A is closed under the operation of taking adjoints of operators.
C*-algebras were first considered primarily for their use in quantum mechanics to model algebras of physical observables. This line of research began with Werner Heisenberg's matrix mechanics and in a more mathematically developed form with Pascual Jordan around 1933. Subsequently John von Neumann attempted to establish a general framework for these algebras which culminated in a series of papers on rings of operators. These papers considered a special class of C*-algebras which are now known as von Neumann algebras.
Around 1943, the work of Israel Gelfand and Mark Naimark yielded an abstract characterisation of C*-algebras making no reference to operators on a Hilbert space.
Wendy Hoffmeister, algebra teacher at Middle ParkHigh School, poses in front of the day’s work in her classroom. She was voted this year’s BestTeacher. Amy Golden/Sky-Hi News. Just about every incoming student gets a math class from Wendy Hoffmeister, the algebra teacher at Middle Park High School ...Algebra’s not an easy subject for many students.
Ever heard someone say, “Another day has passed and I didn’t have to do any algebra.” Did you see the movie where a forty-year-old woman has to go back to high school? She starts smoking cigarettes in study hall and she skips algebra class ... That can be entertaining but I say that we use algebra every day and we should give it a little more respect.
Multiplying ... Sponsored. You can times the top numbers together in any order you like, and all the bottom numbers together in any order you like ... .
Analyzing a model that combines the two leading theories for climate change with algebraic topology tools, the authors show that the climate system indeed progresses through abrupt transitions, also known as tipping points ... What does its changing path mean for our understanding of the climate? Algebraic topology now helps with that.
“Students should have the option to replace algebra, trigonometry and precalculus with more relevant courses,” writes physics professor. Commentary ....