Goncourt 2021 : réaction du Sénégalais Mbougar Sarr | AFP
Un jeune écrivain inconnu du grand public et une star des ventes: le Sénégalais Mohamed Mbougar Sarr a remporté mercredi le Goncourt 2021, avec "La plus secrète mémoire des hommes".
Vous souhaitez acquérir une licence d’exploitation de cette vidéo ? Contactez-nous 👉 http://u.afp.com/UBbR
N.B. : les services et contenus de l’AFP sont réservés à un usage professionnel
published: 04 Nov 2021
China incentiva população a estocar alimentos | AFP
As autoridades chinesas pediram que a população estoque reservas de alimentos para enfrentar os surtos de covid-19 detectados no país, que afetam as comunicações.
Gostaria de saber mais sobre a oferta da AFP ou licenciar um vídeo que tenha assistido em nosso canal? Clique aqui, por favor 👉 http://u.afp.com/UBbr
Obs: Os serviços e conteúdos da AFP são exclusivos para uso profissional
published: 03 Nov 2021
Questions linger among the corpses of an Ethiopian massacre | AFP
In the town of Mai-Kadra, in the Tigray region of northern Ethiopia, ethnic Amhara militiamen find dead bodies as they investigate a massacre of hundreds of civilians. In Gondar University Hospital, in the neighbouring Amhara region, survivors of the bloodshed recover and recall what they lived through. Questions linger over who is to blame for the massacre on November 9, with participants in the three-week-old conflict seeking to absolve themselves of an atrocity that bears the hallmarks of a war crime. Amnesty International, which revealed the killings, and the government-affiliated Ethiopian Human Rights Commission point the finger at groups loyal to the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF). But Tigrayan refugees who fled Mai-Kadra for Sudan instead say pro-government forces were res...
published: 26 Nov 2020
Religious racket: Indonesia tackles call to prayer volume backlash | AFP
Workers from Indonesia's Mosque Council adjust the volume of loudspeakers at mosques in Jakarta as online complaints about noisy loudspeakers are increasing, despite a lack of anonymity and fear of a backlash meaning there are no reliable official statistics. Aware of the growing discord, the Indonesian Mosque Council is deploying teams to tackle mosque sound systems around the nation.
Interested in licensing this video ? Get in touch 👉 http://u.afp.com/UBbQ
N.B.: AFP’s services and content are for professional use only
published: 14 Oct 2021
NY elege ex-policial antirracismo como prefeito | AFP
O democrata Eric Adams, um ex-capitão da polícia nova-iorquina, que fez da luta contra o racismo uma máxima de sua vida, se tornou nesta terça-feira (2) o novo prefeito de Nova York e o segundo negro a governar a maior cidade dos Estados Unidos.
Gostaria de saber mais sobre a oferta da AFP ou licenciar um vídeo que tenha assistido em nosso canal? Clique aqui, por favor 👉 http://u.afp.com/UBbr
Obs: Os serviços e conteúdos da AFP são exclusivos para uso profissional
published: 03 Nov 2021
India refuerza su defensa en el Himalaya tras enfrentamiento con China | AFP
Un año después de un enfrentamiento con soldados chinos, India refuerza su defensa fronteriza a lo largo de la cordillera más alta de la Tierra, foco constante de conflicto entre los dos países.
¿Desea conocer más sobre la oferta de videos AFP u obtener una licencia de uso de un video visto en nuestro canal? Haga clic aquí, por favor 👉 http://u.afp.com/UBbr
Aclaración: Los servicios y contenidos de AFP son para uso exclusivamente profesional
published: 03 Nov 2021
Goncourt: Mohamed Mbougar Sarr "très heureux et très honoré" | AFP Extrait
"Je suis évidemment très, très heureux, très honoré", réagit l'écrivain Mohamed Mbougar Sarr au restaurant Drouant à Paris après avoir remporté le prix Goncourt pour "La plus secrète mémoire des hommes", roman qui s'inspire du destin maudit de l'écrivain malien Yambo Oulologuem. SONORE
Vous souhaitez acquérir une licence d’exploitation de cette vidéo ? Contactez-nous 👉 http://u.afp.com/UBbR
N.B. : les services et contenus de l’AFP sont réservés à un usage professionnel
published: 03 Nov 2021
Tourists visit Death Valley amid record US heatwave | AFP
Known as "the hottest place on Earth," the temperature in Death Valley National Park, eastern California has hit 128 degrees Fahrenheit (53 degrees Celsius) much earlier than usual. A heat wave in the US, which stretches like a blob over much of the western third of the country’s map, extends east to west from Wyoming to California, and north to south from Idaho to Arizona.
Subscribe to AFP and activate your notifications to get the latest news 🔔
published: 18 Jun 2021
TPI abre investigação contra Venezuela por crimes de lesa-humanidade | AFP
O Tribunal Penal Internacional abrirá uma investigação formal contra a Venezuela por possíveis crimes de lesa-humanidade durante a repressão às manifestações antigovernamentais em 2017, informou nesta quarta-feira o procurador Karim Khan em um encontro com o presidente Nicolás Maduro em Caracas.
Gostaria de saber mais sobre a oferta da AFP ou licenciar um vídeo que tenha assistido em nosso canal? Clique aqui, por favor 👉 http://u.afp.com/UBbr
Obs: Os serviços e conteúdos da AFP são exclusivos para uso profissional
published: 04 Nov 2021
CAÍDA FONDOS: Francisco Vidal explicó polémica de AFP - Contigo en La Mañana
Francisco Vidal habló en Contigo en La Mañana sobre el controversial momento que viven las AFP en Chile.
El ex ministro explicó en detalle cómo funcionan estas sociedades y porque caen fondos de personas pese a ganancias de las administradoras.
#ContigoEnLaMañana #FranciscoVidal #AFP
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SUSCRÍBETE → https://www.youtube.com/Chilevision
published: 03 Nov 2021
Goncourt 2021 : réaction du Sénégalais Mbougar Sarr | AFP
Un jeune écrivain inconnu du grand public et une star des ventes: le Sénégalais Mohamed Mbougar Sarr a remporté mercredi le Goncourt 2021, avec "La plus secrète...
Un jeune écrivain inconnu du grand public et une star des ventes: le Sénégalais Mohamed Mbougar Sarr a remporté mercredi le Goncourt 2021, avec "La plus secrète mémoire des hommes".
Vous souhaitez acquérir une licence d’exploitation de cette vidéo ? Contactez-nous 👉 http://u.afp.com/UBbR
N.B. : les services et contenus de l’AFP sont réservés à un usage professionnel
Un jeune écrivain inconnu du grand public et une star des ventes: le Sénégalais Mohamed Mbougar Sarr a remporté mercredi le Goncourt 2021, avec "La plus secrète mémoire des hommes".
Vous souhaitez acquérir une licence d’exploitation de cette vidéo ? Contactez-nous 👉 http://u.afp.com/UBbR
N.B. : les services et contenus de l’AFP sont réservés à un usage professionnel
- published: 04 Nov 2021
- views: 148
China incentiva população a estocar alimentos | AFP
As autoridades chinesas pediram que a população estoque reservas de alimentos para enfrentar os surtos de covid-19 detectados no país, que afetam as comunicaçõe...
As autoridades chinesas pediram que a população estoque reservas de alimentos para enfrentar os surtos de covid-19 detectados no país, que afetam as comunicações.
Gostaria de saber mais sobre a oferta da AFP ou licenciar um vídeo que tenha assistido em nosso canal? Clique aqui, por favor 👉 http://u.afp.com/UBbr
Obs: Os serviços e conteúdos da AFP são exclusivos para uso profissional
As autoridades chinesas pediram que a população estoque reservas de alimentos para enfrentar os surtos de covid-19 detectados no país, que afetam as comunicações.
Gostaria de saber mais sobre a oferta da AFP ou licenciar um vídeo que tenha assistido em nosso canal? Clique aqui, por favor 👉 http://u.afp.com/UBbr
Obs: Os serviços e conteúdos da AFP são exclusivos para uso profissional
- published: 03 Nov 2021
- views: 13751
Questions linger among the corpses of an Ethiopian massacre | AFP
In the town of Mai-Kadra, in the Tigray region of northern Ethiopia, ethnic Amhara militiamen find dead bodies as they investigate a massacre of hundreds of civ...
In the town of Mai-Kadra, in the Tigray region of northern Ethiopia, ethnic Amhara militiamen find dead bodies as they investigate a massacre of hundreds of civilians. In Gondar University Hospital, in the neighbouring Amhara region, survivors of the bloodshed recover and recall what they lived through. Questions linger over who is to blame for the massacre on November 9, with participants in the three-week-old conflict seeking to absolve themselves of an atrocity that bears the hallmarks of a war crime. Amnesty International, which revealed the killings, and the government-affiliated Ethiopian Human Rights Commission point the finger at groups loyal to the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF). But Tigrayan refugees who fled Mai-Kadra for Sudan instead say pro-government forces were responsible for the killings during a brutal assault on the town of 40,000 people. AFP gained rare access to territory controlled by the federal government in the northern conflict zone. An Ethiopian government official accompanied AFP during filming of the report.
Subscribe to AFP and activate your notifications to get the latest news 🔔
In the town of Mai-Kadra, in the Tigray region of northern Ethiopia, ethnic Amhara militiamen find dead bodies as they investigate a massacre of hundreds of civilians. In Gondar University Hospital, in the neighbouring Amhara region, survivors of the bloodshed recover and recall what they lived through. Questions linger over who is to blame for the massacre on November 9, with participants in the three-week-old conflict seeking to absolve themselves of an atrocity that bears the hallmarks of a war crime. Amnesty International, which revealed the killings, and the government-affiliated Ethiopian Human Rights Commission point the finger at groups loyal to the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF). But Tigrayan refugees who fled Mai-Kadra for Sudan instead say pro-government forces were responsible for the killings during a brutal assault on the town of 40,000 people. AFP gained rare access to territory controlled by the federal government in the northern conflict zone. An Ethiopian government official accompanied AFP during filming of the report.
Subscribe to AFP and activate your notifications to get the latest news 🔔
- published: 26 Nov 2020
- views: 77671
Religious racket: Indonesia tackles call to prayer volume backlash | AFP
Workers from Indonesia's Mosque Council adjust the volume of loudspeakers at mosques in Jakarta as online complaints about noisy loudspeakers are increasing, de...
Workers from Indonesia's Mosque Council adjust the volume of loudspeakers at mosques in Jakarta as online complaints about noisy loudspeakers are increasing, despite a lack of anonymity and fear of a backlash meaning there are no reliable official statistics. Aware of the growing discord, the Indonesian Mosque Council is deploying teams to tackle mosque sound systems around the nation.
Interested in licensing this video ? Get in touch 👉 http://u.afp.com/UBbQ
N.B.: AFP’s services and content are for professional use only
Workers from Indonesia's Mosque Council adjust the volume of loudspeakers at mosques in Jakarta as online complaints about noisy loudspeakers are increasing, despite a lack of anonymity and fear of a backlash meaning there are no reliable official statistics. Aware of the growing discord, the Indonesian Mosque Council is deploying teams to tackle mosque sound systems around the nation.
Interested in licensing this video ? Get in touch 👉 http://u.afp.com/UBbQ
N.B.: AFP’s services and content are for professional use only
- published: 14 Oct 2021
- views: 5529
NY elege ex-policial antirracismo como prefeito | AFP
O democrata Eric Adams, um ex-capitão da polícia nova-iorquina, que fez da luta contra o racismo uma máxima de sua vida, se tornou nesta terça-feira (2) o novo ...
O democrata Eric Adams, um ex-capitão da polícia nova-iorquina, que fez da luta contra o racismo uma máxima de sua vida, se tornou nesta terça-feira (2) o novo prefeito de Nova York e o segundo negro a governar a maior cidade dos Estados Unidos.
Gostaria de saber mais sobre a oferta da AFP ou licenciar um vídeo que tenha assistido em nosso canal? Clique aqui, por favor 👉 http://u.afp.com/UBbr
Obs: Os serviços e conteúdos da AFP são exclusivos para uso profissional
O democrata Eric Adams, um ex-capitão da polícia nova-iorquina, que fez da luta contra o racismo uma máxima de sua vida, se tornou nesta terça-feira (2) o novo prefeito de Nova York e o segundo negro a governar a maior cidade dos Estados Unidos.
Gostaria de saber mais sobre a oferta da AFP ou licenciar um vídeo que tenha assistido em nosso canal? Clique aqui, por favor 👉 http://u.afp.com/UBbr
Obs: Os serviços e conteúdos da AFP são exclusivos para uso profissional
- published: 03 Nov 2021
- views: 7818
India refuerza su defensa en el Himalaya tras enfrentamiento con China | AFP
Un año después de un enfrentamiento con soldados chinos, India refuerza su defensa fronteriza a lo largo de la cordillera más alta de la Tierra, foco constante ...
Un año después de un enfrentamiento con soldados chinos, India refuerza su defensa fronteriza a lo largo de la cordillera más alta de la Tierra, foco constante de conflicto entre los dos países.
¿Desea conocer más sobre la oferta de videos AFP u obtener una licencia de uso de un video visto en nuestro canal? Haga clic aquí, por favor 👉 http://u.afp.com/UBbr
Aclaración: Los servicios y contenidos de AFP son para uso exclusivamente profesional
Un año después de un enfrentamiento con soldados chinos, India refuerza su defensa fronteriza a lo largo de la cordillera más alta de la Tierra, foco constante de conflicto entre los dos países.
¿Desea conocer más sobre la oferta de videos AFP u obtener una licencia de uso de un video visto en nuestro canal? Haga clic aquí, por favor 👉 http://u.afp.com/UBbr
Aclaración: Los servicios y contenidos de AFP son para uso exclusivamente profesional
- published: 03 Nov 2021
- views: 16397
Goncourt: Mohamed Mbougar Sarr "très heureux et très honoré" | AFP Extrait
"Je suis évidemment très, très heureux, très honoré", réagit l'écrivain Mohamed Mbougar Sarr au restaurant Drouant à Paris après avoir remporté le prix Goncourt...
"Je suis évidemment très, très heureux, très honoré", réagit l'écrivain Mohamed Mbougar Sarr au restaurant Drouant à Paris après avoir remporté le prix Goncourt pour "La plus secrète mémoire des hommes", roman qui s'inspire du destin maudit de l'écrivain malien Yambo Oulologuem. SONORE
Vous souhaitez acquérir une licence d’exploitation de cette vidéo ? Contactez-nous 👉 http://u.afp.com/UBbR
N.B. : les services et contenus de l’AFP sont réservés à un usage professionnel
"Je suis évidemment très, très heureux, très honoré", réagit l'écrivain Mohamed Mbougar Sarr au restaurant Drouant à Paris après avoir remporté le prix Goncourt pour "La plus secrète mémoire des hommes", roman qui s'inspire du destin maudit de l'écrivain malien Yambo Oulologuem. SONORE
Vous souhaitez acquérir une licence d’exploitation de cette vidéo ? Contactez-nous 👉 http://u.afp.com/UBbR
N.B. : les services et contenus de l’AFP sont réservés à un usage professionnel
- published: 03 Nov 2021
- views: 1487
Tourists visit Death Valley amid record US heatwave | AFP
Known as "the hottest place on Earth," the temperature in Death Valley National Park, eastern California has hit 128 degrees Fahrenheit (53 degrees Celsius) muc...
Known as "the hottest place on Earth," the temperature in Death Valley National Park, eastern California has hit 128 degrees Fahrenheit (53 degrees Celsius) much earlier than usual. A heat wave in the US, which stretches like a blob over much of the western third of the country’s map, extends east to west from Wyoming to California, and north to south from Idaho to Arizona.
Subscribe to AFP and activate your notifications to get the latest news 🔔
Known as "the hottest place on Earth," the temperature in Death Valley National Park, eastern California has hit 128 degrees Fahrenheit (53 degrees Celsius) much earlier than usual. A heat wave in the US, which stretches like a blob over much of the western third of the country’s map, extends east to west from Wyoming to California, and north to south from Idaho to Arizona.
Subscribe to AFP and activate your notifications to get the latest news 🔔
- published: 18 Jun 2021
- views: 13731
TPI abre investigação contra Venezuela por crimes de lesa-humanidade | AFP
O Tribunal Penal Internacional abrirá uma investigação formal contra a Venezuela por possíveis crimes de lesa-humanidade durante a repressão às manifestações an...
O Tribunal Penal Internacional abrirá uma investigação formal contra a Venezuela por possíveis crimes de lesa-humanidade durante a repressão às manifestações antigovernamentais em 2017, informou nesta quarta-feira o procurador Karim Khan em um encontro com o presidente Nicolás Maduro em Caracas.
Gostaria de saber mais sobre a oferta da AFP ou licenciar um vídeo que tenha assistido em nosso canal? Clique aqui, por favor 👉 http://u.afp.com/UBbr
Obs: Os serviços e conteúdos da AFP são exclusivos para uso profissional
O Tribunal Penal Internacional abrirá uma investigação formal contra a Venezuela por possíveis crimes de lesa-humanidade durante a repressão às manifestações antigovernamentais em 2017, informou nesta quarta-feira o procurador Karim Khan em um encontro com o presidente Nicolás Maduro em Caracas.
Gostaria de saber mais sobre a oferta da AFP ou licenciar um vídeo que tenha assistido em nosso canal? Clique aqui, por favor 👉 http://u.afp.com/UBbr
Obs: Os serviços e conteúdos da AFP são exclusivos para uso profissional
- published: 04 Nov 2021
- views: 1707
CAÍDA FONDOS: Francisco Vidal explicó polémica de AFP - Contigo en La Mañana
Francisco Vidal habló en Contigo en La Mañana sobre el controversial momento que viven las AFP en Chile.
El ex ministro explicó en detalle cómo funcionan estas...
Francisco Vidal habló en Contigo en La Mañana sobre el controversial momento que viven las AFP en Chile.
El ex ministro explicó en detalle cómo funcionan estas sociedades y porque caen fondos de personas pese a ganancias de las administradoras.
#ContigoEnLaMañana #FranciscoVidal #AFP
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SUSCRÍBETE → https://www.youtube.com/Chilevision
Francisco Vidal habló en Contigo en La Mañana sobre el controversial momento que viven las AFP en Chile.
El ex ministro explicó en detalle cómo funcionan estas sociedades y porque caen fondos de personas pese a ganancias de las administradoras.
#ContigoEnLaMañana #FranciscoVidal #AFP
Web → http://www.chilevision.cl/
Facebook → https://www.facebook.com/chilevision/
Twitter → https://twitter.com/chilevision
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SUSCRÍBETE → https://www.youtube.com/Chilevision
- published: 03 Nov 2021
- views: 11974