instagram.com/wiki_town/
Connect with Klass A : https://www.instagram.com/klass_a/
Connect with Youss45 : https://instagram.com/Fayadan.45
Remerciements personnels à "Salah smartess"
et à l'équipe qui a regardé le court métrage par excellence
To stay up to date with my latest music, make sure to subscribe
to my channel today and if you enjoyed this video
, destroy the like button, share this on Facebook, instagram, etc.
Thank you !
2020¦ all Rights Reserved
#fes #Tmara #Ar9amAlbum
Youss45 x Klass A - C.P.F (Officiel Video)
Performed By : Youss45
(arranged, mixed & mastered by klass-a)
montage Video :Achraf Tomahawk
Beatmaker 2 : https://www.instagram.com/wiki_town/
Connect with Klass A : https://www.instagram.com/klass_a/
Connect with Youss45 : https://instagram.com/Fayadan.45
Remerciements personnels à "Salah smartess"
et à l'équipe qui a regardé le court métrage par excellence
To stay up to date with my latest music, make sure to subscribe
to my channel today and if you enjoyed this video
, destroy the like button, share this on Facebook, instagram, etc.
Thank you !
2020¦ all Rights Reserved
- published: 02 Jun 2020
- views: 140566
Planning for Your Retirement with CPF
Wonder what happens to your CPF savings when you turn 55? What is CPF LIFE and how much retirement payouts can you receive from your CPF savings?
Watch this vi...
Wonder what happens to your CPF savings when you turn 55? What is CPF LIFE and how much retirement payouts can you receive from your CPF savings?
Watch this video and learn how you can start planning for your retirement with CPF.
Check out the 3 tips here:
Tip 1: Your CPF Savings earn good interest (00:46)
Tip 2: Grow your retirement savings with Cash or CPF top-up (03:51)
Tip 3: Join CPF LIFE for lifelong retirement payouts: (07:36)
Try the CPF LIFE Estimator at https://www.cpf.gov.sg/CPFLIFEEstimatorFB
Please note that the figures shown in this video are applicable to members turning 55 in 2020. All information and figures are accurate as at 1 January 2020.
*This video was filmed before the implementation of the circuit breaker measures.
Update: Thank you for sending in your questions! Find the answers to the top FAQs posted here: https://www.facebook.com/notes/cpf-board/questions-and-answers-for-planning-your-retirement-with-cpf-video/10163459469575177/
Wonder what happens to your CPF savings when you turn 55? What is CPF LIFE and how much retirement payouts can you receive from your CPF savings?
Watch this video and learn how you can start planning for your retirement with CPF.
Check out the 3 tips here:
Tip 1: Your CPF Savings earn good interest (00:46)
Tip 2: Grow your retirement savings with Cash or CPF top-up (03:51)
Tip 3: Join CPF LIFE for lifelong retirement payouts: (07:36)
Try the CPF LIFE Estimator at https://www.cpf.gov.sg/CPFLIFEEstimatorFB
Please note that the figures shown in this video are applicable to members turning 55 in 2020. All information and figures are accurate as at 1 January 2020.
*This video was filmed before the implementation of the circuit breaker measures.
Update: Thank you for sending in your questions! Find the answers to the top FAQs posted here: https://www.facebook.com/notes/cpf-board/questions-and-answers-for-planning-your-retirement-with-cpf-video/10163459469575177/
- published: 30 Apr 2020
- views: 395188
What happens to my CPF savings when I turn 55?
Note: Retirement sum figures are applicable to members turning 55 in 2019. All information and figures are accurate as at 1 January 2019.
For members turning 5...
Note: Retirement sum figures are applicable to members turning 55 in 2019. All information and figures are accurate as at 1 January 2019.
For members turning 55 in 2020, the Retirement Sums are:
Basic Retirement Sum $90,500
Full Retirement Sum $181,000
Enhanced Retirement Sum $271,500
For more information: https://www.cpf.gov.sg/Members/Schemes/schemes/retirement/retirement-sum-scheme
About the video:
You may be familiar with your Ordinary, Special, and MediSave Accounts, but do you know what happens when a Retirement Account is added to the mix? Learn what happens to your CPF accounts when you turn 55, and the options available to you.
Still not sure? We're happy to help! Call us at 1800-227-1188 or make an appointment to visit us at our Service Centres.
Watch the rest of the episodes in this series!
Episode 2 "How much CPF savings can I withdraw from age 55?" - https://youtu.be/c9R_tminMBY
Episode 3 "How much CPF LIFE monthly payouts will I receive?" - https://youtu.be/5vfb4bc5ZJA
Note: Retirement sum figures are applicable to members turning 55 in 2019. All information and figures are accurate as at 1 January 2019.
For members turning 55 in 2020, the Retirement Sums are:
Basic Retirement Sum $90,500
Full Retirement Sum $181,000
Enhanced Retirement Sum $271,500
For more information: https://www.cpf.gov.sg/Members/Schemes/schemes/retirement/retirement-sum-scheme
About the video:
You may be familiar with your Ordinary, Special, and MediSave Accounts, but do you know what happens when a Retirement Account is added to the mix? Learn what happens to your CPF accounts when you turn 55, and the options available to you.
Still not sure? We're happy to help! Call us at 1800-227-1188 or make an appointment to visit us at our Service Centres.
Watch the rest of the episodes in this series!
Episode 2 "How much CPF savings can I withdraw from age 55?" - https://youtu.be/c9R_tminMBY
Episode 3 "How much CPF LIFE monthly payouts will I receive?" - https://youtu.be/5vfb4bc5ZJA
- published: 04 Apr 2019
- views: 434040
How much CPF savings can I withdraw from age 55?
Note: Retirement sum figures are applicable to members turning 55 in 2019. All information and figures are accurate as at 1 January 2019.
For members turning 5...
Note: Retirement sum figures are applicable to members turning 55 in 2019. All information and figures are accurate as at 1 January 2019.
For members turning 55 in 2020, the Retirement Sums are:
Basic Retirement Sum $90,500
Full Retirement Sum $181,000
Enhanced Retirement Sum $271,500
For more information: https://www.cpf.gov.sg/Members/Schemes/schemes/retirement/retirement-sum-scheme
About the video:
Your retirement savings are meant to provide you with monthly payouts during your golden years. If you have set aside enough for your future, you can choose to withdraw your remaining savings from age 55. In this video, you can find out how much CPF savings you can withdraw from age 55.
Still not sure? We're happy to help! Call us at 1800-227-1188 or make an appointment to visit us at our Service Centres.
ICYMI: Check out the other episodes!
Episode 1 "What happens to my CPF savings when I turn 55?" - https://youtu.be/aOB-bMyN8Rw
Episode 3 "How much CPF LIFE monthly payouts will I receive?" - https://youtu.be/5vfb4bc5ZJA
Note: Retirement sum figures are applicable to members turning 55 in 2019. All information and figures are accurate as at 1 January 2019.
For members turning 55 in 2020, the Retirement Sums are:
Basic Retirement Sum $90,500
Full Retirement Sum $181,000
Enhanced Retirement Sum $271,500
For more information: https://www.cpf.gov.sg/Members/Schemes/schemes/retirement/retirement-sum-scheme
About the video:
Your retirement savings are meant to provide you with monthly payouts during your golden years. If you have set aside enough for your future, you can choose to withdraw your remaining savings from age 55. In this video, you can find out how much CPF savings you can withdraw from age 55.
Still not sure? We're happy to help! Call us at 1800-227-1188 or make an appointment to visit us at our Service Centres.
ICYMI: Check out the other episodes!
Episode 1 "What happens to my CPF savings when I turn 55?" - https://youtu.be/aOB-bMyN8Rw
Episode 3 "How much CPF LIFE monthly payouts will I receive?" - https://youtu.be/5vfb4bc5ZJA
- published: 02 Mar 2019
- views: 814137
Gostou? Deixe seu like!
Instagram: @antonyegabriel
Consulta meu CPF
É o mais limpo da praça
Cachaça, Picanha e Fumaça..
Simpatia pra combater invejoso...
Gostou? Deixe seu like!
Instagram: @antonyegabriel
Consulta meu CPF
É o mais limpo da praça
Cachaça, Picanha e Fumaça..
Simpatia pra combater invejoso
Um litro de cachaça
E um quilo de sal grosso
Se alguém quiser
Cuidar da minha vida
É só pagar minhas contas
E bancar minhas bebidas
Eu só tô preocupado
Com meu churrasco na brasa
E o povo preocupado
Com meu nome no serasa
Ao povinho
Que conversa fiada
Pode ficar tranquilo
Que eu tô muito ocupado
Consulta meu CPF
É o mais limpo da praça
Cachaça, Picanha e Fumaça.
Composição: Antony, Gabriel Vittor, Carlos Dias, Dom Vittor.
Vídeo: Sete4
Direção: Jacques Jr
Roteiro: Antony Correa
Produção Musical: Jenner Melo
Master/Mix: Flávio Libório
• Site: http://www.antonyegabriel.com.br/
• Youtube: http://bit.ly/AeG-Youtube
• Spotify: http://bit.ly/AeG-Spotify
• Deezer: http://bit.ly/AeG-Deezer
• PalcoMp3: http://bit.ly/AeG-PalcoMp3
• Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AntonyeGabriel
• Instagram: @antonyegabriel @antony_aeg @gabriel_aeg
• Shows: 43 3372-2410 / 43 99660-0016
#antonyegabriel #cpf #sertanejo
Gostou? Deixe seu like!
Instagram: @antonyegabriel
Consulta meu CPF
É o mais limpo da praça
Cachaça, Picanha e Fumaça..
Simpatia pra combater invejoso
Um litro de cachaça
E um quilo de sal grosso
Se alguém quiser
Cuidar da minha vida
É só pagar minhas contas
E bancar minhas bebidas
Eu só tô preocupado
Com meu churrasco na brasa
E o povo preocupado
Com meu nome no serasa
Ao povinho
Que conversa fiada
Pode ficar tranquilo
Que eu tô muito ocupado
Consulta meu CPF
É o mais limpo da praça
Cachaça, Picanha e Fumaça.
Composição: Antony, Gabriel Vittor, Carlos Dias, Dom Vittor.
Vídeo: Sete4
Direção: Jacques Jr
Roteiro: Antony Correa
Produção Musical: Jenner Melo
Master/Mix: Flávio Libório
• Site: http://www.antonyegabriel.com.br/
• Youtube: http://bit.ly/AeG-Youtube
• Spotify: http://bit.ly/AeG-Spotify
• Deezer: http://bit.ly/AeG-Deezer
• PalcoMp3: http://bit.ly/AeG-PalcoMp3
• Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AntonyeGabriel
• Instagram: @antonyegabriel @antony_aeg @gabriel_aeg
• Shows: 43 3372-2410 / 43 99660-0016
#antonyegabriel #cpf #sertanejo
- published: 16 Oct 2018
- views: 4930499
Singapore Budget 2020: Govt to match CPF Retirement Account top-ups by older Singaporeans
Older Singaporeans who have not been able to put aside the Basic Retirement Sum in their CPF account will now benefit from a new matched savings scheme.
Older Singaporeans who have not been able to put aside the Basic Retirement Sum in their CPF account will now benefit from a new matched savings scheme.
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Older Singaporeans who have not been able to put aside the Basic Retirement Sum in their CPF account will now benefit from a new matched savings scheme.
Subscribe to our channel here: https://cna.asia/youtubesub
Subscribe to our news service on Telegram: https://cna.asia/telegram
Follow us:
CNA: https://cna.asia
CNA Lifestyle: http://www.cnalifestyle.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/channelnewsasia
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Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/channelnewsasia
- published: 18 Feb 2020
- views: 19833