Latest News for: shift (string technique)


Rockfort! French Music For July Reviewed By David McKenna

The Quietus 14 Jul 2021
Each track is rich with ideas, unusual juxtapositions, sonic tweaks and shifting rhythms but Cohen, veteran that he is, keeps them lean and sinuous without over-finessing ... Apparently using only an electric guitar, Riffaud applies damping and muting techniques to produce knobbly, clicky rhythms, releasing pressure on the strings to open up the sound.

Froggy Bottom Guitars: “Our entire methodology is created around the concept of flexibility” 22 Feb 2021
... building technique. Gurian Guitars had recently shifted from building classical guitars to offering a range of steel-string instruments, but continued to produce these according to the classical methodology, a technique that perfectly suited Millard’s attitude toward woodworking.
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