Golden West (clipper)
The Golden West was an 1852 extreme clipper built by Paul Curtis. The ship had a very active career in the California trade, the guano trade, the coolie trade, the Far East, and Australia. She made a record passage between Japan and San Francisco in 1856.
Golden West had a long and sharp bow, with a gilded figurehead of an eagle.
Golden West sailed under many different captains, making trips between New York, San Francisco, the Far East, Liverpool and Australia. An outline of her voyages is as follows:
Boston to San Francisco, Captain Samuel R. Curwen, 124 days, 1852
San Francisco to the Chincha Islands, for a load of guano; arrived at Hampton Roads, Jan. 20, 1854; 69 days from Callao.
Philadelphia to San Francisco, 145 days, 1854
Sailed with Golden State, which had left 4 days earlier, from the Horn to the equator.
San Francisco to Manila, 55 days
Manila to New York, 99 days, 1855
Struck a reef in Gaspar Strait; jettisoned 200 tons of hemp to get off it.